Visible to the public Security Analysis of Private Intellectual Property

TitleSecurity Analysis of Private Intellectual Property
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsDhoot, Anshita, Zong, Boyang, Saeed, Muhammad Salman, Singh, Karan
Conference Name2021 International Conference on Engineering Management of Communication and Technology (EMCTECH)
Keywordscomposability, Data processing, Economics, infringer, intellectual property, Intellectual Property Protection, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), intellectual property security, Internet, ip protection, patents, policy-based governance, private intellectual, pubcrawl, Real-time Systems, resilience, Resiliency, Support vector machines

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) results from years of research and wisdom by property owners, and it plays an increasingly important role in promoting economic development, technological progress, and cultural prosperity. Thus, we need to strengthen the degree of protection of IPR. However, as internet technology continues to open up the market for IPR, the ease of network operation has led to infringement of IPR in some cases. Intellectual property infringement has occurred in some cases. Also, Internet development's concealed and rapid nature has led to the fact that IPR infringers cannot be easily detected. This paper addresses how to protect the rights and interests of IPR holders in the context of the rapid development of the internet. This paper explains the IPR and proposes an algorithm to enhance security for a better security model to protect IPR. This proposes optimization techniques to detect intruder attacks for securing IPR, by using support vector machines (SVM), it provides better results to secure public and private intellectual data by optimizing technologies.

Citation Keydhoot_security_2021