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Found 1750 results

Melissaris, Themis, Shaw, Kelly, Martonosi, Margaret.  2017.  Locomotive: Optimizing mobile web traffic using selective compression. A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), 2017 IEEE 18th International Symposium on. :1–4.
Trippel, Caroline, Manerkar, Yatin A, Lustig, Daniel, Pellauer, Michael, Martonosi, Margaret.  2017.  TriCheck: Memory Model Verification at the Trisection of Software, Hardware, and ISA. Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems. :119–133.
Martonosi, Margaret.  2016.  Keynotes: Internet of Things: History and hype, technology and policy. Microarchitecture (MICRO), 2016 49th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on. :1–2.
Saroj Biswas.  2017.  Control and Stabilization of Discrete Time Networked Control Systems under Denial of Service Attacks. 15th EUROPT Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization.

Montreal, Canada

James Kollmer, Robert Irwin, Saroj Biswas,, Li Bai.  2017.  An Investigation of Cyberattacks on a Power System. 12th Intelligent Ship Symposium.

Philadelphia, PA

Rege, A., Singer, B., Masceri, N., Heath, Q..  2017.  Measuring Cyber Intrusion Chains, Adaptive Adversarial Behavior, and Group Dynamics. ICCWS 2017-Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security.
Y. Cui, R. Kavasseri.  2017.  Particle filter-based dual estimation for synchronous generators. IET Generation, Transmission Distribution. 11:1701-1708.