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2020 NRI PI Meeting Fast Forward Talks

Session 1 | Session 2 | Session 3

Session 1: Thursday, February 27, 11:10am - 11:40am
# Principal Investigator Award Title Award #
1 Pratap Tokekar Coordinated Detection and Tracking of Hazardous Agents with Aerial and Aquatic Robots to Inform Emergency Responders 1637915
2 Peter Kazanzides Software Framework for Research in Semi-Autonomous Teleoperation 1637789
3 Cerwyn Chiew Design of nanorobotics based on iron-palladium alloy nanohelicses for a new diagnosis and treatment of cancer 1637535
4 Matthew Walter Learning Adaptive Representations for Robust Mobile Robot Navigation from Multi-Modal Interactions 1638072
5 Taskin Padir Cooperative Control of Humanoid Robots for Remote Operations in Nuclear Environments 1944584
6 Matthew Spenko The Urban Design and Policy Implications of Ubiquitous Robots and Navigation Safety 1830642
7 Naira Hovakimyan Synergetic Drone Delivery Network in Metropolis 1830639
8 Aaron Steinfeld Mutually Aware Social Navigation 1734361
9 Kenneth Bogert Robust Inverse Learning for Human-Robot Collaboration 1830421
10 Jacopo Banfi Probabilistic Hypothesis-Driven Adaptive Human-Robot Teams 1830497
11 Anirban Mazumdar Rapid Operator Awareness via Mobile Robotics (ROAMR), Customizable Human Safety using Mobile and Wearable Co-Robots 1830498
12 Peter Adamczyk Hybrid Active-Passive Actuation for Safety and Performance in Physical Human-Robot Collaboration and Rehabilitation 1830516
13 Cynthia Breazeal Development, Deployment and Evaluation of Personalized Learning Companion Robots for Early Literacy and Language Learning 1734443
14 Florence Sullivan Girls Immersed in Robotics Learning Simulations (GIRLS) 1830450
15 Ryan Williams Balancing Collaboration and Autonomy for Multi-Robot Multi-Human Search and Rescue 1830414
16 Alan Wagner Interactive and collaborative robot-assisted emergency evacuations 1830390
17 Carrick Detweiler Enabling UAS Fire Ignitions in Complex Firefighting Contexts 1638099
18 Lydia Kavraki Robotic Collaboration through Scalable Reactive Synthesis 1830549
19 Nitish Thakor Scalable, Customizable Sensory Solutions for Dexterous Robotic Hands 1849417
20 Fabrizio Sergi Goal-Oriented, subject-Adaptive, robot-assisted Locomotor Learning (GOALL) 1638007
21 Elliot Hawkes Mesh Of Robots on a Pneumatic Highway (MORPH): An Untethered, Human-Safe, Shape-Morphing Robotic Platform 1925373
22 Kinsey Herrin Accelerating Large-Scale Adoption of Robotic Lower-Limb Prostheses through Personalized Prosthesis Controller Adaptation 1734416
Session 2: Thursday, February 27, 5:20pm - 6:00pm
# Principal Investigator Award Title Award #
1 Bryan Minor Learning-Enabled Robot Support of Daily Activities for Successful Activity Completion 1734558
2 Aaron Young Robotic Human Enhancement Enabled through Wearable Hip Exoskeletons Capable of Community Ambulation 1830215
3 Kris Hauser Customizing Semi-Autonomous Nursing Robots using Human Expertise 1830366
4 Michael Yip A Foundational Approach to Muscle Actuators that Lowers Barriers to Muscle-Powered Robotics Research 1830403
5 Michael Posa Contact-aware Control of Dynamic Manipulation 1830218
6 Carmel Majidi Soft Active Contact Pads with Tunable Stiffness and Adhesion for Customizable Robotic Grasping 1830362
7 Vishesh Vikas M3SoRo - Mobility and Morphing using Modular Soft Robots 1830432
8 Hao Su Soft Wearable Robots for Injury Prevention and Performance Augmentation 1830613
9 John Rieffel Behavioral Repertoires for Soft Robotics 1939930
10 Edwin Olson Connected and Continuous Multi-Policy Decision Making 1830615
11 Bradley Hayes Life-long Learning for Motion Planning by Robots in Human Populated Environments 1830686
12 Gustavo Almeida Cyberlearning with Co-Robotic Teachable Agents 1941053
13 Dan Popa Light-Powered Microrobots for Future MIcrofactories 1734383
14 Marcia O'Malley Intuitive, Wearable Haptic Devices for Communication with Ubiquitous Robots 1830146
15 Michael Gleicher Communicating Physical Interactions 1830242
16 Matthew Walter Shared Autonomy for Unstructured Underwater Environments through Vision and Language 1830660
17 Xiaolin Hu Collaborative Autonomy and Safety for Teamed Human-Unmanned Aircraft Systems in Fast Evolving Wildfire Environment 1830404
18 Ajay Sharda An autonomous insect Sense, Identify, and Manage PLatform (SIMPL) to advance crop protection strategies 1830574
19 Girish Chowdhary Multipurpose Dexterous Soft and Continuum Arms for Compact Ag-bots 1830343
20 Nikolay Atanasov Distributed Bayesian Learning and Safe Control for Autonomous Wildfire Detection 1830399
21 Philip Dames Distributed, Semantically-Aware Tracking and Planning for Fleets of Robots 1830419
22 Kris Kitani A Cognitive Navigation Assistant for the Blind 1637927
23 Joseph LaViola Sketching Geometry and Physics Informed Inference for Mobile Robot Manipulation in Cluttered Scenes 1638060
24 Satyandra Gupta Human-Guided Robot Teams for Manipulating Large Flexible Sheets in Manufacturing Applications 1925084
25 Raymond Mooney Robots that Learn to Communicate through Natural Human Dialog 1637736
26 Simon Lucey A New Paradigm for Geometric Reasoning through Structure from Category 1925281
27 Stefanie Tellex A Gateway Drone for High School Students 1940970
Session 3: Friday, February 28, 11:20am - 12:00pm
# Principal Investigator Award Title Award #
1 Bing Ouyang Hybrid Aerial/Underwater Robotic System (HAUCS) for Scalable, Adaptable Maintenance of Aquaculture Fish Farms 1830227
2 Momotaz Begum Robust Learning of Sequential Motion from Human Demonstrations to Enable Robot-guided Exercise Training 1830597
3 Yogesh Girdhar Co-Multi-Robotic Exploration of the Benthic Seafloor - New Methods for Distributed Scene Understanding and Exploration in the Presence of Communication Constraints 1734400
4 Ian Walker 3D Concrete Printing with Macro-Micro Robots 1924721
5 Marin Kobilarov Unifying standard physics-based control with learning-based perception and action to enable safe and agile object manipulation using unmanned aerial vehicles 1925189
6 Hadas Kress Gazit Ad-hoc collaborative human-robot swarms 1830471
7 Marynel Vázquez Spatial Patterns of Behavior in Human-Robot Interaction Under Environmental Spatial Constraints 1924802
8 Ye Zhao Robust and Scalable Planning for Agile and Collaborative Robot Teammates in Complex Environments 1924978
9 Kaveh Akbari Hamed Hierarchical Safe, and Distributed Feedback Control of Multiagent Legged Robots for Cooperative Locomotion and Manipulation 1924617
10 Lucas Janson Robust Grasping by Integrating Machine Learning with Physical Models 1924984
11 Mohammad Khalid Jawed Physics-based training of robots for manipulation of ropes and clothes 1925360
12 Oliver Kroemer Agile and Dynamic Interactions for Mobile Manipulation 1925130
13 Shiqi Zhang Knowledge-based Robot Sequential Decision Making under Uncertainty 1925044
14 Wenlong Zhang Scalable and Customizable Intent Inference and Motion Planning for Socially-Adept Autonomous Vehicles 1925403
15 Aaron Johnson Design of dynamic multibehavioral robots: new tools to consider design tradeoff and enable more capable robotic systems 1924723
16 Raymond Mooney Improving Robot Learning from Feedback and Demonstration using Natural Language 1925082
17 Yunsheng Li Towards Scalable and Self-Aware Robotic Perception 1924937
18 Juan Wachs FIngers See Things Differently (FIST-D): A Robotic Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) based on Augmented Tactile Imaging 1925194
19 Gregory Hager Experiential Learning for Robots: From Physics to Actions to Tasks 1637949
20 Sung Cho 3-D Maneuverable Feedback-Controlled Micro Swimming Drone for Biomedical Applications 1637815
21 Matthew Spenko Receding Horizon Integrity-A New Navigation Safety Methodology for Co-Robotic Passenger Vehicles 1637899
22 Katie Fitzsimons Task-Based Assistance for Software-Enabled Biomedical Devices 1637764
23 Xiaogang Hu Towards Restoring Natural Sensation of Hand Amputees via Wearable Surface Grid Electrodes 1637892
24 Nancy Pollard Design and Fabrication of Robot Hands for Dexterous Tasks 1637853
25 Yunsheng Li Real-time Semantic Computer Vision for Co-Robotics 1637941