In order to enhance the supply chain security at airports, the German federal ministry of education and research has initiated the project ESECLOG (enhanced security in the air cargo chain) which has the goal to improve the threat detection accuracy using one-sided access methods. In this paper, we present a new X-ray backscatter technology for non-intrusive imaging of suspicious objects (mainly low-Z explosives) in luggage's and parcels with only a single-sided access. A key element in this technology is the X-ray backscatter camera embedded with a special twisted-slit collimator. The developed technology has efficiently resolved the problem related to the imaging of complex interior of the object by fixing source and object positions and changing only the scanning direction of the X-ray backscatter camera. Experiments were carried out on luggages and parcels packed with mock-up dangerous materials including liquid and solid explosive simulants. In addition, the quality of the X-ray backscatter image was enhanced by employing high-resolution digital detector arrays. Experimental results are discussed and the efficiency of the present technique to detect suspicious objects in luggages and parcels is demonstrated. At the end, important applications of the proposed backscatter imaging technology to the aviation security are presented.
In this paper we present a framework for Quality of Information (QoI)-aware networking. QoI quantifies how useful a piece of information is for a given query or application. Herein, we present a general QoI model, as well as a specific example instantiation that carries throughout the rest of the paper. In this model, we focus on the tradeoffs between precision and accuracy. As a motivating example, we look at traffic video analysis. We present simple algorithms for deriving various traffic metrics from video, such as vehicle count and average speed. We implement these algorithms both on a desktop workstation and less-capable mobile device. We then show how QoI-awareness enables end devices to make intelligent decisions about how to process queries and form responses, such that huge bandwidth savings are realized.
Images acquired and processed in communication and multimedia systems are often noisy. Thus, pre-filtering is a typical stage to remove noise. At this stage, a special attention has to be paid to image visual quality. This paper analyzes denoising efficiency from the viewpoint of visual quality improvement using metrics that take into account human vision system (HVS). Specific features of the paper consist in, first, considering filters based on discrete cosine transform (DCT) and, second, analyzing the filter performance locally. Such an analysis is possible due to the structure and peculiarities of the metric PSNR-HVS-M. It is shown that a more advanced DCT-based filter BM3D outperforms a simpler (and faster) conventional DCT-based filter in locally active regions, i.e., neighborhoods of edges and small-sized objects. This conclusions allows accelerating BM3D filter and can be used in further improvement of the analyzed denoising techniques.
The main challenge of ultra-reliable machine-to-machine (M2M) control applications is to meet the stringent timing and reliability requirements of control systems, despite the adverse properties of wireless communication for delay and packet errors, and limited battery resources of the sensor nodes. Since the transmission delay and energy consumption of a sensor node are determined by the transmission power and rate of that sensor node and the concurrently transmitting nodes, the transmission schedule should be optimized jointly with the transmission power and rate of the sensor nodes. Previously, it has been shown that the optimization of power control and rate adaptation for each node subset can be separately formulated, solved and then used in the scheduling algorithm in the optimal solution of the joint optimization of power control, rate adaptation and scheduling problem. However, the power control and rate adaptation problem has been only formulated and solved for continuous rate transmission model, in which Shannon's capacity formulation for an Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) wireless channel is used in the calculation of the maximum achievable rate as a function of Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise Ratio (SINR). In this paper, we formulate the power control and rate adaptation problem with the objective of minimizing the time required for the concurrent transmission of a set of sensor nodes while satisfying their transmission delay, reliability and energy consumption requirements based on the more realistic discrete rate transmission model, in which only a finite set of transmit rates are supported. We propose a polynomial time algorithm to solve this problem and prove the optimality of the proposed algorithm. We then combine it with the previously proposed scheduling algorithms and demonstrate its close to optimal performance via extensive simulations.
In recent years, many researchers have focused on log-structured file systems (LFS), because it gracefully enhances the random write performance and efficiently resolves the consistency issue. However, the write policy of LFS can cause a file fragmentation problem, which degrades sequential read performance of the file system. In this paper, we analyze the relationship between file fragmentation and the sequential read performance, considering the characteristics of underlying storage devices. We also propose a novel file defragmentation scheme on LFS to effectively address the file fragmentation problem. Our scheme reorders the valid data blocks belonging to a victim segment based on the inode numbers during the cleaning process of LFS. In our experiments, our scheme eliminates file fragmentation by up to 98.5% when compared with traditional LFS.
Enormous amount of educational data has been accumulated through Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), as well as commercial and non-commercial learning platforms. This is in addition to the educational data released by US government since 2012 to facilitate disruption in education by making data freely available. The high volume, variety and velocity of collected data necessitate use of big data tools and storage systems such as distributed databases for storage and Apache Spark for analysis. This tutorial will introduce researchers and faculty to real-world applications involving data mining and predictive analytics in learning sciences. In addition, the tutorial will introduce statistics required to validate and accurately report results. Topics will cover how big data is being used to transform education. Specifically, we will demonstrate how exploratory data analysis, data mining, predictive analytics, machine learning, and visualization techniques are being applied to educational big data to improve learning and scale insights driven from millions of student's records. The tutorial will be held over a half day and will be hands on with pre-posted material. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of work, the tutorial appeals to researchers from a wide range of backgrounds including big data, predictive analytics, learning sciences, educational data mining, and in general, those interested in how big data analytics can transform learning. As a prerequisite, attendees are required to have familiarity with at least one programming language.
The deployment of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) in place of traditional communication facilities has helped in huge reduction in operating costs, as well as enabled adoption of next generation communication services-based IP. At the same time, cyber criminals have also started intercepting environment and creating challenges for law enforcement system in any Country. At this instant, we propose a framework for the forensic analysis of the VoIP traffic over the network. This includes identifying and analyzing of network patterns of VoIP- SIP which is used for the setting up a session for the communication, and VoIP-RTP which is used for sending the data. Our network forensic investigation framework also focus on developing an efficient packet reordering and reconstruction algorithm for tracing the malicious users involved in conversation. The proposed framework is based on network forensics which can be used for content level observation of VoIP and regenerate original malicious content or session between malicious users for their prosecution in the court.
In today's computerized and information-based society, individuals are constantly presented with vast amounts of text data, ranging from news articles, scientific publications, product reviews, to a wide range of textual information from social media. To extract value from these large, multi-domain pools of text, it is of great importance to gain an understanding of entities and their relationships. In this tutorial, we introduce data-driven methods to recognize typed entities of interest in massive, domain-specific text corpora. These methods can automatically identify token spans as entity mentions in documents and label their fine-grained types (e.g., people, product and food) in a scalable way. Since these methods do not rely on annotated data, predefined typing schema or hand-crafted features, they can be quickly adapted to a new domain, genre and language. We demonstrate on real datasets including various genres (e.g., news articles, discussion forum posts, and tweets), domains (general vs. bio-medical domains) and languages (e.g., English, Chinese, Arabic, and even low-resource languages like Hausa and Yoruba) how these typed entities aid in knowledge discovery and management.
We present an automatic method to build a layered vector graphics structure ready for animation from a clean-line vector drawing of an organic, smooth shape. Inspiring from 3D segmentation methods, we introduce a new metric computed on the medial axis of a region to identify and quantify the visual salience of a sub-region relative to the rest. This enables us to recursively separate each region into two closed sub-regions at the location of the most salient junction. The resulting structure, layered in depth, can be used to pose and animate the drawing using a regular 2D skeleton.
Wikidata is the new, large-scale knowledge base of the Wikimedia Foundation. Its knowledge is increasingly used within Wikipedia itself and various other kinds of information systems, imposing high demands on its integrity. Wikidata can be edited by anyone and, unfortunately, it frequently gets vandalized, exposing all information systems using it to the risk of spreading vandalized and falsified information. In this paper, we present a new machine learning-based approach to detect vandalism in Wikidata. We propose a set of 47 features that exploit both content and context information, and we report on 4 classifiers of increasing effectiveness tailored to this learning task. Our approach is evaluated on the recently published Wikidata Vandalism Corpus WDVC-2015 and it achieves an area under curve value of the receiver operating characteristic, ROC-AUC, of 0.991. It significantly outperforms the state of the art represented by the rule-based Wikidata Abuse Filter (0.865 ROC-AUC) and a prototypical vandalism detector recently introduced by Wikimedia within the Objective Revision Evaluation Service (0.859 ROC-AUC).
Many emerging applications, from domains such as healthcare and oil & gas, require several data processing systems for complex analytics. This demo paper showcases system, a framework that provides multi-platform task execution for such applications. It features a three-layer data processing abstraction and a new query optimization approach for multi-platform settings. We will demonstrate the strengths of system by using real-world scenarios from three different applications, namely, machine learning, data cleaning, and data fusion.
Smartphones nowadays are customized to help users with their daily tasks such as storing important data or making transactions through the internet. With the sensitivity of the data involved, authentication mechanism such as fixed-text password, PIN, or unlock patterns are used to safeguard these data against intruders. However, these mechanisms have the risk from security threats such as cracking or shoulder surfing. To enhance mobile and/or information security, this study aimed to develop a free-form handwriting gesture user authentication for smartphones. It also tried to discover the static and dynamic handwriting features that significantly influence the recognition of a legitimate user. The experiment was then conducted by asking thirty (30) individuals to draw or swipe using their fingertip their desired free-form security pattern ten (10) times. These patterns were then cleaned and processed, and extracted seven (7) static and eleven (11) dynamic handwriting features. By means of Neural Network classifier of the RapidMiner data mining tool, these features were used to develop, validate, and test a model for user authentication. The model showed a very promising recognition rate of 96.67%. The model is further tested through a prototype, and it still gave a very satisfactory result.
Despite the growing promotion of the “open data” movement, the collection, cleaning, management, interpretation, and dissemination of open data is laborious and cost intensive, particularly for non-profits with limited resources. In this paper, we describe how non-profit organizations (NPOs) use open data, building on prior literature that focuses on understanding challenges that NPOs face. Based on 15 interviews of staff from 10 NPOs, our results suggest that NPOs use data to develop narratives to build a case for support from grantors and other stakeholders. We then present empirical results based on the usage of a data portal we created, which suggests that technologies should be designed to not only make data accessible, but also to facilitate communication and support relationships between expert data analysts and NPOs.
NSTX used MDSplus extensively to record data, relay information and control data acquisition hardware. For NSTX-U the same functionality is expected as well as an expansion into the realm of securely maintaining parameters for machine protection. Specifically, we designed the Digital Coil Protection System (DCPS) to use MDSplus to manage our physical and electrical limit values and relay information about the state of our acquisition system to DCPS. Additionally, test and development systems need to use many of the same resources concurrently without causing interference with other critical systems. Further complications include providing access to critical, protected data without risking changes being made to it by unauthorized users or through unsupported or uncontrolled methods either maliciously or unintentionally. To achieve a level of confidence with an existing software system designed with minimal security controls, a number of changes to how MDSplus is used were designed and implemented. Trees would need to be verified and checked for changes before use. Concurrent creation of trees from vastly different use-cases and varying requirements would need to be supported. This paper will further discuss the impetus for developing such designs and the methods used to implement them.
Information Technology experts cite security and privacy concerns as the major challenges in the adoption of cloud computing. On Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) clouds, customers are faced with challenges of selecting service providers and evaluating security implementations based on their security needs and requirements. This study aims to enable cloud customers the ability to quantify their security requirements in order to identify critical areas in PaaS cloud architectures were security provisions offered by CSPs could be assessed. With the use of an adaptive security mapping matrix, the study uses a quantitative approach to presents findings of numeric data that shows critical architectures within the PaaS environment where security can be evaluated and security controls assessed to meet these security requirements. The matrix can be adapted across different types of PaaS cloud models based on individual security requirements and service level objectives identified by PaaS cloud customers.
Hash based biometric template protection schemes (BTPS), such as fuzzy commitment, fuzzy vault, and secure sketch, address the privacy leakage concern on the plain biometric template storage in a database through using cryptographic hash calculation for template verification. However, cryptographic hashes have only computational security whose being cracked shall leak the biometric feature in these BTPS; and furthermore, existing BTPS are rarely able to detect during a verification process whether a probe template has been leaked from the database or not (i.e., being used by an imposter or a genuine user). In this paper we tailor the "honeywords" idea, which was proposed to detect the hashed password cracking, to enable the detectability of biometric template database leakage. However, unlike passwords, biometric features encoded in a template cannot be renewed after being cracked and thus not straightforwardly able to be protected by the honeyword idea. To enable the honeyword idea on biometrics, diversifiability (and thus renewability) is required on the biometric features. We propose to use BTPS for his purpose in this paper and present a machine learning based protected template generation protocol to ensure the best anonymity of the generated sugar template (from a user's genuine biometric feature) among other honey ones (from synthesized biometric features).
Online Social Networks exploit a lightweight process to identify their users so as to facilitate their fast adoption. However, such convenience comes at the price of making legitimate users subject to different threats created by fake accounts. Therefore, there is a crucial need to empower users with tools helping them in assigning a level of trust to whomever they interact with. To cope with this issue, in this paper we introduce a novel model, DIVa, that leverages on mining techniques to find correlations among user profile attributes. These correlations are discovered not from user population as a whole, but from individual communities, where the correlations are more pronounced. DIVa exploits a decentralized learning approach and ensures privacy preservation as each node in the OSN independently processes its local data and is required to know only its direct neighbors. Extensive experiments using real-world OSN datasets show that DIVa is able to extract fine-grained community-aware correlations among profile attributes with average improvements up to 50% than the global approach.
This paper proposes a fast and robust procedure for sensing and reconstruction of sparse or compressible magnetic resonance images based on the compressive sampling theory. The algorithm starts with incoherent undersampling of the k-space data of the image using a random matrix. The undersampled data is sparsified using Haar transformation. The Haar transform coefficients of the k-space data are then reconstructed using the orthogonal matching Pursuit algorithm. The reconstructed coefficients are inverse transformed into k-space data and then into the image in spatial domain. Finally, a median filter is used to suppress the recovery noise artifacts. Experimental results show that the proposed procedure greatly reduces the image data acquisition time without significantly reducing the image quality. The results also show that the error in the reconstructed image is reduced by median filtering.
Content delivery such as P2P or video streaming generates the main part of the Internet traffic and Content Centric Network (CCN) appears as an appropriate architecture to satisfy the user needs. However, the lack of scalable routing scheme is one of the main obstacles that slows down a large deployment of CCN at an Internet-scale. In this paper we propose to use the Software-Defined Networking (SDN) paradigm to decouple data plane and control plane and present SRSC, a new routing scheme for CCN. Our solution is a clean-slate approach using only CCN messages and the SDN paradigm. We implemented our solution into the NS-3 simulator and perform simulations of our proposal. SRSC shows better performances than the flooding scheme used by default in CCN: it reduces the number of messages, while still improves CCN caching performances.
A fundamental drawback of current anomaly detection systems (ADSs) is the ability of a skilled attacker to evade detection. This is due to the flawed assumption that an attacker does not have any information about an ADS. Advanced persistent threats that are capable of monitoring network behavior can always estimate some information about ADSs which makes these ADSs susceptible to evasion attacks. Hence in this paper, we first assume the role of an attacker to launch evasion attacks on anomaly detection systems. We show that the ADSs can be completely paralyzed by parameter estimation attacks. We then present a mathematical model to measure evasion margin with the aim to understand the science of evasion due to ADS design. Finally, to minimize the evasion margin, we propose a key-based randomization scheme for existing ADSs and discuss its robustness against evasion attacks. Case studies are presented to illustrate the design methodology and extensive experimentation is performed to corroborate the results.
Data security has always been a major concern and a huge challenge for governments and individuals throughout the world since early times. Recent advances in technology, such as the introduction of cloud computing, make it even a bigger challenge to keep data secure. In parallel, high throughput mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets are designed to support these new technologies. The high throughput requires power-efficient designs to maintain the battery-life. In this paper, we propose a novel Joint Security and Advanced Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) Coding (JSALC) method. The JSALC is composed of two parts: the Joint Security and Advanced LDPC-based Encryption (JSALE) and the dual-step Secure LDPC code for Channel Coding (SLCC). The JSALE is obtained by interlacing Advanced Encryption System (AES)-like rounds and Quasi-Cyclic (QC)-LDPC rows into a single primitive. Both the JSALE code and the SLCC code share the same base quasi-cyclic parity check matrix (PCM) which retains the power efficiency compared to conventional systems. We show that the overall JSALC Frame-Error-Rate (FER) performance outperforms other cryptcoding methods by over 1.5 dB while maintaining the AES-128 security level. Moreover, the JSALC enables error resilience and has higher diffusion than AES-128.
Secret key establishment is considered to be one of the main challenging issues in cryptography. Many security algorithms are implemented in practice using complicated mathematical methods to exchange secret keys, but those methods are not desirable in power limited terminals such as cellular and sensor networks. In this paper, we propose a physical layer method for exchanging secret key bits in precoding based multi-input multi-output (MIMO) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. The proposed method uniquely relates the key bits to the indices of the precoding matrix used for MIMO channel precoding. The basic idea of the technique is to utilize a MIMO-OFDM precoding codebook. Comparative analysis with respect to the average number of mismatch bits, named key error rate (KER), shows an interesting lead for the new method relative to existing work. In addition, it will be shown that the proposed technique requires lower computation per byte per secret key.
Impedance control is a common framework for control of lower-limb prosthetic devices. This approach requires choosing many impedance controller parameters. In this paper, we show how to learn these parameters for lower-limb prostheses by observation of unimpaired human walkers. We validate our approach in simulation of a transfemoral amputee, and we demonstrate the performance of the learned parameters in a preliminary experiment with a lower-limb prosthetic device.
Using stolen or weak credentials to bypass authentication is one of the top 10 network threats, as shown in recent studies. Disguising as legitimate users, attackers use stealthy techniques such as rootkits and covert channels to gain persistent access to a target system. However, such attacks are often detected after the system misuse stage, i.e., the attackers have already executed attack payloads such as: i) stealing secrets, ii) tampering with system services, and ii) disrupting the availability of production services.
In this talk, we analyze a real-world credential stealing attack observed at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications. We show the disadvantages of traditional detection techniques such as signature-based and anomaly-based detection for such attacks. Our approach is a complement to existing detection techniques. We investigate the use of Probabilistic Graphical Model, specifically Factor Graphs, to integrate security logs from multiple sources for a more accurate detection. Finally, we propose a security testbed architecture to: i) simulate variants of known attacks that may happen in the future, ii) replay such attack variants in an isolated environment, and iii) collect and share security logs of such replays for the security research community.
Pesented at the Illinois Information Trust Institute Joint Trust and Security and Science of Security Seminar, May 3, 2016.
This talk will explore a scalable data analytics pipeline for real-time attack detection through the use of customized honeypots at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA). Attack detection tools are common and are constantly improving, but validating these tools is challenging. You must: (i) identify data (e.g., system-level events) that is essential for detecting attacks, (ii) extract this data from multiple data logs collected by runtime monitors, and (iii) present the data to the attack detection tools. On top of this, such an approach must scale with an ever-increasing amount of data, while allowing integration of new monitors and attack detection tools. All of these require an infrastructure to host and validate the developed tools before deployment into a production environment.
We will present a generalized architecture that aims for a real-time, scalable, and extensible pipeline that can be deployed in diverse infrastructures to validate arbitrary attack detection tools. To motivate our approach, we will show an example deployment of our pipeline based on open-sourced tools. The example deployment uses as its data sources: (i) a customized honeypot environment at NCSA and (ii) a container-based testbed infrastructure for interactive attack replay. Each of these data sources is equipped with network and host-based monitoring tools such as Bro (a network-based intrusion detection system) and OSSEC (a host-based intrusion detection system) to allow for the runtime collection of data on system/user behavior. Finally, we will present an attack detection tool that we developed and that we look to validate through our pipeline. In conclusion, the talk will discuss the challenges of transitioning attack detection from theory to practice and how the proposed data analytics pipeline can help that transition.
Presented at the Illinois Information Trust Institute Joint Trust and Security/Science of Security Seminar, October 6, 2016.
Presented at the NSA SoS Quarterly Lablet Meeting, October 2015.