Visible to the public Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) Community ForumConflict Detection Enabled

The SaTC program brings together researchers and industry stakeholders to ensure that technologies can be transitioned into large-scale deployment and direct transfers to industry through Industry/University Cooperative Centers (IUCRC) proposals as outlined in a 2017 "Dear Colleague Letter". As well, the SaTC program...
SaTC supports a variety of educational, workforce training, and development projects through their Education (EDU) funding, which focuses specifically on cybersecurity education. In particular, workforce development is one of the six critical aspects outlined by the Federal Cybersecurity Research and Development Strategic...
SaTC and, more broadly, the National Science Foundation support international cooperation, such as the US-Israel BSF International Opportunity, which focused on topics of interest including cyber-physical systems, security, privacy, secure software, and cryptography. The goal of programs such as these is to reduce the...

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2022 SaTC PI Meeting

The 2022 NSF Secure and Trustworthy CyberSpace Principal Investigators' Meeitng (2022 SaTC PI Meeting) highligted the 10-Year Anniversary milestone of the NSF Secure and Trustworthy CyberSpace Program. The 2022 SaTC PI Meeting was held Tuesday, May 31st (arrival night) through Wednesday, June 1 and Thursday, June 2, 2022 (meeting days) at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City Hotel in Arlington, VA with focused discussions about the future directions of the program among other exciting events.


  A B O U T   T H E  S a T C  R & D  P R O G R A M 

The Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) program funds fundamentally new, principled approaches to protect and defend cyberspace against harmful actions by determined adversaries, and to measure their effectiveness. The SaTC program also seeks to explore innovative approaches for growing a capable, next-generation cyber workforce, and for accelerating the transition of successful cybersecurity research into practice and useful products. SaTC leverages the disciplines of computing, communications and information sciences; economics; education; engineering; mathematics; statistics; and social and behavioral sciences. The program is strongly aligned with the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) strategies for a secure and trustworthy cyberspace with privacy imperatives, which are critical to our national priorities in commerce, education, energy, financial services, healthcare, manufacturing, and defense. The program, in collaboration with industrial and international partners, takes an interdisciplinary, comprehensive and holistic approach to cybersecurity and privacy research, development, technology transfer, and education. 

See more on the NSF website.

  A B O U T   T H E   S a T C   C O M M U N I T Y   F O R U M 

The Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) Community Forum (or "SaTC Forum") is designed for users to have information about the research supported by the SaTC program at their fingertips for quickly accessing current and historical information about SaTC activities, research, reports, data, solicitations, and other information. The SaTC Forum is a community resource which could be used to foster new collaborations and enable cross fertilization in the inter-disciplinary field of cybersecurity and privacy.

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