Visible to the public Neighbor Contamination to Achieve Complete Bottleneck Control

TitleNeighbor Contamination to Achieve Complete Bottleneck Control
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsSchweitzer, Nadav, Stulman, Ariel, Shabtai, Asaf
Conference NameProceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems
Date PublishedNovember 2016
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-4502-6
Keywordscompositionality, detection, expandability, Human Behavior, Internet of Things, location privacy, MANET, manet attack prevention, MANET security, Metrics, mobile, network bottlenecks, pubcrawl, Resiliency, wireless networks, Wormhole

Black-holes, gray-holes and, wormholes, are devastating to the correct operation of any network. These attacks (among others) are based on the premise that packets will travel through compromised nodes, and methods exist to coax routing into these traps. Detection of these attacks are mainly centered around finding the subversion in action. In networks, bottleneck nodes -- those that sit on many potential routes between sender and receiver -- are an optimal location for compromise. Finding naturally occurring path bottlenecks, however, does not entitle network subversion, and as such are more difficult to detect. The dynamic nature of mobile ad-hoc networks (manets) causes ubiquitous routing algorithms to be even more susceptible to this class of attacks. Finding perceived bottlenecks in an olsr based manet, is able to capture between 50%-75% of data. In this paper we propose a method of subtly expanding perceived bottlenecks into complete bottlenecks, raising capture rate up to 99%; albeit, at high cost. We further tune the method to reduce cost, and measure the corresponding capture rate.

Citation Keyschweitzer_neighbor_2016