Visible to the public Symmetric Cryptography Using Multiple Access Circular Queues (MACQ)

TitleSymmetric Cryptography Using Multiple Access Circular Queues (MACQ)
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsPhull, Sona, Som, Subhranil
Conference NameProceedings of the Second International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-3962-9
Keywordsblack box, black box encryption, Block Ciphering Algorithm, composability, cryptography, decryption, Encryption, Feistel cipher, Metrics, pubcrawl, Random NumberGenerators (RNGs), Resiliency, S-box, symmetric cryptography

In order to provide secure data communication in present cyber space world, a stronger encryption technique becomes a necessity that can help people to protect their sensitive information from cryptanalyst. This paper proposes a novel symmetric block cipher algorithm that uses multiple access circular queues (MACQs) of variable lengths for diffusion of information to a greater extent. The keys are randomly generated and will be of variable lengths depending upon the size of each MACQ.A number of iterations of circular rotations, swapping of elements and XORing the key with queue elements are performed on each MACQ. S-box is used so that the relationship between the key and the cipher text remains indeterminate or obscure. These operations together will help in transforming the cipher into a much more complex and secure block cipher. This paper attempt to propose an encryption algorithm that is secure and fast.

Citation Keyphull_symmetric_2016