First ACM Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Security & PrivaCy (CPS-SPC)
First ACM Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Security & PrivaCy (CPS-SPC)
October 16, 2015 | Denver, Colorado | Held in conjuction with ACM CCS 2015
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) integrate computing and communication capabilities with monitoring and control of entities in the physical world. These systems are usually composed by a set of networked agents, including sensors, actuators, control processing units, and communication devices. While some forms of CPS are already in use, the widespread growth of wireless embedded sensors and actuators is creating several new applications — in areas such as medical devices, automotive, and smart infrastructure — and increasing the role that the information infrastructure plays in existing control systems — such as in the process control industry or the power grid.
Many CPS applications are safety-critical: their failure can cause irreparable harm to the physical system under control and to the people who depend on it. In particular, the protection of our critical infrastructures that rely on CPS, such as the electric power transmission and distribution, industrial control systems, oil and natural gas systems, water and waste-water treatment plants, healthcare devices, and transportation networks play a fundamental and large-scale role in our society — and their disruption can have a significant impact to individuals, and nations at large.
Similarly, because many CPS systems collect sensor data non-intrusively, users of these systems are often unaware of their exposure. Therefore in addition to security, CPS systems must be designed with privacy considerations.
The workshop is being held under the auspices of the 22nd ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) 2015. Please visit the CCS 2015 Registration website for more information.
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2015 | |
0830 - 0900 | Welcome remarks by the workshop chairs |
SESSION 1: Miscellaneous | |
0900 - 1030 | On Passive Data Link Layer Fingerprinting of Aircraft Transponders Martin Strohmeier (University of Oxford) and Ivan Martinovic (University of Oxford) |
Eliminating Inter-Domain Vulnerabilities in Cyber-Physical Systems: An Analysis Contracts Approach Ivan Ruchkin (CMU), Ashwini Rao (CMU), Dionisio De Niz (SEI), Sagar Chaki (SEI), and David Garlan (CMU) |
The Impact of Social Engineering on Industrial Control System Security Benjamin Green (Lancaster University), Daniel Prince (Lancaster University), Jerry Busby (Lancaster University), and David Hutchinson (Lancaster University) |
SESSION 2: Control and Theoretical Foundations | |
1100 - 1230 | Secure and Resilient Control Design for Cloud Enabled Networked Control Systems Zhiheng Xu (New York University) and Quanyan Zhu (New York University) |
Attack Mitigation in Adversarial Platooning Using Detection-Based Sliding Mode Control Imran Sajjad (Utah State University), Daniel D. Dunn (Utah State University), Rajnikant Sharma (Utah State University), and Ryan Gerdes (Utah State University) |
Scheduling Intrusion Detection Systems in Resource-Bounded Cyber-Physical Systems Waseem Abbas (Vanderbilt University), Aron Laszka (Vanderbilt University), Yevgeniy Vorobeychik (Vanderbilt University) and Xenofon Koutsoukos (Vanderbilt University) |
SESSION 3: Testbeds, Simulations, and Requirements | |
1400 - 1500 | Secure RTOS Architecture for Building Automation Xiaolong Wang (KSU), Masaaki Mizuno (KSU), Mitch Neilsen (KSU), Xinming Ou (KSU), S. Raj Rajagopalan (Honeywell ACS Labs), Will G. Baldwin (Biosecurity Research Institute) and Bryan Phillips (Biosecurity Research Institute) |
MiniCPS: A Toolkit for Security Research on CPS Networks Daniele Antonioli (Singapore University of Technology and Design) and Nils Tippenhauer (Singapore University of Technology and Design) |
A Real-Time Testbed Environment for Cyber-Physical Security on the Power Grid Georgia Koutsandria (University of Rome La Sapienza), Reinhard Gentz (Arizona State University), Mahdi Jamei (Arizona State University), Anna Scaglione (Arizona State University), Sean Peisert (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and UC Davis), and Chuck McParland (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) |
SESSION 4: Security Assurance and Assessment | |
1600 - 1700 | Assurance Techniques for Industrial Control Systems (ICS) |
A Field Study of Digital Forensics of Intrusions in the Electrical Power Grid | |
SESSION 5: Future Directions | |
1700 - 1745 | Discussion on the future organization and directions for the workshop |
1745 | Workshop adjourned |