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B. I. Morshed.  2017.  Impedance phlebography based pulse sensing using inductively-coupled inkjet-printed WRAP sensor. 2017 United States National Committee of URSI National Radio Science Meeting (USNC-URSI NRSM). :1-2.
Heaslip, Kevin, Brady, B, Thomas, M.  2011.  The Importance of Road Pricing to the Future of Roadway Infrastructure. Proceedings of the 2011 Association of Private Enterprise Education International Conference.
Heaslip, Kevin, Jones, Josh, Harpst, Tim, Bolling, Doyt.  2010.  Implementation of road safety audit recommendations: case study in Salt Lake City, Utah. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. :105–112.
T.Luo, S.K.Das, H.Tan, L.Xia.  2016.  Incentive mechanism design for crowdsourcing: An all-pay auction approach. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST). 7:35.
F.Restuccia, S.K.Das, J.Payton.  2016.  Incentive mechanisms for participatory sensing: Survey and research challenges. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN). 12:13.
T.Luo, S.Kanhere, S.K.Das, H.Tan.  2016.  Incentive mechanism design for heterogeneous crowdsourcing using all-pay contests. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. 15:2234–2246.
J. Zhao, L. Itti.  2017.  Improved Deep Learning of Object Category using Pose Information. Proceedings of the IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Santa Rosa, CA. :1-10.

Despite significant recent progress, the best available computer vision algorithms still lag far behind human capabilities, even for recognizing individual discrete objects under various poses, illuminations, and backgrounds. Here we present a new approach to using object pose information to improve deep network learning. While existing large-scale datasets, e.g. ImageNet, do not have pose information, we leverage the newly published turntable dataset, iLab-20M, which has 22M images of 704 object instances shot under different lightings, camera viewpoints and turntable rotations, to do more controlled object recognition experiments. We introduce a new convolutional neural network architecture, what/where CNN (2W-CNN), built on a linear-chain feedforward CNN (e.g., AlexNet), augmented by hierarchical layers regularized by object poses. Pose information is only used as feedback signal during training, in addition to category information, but is not needed during test. To validate the approach, we train both 2W-CNN and AlexNet using a fraction of the dataset, and 2W-CNN achieves 6 percent performance improvement in category prediction. We show mathematically that 2W-CNN has inherent advantages over AlexNet under the stochastic gradient descent (SGD) optimization procedure. Furthermore, we fine-tune object recognition on ImageNet by using the pretrained 2W-CNN and AlexNet features on iLab-20M, results show significant improvement compared with training AlexNet from scratch. Moreover, fine-tuning 2W-CNN features performs even better than fine-tuning the pretrained AlexNet features. These results show that pretrained features on iLab-20M generalize well to natural image datasets, and 2W-CNN learns better features for object recognition than AlexNet.

E. Mallada.  2016.  iDroop: A Dynamic Droop controller to decouple power grid's steady-state and dynamic performance. 2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). :4957-4964.
Kewen Wang, Yi Pan, WenZhan Song, Weichao Wang, Le Xie.  2014.  Integrated Learning Environment for Smart Grid Security. The Fourth International Conference on Advanced Communications and Computation (INFOCOMP 2014).
Pierre{-}Marc Jodoin, Venkatesh Saligrama, Janusz Konrad.  2009.  Implicit Active-Contouring with MRF. Image Analysis and Recognition, 6th International Conference, {ICIAR} 2009, Halifax, Canada, July 6-8, 2009. Proceedings. 5627:178–190.