Visible to the public Openstack: Launch a Secure User Virtual Machine Image into a Trust Public Cloud IaaS Environment

TitleOpenstack: Launch a Secure User Virtual Machine Image into a Trust Public Cloud IaaS Environment
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsEl Balmany, Chawki, Asimi, Ahmed, Tbatou, Zakariae, Asimi, Younes, Guezzaz, Azidine
Conference Name2019 4th World Conference on Complex Systems (WCCS)
Date Publishedapr
ISBN Number978-1-7281-1232-9
Keywordscloud computing, cloud computing architecture, Cloud Management Platforms, cloud-delivered model, CMP, Computational modeling, Computer architecture, confidentiality, cryptographic techniques, cryptography, cryptology, enhanced TPM remote attestation, Human Behavior, IaaS, IaaS classical processes, infrastructure-as-a-service, Launch, Metrics, openstack, policy-based governance, pubcrawl, Resiliency, Scalability, secure launch user VMI, secure user virtual machine image, security, security policy, Software, TPM, trust cloud environment, trust public cloud IaaS environment, Trusted Computing, user VMI requirements, virtual machine security, virtual machines, Virtual machining, VMI

Cloud Management Platforms (CMP) have been developed in recent years to set up cloud computing architecture. Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) is a cloud-delivered model designed by the provider to gather a set of IT resources which are furnished as services for user Virtual Machine Image (VMI) provisioning and management. Openstack is one of the most useful CMP which has been developed for industry and academic researches to simulate IaaS classical processes such as launch and store user VMI instance. In this paper, the main purpose is to adopt a security policy for a secure launch user VMI across a trust cloud environment founded on a combination of enhanced TPM remote attestation and cryptographic techniques to ensure confidentiality and integrity of user VMI requirements.

Citation Keyel_balmany_openstack_2019