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2019 SaTC PI Meeting Demonstrations

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Principal Investigator Co-Presenter Name(s) Affiliation Project Title Project Award Number
Saurabh Bagchi Shreyas Sundaram Purdue University Control Improvisation for Cyber-Physical Systems 1718637
Justin Cappos Santiago Torres-Arias New York Universitty Securing the Software Supply Chain 1801430
Polo Chau Georgia Tech Understanding and Fortifying Machine Learning Based Security Analytics 1704701
Jeremy Daily Urban Jonson Colorado State University GOALI: Detecting and Reconstructing Network Anomalies and Intrusions in Heavy Duty Vehicles 1715409
Wu-chang Feng Portland State University Curricula and CTF Exercises for Teaching Smart Fuzzing and Symbolic Execution 1821841
Ryan Gerdes Virginia Tech Enforcement of Geofencing Policies for Commercial Unmanned Aircraft Systems 1801611
Yier Jin Travis Meade University of Florida RESULTS: Reverse Engineering Solutions on Ubiquitous Logic for Trustworthiness and Security 1812071
Hui Lin University of Nevada at Reno Preempting Physical Damage from Control-Related Attacks on Smart Grids' Cyber-Physical Infrastructure 1850377
Hafiz Malik Khalid Mahmood Malik University of Michigan - Dearborn ForensicExaminer: Testbed for Benchmarking Digital Audio Forensic Algorithms 1816019
Chrystalla Mouza Chien-Chung Shen University of Deleware Cybersecurity Education Using Interactive Storytelling with Social Robots 1821794
Hai Phan New Jersey Institute of Technology PrivateNet - Preserving Differential Privacy in Deep Learning under Model Attacks 1850094
Zhiyun Qian University of California, Riverside The Web Ad Technology Arms Race: Measurement, Analysis, and Countermeasures 1719147
Ramasubramanian Sekar Stony Brook University RADAR: Real-time Advanced Detection and Attack Reconstruction 1918667
Stavros Tripakis Eunsuk Kang Northeastern University Bridging the Gap between Protocol Design and Implementation through Automated Mapping 1801546
Xinyu Xing Penn State University Towards Locating Memory Corruption Vulnerability with Core Dump 1718459
Shanchieh Jay Yang Rochester Institute of Technology Automating Attack Strategy Recognition to Enhance Cyber Threat Prediction 1526383, 1742789
Louise Yarnall SRI Education Microlessons to Build Readiness in the Cybersecurity Workforce 1821666
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