Visible to the public Image sharpness metrics for digital microscopy

TitleImage sharpness metrics for digital microscopy
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsWindisch, G., Kozlovszky, M.
Conference Name2015 IEEE 13th International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI)
Keywordsartificially blurred images, Cameras, digital cameras, digital microscopy, feature extraction, Image databases, Image edge detection, image processing, image processing applications, image sharpness measurements, image sharpness metrics, Measurement, microscopy, Noise, out-of-focus photographs, photography, pubcrawl170111

Image sharpness measurements are important parts of many image processing applications. To measure image sharpness multiple algorithms have been proposed and measured in the past but they have been developed with having out-of-focus photographs in mind and they do not work so well with images taken using a digital microscope. In this article we show the difference between images taken with digital cameras, images taken with a digital microscope and artificially blurred images. The conventional sharpness measures are executed on all these categories to measure the difference and a standard image set taken with a digital microscope is proposed and described to serve as a common baseline for further sharpness measures in the field.

Citation Keywindisch_image_2015