Undergraduate Research Posters |
# |
Presenters |
Title |
Award # |
1 |
Ranuli Abeysinghe |
Hash functions: Properties, an Attack, and an Application |
1652474 |
2 |
Dennis Afanasev |
Secure and Scalable Network Packet Processing Using OpenNetVM and mTCP |
1814234 |
3 |
Zaina Aljallad |
Co-Designing for Community Oversight: Helping People Make Privacy and Security Decisions Together |
4 |
Trevor Ammons & Trent Callahan |
Side-Channel Attack Evaluation of Post-Quantum Cryptographic Algorithms and Architectures |
1801488 |
5 |
Samantha Aziz |
Eye Movement Driven Authentication in Virtual Reality |
1250718 |
6 |
William Barnhart |
Capacity-achieving Schemes for Private Information Retrieval with Multi-user Collusion |
1704274 |
7 |
Rachel Bleiman |
The Susceptibility of Disclosing Private Security Information in College Students |
1453040 |
8 |
Elijah Bouma-Sims |
Who's Calling You? A Study of Robocalls in the Era of Modern Telephone Networks |
1849994 |
9 |
Luciano Brignone |
Hiding Instructions in a Processor |
10 |
Morgan Brockman |
Promoting Privacy by Design for Software Capstone Courses |
1727574, 1821782 |
11 |
Javier Campos |
Interactive Visualization based Mobiled Security Education for Next-gen Cyber Aware Workforce |
1903423 |
12 |
Baicheng Chen |
Cardiac Biometrics for Continuous and Non-contact Mobile Authentication |
1718375 |
13 |
Michael Cinkoske |
A New Connection Between Node and Edge Depth Robust Graphs |
14 |
Chris Crabtree |
Using Deep Learning to Bridge the Semantic Gap between Natural Language and Code: An Automated Approach to Improve Privacy Policy Misalignment Scalability |
15 |
Jacob Crain |
IoT Embedded System Implementation |
16 |
Noah Curran |
TrustZone as a Secure Tensor Processor |
1718702 |
17 |
Oliver Curry & Zachary Peterson |
Fakesbook |
1802701 |
18 |
Leander Davis |
Protecting Cyber Physical Systems Using A Game-Theoretic Approach |
1814064 |
19 |
Julie Dixon |
Blockchain-Based Framework for Securing Integrated Circuits in the Supply Chain |
20 |
Peter Fenteany |
Non-malleable Digital Lockers for Efficiently Sampleable Distributions |
1849904 |
21 |
Catherine Han |
The Price is (not) Right: Comparing The Privacy Behaviors of Free vs. Paid Apps |
1817248, 1564329 |
22 |
Brandon Kujawa |
Replay Attack Detection in Multimedia of Things (MoT) |
1815724 |
23 |
Christy LaPerriere |
A Participatory Design Study to Test Community Oversight for Privacy and Security |
1814068 |
24 |
Jamie Lee |
Oblivious K-Nearest Neighbors for Secure Map Applications |
25 |
Jun Lin |
Examination and Detection of Falsified News |
1755536 |
26 |
Christie Lincoln & Alvin Zhang |
Static Information Flow Tracking (SIFT) Analysis for Hardware Design Verification |
1718586 |
27 |
Bryan Manzi |
Physical (PHY) Layer Features for Device Authentication |
1329686 |
28 |
Grant McClearn & Sarah Morin |
A New Statistical Audit for Real Elections |
1421373 |
29 |
Jonathan Miao |
More Complete DOM XSS Detection Through Dynamic Event Generation |
1704542 |
30 |
John Mikulskis |
Snout - An Extensible IoT Pen-Testing Tool |
1409053 |
31 |
Monica Moniot |
Differentially Private Confidence Intervals |
32 |
Jeongbin Oh |
Understanding the performance of SGX-based computations |
1815814 |
33 |
Adam Piekarski |
34 |
Justin Robbins |
QuaSim: An Interactive Quantum Cryptography Learning Tool |
1623380 |
35 |
EJ Seong |
Boxing Attackers In: Towards Tangible Defenses against Eavesdropping Attacks |
36 |
Sixiong "Shawn" Shan |
Gotta Catch 'Em All: Using Honeypots to Catch Adversarial Attacks on Neural Networks |
1834523 |
37 |
Kaiyan Shi |
Differentially Private Nonparametric Hypothesis Testing |
1817245 |
38 |
John Spokes |
ActionPoint: Action-Driven App to Strengthen Parent-Teen Relationships to Understand and Identify Cyberbullying |
1719722 |
39 |
Trinity Stroud |
Developing a Deterministic Polymorphic Circuit Generator Using Boolean Logic Representation |
1811578 |
40 |
Jonathan Villanueva |
Physical Inspection for PCB Assurance |
41 |
Abigail Vincent |
False Data Injection Attack Model on AC based Hybrid System |
1600058 |
42 |
Haoda Wang |
LEADER (Low-Rate Denial-of-Service Attacks Defense) |
1815495 |
43 |
Xingchen Wang |
BASCPS: Behavioral Decision Making in Security Games for Protecting Multi-Defender Cyber Physical Systems |
1718637 |
44 |
Ashton Woiwood |
Characterizing and Modeling Threat Feeds for Patch Management |
1715152 |
45 |
Charlie Wolfe |
Khaleesi: Breaking The Advertising & Tracking Redirect Chains |
1715152 |
46 |
Laura Zharmukhametova |
Symbolic Execution for Simple R |
SaTC Principal Investigator Posters |
# |
Principal Investigator |
Title |
Award # |
1 |
Nael Abu-Ghazaleh |
Practical Hardware-assisted Always-on Malware Detection |
1619322, 1617915 |
2 |
Theodore Allen |
A Framework For Economical Cyber Security Inspection and Assurance |
1912166 |
3 |
Nabil Alshurafa |
Privacy Enhancing Framework to Advance Models of Behavior |
1915847 |
4 |
Ardalan Amiri Sani |
Securing Mobile Devices by Hardening their System Software |
1846230 |
5 |
Aydin Aysu |
Secure Instruction Set Extensions for Lattice-Based Post-Quantum Cryptosystems |
1850373 |
6 |
Kiran Balagani |
Leveraging Movement, Posture, and Anthropometric Contexts to Strengthen the Security of Mobile Biometrics |
1814846 |
7 |
Ritwik Banerjee |
Tracking Semantic Changes in Medical Information |
1834597 |
8 |
Alexandru Bardas |
Creating and Managing Structurally-Morphing IT Systems - Moving Targets |
1850406 |
9 |
Alexandru Bardas |
Early-Stage Interdisciplinary Collaboration: A Sociotechnical Metrics Framework for Network and Security Operation Centers |
1915824 |
10 |
Terry Benzel |
Sharing Expertise and Artifacts for Reuse through Cybersecurity Community Hub (SEARCCH) |
1925773 |
11 |
Jeremiah Blocki |
Data-Independent Memory Hard Functions: New Attacks and Stronger Constructions |
1755708 |
12 |
John Board |
STINGAR - Deployment of Highly Automated, Reliable, and Fast Cybersecurity Threat Response Systems |
1815691 |
13 |
Borzoo Bonakdarpour |
Formal Specification and Verification of Probabilistic Information-flow Security Policies |
1813388 |
14 |
Patrick Brandt |
Data to Knowledge: Modernizing Political Event Data for Big Data Social Science Research |
1539302 |
15 |
Laurin Buchanan |
CyberMiSTS: Curriculum to Broaden Participation in Cybersecurity for Middle School Teachers and Students |
1821757, 1821753 |
16 |
Kevin Butler |
ProXray: Protocol Model Learning and Guided Firmware Analysis |
1815883 |
17 |
L. Jean Camp |
Living in the Internet of Things |
1565375 |
18 |
Bogdan Carbunar |
An Open Mobile App Platform to Support Research on Fraudulent Reviews |
1840714 |
19 |
Steven Carr |
Visualization for Secure Coding in C |
1523017, 1522883 |
20 |
Shantanu Chakrabartty |
Dynamic Authentication based on Zero-power Quantum-Tunneling Timers |
1525476 |
21 |
Bo Chen |
Enabling Secure Data Recovery for Mobile Devices against Malicious Attacks |
1938130 |
22 |
Hao Chen |
Irregular Traffic Detection for Containerized Microservices RPC in the Real World |
1801751 |
23 |
Hsinchun Chen |
Cybersecurity Big Data Research for Hacker Community: A Topic and Language Modeling Approach |
1936370 |
24 |
Qi Alfred Chen |
Exposing and Mitigating Security/Safety Concerns of CAVs: A Holistic and Realistic Security Testing Platform for Emerging CAVs |
1929771 |
25 |
Yingying Chen |
Exploiting Physical Properties in Wireless Networks for Implicit Authenticatio |
1820624 |
26 |
Steven Chong |
psilence: An R Library for Differential Privacy |
1565387 |
27 |
Mo-Yuen Chow |
Secure Algorithms for Cyber-Physical Systems: Resilient Collaborative Distributed Energy Management System |
1505633 |
28 |
Nicolas Christin |
ICLab: A Global, Longitudinal Internet Censorship Measurement Platform |
1814817 |
29 |
John Criswell |
Shielding Software From Privileged Side-Channel Attacks |
1652280 |
30 |
Reza Curtmola |
in-toto: Securing the Software Supply Chain |
1801430 |
31 |
Alberto Dainotti |
MapKIT: Mapping Key Internet Terrain |
1705024 |
32 |
Kapil Dandekar |
Software Defined Radio Framework for Cybersecurity and Information Assurance Education |
1723606 |
33 |
Anupam Datta |
Accountable Information Use: Privacy and Fairness in Decision-Making Systems: SoK: Differential Privacy as a Causal Property |
1704985, 1704845 |
34 |
Edmundo de Souza e Silva |
INSaNE: Improving Network Security at the Network Edge |
1740895 |
35 |
Jintai Ding |
A Cryptanalysis of LUOV using the Subfield Differential Attack (SDA) |
1814221 |
36 |
Wenliang Du |
Expanding TrustZone in Android OS & Developing SEED Labs |
1718086 |
37 |
Sara Eftekharnejad |
Anomaly detection and risk assessment in power grids under data measurement threats |
1600058 |
38 |
Salim El Rouayheb |
Secure Distributed Coded Computations for IoT: An Information Theoretic and Network Approach |
1801630 |
39 |
Dmitry Evtyushkin |
Secure Branch Predictors for High Performance |
1850365 |
40 |
Liyue Fan |
Image Obfuscation with Quantifiable Privacy |
1755884 |
41 |
Fariborz Farahmand |
Neurobiological Basis of Decision Making in Online Environments |
1358651 |
42 |
Nick Feamster |
Practical Privacy for DNS, From ODNS to DoH |
1602399 |
43 |
Yunsi Fei |
Protecting Confidentiality and Integrity of Deep Neural Networks against Side-channel and Fault Attacks |
1929300 |
44 |
Christopher Fletcher |
Data Oblivious ISA Extensions for Side Channel-Resistant and High-Performance Computing |
1816226 |
45 |
Domenic Forte |
iPROBE - An Internal Shielding Approach for Protecting against Frontside and Backside Probing Attacks |
1717392 |
46 |
Ryan Gerdes |
Secure and Resilient Vehicular Platooning |
1410000 |
47 |
Ryan Gerdes |
Enforcement of Geofencing Policies for Commercial Unmanned Aircraft Systems |
1801611 |
48 |
Jessica Fridrich |
Steganography with Two JPEGS of the Same Scene |
1561446 |
49 |
Ujjwal Guin |
Robust Design-for-Security (DFS) Architecture for Enabling Trust in Integrated Circuits (IC) Manufacturing and Test |
1755733 |
50 |
Sanjay Goel |
THE NEW SECURITY CALCULUS: Incentivizing Good User Security Behavior |
1618212 |
51 |
Sanjay Goel |
Thwarting the Malicious Insider Evolution Process: The Theory of Strained Betrayal |
1912874 |
52 |
Nikhil Gupta |
Secure and Trustworthy Computer Aided Designs for Additive Manufacturing |
1931724 |
53 |
Deniz Gurkan |
Network Design for Security using Protocol Trust Boundary Observations |
1907537 |
54 |
Yuan Hong |
Privacy Preserving Cooperation among Microgrids for Efficient Load Management on the Grid |
1745894 |
55 |
Amir Houmansadr |
MassBrowser: Fighting Internet Censorship in a Mass |
1553301 |
56 |
Stratis Ioannidis, Miriam Leeser |
MaSSIF: Massively Scalable Secure Computation Infrastructure Using FPGAs |
1717213 |
57 |
Cynthia Irvine |
Labtainers - Create a Cyber Range on a Laptop |
1438893, 1932950 |
58 |
Rashmi Jha |
Opportunities and Challenges for Resistive Random Access Memory Devices in Hardware Security and Trust |
1556301 |
59 |
Ranjit Jhala |
Data-Dependent Instruction Timing Channels |
1514435 |
60 |
Limin Jia |
Practical and Trustworthy Dependency Management |
1717022 |
61 |
Zhanpeng Jin |
Brain Hacking: Assessing Psychological and Computational Vulnerabilities in Brain-Based Biometrics |
1840790 |
62 |
Criswell John |
IskiOS: Lightweight Defense Against Kernel-Level Code-Reuse Attacks |
1618213 |
63 |
Patrick Juola |
Is "Fake" a Writing Style? Detecting Stylistic Alteration |
1814602 |
64 |
David Kaeli |
Side-Channel Analysis and Resiliency Targeting Accelerators |
1618379 |
65 |
Zbigniew Kalbarczyk |
Data-Driven Study of Attacks on Cyber-Physical Infrastructure Supporting Large Computing Systems |
1816673 |
66 |
Chris Kanich |
Enabling Long-Term Security and Privacy through Retrospective Data Management |
1801644, 1801663 |
67 |
Karen Karavanic |
System Infrastructure for SMM-based Runtime Integrity Measurement |
1528185 |
68 |
Murat Kantarcioglu |
A Data Firewall based Approach for Securing Big Data |
1111529, 1758628 |
69 |
Mahmut Karakaya |
Improving Performance of Standoff Iris Recognition Systems Using Deep Learning Frameworks |
1909276 |
70 |
Latifur Khan |
Mitigating Cyber Attacks Using Domain Adaptation |
1516425 |
71 |
Joerg Kliewer |
Secure and Private Distributed Coded Computation for Learning and Storage Applications |
1526547 |
72 |
Selcuk Kose |
The Strength of Combined Distinguishers and Combined Side-channel Attacks |
1929774 |
73 |
Yonghwi Kwon |
Secure and Comprehensive Forensic Audit Infrastructure for Transparent Heterogeneous Computing |
1850392 |
74 |
Aron Laszka |
Towards Efficient and Scalable Crowdsourced Vulnerability-Discovery using Bug-Bounty Programs |
1850510 |
75 |
Loukas Lazos |
Secure Cloud Storage Verification Methods |
1813401 |
76 |
Jun Li |
Online Social Network Fraud and Attack Research and Identification |
1564348, 1564250, 1564039 |
77 |
Qinghua Li |
Towards Automated Security Vulnerability and Patch Management for Power Grid Operations |
1751255 |
78 |
Heather Lipford |
Leveraging community oversight to enhance collective efficacy for privacy and security |
1814110, 1814068, 1814439 |
79 |
Hongbo Liu |
Security Assurance in Short Range Communication with Wireless Channel Obfuscation |
1815908 |
80 |
Vinod Lohani |
Development and Analysis of a Spiral Theory-based Cybersecurity Curriculum |
1623047 |
81 |
Wenjing Lou |
Toward Enforceable Data Usage Control in Cloud-based IoT Systems |
1916902, 1916926 |
82 |
Long Lu |
OAT: Attesting Operation Integrity of Embedded Devices |
1748334 |
83 |
Bo Luo |
Privacy Protection in Social Networks: Bridging the Gap Between User Perception and Privacy Enforcement |
1422206 |
84 |
William Mahoney |
Evaluating Performance and Security of Executable Steganography for Surreptitious Programs |
1811560, 1811578 |
85 |
Khalid Malik |
ForensicExaminer: Testbed for Benchmarking Digital Audio Forensic Algorithms |
1815724, 1816019 |
86 |
Florence Martin |
Establishing Digital Citizenship by Implementing Cyber Safety Curriculum with Middle School Students |
1723746 |
87 |
Donatello Materassi |
Wireless Hardware Analog Encryption for Secure, Ultra-Low Power Transmission of Data |
1816703 |
88 |
Nasir Memon |
DeepMasterPrints: Generating MasterPrints For Dictionary Attacks via Latent Variable Evolution |
1618750 |
89 |
Hoda Mehrpouyan |
Formal Specification and Verification of User-centric Privacy Policies for Ubiquitous Systems |
1657774 |
90 |
Hoda Mehrpouyan |
FALCON: Framework for Anomaly Detection in IndustrialControl Systems |
1846493 |
91 |
Ana Milanova |
SecureMCMR: Privacy-Preserving Computation Outsourcing for MapReduce Applications |
1814898 |
92 |
Stephen Miller |
Number theory and side-channel attacks from normalized running time distributions |
1815562 |
93 |
Tanushree Mitra |
Designing Trustworthy and Transparent Information Platforms (News Platforms) |
1915755 |
94 |
Ida Ngambeki |
An Assessment Driven Approach to Self-Directed Learning in Secure Programming (SecTutor) |
1934279, 1934269, 1934285 |
95 |
Daniela Oliveira |
API Blindspots: Why Experienced Developers Write Vulnerable Code |
1513572 |
96 |
Alina Oprea |
Intrusion Resilience in Game Theoretical APT Models |
1717634 |
97 |
Xinming Ou |
Ethnographic Study of Secure Software Development Processes in a Real Company |
1801633 |
98 |
Xinming Ou |
A Systematic Study of Comparing Traditional Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Security Vetting of Android Apps |
1717862, 1717871, 1718214 |
99 |
Laura Osburn |
Improving O&M and IT Collaboration to Keep our Buildings Smart and Secure |
1932769 |
100 |
Charalampos Papanmanthou |
Edrax: A Cryptocurrency with Stateless Transaction Validation |
101 |
Charalampos Papanmanthou |
Zero-Knowledge Proofs Through Composition |
102 |
Charalampos Papanmanthou |
SEAL: Attack Mitigation for Encrypted Databases via Adjustable Leakage |
103 |
Abhishek Parakh |
QuaSim: An Interactive Quantum Cryptography Learning Tool |
1623380 |
104 |
Sameer Patil |
Incorporating Sociotechnical Cybersecurity Learning Within Undergraduate Capstone Courses |
1821782 |
105 |
Peter Peterson |
Enabling a New Generation of Experts by Finding and Fixing Students' Persistent Misconceptions |
1821788 |
106 |
Jim Plusquellic |
Side-channel Power Resistance for Encryption Algorithms using Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration |
1813945 |
107 |
Jules Polonetsky |
RCN: Applied Privacy Research Coordination Network: An Industry-Academic Network to Transition Promising Privacy Research to Practice |
1837413 |
108 |
Dmitry Ponomarev |
Side-Channels through Lower-Level Caches: Attacks, Defenses and Security Metrics |
1422401 |
109 |
Aravind Prakash |
Recovering High Level Constructs from C++ Binaries |
1566532 |
110 |
Yanjun Qi |
Black-box Generation of Adversarial Text Sequences to Evade Deep Learning Classifiers |
1619098 |
111 |
Yanjun Qi |
Feature Squeezing- Detecting Adversarial Examples in Deep Neural Networks |
1619098 |
112 |
Raghav Rao |
Unauthorized Access Attempts on Information Systems: The Role of Opportunity Contexts |
1724725 |
113 |
Alexander Rasin |
End-to-End Database Storage Analysis |
1656268 |
114 |
Indrakshi Ray |
Machine Learning for Anomaly Detection in Heavy Vehicles |
1715458 |
115 |
Aunshul Rege |
Understanding Adaptive Adversarial Behavior and Decision-Making Processes in Cyberattacks |
1453040 |
116 |
Daniel Roche |
Oblivious k-Nearest Neighbors for Secure Map Applications |
1618269 |
117 |
Jennie Rogers |
VaultDB: Efficient Query Processing for Private Data Federations |
1846447 |
118 |
Norman Sadeh |
Personalized Privacy Assistants |
1513957 |
119 |
Norman Sadeh |
The Usable Privacy Policy Project |
1330596 |
120 |
Norman Sadeh |
Answering People's Privacy Questions: Weaving Together User-Centered Design, Natural Language Processing and Legal Considerations |
1914486 |
121 |
Sagar Samtani |
Identifying Emerging Threats in the Online Hacker Community for Proactive Cyber Threat Intelligence: A Diachronic Graph Convolutional Autoencoder Framework |
1850362 |
122 |
Fareena Saqib |
A Key Update Scheme for Side-Channel Attack Mitigation |
1814420 |
123 |
Anand Sarwate |
PERMIT: Privacy-Enabled Resource Management for IoT Networks |
1617849 |
124 |
Visvesh Sathe |
Computationally Enabled Robust, Low-Power True Random Number Generation |
1714496 |
125 |
Ioannis Savidis |
Parameter Obfuscation: A Novel Methodology for the Protection of Analog Intellectual Property |
1751032 |
126 |
Lori Scarlatos |
CyberMiSTS: Curriculum to Broaden Participation in Cybersecurity for Middle School Teachers and Students |
1821753 |
127 |
Patrick Schaumont |
Energy-harvested Security for the Internet of Things |
1704176 |
128 |
Patrick Schaumont |
Finding and Mitigating Side-channel Leakage in Embedded Architectures |
1931639 |
129 |
Kent Seamons |
Usable Key Management and Forward Secrecy for Secure Email |
1816929 |
130 |
Vyas Sekar |
Handling a Trillion Unfixable Flaws on Billions of Internet-of-Things |
1564009 |
131 |
Edoardo Serra |
Capacity Building: Integrating Data Science into Cybersecurity Curriculum |
1820685 |
132 |
Akbar Siami Namin |
User-Centric Design of a Sonification System for Automatically Alarming Security Threats and Impact |
1564293 |
133 |
Akbar Siami Namin |
Improving Student Learning and Engagement in Digital Forensics through Collaborative Investigation of Cyber Security Incidents and Simulated Capture-the-Flaag Exercises |
1821560 |
134 |
Yasin Silva |
BullyBlocker - Identifying Cyberbullying in Social Networking Sites |
1719722 |
135 |
Stephanie Singer |
Data Science for Election Verification |
1936809 |
136 |
Christian Skalka |
PCNC: Proof-Carrying Network Code |
1718036 |
137 |
Geoffrey Smith |
Quantifying Information Leakage in Searchable Encryption |
1749014 |
138 |
Scott Stoller |
Access Control Policy Mining and Management |
1421893 |
139 |
Cynthia Sturton |
Transys: Leveraging Common Security Properties Across Hardware Designs |
1816637 |
140 |
Berk Sunar |
Super-Human Cryptanalysis for Scalable Side-Channel Analysis |
1814406 |
141 |
Ravi Tandon |
Robust Physical Layer Security with Limited Channel Knowledge |
1715947 |
142 |
Yuzhe Tang |
Scalable Secure Computations on Intel SGX via Lazy Program Partitioning |
1815814 |
143 |
Yuzhe Tang |
Blockchain-based Fork Prevention in Securing Cloud Storage Services |
144 |
Himanshu Thapliyal |
Utilizing Principles of Energy Recovery Computing for Low-Energy and DPA-Resistant IoT Devices |
1845448 |
145 |
Michael Thomas |
A Cybersecurity Collectable Card Game for Children |
1623267 |
146 |
Nikos Triandopoulos |
Towards Scalable Private Collaborative Learning |
147 |
A. Selcuk Uluagac |
Securing Sensory Side-Channels in Cyber-Physical Systems |
1453647 |
148 |
A. Selcuk Uluagac |
Privacy-Aware Wearable-Assisted Continuous Authentication Framework |
1718116 |
149 |
Ashish Venkat |
Context-Sensitive Fencing: Securing Speculative Execution via Microcode Customization |
1850436 |
150 |
Jessica Vitak |
Mapping Privacy and Surveillance Dynamics in Emerging Mobile Ecosystems: Practices and Contexts in the Netherlands and US |
1640640 |
151 |
Roopa Vishwanathan |
Automated Proof Construction and Verification for Attribute-based Cryptography |
1800088 |
152 |
Roopa Vishwanathan |
Blockchain-enabled Payment Networks |
1800088 |
153 |
Gang Wang |
Re-examining Email Spoofing in the Context of Spear Phishing |
1750101, 1717028 |
154 |
Kuang-Ching Wang |
Towards a Traffic Analysis Resistant Internet Architecture |
1643020 |
155 |
Weichao Wang |
Developing Security Education Materials for Future Advanced Manufacturing Engineering Workforce |
1523096 |
156 |
XiaoFeng Wang |
Understanding and Discovering Emerging Cybercrimes through Automatic Analysis of Online Text Traces |
1801432 |
157 |
Xiaoyin Wang |
GUILeak: Tracing Privacy Policy Claims on User Input Data for Android Applications |
1748109 |
158 |
Nicholas Weaver |
Understanding and Illuminating Non-Public Data Flows: Evaluating Anti-Fingerprinting Privacy Enhancing Technologies |
1514509 |
159 |
Sheng Wei |
HISA: Hardware Isolation-based Secure Architecturefor CPU-FPGA Heterogenous Systems |
1912593 |
160 |
Wujie Wen |
Invisible Shield: Can Compression Harden Deep Neural Networks Universally Against Adversarial Attacks? |
1840813 |
161 |
Andrew Whinston |
Information Disclosure and Security Policy Design: A Large-Scale Randomization Experiment in Pan-Asia |
1718600 |
162 |
Pamela Wisniewski |
A Participatory Design Study to Test Community Oversight for Privacy and Security |
1814068 |
163 |
Matthew Wright |
Website Fingerprinting in Tor: An Adversarial ML Approach |
1816851, 1722743 |
164 |
Dinghao Wu |
Dynamic and Static Program Analysis for Side Channel Vulnerability Detection and Mitigation |
1652790 |
165 |
Li Xiong |
PriSTE: Protecting Spatiotemporal Event Privacy in Continuous LBS |
1618932 |
166 |
Qiben Yan |
URadio: Towards Secure Smart Home IoT Communication Using Hybrid Ultrasonic-RF Radio |
1950171 |
167 |
Zheng Yan |
Where are the Weakest Links in Cybersecurity Judgment of Elementary School Students, Middle School Students, High School Students, and School Teachers |
1649872 |
168 |
Danfeng Yao |
Deployment-quality and Accessible Solutions for Cryptography Code Development |
1929701 |
169 |
Attila A Yavuz |
CAREER: Lightweight and Fast Authentication for Internet of Things |
1652389 |
170 |
Qiaoyan Yu |
Managing Hardware Security in Three Dimensional Integrated Circuits |
1717130 |
171 |
Yanfang (Fanny) Ye |
Intelligent Malware Detection Utilizing Novel File Relation-Based Features and Resilient Techniques for Adversarial Attacks |
1946327 |
172 |
Yanfang (Fanny) Ye |
Securing Cyberspace: Gaining Deep Insights into the Online Underground Ecosystem |
1940859 |
173 |
Philip S. Yu |
Learning Dynamic and Robust Defenses Against Co-Adaptive Spammers |
1931042 |
174 |
Zizhan Zheng |
Towards Robust Moving Target Defense: A Game Theoretic and Learning Approach |
1816495 |
175 |
Huiyang Zhou |
Towards Smart and Secure Non Volatile Memory |
1717550 |
176 |
Lina Zhou |
Implicit One-handed Mobile User Authentication by Induced Thumb Biometrics on Touch-screen Handheld Devices |
1704800, 1917537 |