Visible to the public Polar codes for arbitrary classical-quantum channels and arbitrary cq-MACs

TitlePolar codes for arbitrary classical-quantum channels and arbitrary cq-MACs
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsNasser, R., Renes, J. M.
Conference Name2017 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT)
Date Publishedjun
Keywordsarbitrary Abelian group operation, arbitrary classical-quantum multiple access channels, arbitrary cq-MAC, Arikan-style transformation, codes, Decoding, deterministic homomorphism channels, Electronic mail, encoding, error statistics, homomorphic encryption, human factors, Metrics, polar codes, polarization theorems, probability of error, pubcrawl, quantum successive cancellation decoder, Random variables, Receivers, reliability, Resiliency, Scalability

We prove polarization theorems for arbitrary classical-quantum (cq) channels. The input alphabet is endowed with an arbitrary Abelian group operation and an Arikan-style transformation is applied using this operation. It is shown that as the number of polarization steps becomes large, the synthetic cq-channels polarize to deterministic homomorphism channels that project their input to a quotient group of the input alphabet. This result is used to construct polar codes for arbitrary cq-channels and arbitrary classical-quantum multiple access channels (cq-MAC). The encoder can be implemented in O(N log N) operations, where N is the blocklength of the code. A quantum successive cancellation decoder for the constructed codes is proposed. It is shown that the probability of error of this decoder decays faster than 2-Nv for any v textless; 1/2.

Citation Keynasser_polar_2017