Visible to the public Attacking Masked Cryptographic Implementations: Information-Theoretic Bounds

TitleAttacking Masked Cryptographic Implementations: Information-Theoretic Bounds
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsCheng, Wei, Liu, Yi, Guilley, Sylvain, Rioul, Olivier
Conference Name2022 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT)
Date Publishedjun
KeywordsAnalytical models, Collaboration, composability, compositionality, Human Behavior, human factors, information theoretic security, Information-Theoretic Metric, Masking Scheme, maximum likelihood estimation, Measurement, Metrics, Monte Carlo methods, Monte-Carlo simulation, Numerical models, policy-based governance, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, side-channel analysis, side-channel attacks, Success Rate, Upper bound
AbstractMeasuring the information leakage is critical for evaluating the practical security of cryptographic devices against side-channel analysis. Information-theoretic measures can be used (along with Fano's inequality) to derive upper bounds on the success rate of any possible attack in terms of the number of side-channel measurements. Equivalently, this gives lower bounds on the number of queries for a given success probability of attack. In this paper, we consider cryptographic implementations protected by (first-order) masking schemes, and derive several information-theoretic bounds on the efficiency of any (second-order) attack. The obtained bounds are generic in that they do not depend on a specific attack but only on the leakage and masking models, through the mutual information between side-channel measurements and the secret key. Numerical evaluations confirm that our bounds reflect the practical performance of optimal maximum likelihood attacks.
Citation Keycheng_attacking_2022