Visible to the public An Advanced Persistent Threat (APT)-Style Cyberattack Testbed for Distributed Energy Resources (DER)

TitleAn Advanced Persistent Threat (APT)-Style Cyberattack Testbed for Distributed Energy Resources (DER)
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsPark, Kyuchan, Ahn, Bohyun, Kim, Jinsan, Won, Dongjun, Noh, Youngtae, Choi, JinChun, Kim, Taesic
Conference Name2021 IEEE Design Methodologies Conference (DMC)
Keywordsadvanced persistent threat, Advanced Persistent Threat (APT), Cyber Kill Chain, cybersecurity, Data models, distributed energy resources, distributed power generation, Human Behavior, Integrated circuit modeling, Metrics, Penetration Testing, pubcrawl, Real-time Systems, Resiliency, SCADA systems, Scalability, Servers, Tools
AbstractAdvanced Persistent Threat (APT) is a professional stealthy threat actor who uses continuous and sophisticated attack techniques which have not been well mitigated by existing defense strategies. This paper proposes an APT-style cyber-attack tested for distributed energy resources (DER) in cyber-physical environments. The proposed security testbed consists of: 1) a real-time DER simulator; 2) a real-time cyber system using real network systems and a server; and 3) penetration testing tools generating APT-style attacks as cyber events. Moreover, this paper provides a cyber kill chain model for a DER system based on a latest MITRE's cyber kill chain model to model possible attack stages. Several real cyber-attacks are created and their impacts in a DER system are provided to validate the feasibility of the proposed security testbed for DER systems.
Citation Keypark_advanced_2021