Shabalin, A. M., Kaliberda, E. A..
Development of a Set of Procedures for Providing Remote Access to a Corporate Computer Network by means of the SSH Protocol (Using the Example of the CISCO IOS Operating System). 2021 Dynamics of Systems, Mechanisms and Machines (Dynamics). :1–5.
The paper proposes ways to solve the problem of secure remote access to telecommunications’ equipment. The purpose of the study is to develop a set of procedures to ensure secure interaction while working remotely with Cisco equipment using the SSH protocol. This set of measures is a complete list of measures which ensures security of remote connection to a corporate computer network using modern methods of cryptography and network administration technologies. It has been tested on the GNS3 software emulator and Cisco telecommunications equipment and provides a high level of confidentiality and integrity of remote connection to a corporate computer network. In addition, the study detects vulnerabilities in the IOS operating system while running SSH service and suggests methods for their elimination.
Robert Doebbert, Thomas, Krush, Dmytro, Cammin, Christoph, Jockram, Jonas, Heynicke, Ralf, Scholl, Gerd.
IO-Link Wireless Device Cryptographic Performance and Energy Efficiency. 2021 22nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT). 1:1106–1112.
In the context of the Industry 4.0 initiative, Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPS) or Cyber Manufacturing Systems (CMS) can be characterized as advanced networked mechatronic production systems gaining their added value by interaction with different systems using advanced communication technologies. Appropriate wired and wireless communication technologies and standards need to add timing in combination with security concepts to realize the potential improvements in the production process. One of these standards is IO-Link Wireless, which is used for sensor/actuator network operation. In this paper cryptographic performance and energy efficiency of an IO-Link Wireless Device are analyzed. The power consumption and the influence of the cryptographic operations on the trans-mission timing of the IO-Link Wireless protocol are exemplary measured employing a Phytec module based on a CC2650 system-on-chip (SoC) radio transceiver [2]. Confidentiality is considered in combination with the cryptographic performance as well as the energy efficiency. Different cryptographic algorithms are evaluated using the on chip hardware accelerator compared to a cryptographic software implementation.
Kim, Byoungkoo, Yoon, Seungyong, Kang, Yousung.
PUF-based IoT Device Authentication Scheme on IoT Open Platform. 2021 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). :1873–1875.
Recently, it is predicted that interworking between heterogeneous devices will be accelerated due to the openness of the IoT (Internet of Things) platform, but various security threats are also expected to increase. However, most IoT open platforms remain at the level that utilizes existing security technologies. Therefore, a more secure security technology is required to prevent illegal copying and leakage of important data through stealing, theft, and hacking of IoT devices. In addition, a technique capable of ensuring interoperability with existing standard technologies is required. This paper proposes an IoT device authentication method based on PUF (Physical Unclonable Function) that operates on an IoT open platform. By utilizing PUF technology, the proposed method can effectively respond to the threat of exposure of the authentication key of the existing IoT open platform. Above all, the proposed method can contribute to compatibility and interoperability with existing technologies by providing a device authentication method that can be effectively applied to the OCF Iotivity standard specification, which is a representative IoT open platform.
Kumar, Vinod, Jha, Rakesh Kumar, Jain, Sanjeev.
Security Issues in Narrowband-IoT: Towards Green Communication. 2021 International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS). :369–371.
In the security platform of Internet of Things (IoT), a licensed Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) technology, named Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT) is playing a vital role in transferring the information between objects. This technology is preferable for applications having a low data rate. As the number of subscribers increases, attack possibilities raise simultaneously. So securing the transmission between the objects becomes a big task. Bandwidth spoofing is one of the most sensitive attack that can be performed on the communication channel that lies between the access point and user equipment. This research proposal objective is to secure the system from the attack based on Unmanned Aerial vehicles (UAVs) enabled Small Cell Access (SCA) device which acts as an intruder between the user and valid SCA and investigating the scenario when any intruder device comes within the communication range of the NB-IoT enabled device. Here, this article also proposed a mathematical solution for the proposed scenario.
Kabulov, Anvar, Saymanov, Islambek, Yarashov, Inomjon, Muxammadiev, Firdavs.
Algorithmic method of security of the Internet of Things based on steganographic coding. 2021 IEEE International IOT, Electronics and Mechatronics Conference (IEMTRONICS). :1–5.
In the Internet of Things, it is more important than ever to effectively address the problem of secure transmission based on steganographic substitution by synthesizing digital sensor data. In this case, the degree to which the grayscale message is obscured is a necessary issue. To ensure information security in IoT systems, various methods are used and information security problems are solved to one degree or another. The article proposes a method and algorithm for a computer image in grayscale, in which the value of each pixel is one sample, representing the amount of light, carrying only information about the intensity. The proposed method in grayscale using steganographic coding provides a secure implementation of data transmission in the IoT system. Study results were analyzed using PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio).
Kirupanithi, D.Nancy, Antonidoss, A..
Self-Sovereign Identity creation on Blockchain using Identity based Encryption. 2021 5th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS). :299–304.
The blockchain technology evolution in recent times has a hopefulness regarding the impression of self-sovereign identity that has a significant effect on the method of interacting with each other with security over the network. The existing system is not complete and procedural. There arises a different idea of self-sovereign identity methodology. To develop to the possibility, it is necessary to guarantee a better understanding in a proper way. This paper has an in-depth analysis of the attributes of the self-sovereign identity and it affects over the laws of identity that are being explored. The Identity management system(IMS) with no centralized authority is proposed in maintaining the secrecy of records, where as traditional systems are replaced by blockchains and identities are generated cryptographically. This study enables sharing of user data on permissioned blockchain which uses identity-based encryption to maintain access control and data security.
Küpper, Axel.
Decentralized Identifiers and Self-Sovereign Identity - A New Identity Management for 6G Integration? : MobileCloud 2021 Invited Talk 2021 IEEE International Conference on Joint Cloud Computing (JCC). :71–71.
Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) and Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) are emerging decentralized identity solutions. DIDs allow legal entities like organizations to create and fully control their identifiers while building the necessary infrastructure for SSI, enabling entities like persons, organizations, or machines to fully control and own their digital identities without the involvement of an intermediate central authority. DIDs are identifiers that are used to reference entities unambiguously and, together with DID Documents stored in a verifiable data registry, establish a new, decentralized public-key infrastructure. An SSI-based digital identity may be composed of many different claims certified by an issuer. Examples are the identity holder’s name, age, gender, university degree, driving license, or other attributes. What makes SSI unique compared to other identity management solutions is that the users keep their digital identities in storage of their choice and thus determine their distribution and processing.With this privacy-by-design approach, the emergence of DIDs and SSI can shape the architecture of the future Internet and its applications, which will impact the future of mobile networks. While 5G networks are currently being rolled out, a discussion about the new capabilities of 6G networks, which are still in the distant future, has long since begun. In addition to even faster access, shorter delays, and new applications, features such as human-centricity, data protection, and privacy are being addressed in particular in the discussions. These latter points make DIDs, SSI, and related concepts and architectures promising candidates for 6G adoption.The talk gives a brief introduction to DIDs and SSI and then discusses the benefits and drawbacks the integration of these technologies into 6G may have. Furthermore, the talk identifies different use cases and identifies the system components and functions of cellular networks affected by a 6G integration.
Alom, Ifteher, Eshita, Romana Mahjabin, Ibna Harun, Anam, Ferdous, Md Sadek, Kamrul Bashar Shuhan, Mirza, Chowdhury, Mohammad Jabed M, Shahidur Rahman, Mohammad.
Dynamic Management of Identity Federations using Blockchain. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC). :1–9.
Federated Identity Management (FIM) is a model of identity management in which different trusted organizations can provide secure online services to their uses. Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is one of the widely-used technologies for FIM. However, a SAML-based FIM has two significant issues: the metadata (a crucial component in SAML) has security issues, and federation management is hard to scale. The concept of dynamic identity federation has been introduced, enabling previously unknown entities to join in a new federation facilitating inter-organization service provisioning to address federation management's scalability issue. However, the existing dynamic federation approaches have security issues concerning confidentiality, integrity, authenticity, and transparency. In this paper, we present the idea of facilitating dynamic identity federations utilizing blockchain technology to improve the existing approaches' security issues. We demonstrate its architecture based on a rigorous threat model and requirement analysis. We also discuss its implementation details, current protocol flows and analyze its performance to underline its applicability.
Kaneko, Tomoko, Yoshioka, Nobukazu, Sasaki, Ryoichi.
Cyber-Security Incident Analysis by Causal Analysis using System Theory (CAST). 2021 IEEE 21st International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion (QRS-C). :806–815.
STAMP (System Theoretic Accident Model and Processes) is one of the theories that has been attracting attention as a new safety analysis method for complex systems. CAST (Causal Analysis using System Theory) is a causal analysis method based on STAMP theory. The authors investigated an information security incident case, “AIST (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) report on unauthorized access to information systems,” and attempted accident analysis using CAST. We investigated whether CAST could be applied to the cyber security analysis. Since CAST is a safety accident analysis technique, this study was the first to apply CAST to cyber security incidents. Its effectiveness was confirmed from the viewpoint of the following three research questions. Q1:Features of CAST as an accident analysis method Q2:Applicability and impact on security accident analysis Q3:Understanding cyber security incidents with a five-layer model.