Visible to the public A Hierarchical Architecture for Distributed Security Control of Large Scale Systems

TitleA Hierarchical Architecture for Distributed Security Control of Large Scale Systems
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsRouf, Y., Shtern, M., Fokaefs, M., Litoiu, M.
Conference Name2017 IEEE/ACM 39th International Conference on Software Engineering Companion (ICSE-C)
Date Publishedmay
ISBN Number978-1-5386-1589-8
Keywordsattack detection, Big Data, Business, cloud computing, Complexity theory, composability, computational complexity, Computer architecture, Computer crime, computer network security, DDoS, DDoS attack detection, distributed security control, functional requirements, hierarchical distributed architecture, Human Behavior, large scale systems, Malicious Traffic, Metrics, Monitoring, nonfunctional requirements, pubcrawl, Resiliency, Security Control, security controllers, security rules complexity, software applications, software architecture, software complexity, Software systems, Sparks, telecommunication traffic, traffic load, Web applications

In the era of Big Data, software systems can be affected by its growing complexity, both with respect to functional and non-functional requirements. As more and more people use software applications over the web, the ability to recognize if some of this traffic is malicious or legitimate is a challenge. The traffic load of security controllers, as well as the complexity of security rules to detect attacks can grow to levels where current solutions may not suffice. In this work, we propose a hierarchical distributed architecture for security control in order to partition responsibility and workload among many security controllers. In addition, our architecture proposes a more simplified way of defining security rules to allow security to be enforced on an operational level, rather than a development level.

Citation Keyrouf_hierarchical_2017