Visible to the public Towards Mitigating Uncertainty of Data Security Breaches and Collusion in Cloud Computing

TitleTowards Mitigating Uncertainty of Data Security Breaches and Collusion in Cloud Computing
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsTchernykh, A., Babenko, M., Chervyakov, N., Cortés-Mendoza, J. M., Kucherov, N., Miranda-López, V., Deryabin, M., Dvoryaninova, I., Radchenko, G.
Conference Name2017 28th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA)
Date Publishedaug
ISBN Number978-1-5386-1051-0
Keywordsapproximate method, balanced system behavior, Big Data, big data security in the cloud, cloud collusion, cloud computing, cloud parameter uncertainty, Collusion, cryptography, data access speed, data collusion, data security breaches, detection improvement, encryption data redundancy minimization, error correction accuracy, localization improvement, Metrics, modified threshold Asmuth-Bloom, optimistic system behavior, pessimistic system behavior, private key cryptography, pubcrawl, Redundancy, Redundant Residue Number System, Resiliency, Scalability, Secret key, secret sharing schemes, speed per price ratio, system behavior optimization, Uncertainty, uncertainty mitigation, weighted Mignotte secret sharing scheme

Cloud computing has become a part of people's lives. However, there are many unresolved problems with security of this technology. According to the assessment of international experts in the field of security, there are risks in the appearance of cloud collusion in uncertain conditions. To mitigate this type of uncertainty, and minimize data redundancy of encryption together with harms caused by cloud collusion, modified threshold Asmuth-Bloom and weighted Mignotte secret sharing schemes are used. We show that if the villains do know the secret parts, and/or do not know the secret key, they cannot recuperate the secret. If the attackers do not know the required number of secret parts but know the secret key, the probability that they obtain the secret depends the size of the machine word in bits that is less than 1/2(1-1). We demonstrate that the proposed scheme ensures security under several types of attacks. We propose four approaches to select weights for secret sharing schemes to optimize the system behavior based on data access speed: pessimistic, balanced, and optimistic, and on speed per price ratio. We use the approximate method to improve the detection, localization and error correction accuracy under cloud parameters uncertainty.

Citation Keytchernykh_towards_2017