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Kusrini, Elisa, Anggarani, Iga, Praditya, Tifa Ayu.  2021.  Analysis of Supply Chain Security Management Systems Based on ISO 28001: 2007: Case Study Leather Factory in Indonesia. 2021 IEEE 8th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications (ICIEA). :471—477.
The international Supply Chains (SC) have expanded rapidly over the decades and also consist of many entities and business partners. The increasing complexity of supply chain makes it more vulnerable to a security threat. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate security management systems to ensure the flow of goods in SC. In this paper we used international standards to assess the security of the company's supply chain compliance with ISO 28001. Supply chain security that needs to be assessed includes all inbound logistics activities to outbound logistics. The aim of this research is to analyse the security management system by identifying security threat, consequences, and likelihood to develop adequate countermeasures for the security of the company's supply chain. Security risk assessment was done using methodology compliance with ISO 28001 which are identify scope of security assessment, conduct security assessment, list applicable threat scenario, determine consequences, determine likelihood, determine risk score, risk evaluation using risk matrix, determine counter measures, and estimation of risk matrix after countermeasures. This research conducted in one of the leather factory in Indonesia. In this research we divided security threat into five category: asset security, personnel security, information security, goods and conveyance security, and closed cargo transport units. The security assessment was conducted by considering the performance review according to ISO 28001: 2007 and the results show that there are 22 security threat scenarios in the company's supply chain. Based upon a system of priorities by risk score, countermeasures are designed to reduce the threat into acceptable level.
Mostafa, Abdelrahman Ibrahim, Rashed, Abdelrahman Mostafa, Alsherif, Yasmin Ashraf, Enien, Yomna Nagah, Kaoud, Menatalla, Mohib, Ahmed.  2021.  Supply Chain Risk Assessment Using Fuzzy Logic. 2021 3rd Novel Intelligent and Leading Emerging Sciences Conference (NILES). :246—251.
Business's strength arises from the strength of its supply chain. Therefore, a proper supply chain management is vital for business continuity. One of the most challenging parts of SCM is the contract negotiation, and one main aspect of the negotiation is to know the risk associated with each range of quantity agreed on. Currently Managers assess the quantity to be supplied based on a binary way of either full or 0 supply, This paper aims to assess the corresponding quantities risks of the suppliers on a multilayer basis. The proposed approach uses fuzzy logic as an artificial intelligence tool that would develop the verbal terms of managers into numbers to be dealt with. A company that produces fresh frozen vegetables and fruits in Egypt who faces the problem of getting the required quantities from the suppliers with a fulfilment rate of 33% was chosen to apply the proposed model. The model allowed the managers to have full view of risk in their supply chain effectively and decide their needed capacity as well as the negotiation terms with both suppliers and customers. Future work should be the use of more data in the fuzzy database and implement the proposed methodology in an another industry.
Kieras, Timothy, Farooq, Muhammad Junaid, Zhu, Quanyan.  2020.  RIoTS: Risk Analysis of IoT Supply Chain Threats. 2020 IEEE 6th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT). :1—6.
Securing the supply chain of information and communications technology (ICT) has recently emerged as a critical concern for national security and integrity. With the proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and their increasing role in controlling real world infrastructure, there is a need to analyze risks in networked systems beyond established security analyses. Existing methods in literature typically leverage attack and fault trees to analyze malicious activity and its impact. In this paper, we develop RIoTS, a security risk assessment framework borrowing from system reliability theory to incorporate the supply chain. We also analyze the impact of grouping within suppliers that may pose hidden risks to the systems from malicious supply chain actors. The results show that the proposed analysis is able to reveal hidden threats posed to the IoT ecosystem from potential supplier collusion.
Hong, TingYi, Kolios, Athanasios.  2020.  A Framework for Risk Management of Large-Scale Organisation Supply Chains. 2020 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Application (DASA). :948—953.
This paper establishes a novel approach to supply chain risk management (SCRM), through establishing a risk assessment framework addressing the importance of SCRM and supply chain visibility (SCV). Through a quantitative assessment and empirical evidence, the paper also discusses the specific risks within the manufacturing industry. Based on survey data collected and a case study from Asia, the paper finds that supplier delays and poor product quality can be considered as prevailing risks relevant to the manufacturing industry. However, as supply chain risks are inter-related, one must increase supply chain visibility to fully consider risk causes that ultimately lead to the risk effects. The framework established can be applied to different industries with the view to inform organisations on prevailing risks and prompt motivate improvement in supply chain visibility, thereby, modify risk management strategies. Through suggesting possible risk sources, organisations can adopt proactive risk mitigation strategies so as to more efficiently manage their exposure.
Pranesh, S.A., Kannan V., Vignesh, Viswanathan, N., Vijayalakshmi, M..  2020.  Design and Analysis of Incentive Mechanism for Ethereum-based Supply Chain Management Systems. 2020 11th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT). :1—6.
Blockchain is becoming more popular because of its decentralized, secured, and transparent nature. Supply chain and its management is indispensable to improve customer services, reduce operating costs and improve financial position of a firm. Integration of blockchain and supply chain is substantial, but it alone is not enough for the sustainability of supply chain systems. The proposed mechanism speaks about the method of rewarding the supply chain parties with incentives so as to improve the security and make the integration of supply chain with blockchain sustainable. The proposed incentive mechanism employs the co-operative approach of game theory where all the supply chain parties show a cooperative behavior of following the blockchain-based supply chain protocols and also this mechanism makes a fair attempt in rewarding the supply chain parties with incentives.
Kirillova, Elena A., Shavaev, Azamat A., Wenqi, Xi, Huiting, Guo, Suyu, Wang.  2020.  Information Security of Logistics Services. 2020 International Conference Quality Management, Transport and Information Security, Information Technologies (IT&QM&IS). :103—106.

Information security of logistics services. Information security of logistics services is understood as a complex activity aimed at using information and means of its processing in order to increase the level of protection and normal functioning of the object's information environment. At the same time the main recommendations for ensuring information security of logistics processes include: logistics support of processes for ensuring the security of information flows of the enterprise; assessment of the quality and reliability of elements, reliability and efficiency of obtaining information about the state of logistics processes. However, it is possible to assess the level of information security within the organization's controlled part of the supply chain through levels and indicators. In this case, there are four levels and elements of information security of supply chains.

Kieras, Timothy, Farooq, Muhammad Junaid, Zhu, Quanyan.  2020.  Modeling and Assessment of IoT Supply Chain Security Risks: The Role of Structural and Parametric Uncertainties. 2020 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW). :163—170.

Supply chain security threats pose new challenges to security risk modeling techniques for complex ICT systems such as the IoT. With established techniques drawn from attack trees and reliability analysis providing needed points of reference, graph-based analysis can provide a framework for considering the role of suppliers in such systems. We present such a framework here while highlighting the need for a component-centered model. Given resource limitations when applying this model to existing systems, we study various classes of uncertainties in model development, including structural uncertainties and uncertainties in the magnitude of estimated event probabilities. Using case studies, we find that structural uncertainties constitute a greater challenge to model utility and as such should receive particular attention. Best practices in the face of these uncertainties are proposed.

Khadhim, Ban Jawad, Kadhim, Qusay Kanaan, Khudhair, Wijdan Mahmood, Ghaidan, Marwa Hameed.  2021.  Virtualization in Mobile Cloud Computing for Augmented Reality Challenges. 2021 2nd Information Technology To Enhance e-learning and Other Application (IT-ELA). :113—118.
Mobile cloud computing has suggested as a viable technology as a result of the fast growth of mobile applications and the emergence of the cloud computing idea. Mobile cloud computing incorporates cloud computing into the mobile environment and addresses challenges in mobile cloud computing applications like (processing capacity, battery storage capacity, privacy, and security). We discuss the enabling technologies and obstacles that we will face when we transition from mobile computing to mobile cloud computing to develop next-generation mobile cloud applications. This paper provides an overview of the processes and open concerns for mobility in mobile cloud computing for augmented reality service provisioning. This paper outlines the concept, system architecture, and taxonomy of virtualization technology, as well as research concerns related to virtualization security, and suggests future study fields. Furthermore, we highlight open challenges to provide light on the future of mobile cloud computing and future development.
Khan, Aazar Imran, Jain, Samyak, Sharma, Purushottam, Deep, Vikas, Mehrotra, Deepti.  2021.  Stylometric Analysis of Writing Patterns Using Artificial Neural Networks. 2021 International Conference on Innovation and Intelligence for Informatics, Computing, and Technologies (3ICT). :29—35.
Plagiarism checkers have been widely used to verify the authenticity of dissertation/project submissions. However, when non-verbatim plagiarism or online examinations are considered, this practice is not the best solution. In this work, we propose a better authentication system for online examinations that analyses the submitted text's stylometry for a match of writing pattern of the author by whom the text was submitted. The writing pattern is analyzed over many indicators (i.e., features of one's writing style). This model extracts 27 such features and stores them as the writing pattern of an individual. Stylometric Analysis is a better approach to verify a document's authorship as it doesn't check for plagiarism, but verifies if the document was written by a particular individual and hence completely shuts down the possibility of using text-convertors or translators. This paper also includes a brief comparative analysis of some simpler algorithms for the same problem statement. These algorithms yield results that vary in precision and accuracy and hence plotting a conclusion from the comparison shows that the best bet to tackle this problem is through Artificial Neural Networks.
Muldoon, Connagh, Ikram, Ahsan, Khan Mirza, Qublai Ali.  2021.  Modern Stylometry: A Review & Experimentation with Machine Learning. 2021 8th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud). :293—298.
The problem of authorship attribution has applications from literary studies (such as the great Shakespeare/Marlowe debates) to counter-intelligence. The field of stylometry aims to offer quantitative results for authorship attribution. In this paper, we present a combination of stylometric techniques using machine learning. An implementation of the system is used to analyse chat logs and attempts to construct a stylometric model for users within the presented chat system. This allows for the authorship attribution of other works they may write under different names or within different communication systems. This implementation demonstrates accuracy of up to 84 % across the dataset, a full 34 % increase against a random-choice control baseline.
Doynikova, Elena V., Fedorchenko, Andrei V., Novikova, Evgenia S., U shakov, Igor A., Krasov, Andrey V..  2021.  Security Decision Support in the Control Systems based on Graph Models. 2021 IV International Conference on Control in Technical Systems (CTS). :224—227.
An effective response against information security violations in the technical systems remains relevant challenge nowadays, when their number, complexity, and the level of possible losses are growing. The violation can be caused by the set of the intruder's consistent actions. In the area of countermeasure selection for a proactive and reactive response against security violations, there are a large number of techniques. The techniques based on graph models seem to be promising. These models allow representing the set of actions caused the violation. Their advantages include the ability to forecast violations for timely decision-making on the countermeasures, as well as the ability to analyze and consider the coverage of countermeasures in terms of steps caused the violation. The paper proposes and describes a decision support method for responding against information security violations in the technical systems based on the graph models, as well as the developed models, including the countermeasure model and the graph representing the set of actions caused the information security violation.
Kreher, Seth E., Bauer, Bruno S., Klemmer, Aidan W., Rousculp, Christopher L., Starrett, Charles E..  2021.  The Surprising Role of Equation of State Models In Electrically Exploding Metal Rod MHD Simulations. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS). :1—1.
The fundamental limits of high-current conduction and response of metal conductors to large, fast current pulses are of interest to high-speed fuses, exploding wires and foils, and magnetically driven dynamic material property and inertial confinement fusion experiments. A collaboration between the University of Nevada, Reno, University of New Mexico, and Sandia National Laboratory has fielded an electrically thick (R 400-μm \textbackslashtextgreater skin-depth) cylindrical metal rod platform in a Z-pinch configuration driven by the Sandia 100-ns, 900-kA Mykonos linear transformer driver 1 . Photonic Doppler velocimetry (PDV) measuring the expansion velocity of the uncoated surface of aluminum rods 2 was used to benchmark equation of state (EOS) and electrical conductivity models used in magnetohydrodynamics simulations using the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) code FLAG 3 . The metal surface was found to expand along the liquid-vapor coexistence curve in density-temperature space for 90 ns of the rod’s expansion for both tabular EOSs with Van der Waals loops and with Maxwell constructions under the vapor dome. As the slope of the coexistence curve varies across EOS models, the metal surface in simulation was found to heat and expand at different rates depending on the model used. The expansion velocities associated with EOS models were then compared against the PDV data to validate the EOS used in simulations of similar systems. Here, the most recent aluminum EOS (SESAME 93722) 4 was found to drive a simulated velocity that best compared with the experimental data due to its relatively steep coexistence curve and high critical point.
Lewis, William E., Knapp, Patrick F., Slutz, Stephen A., Schmit, Paul F., Chandler, Gordon A., Gomez, Matthew R., Harvey-Thompson, Adam J., Mangan, Michael A., Ampleford, David J., Beckwith, Kristian.  2021.  Deep Learning Enabled Assessment of Magnetic Confinement in Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS). :1—1.
Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion (MagLIF) is a magneto-inertial fusion (MIF) concept being studied on the Z-machine at Sandia National Laboratories. MagLIF relies on quasi-adiabatic heating of a gaseous deuterium (DD) fuel and flux compression of a background axially oriented magnetic field to achieve fusion relevant plasma conditions. The magnetic flux per fuel radial extent determines the confinement of charged fusion products and is thus of fundamental interest in understanding MagLIF performance. It was recently shown that secondary DT neutron spectra and yields are sensitive to the magnetic field conditions within the fuel, and thus provide a means by which to characterize the magnetic confinement properties of the fuel. 1 , 2 , 3 We utilize an artificial neural network to surrogate the physics model of Refs. [1] , [2] , enabling Bayesian inference of the magnetic confinement parameter for a series of MagLIF experiments that systematically vary the laser preheat energy deposited in the target. This constitutes the first ever systematic experimental study of the magnetic confinement properties as a function of fundamental inputs on any neutron-producing MIF platform. We demonstrate that the fuel magnetization decreases with deposited preheat energy in a fashion consistent with Nernst advection of the magnetic field out of the hot fuel and diffusion into the target liner.
Nedosekin, Alexey O., Abdoulaeva, Zinaida I., Zhuk, Alexander E., Konnikov, Evgenii A..  2021.  Resilience Management of an Industrial Enterprise in the Face of Uncertainty. 2021 XXIV International Conference on Soft Computing and Measurements (SCM). :215—217.
Purpose: Determine the main theoretical aspects of managing the resilience of an industrial enterprise in conditions of uncertainty. Method: The static control methods include the technology of the matrix aggregate computer (MAC) and the R-lenses, and the dynamic control methods - the technology based on the 4x6 matrix model. All these methods are based on the results of the theory of fuzzy sets and soft computing. Result: A comparative analysis of the resilience of 82 largest industrial enterprises in five industry classes was carried out, R-lenses were constructed for these classes, and the main factors affecting the resilience of industrial companies were evaluated. Conclusions: The central problem points in assessing and ensuring the resilience of enterprises are: a) correct modeling of external disturbances; b) ensuring the statistical homogeneity of the source data array.
Sahoo, Siva Satyendra, Kumar, Akash, Decky, Martin, Wong, Samuel C.B., Merrett, Geoff V., Zhao, Yinyuan, Wang, Jiachen, Wang, Xiaohang, Singh, Amit Kumar.  2021.  Emergent Design Challenges for Embedded Systems and Paths Forward: Mixed-criticality, Energy, Reliability and Security Perspectives: Special Session Paper. 2021 International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis (CODES+ISSS). :1–10.
Modern embedded systems need to cater for several needs depending upon the application domain in which they are deployed. For example, mixed-critically needs to be considered for real-time and safety-critical systems and energy for battery-operated systems. At the same time, many of these systems demand for their reliability and security as well. With electronic systems being used for increasingly varying type of applications, novel challenges have emerged. For example, with the use of embedded systems in increasingly complex applications that execute tasks with varying priorities, mixed-criticality systems present unique challenges to designing reliable systems. The large design space involved in implementing cross-layer reliability in heterogeneous systems, particularly for mixed-critical systems, poses new research problems. Further, malicious security attacks on these systems pose additional extraordinary challenges in the system design. In this paper, we cover both the industry and academia perspectives of the challenges posed by these emergent aspects of system design towards designing highperformance, energy-efficient, reliable and/or secure embedded systems. We also provide our views on paths forward.
Kang, Dong Mug, Yoon, Sang Hun, Shin, Dae Kyo, Yoon, Young, Kim, Hyeon Min, Jang, Soo Hyun.  2021.  A Study on Attack Pattern Generation and Hybrid MR-IDS for In-Vehicle Network. 2021 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Information and Communication (ICAIIC). :291–294.
The CAN (Controller Area Network) bus, which transmits and receives ECU control information in vehicle, has a critical risk of external intrusion because there is no standardized security system. Recently, the need for IDS (Intrusion Detection System) to detect external intrusion of CAN bus is increasing, and high accuracy and real-time processing for intrusion detection are required. In this paper, we propose Hybrid MR (Machine learning and Ruleset) -IDS based on machine learning and ruleset to improve IDS performance. For high accuracy and detection rate, feature engineering was conducted based on the characteristics of the CAN bus, and the generated features were used in detection step. The proposed Hybrid MR-IDS can cope to various attack patterns that have not been learned in previous, as well as the learned attack patterns by using both advantages of rule set and machine learning. In addition, by collecting CAN data from an actual vehicle in driving and stop state, five attack scenarios including physical effects during all driving cycle are generated. Finally, the Hybrid MR-IDS proposed in this paper shows an average of 99% performance based on F1-score.
Frumin, Dan, Krebbers, Robbert, Birkedal, Lars.  2021.  Compositional Non-Interference for Fine-Grained Concurrent Programs. 2021 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP). :1416—1433.
Non-interference is a program property that ensures the absence of information leaks. In the context of programming languages, there exist two common approaches for establishing non-interference: type systems and program logics. Type systems provide strong automation (by means of type checking), but they are inherently restrictive in the kind of programs they support. Program logics support challenging programs, but they typically require significant human assistance, and cannot handle modules or higher-order programs.To connect these two approaches, we present SeLoC—a separation logic for non-interference, on top of which we build a type system using the technique of logical relations. By building a type system on top of separation logic, we can compositionally verify programs that consist of typed and untyped parts. The former parts are verified through type checking, while the latter parts are verified through manual proof.The core technical contribution of SeLoC is a relational form of weakest preconditions that can track information flow using separation logic resources. SeLoC is fully machine-checked, and built on top of the Iris framework for concurrent separation logic in Coq. The integration with Iris provides seamless support for fine-grained concurrency, which was beyond the reach of prior type systems and program logics for non-interference.
Hafidi, Hossem Eddine, Hmidi, Zohra, Kahloul, Laid, Benharzallah, Saber.  2021.  Formal Specification and Verification of 5G Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol using mCRL2. 2021 International Conference on Networking and Advanced Systems (ICNAS). :1—6.
The fifth-generation (5G) standard is the last telecommunication technology, widely considered to have the most important characteristics in the future network industry. The 5G system infrastructure contains three principle interfaces, each one follows a set of protocols defined by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project group (3GPP). For the next generation network, 3GPP specified two authentication methods systematized in two protocols namely 5G Authentication and Key Agreement (5G-AKA) and Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP). Such protocols are provided to ensure the authentication between system entities. These two protocols are critical systems, thus their reliability and correctness must be guaranteed. In this paper, we aim to formally re-examine 5G-AKA protocol using micro Common Representation Language 2 (mCRL2) language to verify such a security protocol. The mCRL2 language and its associated toolset are formal tools used for modeling, validation, and verification of concurrent systems and protocols. In this context, the authentication protocol 5G-AKA model is built using Algebra of Communication Processes (ACP), its properties are specified using Modal mu-Calculus and the properties analysis exploits Model-Checker provided with mCRL2. Indeed, we propose a new mCRL2 model of 3GPP specification considering 5G-AKA protocol and we specify some properties that describe necessary requirements to evaluate the correctness of the protocol where the parsed properties of Deadlock Freedom, Reachability, Liveness and Safety are positively assessed.
Ke, Jie, Mo, Jingrong.  2021.  Design and Implementation of Task Driven Communication System with Multi-user Authority. 2021 6th International Conference on Smart Grid and Electrical Automation (ICSGEA). :375—377.
In order to solve the problem of data analysis and application caused by the inefficient integration of hardware and software compatibility of hardware in the Internet of things, this paper proposes and designs a C/S framework communication system based on task driven and multi-user authority. By redefining the relationship between users and hardware and adopting the matching framework for different modules, the system realizes the high concurrent and complex data efficient collaborative processing between software and hardware. Finally, by testing and verifying the functions of the system, the communication system effectively realizes the functions of data processing between software and hardware, and achieves the expected results.
Khadarvali, S., Madhusudhan, V., Kiranmayi, R..  2021.  Load Frequency Control of Two Area System with Security Attack and Game Theory Based Defender Action Using ALO Tuned Integral Controller. 2021 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Applications (ICCICA). :1—5.

Cyber-attacks in electrical power system causes serious damages causing breakdown of few equipment to shutdown of the complete power system. Game theory is used as a tool to detect the cyber-attack in the power system recently. Interaction between the attackers and the defenders which is the inherent nature of the game theory is exploited to detect the cyber-attack in the power system. This paper implements the cyber-attack detection on a two-area power system controlled using the Load Frequency controller. Ant Lion Optimization is used to tune the integral controller applied in the Load Frequency Controller. Cyber-attacks that include constant injection, bias injection, overcompensation, and negative compensation are tested on the Game theory-based attack detection algorithm proposed. It is considered that the smart meters are attacked with the attacks by manipulating the original data in the power system. MATLAB based implementation is developed and observed that the defender action is satisfactory in the two-area system considered. Tuning of integral controller in the Load Frequency controller in the two-area system is also observed to be effective.

Basumatary, Basundhara, Kumar, Chandan, Yadav, Dilip Kumar.  2021.  Security Risk Assessment of Information Systems in an Indeterminate Environment. 2021 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering (Confluence). :82—87.

The contemporary struggle that rests upon security risk assessment of Information Systems is its feasibility in the presence of an indeterminate environment when information is insufficient, conflicting, generic or ambiguous. But as pointed out by the security experts, most of the traditional approaches to risk assessment of information systems security are no longer practicable as they fail to deliver viable support on handling uncertainty. Therefore, to address this issue, we have anticipated a comprehensive risk assessment model based on Bayesian Belief Network (BBN) and Fuzzy Inference Scheme (FIS) process to function in an indeterminate environment. The proposed model is demonstrated and further comparisons are made on the test results to validate the reliability of the proposed model.

VanYe, Christopher M., Li, Beatrice E., Koch, Andrew T., Luu, Mai N., Adekunle, Rahman O., Moghadasi, Negin, Collier, Zachary A., Polmateer, Thomas L., Barnes, David, Slutzky, David et al..  2021.  Trust and Security of Embedded Smart Devices in Advanced Logistics Systems. 2021 Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium (SIEDS). :1—6.

This paper addresses security and risk management of hardware and embedded systems across several applications. There are three companies involved in the research. First is an energy technology company that aims to leverage electric- vehicle batteries through vehicle to grid (V2G) services in order to provide energy storage for electric grids. Second is a defense contracting company that provides acquisition support for the DOD's conventional prompt global strike program (CPGS). These systems need protections in their production and supply chains, as well as throughout their system life cycles. Third is a company that deals with trust and security in advanced logistics systems generally. The rise of interconnected devices has led to growth in systems security issues such as privacy, authentication, and secure storage of data. A risk analysis via scenario-based preferences is aided by a literature review and industry experts. The analysis is divided into various sections of Criteria, Initiatives, C-I Assessment, Emergent Conditions (EC), Criteria-Scenario (C-S) relevance and EC Grouping. System success criteria, research initiatives, and risks to the system are compiled. In the C-I Assessment, a rating is assigned to signify the degree to which criteria are addressed by initiatives, including research and development, government programs, industry resources, security countermeasures, education and training, etc. To understand risks of emergent conditions, a list of Potential Scenarios is developed across innovations, environments, missions, populations and workforce behaviors, obsolescence, adversaries, etc. The C-S Relevance rates how the scenarios affect the relevance of the success criteria, including cost, schedule, security, return on investment, and cascading effects. The Emergent Condition Grouping (ECG) collates the emergent conditions with the scenarios. The generated results focus on ranking Initiatives based on their ability to negate the effects of Emergent Conditions, as well as producing a disruption score to compare a Potential Scenario's impacts to the ranking of Initiatives. The results presented in this paper are applicable to the testing and evaluation of security and risk for a variety of embedded smart devices and should be of interest to developers, owners, and operators of critical infrastructure systems.

LaMar, Suzanna, Gosselin, Jordan J, Caceres, Ivan, Kapple, Sarah, Jayasumana, Anura.  2021.  Congestion Aware Intent-Based Routing using Graph Neural Networks for Improved Quality of Experience in Heterogeneous Networks. MILCOM 2021 - 2021 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). :477—481.
Making use of spectrally diverse communications links to re-route traffic in response to dynamic environments to manage network bottlenecks has become essential in order to guarantee message delivery across heterogeneous networks. We propose an innovative, proactive Congestion Aware Intent-Based Routing (CONAIR) architecture that can select among available communication link resources based on quality of service (QoS) metrics to support continuous information exchange between networked participants. The CONAIR architecture utilizes a Network Controller (NC) and artificial intelligence (AI) to re-route traffic based on traffic priority, fundamental to increasing end user quality of experience (QoE) and mission effectiveness. The CONAIR architecture provides network behavior prediction, and can mitigate congestion prior to its occurrence unlike traditional static routing techniques, e.g. Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), which are prone to congestion due to infrequent routing table updates. Modeling and simulation (M&S) was performed on a multi-hop network in order to characterize the resiliency and scalability benefits of CONAIR over OSPF routing-based frameworks. Results demonstrate that for varying traffic profiles, packet loss and end-to-end latency is minimized.
Saquib, Nazmus, Krintz, Chandra, Wolski, Rich.  2021.  PEDaLS: Persisting Versioned Data Structures. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E). :179—190.
In this paper, we investigate how to automatically persist versioned data structures in distributed settings (e.g. cloud + edge) using append-only storage. By doing so, we facilitate resiliency by enabling program state to survive program activations and termination, and program-level data structures and their version information to be accessed programmatically by multiple clients (for replay, provenance tracking, debugging, and coordination avoidance, and more). These features are useful in distributed, failure-prone contexts such as those for heterogeneous and pervasive Internet of Things (IoT) deployments. We prototype our approach within an open-source, distributed operating system for IoT. Our results show that it is possible to achieve algorithmic complexities similar to those of in-memory versioning but in a distributed setting.
Siu, Jun Yen, Kumar, Nishant, Panda, Sanjib Kumar.  2021.  Attack Detection and Mitigation using Multi-Agent System in the Deregulated Market. 2021 IEEE 12th Energy Conversion Congress & Exposition - Asia (ECCE-Asia). :821—826.
Over the past decade, cyber-attack events on the electricity grid are on the rise and have proven to result in severe consequences in grid operation. These attacks are becoming more intelligent and can bypass existing protection protocols, resulting in economic losses due to system operating in a falsified and non-optimal condition over a prolonged period. Hence, it is crucial to develop defense tools to detect and mitigate the attack to minimize the cost of malicious operation. This paper aims to develop a novel command verification strategy to detect and mitigate False Data Injection Attacks (FDIAs) targeting the system centralized Economic Dispatch (ED) control signals. Firstly, we describe the ED problem in Singapore's deregulated market. We then perform a risk assessment and formulate two FDIA vectors - Man in the Middle (MITM) and Stealth attack on the ED control process. Subsequently, we propose a novel verification technique based on Multi-Agent System (MAS) to validate the control commands. This algorithm has been tested on the IEEE 6-Bus 3-generator test system, and experimental results verified that the proposed algorithm can detect and mitigate the FDIA vectors.