Visible to the public Enhanced Game Theoretical Spectrum Sharing Method Based on Blockchain Consensus

TitleEnhanced Game Theoretical Spectrum Sharing Method Based on Blockchain Consensus
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsWu, Peiyan, Chen, Wenbin, Wu, Hualin, Qi, Ke, Liu, Miao
Conference Name2021 IEEE 94th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2021-Fall)
Keywordsblockchain, Byzantine problem, Conferences, consensus, Consensus algorithm, Fault tolerance, Fault tolerant systems, Games, human factors, Metrics, pubcrawl, Reinforcement factor, Resistance, Scalability, Spectrum sharing, Tamper resistance, Vehicular and wireless technologies
AbstractThe limited spectrum resources need to provide safe and efficient spectrum service for the intensive users. Malicious spectrum work nodes will affect the normal operation of the entire system. Using the blockchain model, consensus algorithm Praft based on optimized Raft is to solve the consensus problem in Byzantine environment. Message digital signatures give the spectrum node some fault tolerance and tamper resistance. Spectrum sharing among spectrum nodes is carried out in combination with game theory. The existing game theoretical algorithm does not consider the influence of spectrum occupancy of primary users and cognitive users on primary users' utility and enthusiasm at the same time. We elicits a reinforcement factor and analyzes the effect of the reinforcement factor on strategy performance. This scheme optimizes the previous strategy so that the profits of spectrum nodes are improved and a good Nash equilibrium is shown, while Praft solves the Byzantine problem left by Raft.
Citation Keywu_enhanced_2021