Visible to the public Tamper-Resistant Optical Logic Circuits Based on Integrated Nanophotonics

TitleTamper-Resistant Optical Logic Circuits Based on Integrated Nanophotonics
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsShiomi, Jun, Kotsugi, Shuya, Dong, Boyu, Onodera, Hidetoshi, Shinya, Akihiko, Notomi, Masaya
Conference Name2021 58th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC)
Keywordshuman factors, Integrated optics, logic circuits, Logic gates, Metrics, nanophotonics, Optical computing, Optical design, Optical detectors, pubcrawl, Resistance, Scalability, security, Side-channel attack, Tamper resistance, Tamper-Resistance
AbstractA tamper-resistant logical operation method based on integrated nanophotonics is proposed focusing on electromagnetic side-channel attacks. In the proposed method, only the phase of each optical signal is modulated depending on its logical state, which keeps the power of optical signals in optical logic circuits constant. This provides logic-gate-level tamper resistance which is difficult to achieve with CMOS circuits. An optical implementation method based on electronically-controlled phase shifters is then proposed. The electrical part of proposed circuits achieves 300 times less instantaneous current change, which is proportional to intensity of the leaked electromagnetic wave, than a CMOS logic gate.
Citation Keyshiomi_tamper-resistant_2021