Visible to the public Enable and disable sensors at startupConflict Detection Enabled


In this tutorial, we show how to start up your world while disabling sensors you aren't planning to use.

Why disable sensors?

Simulating a sensor consumes CPU resources, and if you start recording your bagfiles can take up significant amounts of space. Even if you aren't using a camera or the spinning Velodyne sensors, the drivers have to be loaded and that uses up memory. If you are running "rosbag record -a", and not using all the sensors, you should consider disabling sensors in your launch file.

What sensors can you enable/disable?

By default, the below set of sensors are set to run, but can be turned off at start up time:

  • front_laser_points - (not recommended to be disabled), this produces message of type sensor_msgs/LaserScan at a rate of 5Hz-75Hz in simulation (75Hz in the real car)
  • velodyne_points - produces messages of type sensor_msgs/PointCloud
  • camera_left - produces messages of type sensor_msgs/Image
  • camera_right - produces messages of type sensor_msgs/Image

What dependencies are there between sensors and other nodes?

The front_laser_points sensor is used by the obstacleStopper node, so we do not recommend disabling this sensor unless you also plan to remap nodes between cmd_vel and cmd_vel_safe topics: if you disable this sensor, it's very likely that the car will not move for you.

What does disabling a sensor look like?

Try this in your already-built workspace:

roslaunch catvehicle catvehicle_neighborhood.launch velodyne_points:=false

This will start up everything except the velodyne laser on top of the car:

$ rostopic list | grep points

If you kill (^C) your roslaunch above, try starting it again:

roslaunch catvehicle catvehicle_neighborhood.launch

You can now check to see that the velodyne_points topic is being produced

$ rostopic list | grep points

It's that easy?

Basically. To replicate this in your own packages (e.g., your custom world files or other things), make sure you make a copy of a launch file from the catvehicle package which exposes these parameters at the launch file level, and you should be able to replicate it on your own. Good luck!