Visible to the public Vulnerability Analysis of High-Performance Transmission and Bearer Network of 5G Smart Grid Based on Complex Network

TitleVulnerability Analysis of High-Performance Transmission and Bearer Network of 5G Smart Grid Based on Complex Network
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsFuquan, Huang, Zhiwei, Liu, Jianyong, Zhou, Guoyi, Zhang, Likuan, Gong
Conference Name2021 IEEE 9th International Conference on Information, Communication and Networks (ICICN)
Keywords5G, 5G mobile communication, Analytical models, Clustering algorithms, complex network, complex networks, Conferences, Metrics, power grid vulnerability analysis, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, simulation, Smart grid, Smart grids, vulnerability analysis
Abstract5G smart grid applications rely on its high-performance transmission and bearer network. With the help of complex network theory, this paper first analyzes the complex network characteristic parameters of 5G smart grid, and explains the necessity and supporting significance of network vulnerability analysis for efficient transmission of 5G network. Then the node importance analysis algorithm based on node degree and clustering coefficient (NIDCC) is proposed. According to the results of simulation analysis, the power network has smaller path length and higher clustering coefficient in terms of static parameters, which indicates that the speed and breadth of fault propagation are significantly higher than that of random network. It further shows the necessity of network vulnerability analysis. By comparing with the other two commonly used algorithms, we can see that NIDCC algorithm can more accurately estimate and analyze the weak links of the network. It is convenient to carry out the targeted transformation of the power grid and the prevention of blackout accidents.
Citation Keyfuquan_vulnerability_2021