Visible to the public Weighted Predictive Coding Methods for Block-Based Compressive Sensing of Images

TitleWeighted Predictive Coding Methods for Block-Based Compressive Sensing of Images
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsChen, Q., Chen, D., Gong, J.
Conference Name2020 3rd International Conference on Unmanned Systems (ICUS)
Date Publishednov
Keywordsaverage energy of measurements, composability, compressive sampling, compressive sensing, Cyber-physical systems, energy measurement, Hafnium compounds, Predictive coding, privacy, pubcrawl, Quantization (signal), Resiliency, scalar quantization, Sensors, weighted predictive coding
AbstractCompressive sensing (CS) is beneficial for unmanned reconnaissance systems to obtain high-quality images with limited resources. The existing prediction methods for block-based compressive sensing of images can be regarded as the particular coefficients of weighted predictive coding. To find better prediction coefficients for BCS, this paper proposes two weighted prediction methods. The first method converts the prediction model of measurements into a prediction model of image blocks. The prediction weights are obtained by training the prediction model of image blocks offline, which avoiding the influence of the sampling rates on the prediction model of measurements. Another method is to calculate the prediction coefficients adaptively based on the average energy of measurements, which can adjust the weights based on the measurements. Compared with existing methods, the proposed prediction methods for BCS of images can further improve the reconstruction image quality.
Citation Keychen_weighted_2020