Visible to the public Securing Drone-based Ad Hoc Network Using Blockchain

TitleSecuring Drone-based Ad Hoc Network Using Blockchain
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsKanade, Vijay A.
Conference Name2021 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Systems (ICAIS)
KeywordsAcoustic Information, Acoustics, Ad Hoc Network Security, Ad hoc networks, anomaly detection, artificial intelligence, blockchain, Blockchain Model, compositionality, Drone-based Ad Hoc Network, drones, Metrics, power generation, power plant, privacy, pubcrawl, Resiliency, security, surveillance
AbstractThe research proposal discloses a novel drone-based ad-hoc network that leverages acoustic information for power plant surveillance and utilizes a secure blockchain model for protecting the integrity of drone communication over the network. The paper presents a vision for the drone-based networks, wherein drones are employed for monitoring the complex power plant machinery. The drones record acoustic information generated by the power plants and detect anomalies or deviations in machine behavior based on collected acoustic data. The drones are linked to distributed network of computing devices in possession with the plant stakeholders, wherein each computing device maintains a chain of data blocks. The chain of data blocks represents one or more transactions associated with power plants, wherein transactions are related to high risk auditory data set accessed by the drones in an event of anomaly or machine failure. The computing devices add at least one data block to the chain of data blocks in response to valid transaction data, wherein the transaction data is validated by the computing devices owned by power plant personnel.
Citation Keykanade_securing_2021