Use the following tutorials to ensure that your install of the simulator is running correctly. Links to tutorials within ROS are not provided, so if you are unfamiliar with ROS concepts, please refer to http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Tutorials for a comprehensive list of things to ensure you have installed ROS correctly, and that you understand some of the topics involved.
Confirm your installation
Visualize sensor data
- Visualizing the CAT Vehicle
- Visualizing the CAT Vehicle and Velodyne with rviz
- Visualizing the SICK Laser in simulation in rviz
- Transform and visualize SICK Laser data into a different reference frame using MATLAB and tf
Moving around
- Driving with a ps joystick
- Taking a hard left turn
- Following a circular path
- Generating code from an existing ROS Simulink model
- Running hector_slam with the CAT Vehicle
Examine data
- Recording with rosbag
- Extracting data with the MATLAB Robotics System Toolbox
- Vehicle Automation and Data Acquisition Cyber-Physical Systems Challenges: Vehicle Automation and Data Acquisition, a tutorial from IPAM 2020's Long Program on Autonomous Vehicles
Modify simulation configuration
- Select a different initial pose
- Enable and disable sensors at startup
- Use a worldfile from your own package
Working with Simulink
Sensor Descriptions