2019 SaTC PI Meeting Demonstrations
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Principal Investigator | Co-Presenter Name(s) | Affiliation | Project Title | Project Award Number |
Saurabh Bagchi | Shreyas Sundaram | Purdue University | Control Improvisation for Cyber-Physical Systems | 1718637 |
Justin Cappos | Santiago Torres-Arias | New York Universitty | Securing the Software Supply Chain | 1801430 |
Polo Chau | Georgia Tech | Understanding and Fortifying Machine Learning Based Security Analytics | 1704701 | |
Jeremy Daily | Urban Jonson | Colorado State University | GOALI: Detecting and Reconstructing Network Anomalies and Intrusions in Heavy Duty Vehicles | 1715409 |
Wu-chang Feng | Portland State University | Curricula and CTF Exercises for Teaching Smart Fuzzing and Symbolic Execution | 1821841 | |
Ryan Gerdes | Virginia Tech | Enforcement of Geofencing Policies for Commercial Unmanned Aircraft Systems | 1801611 | |
Yier Jin | Travis Meade | University of Florida | RESULTS: Reverse Engineering Solutions on Ubiquitous Logic for Trustworthiness and Security | 1812071 |
Hui Lin | University of Nevada at Reno | Preempting Physical Damage from Control-Related Attacks on Smart Grids' Cyber-Physical Infrastructure | 1850377 | |
Hafiz Malik | Khalid Mahmood Malik | University of Michigan - Dearborn | ForensicExaminer: Testbed for Benchmarking Digital Audio Forensic Algorithms | 1816019 |
Chrystalla Mouza | Chien-Chung Shen | University of Deleware | Cybersecurity Education Using Interactive Storytelling with Social Robots | 1821794 |
Hai Phan | New Jersey Institute of Technology | PrivateNet - Preserving Differential Privacy in Deep Learning under Model Attacks | 1850094 | |
Zhiyun Qian | University of California, Riverside | The Web Ad Technology Arms Race: Measurement, Analysis, and Countermeasures | 1719147 | |
Ramasubramanian Sekar | Stony Brook University | RADAR: Real-time Advanced Detection and Attack Reconstruction | 1918667 | |
Stavros Tripakis | Eunsuk Kang | Northeastern University | Bridging the Gap between Protocol Design and Implementation through Automated Mapping | 1801546 |
Xinyu Xing | Penn State University | Towards Locating Memory Corruption Vulnerability with Core Dump | 1718459 | |
Shanchieh Jay Yang | Rochester Institute of Technology | Automating Attack Strategy Recognition to Enhance Cyber Threat Prediction | 1526383, 1742789 | |
Louise Yarnall | SRI Education | Microlessons to Build Readiness in the Cybersecurity Workforce | 1821666 | |
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