Visible to the public Recovery of Evidence and the Judicial Identification of Electronic Data Based on ExFAT

TitleRecovery of Evidence and the Judicial Identification of Electronic Data Based on ExFAT
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsGuofu, M., Zixian, W., Yusi, C.
Conference Name2015 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery
Date Publishedsep
KeywordsAlgorithm design and analysis, Classification algorithms, Computer crime, cryptography, Data models, data recovery, destroyed situation, digital forensics, digital multisignature, digital signatures, Distributed Bragg reflectors, document fragment, document fragment reassembly algorithm, electronic data, electronic data recovery forensics, evidence recovery, ExFAT, ExFAT file system, file character code, file character code algorithm, file locating, file location algorithm, File systems, Forensics, hash authentication, judicial identification, Law, lawsuit, legal effect, media mirror, process monitoring, pubcrawl170109

The ExFAT file system is for large capacity flash memory medium. On the base of analyzing the characteristics of ExFAT file system, this paper presents a model of electronic data recovery forensics and judicial Identification based on ExFAT. The proposed model aims at different destroyed situation of data recovery medium. It uses the file location algorithm, file character code algorithm, document fragment reassembly algorithm for accurate, efficient recovery of electronic data for forensics and judicial Identification. The model implements the digital multi-signature, process monitoring, media mirror and Hash authentication in the data recovery process to improve the acceptability, weight of evidence and Legal effect of the electronic data in the lawsuit. The experimental results show that the model has good work efficiency based on accuracy.

Citation Keyguofu_recovery_2015