Efficiently searchable and easily deployable encryption schemes enable an untrusted, legacy service such as a relational database engine to perform searches over encrypted data. The ease with which such schemes can be deployed on top of existing services makes them especially appealing in operational environments where encryption is needed but it is not feasible to replace large infrastructure components like databases or document management systems. Unfortunately all previously known approaches for efficiently searchable and easily deployable encryption are vulnerable to inference attacks where an adversary can use knowledge of the distribution of the data to recover the plaintext with high probability. We present a new efficiently searchable, easily deployable database encryption scheme that is provably secure against inference attacks even when used with real, low-entropy data. We implemented our constructions in Haskell and tested databases up to 10 million records showing our construction properly balances security, deployability and performance.
Software Defined Networking (SDN) technology increases the evolution of Internet and network development. SDN, with its logical centralization of controllers and global network overview changes the network's characteristics, on term of flexibility, availability and programmability. However, this development increased the network communication security challenges. To enhance the SDN security, we propose the BCFR solution to avoid false flow rules injection in SDN data layer devices. In this solution, we use the blockchain technology to provide the controller authentication and the integrity of the traffic flow circulated between the controller and the other network elements. This work is implemented using OpenStack platform and Onos controller. The evaluation results show the effectiveness of our proposal.
Formally verifying functional and security properties of a large-scale production operating system is highly desirable. However, it is challenging as such OSes are often written in multiple source languages that have no formal semantics - a prerequisite for formal reasoning. To avoid expensive formalization of the semantics of multiple high-level source languages, we present a lightweight and rigorous verification toolchain that verifies OS code at the binary level, targeting ARM machines. To reason about ARM instructions, we first translate the ARM Specification Language that describes the semantics of the ARMv8 ISA into the PVS7 theorem prover and verify the translation. We leverage the radare2 reverse engineering tool to decode ARM binaries into PVS7 and verify the translation. Our translation verification methodology is a lightweight formal validation technique that generates large-scale instruction emulation test lemmas whose proof obligations are automatically discharged. To demonstrate our verification methodology, we apply the technique on two OSes: Google's Zircon and a subset of Linux. We extract a set of 370 functions from these OSes, translate them into PVS7, and verify the correctness of the translation by automatically discharging hundreds of thousands of proof obligations and tests. This took 27.5 person-months to develop.
With the development of the Internet, the network attack technology has undergone tremendous changes. The forms of network attack and defense have also changed, which are features in attacks are becoming more diverse, attacks are more widespread and traditional security protection methods are invalid. In recent years, with the development of software defined security, network anomaly detection technology and big data technology, these challenges have been effectively addressed. This paper proposes a data-driven software defined security architecture with core features including data-driven orchestration engine, scalable network anomaly detection module and security data platform. Based on the construction of the analysis layer in the security data platform, real-time online detection of network data can be realized by integrating network anomaly detection module and security data platform under software defined security architecture. Then, data-driven security business orchestration can be realized to achieve efficient, real-time and dynamic response to detected anomalies. Meanwhile, this paper designs a deep learning-based HTTP anomaly detection algorithm module and integrates it with data-driven software defined security architecture so that demonstrating the flow of the whole system.
This article is devoted to the development of a platform for reliable storage of information on supplies based on blockchain technology. The article discusses the main approaches to the work of decentralized applications, as well as the main problems.
In the era of mass agriculture to keep up with the increasing demand for food production, advanced monitoring systems are required in order to handle several challenges such as perishable products, food waste, unpredictable supply variations and stringent food safety and sustainability requirements. The evolution of Internet of Things have provided means for collecting, processing, and communicating data associated with agricultural processes. This have opened several opportunities to sustain, improve productivity and reduce waste in every step in the food supply chain system. On the hand, this resulted in several new challenges, such as, the security of the data, recording and representation of data, providing real time control, reliability of the system, and dealing with big data. This paper proposes an architecture for security of big data in the agricultural supply chain management system. This can help in reducing food waste, increasing the reliability of the supply chain, and enhance the performance of the food supply chain system.
Fingerprinting the malware by its behavioural signature has been an attractive approach for malware detection due to the homogeneity of dynamic execution patterns across different variants of similar families. Although previous researches show reasonably good performance in dynamic detection using machine learning techniques on a large corpus of training set, decisions must be undertaken based upon a scarce number of observable samples in many practical defence scenarios. This paper demonstrates the effectiveness of generative adversarial autoencoder for dynamic malware detection under outbreak situations where in most cases a single sample is available for training the machine learning algorithm to detect similar samples that are in the wild.
At the time of more and more devices being connected to the internet, personal and sensitive information is going around the network more than ever. Thus, security and privacy regarding IoT communications, devices, and data are a concern due to the diversity of the devices and protocols used. Since traditional security mechanisms cannot always be adequate due to the heterogeneity and resource limitations of IoT devices, we conclude that there are still several improvements to be made to the 2nd line of defense mechanisms like Intrusion Detection Systems. Using a collection of IP flows, we can monitor the network and identify properties of the data that goes in and out. Since network flows collection have a smaller footprint than packet capturing, it makes it a better choice towards the Internet of Things networks. This paper aims to study IP flow properties of certain network attacks, with the goal of identifying an attack signature only by observing those properties.
Signature-based Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are a key component in the cybersecurity defense strategy for any network being monitored. In order to improve the efficiency of the intrusion detection system and the corresponding mitigation action, it is important to address the problem of false alarms. In this paper, we present a comparative analysis of two approaches that consider the false alarm minimization and alarm correlation techniques. The output of this analysis provides us the elements to propose a parallelizable strategy designed to achieve better results in terms of precision, recall and alarm load reduction in the prioritization of alarms. We use Prelude SIEM as the event normalizer in order to process security events from heterogeneous sensors and to correlate them. The alarms are verified using the dynamic network context information collected from the vulnerability analysis, and they are prioritized using the HP Arsight priority formula. The results show an important reduction in the volume of alerts, together with a high precision in the identification of false alarms.
The smart grid aims to improve the efficiency, reliability and safety of the electric system via modern communication system, it's necessary to utilize cloud computing to process and store the data. In fact, it's a promising paradigm to integrate smart grid into cloud computing. However, access to cloud computing system also brings data security issues. This paper focuses on the protection of user privacy in smart meter system based on data combination privacy and trusted third party. The paper demonstrates the security issues for smart grid communication system and cloud computing respectively, and illustrates the security issues for the integration. And we introduce data chunk storage and chunk relationship confusion to protect user privacy. We also propose a chunk information list system for inserting and searching data.
This paper proposes a lightweight and privacy-preserving data aggregation scheme for dynamic electricity pricing based billing in smart grids using the concept of single-pass authenticated encryption (AE). Unlike existing literature that only considers static pricing, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper to address privacy under dynamic pricing.
Cloud Management Platforms (CMP) have been developed in recent years to set up cloud computing architecture. Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) is a cloud-delivered model designed by the provider to gather a set of IT resources which are furnished as services for user Virtual Machine Image (VMI) provisioning and management. Openstack is one of the most useful CMP which has been developed for industry and academic researches to simulate IaaS classical processes such as launch and store user VMI instance. In this paper, the main purpose is to adopt a security policy for a secure launch user VMI across a trust cloud environment founded on a combination of enhanced TPM remote attestation and cryptographic techniques to ensure confidentiality and integrity of user VMI requirements.