Khan, Rafiullah, McLaughlin, Kieran, Kang, BooJoong, Laverty, David, Sezer, Sakir.
A Novel Edge Security Gateway for End-to-End Protection in Industrial Internet of Things. 2021 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM). :1—5.
Many critical industrial control systems integrate a mixture of state-of-the-art and legacy equipment. Legacy installations lack advanced, and often even basic security features, risking entire system security. Existing research primarily focuses on the development of secure protocols for emerging devices or protocol translation proxies for legacy equipment. However, a robust security framework not only needs encryption but also mechanisms to prevent reconnaissance and unauthorized access to industrial devices. This paper proposes a novel Edge Security Gateway (ESG) that provides both, communication and endpoint security. The ESG is based on double ratchet algorithm and encrypts every message with a different key. It manages the ongoing renewal of short-lived session keys and provides localized firewall protection to individual devices. The ESG is easily customizable for a wide range of industrial application. As a use case, this paper presents the design and validation for synchrophasor technology in smart grid. The ESG effectiveness is practically validated in detecting reconnaissance, manipulation, replay, and command injection attacks due to its perfect forward and backward secrecy properties.
Knesek, Kolten, Wlazlo, Patrick, Huang, Hao, Sahu, Abhijeet, Goulart, Ana, Davis, Kate.
Detecting Attacks on Synchrophasor Protocol Using Machine Learning Algorithms. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm). :102—107.
Phasor measurement units (PMUs) are used in power grids across North America to measure the amplitude, phase, and frequency of an alternating voltage or current. PMU's use the IEEE C37.118 protocol to send telemetry to phasor data collectors (PDC) and human machine interface (HMI) workstations in a control center. However, the C37.118 protocol utilizes the internet protocol stack without any authentication mechanism. This means that the protocol is vulnerable to false data injection (FDI) and false command injection (FCI). In order to study different scenarios in which C37.118 protocol's integrity and confidentiality can be compromised, we created a testbed that emulates a C37.118 communication network. In this testbed we conduct FCI and FDI attacks on real-time C37.118 data packets using a packet manipulation tool called Scapy. Using this platform, we generated C37.118 FCI and FDI datasets which are processed by multi-label machine learning classifier algorithms, such as Decision Tree (DT), k-Nearest Neighbor (kNN), and Naive Bayes (NB), to find out how effective machine learning can be at detecting such attacks. Our results show that the DT classifier had the best precision and recall rate.
Hakim, Mohammad Sadegh Seyyed, Karegar, Hossein Kazemi.
Detection of False Data Injection Attacks Using Cross Wavelet Transform and Machine Learning. 2021 11th Smart Grid Conference (SGC). :1—5.
Power grids are the most extensive man-made systems that are difficult to control and monitor. With the development of conventional power grids and moving toward smart grids, power systems have undergone vast changes since they use the Internet to transmit information and control commands to different parts of the power system. Due to the use of the Internet as a basic infrastructure for smart grids, attackers can sabotage the communication networks and alter the measurements. Due to the complexity of the smart grids, it is difficult for the network operator to detect such cyber-attacks. The attackers can implement the attack in a manner that conventional Bad Data detection (BDD) systems cannot detect since it may not violate the physical laws of the power system. This paper uses the cross wavelet transform (XWT) to detect stealth false data injections attacks (FDIAs) against state estimation (SE) systems. XWT can capture the coherency between measurements of adjacent buses and represent it in time and frequency space. Then, we train a machine learning classification algorithm to distinguish attacked measurements from normal measurements by applying a feature extraction technique.
Rai, Aditya, Miraz, MD. Mazharul Islam, Das, Deshbandhu, Kaur, Harpreet, Swati.
SQL Injection: Classification and Prevention. 2021 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management (ICIEM). :367—372.
With the world moving towards digitalization, more applications and servers are online hosted on the internet, more number of vulnerabilities came out which directly affects an individual and an organization financially and in terms of reputation too. Out of those many vulnerabilities such as Injection, Deserialization, Cross site scripting and more. Injection stand top as the most critical vulnerability found in the web application. Injection itself is a broad vulnerability as it further consists of SQL Injection, Command injection, LDAP Injection, No-SQL Injection etc. In this paper we have reviewed SQL Injection, different types of SQL injection attacks, their causes and remediation to comprehend this attack.
Aslanyan, Hayk, Arutunian, Mariam, Keropyan, Grigor, Kurmangaleev, Shamil, Vardanyan, Vahagn.
BinSide : Static Analysis Framework for Defects Detection in Binary Code. 2020 Ivannikov Memorial Workshop (IVMEM). :3–8.
Software developers make mistakes that can lead to failures of a software product. One approach to detect defects is static analysis: examine code without execution. Currently, various source code static analysis tools are widely used to detect defects. However, source code analysis is not enough. The reason for this is the use of third-party binary libraries, the unprovability of the correctness of all compiler optimizations. This paper introduces BinSide : binary static analysis framework for defects detection. It does interprocedural, context-sensitive and flow-sensitive analysis. The framework uses platform independent intermediate representation and provide opportunity to analyze various architectures binaries. The framework includes value analysis, reaching definition, taint analysis, freed memory analysis, constant folding, and constant propagation engines. It provides API (application programming interface) and can be used to develop new analyzers. Additionally, we used the API to develop checkers for classic buffer overflow, format string, command injection, double free and use after free defects detection.
Liu, Kui, Koyuncu, Anil, Kim, Dongsun, Bissyandè, Tegawende F..
AVATAR: Fixing Semantic Bugs with Fix Patterns of Static Analysis Violations. 2019 IEEE 26th International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER). :1–12.
Fix pattern-based patch generation is a promising direction in Automated Program Repair (APR). Notably, it has been demonstrated to produce more acceptable and correct patches than the patches obtained with mutation operators through genetic programming. The performance of pattern-based APR systems, however, depends on the fix ingredients mined from fix changes in development histories. Unfortunately, collecting a reliable set of bug fixes in repositories can be challenging. In this paper, we propose to investigate the possibility in an APR scenario of leveraging code changes that address violations by static bug detection tools. To that end, we build the AVATAR APR system, which exploits fix patterns of static analysis violations as ingredients for patch generation. Evaluated on the Defects4J benchmark, we show that, assuming a perfect localization of faults, AVATAR can generate correct patches to fix 34/39 bugs. We further find that AVATAR yields performance metrics that are comparable to that of the closely-related approaches in the literature. While AVATAR outperforms many of the state-of-the-art pattern-based APR systems, it is mostly complementary to current approaches. Overall, our study highlights the relevance of static bug finding tools as indirect contributors of fix ingredients for addressing code defects identified with functional test cases.
Khan, Muhammad Taimoor, Serpanos, Dimitrios, Shrobe, Howard.
Towards Scalable Security of Real-time Applications: A Formally Certified Approach. 2021 26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA ). :01—04.
In this paper, we present our ongoing work to develop an efficient and scalable verification method to achieve runtime security of real-time applications with strict performance requirements. The method allows to specify (functional and non-functional) behaviour of a real-time application and a set of known attacks/threats. The challenge here is to prove that the runtime application execution is at the same time (i) correct w.r.t. the functional specification and (ii) protected against the specified set of attacks, without violating any non-functional specification (e.g., real-time performance). To address the challenge, first we classify the set of attacks into computational, data integrity and communication attacks. Second, we decompose each class into its declarative properties and definitive properties. A declarative property specifies an attack as a one big-step relation between initial and final state without considering intermediate states, while a definitive property specifies an attack as a composition of many small-step relations considering all intermediate states between initial and final state. Semantically, the declarative property of an attack is equivalent to its corresponding definitive property. Based on the decomposition and the adequate specification of underlying runtime environment (e.g., compiler, processor and operating system), we prove rigorously that the application execution in a particular runtime environment is protected against declarative properties without violating runtime performance specification of the application. Furthermore, from the specification, we generate a security monitor that assures that the application execution is secure against each class of attacks at runtime without hindering real-time performance of the application.
Kafedziski, Venceslav.
Compressive Sampling Stepped Frequency GPR Using Probabilistic Structured Sparsity Models. 2021 15th International Conference on Advanced Technologies, Systems and Services in Telecommunications (℡SIKS). :139—144.
We investigate a compressive sampling (CS) stepped frequency ground penetrating radar for detection of underground objects, which uses Bayesian estimation and a probabilistic model for the target support. Due to the underground targets being sparse, the B-scan is a sparse image. Using the CS principle, the stepped frequency radar is implemented using a subset of random frequencies at each antenna position. For image reconstruction we use Markov Chain and Markov Random Field models for the target support in the B-scan, where we also estimate the model parameters using the Expectation Maximization algorithm. The approach is tested using Web radar data obtained by measuring the signal responses scattered off land mine targets in a laboratory experimental setup. Our approach results in improved performance compared to the standard denoising algorithm for image reconstruction.
Prasad Reddy, V H, Kishore Kumar, Puli.
Performance Comparison of Orthogonal Matching Pursuit and Novel Incremental Gaussian Elimination OMP Reconstruction Algorithms for Compressive Sensing. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Microwaves, Antennas, Communications and Electronic Systems (COMCAS). :367—372.
Compressive Sensing (CS) is a promising investigation field in the communication signal processing domain. It offers an advantage of compression while sampling; hence, data redundancy is reduced and improves sampled data transmission. Due to the acquisition of compressed samples, Analog to Digital Conversions (ADCs) performance also improved at ultra-high frequency communication applications. Several reconstruction algorithms existed to reconstruct the original signal with these sub-Nyquist samples. Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) falls under the category of greedy algorithms considered in this work. We implemented a compressively sensed sampling procedure using a Random Demodulator Analog-to-Information Converter (RD-AIC). And for CS reconstruction, we have considered OMP and novel Incremental Gaussian Elimination (IGE) OMP algorithms to reconstruct the original signal. Performance comparison between OMP and IGE OMP presented.
Kozhemyak, Olesya A., Stukach, Oleg V..
Reducing the Root-Mean-Square Error at Signal Restoration using Discrete and Random Changes in the Sampling Rate for the Compressed Sensing Problem. 2021 International Siberian Conference on Control and Communications (SIBCON). :1—3.
The data revolution will continue in the near future and move from centralized big data to "small" datasets. This trend stimulates the emergence not only new machine learning methods but algorithms for processing data at the point of their origin. So the Compressed Sensing Problem must be investigated in some technology fields that produce the data flow for decision making in real time. In the paper, we compare the random and constant frequency deviation and highlight some circumstances where advantages of the random deviation become more obvious. Also, we propose to use the differential transformations aimed to restore a signal form by discrets of the differential spectrum of the received signal. In some cases for the investigated model, this approach has an advantage in the compress of information.
Killedar, Vinayak, Pokala, Praveen Kumar, Sekhar Seelamantula, Chandra.
Sparsity Driven Latent Space Sampling for Generative Prior Based Compressive Sensing. ICASSP 2021 - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). :2895—2899.
We address the problem of recovering signals from compressed measurements based on generative priors. Recently, generative-model based compressive sensing (GMCS) methods have shown superior performance over traditional compressive sensing (CS) techniques in recovering signals from fewer measurements. However, it is possible to further improve the performance of GMCS by introducing controlled sparsity in the latent-space. We propose a proximal meta-learning (PML) algorithm to enforce sparsity in the latent-space while training the generator. Enforcing sparsity naturally leads to a union-of-submanifolds model in the solution space. The overall framework is named as sparsity driven latent space sampling (SDLSS). In addition, we derive the sample complexity bounds for the proposed model. Furthermore, we demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed framework over the state-of-the-art techniques with application to CS on standard datasets such as MNIST and CIFAR-10. In particular, we evaluate the performance of the proposed method as a function of the number of measurements and sparsity factor in the latent space using standard objective measures. Our findings show that the sparsity driven latent space sampling approach improves the accuracy and aids in faster recovery of the signal in GMCS.