Akowuah, Francis, Kong, Fanxin.
Real-Time Adaptive Sensor Attack Detection in Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems. 2021 IEEE 27th Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS). :237—250.
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) tightly couple information technology with physical processes, which rises new vulnerabilities such as physical attacks that are beyond conventional cyber attacks. Attackers may non-invasively compromise sensors and spoof the controller to perform unsafe actions. This issue is even emphasized with the increasing autonomy in CPS. While this fact has motivated many defense mechanisms against sensor attacks, a clear vision on the timing and usability (or the false alarm rate) of attack detection still remains elusive. Existing works tend to pursue an unachievable goal of minimizing the detection delay and false alarm rate at the same time, while there is a clear trade-off between the two metrics. Instead, we argue that attack detection should bias different metrics when a system sits in different states. For example, if the system is close to unsafe states, reducing the detection delay is preferable to lowering the false alarm rate, and vice versa. To achieve this, we make the following contributions. In this paper, we propose a real-time adaptive sensor attack detection framework. The framework can dynamically adapt the detection delay and false alarm rate so as to meet a detection deadline and improve the usability according to different system status. The core component of this framework is an attack detector that identifies anomalies based on a CUSUM algorithm through monitoring the cumulative sum of difference (or residuals) between the nominal (predicted) and observed sensor values. We augment this algorithm with a drift parameter that can govern the detection delay and false alarm. The second component is a behavior predictor that estimates nominal sensor values fed to the core component for calculating the residuals. The predictor uses a deep learning model that is offline extracted from sensor data through leveraging convolutional neural network (CNN) and recurrent neural network (RNN). The model relies on little knowledge of the system (e.g., dynamics), but uncovers and exploits both the local and complex long-term dependencies in multivariate sequential sensor measurements. The third component is a drift adaptor that estimates a detection deadline and then determines the drift parameter fed to the detector component for adjusting the detection delay and false alarms. Finally, we implement the proposed framework and validate it using realistic sensor data of automotive CPS to demonstrate its efficiency and efficacy.
Kanca, Ali Melih, Sagiroglu, Seref.
Sharing Cyber Threat Intelligence and Collaboration. 2021 International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ISCTURKEY). :167—172.
With the developing technology, cyber threats are developing rapidly, and the motivations and targets of cyber attackers are changing. In order to combat these threats, cyber threat information that provides information about the threats and the characteristics of the attackers is needed. In addition, it is of great importance to cooperate with other stakeholders and share experiences so that more information about threat information can be obtained and necessary measures can be taken quickly. In this context, in this study, it is stated that the establishment of a cooperation mechanism in which cyber threat information is shared will contribute to the cyber security capacity of organizations. And using the Zack Information Gap analysis, the deficiency of organizations in sharing threat information were determined and suggestions were presented. In addition, there are cooperation mechanisms in the USA and the EU where cyber threat information is shared, and it has been evaluated that it would be beneficial to establish a similar mechanism in our country. Thus, it is evaluated that advanced or unpredictable cyber threats can be detected, the cyber security capacities of all stakeholders will increase and a safer cyber ecosystem will be created. In addition, it is possible to collect, store, distribute and share information about the analysis of cyber incidents and malware analysis, to improve existing cyber security products or to encourage new product development, by carrying out joint R&D studies among the stakeholders to ensure that domestic and national cyber security products can be developed. It is predicted that new analysis methods can be developed by using technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Bajard, Jean-Claude, Fukushima, Kazuhide, Kiyomoto, Shinsaku, Plantard, Thomas, Sipasseuth, Arnaud, Susilo, Willy.
Generating Residue Number System Bases. 2021 IEEE 28th Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (ARITH). :86—93.
Residue number systems provide efficient techniques for speeding up calculations and/or protecting against side channel attacks when used in the context of cryptographic engineering. One of the interests of such systems is their scalability, as the existence of large bases for some specialized systems is often an open question. In this paper, we present highly optimized methods for generating large bases for residue number systems and, in some cases, the largest possible bases. We show their efficiency by demonstrating their improvement over the state-of-the-art bases reported in the literature. This work make it possible to address the problem of the scalability issue of finding new bases for a specific system that arises whenever a parameter changes, and possibly open new application avenues.
Tekiner, Ege, Acar, Abbas, Uluagac, A. Selcuk, Kirda, Engin, Selcuk, Ali Aydin.
In-Browser Cryptomining for Good: An Untold Story. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Decentralized Applications and Infrastructures (DAPPS). :20—29.
In-browser cryptomining uses the computational power of a website's visitors to mine cryptocurrency, i.e., to create new coins. With the rise of ready-to-use mining scripts distributed by service providers (e.g., Coinhive), it has become trivial to turn a website into a cryptominer by copying and pasting the mining script. Both legitimate webpage owners who want to raise an extra revenue under users' explicit consent and malicious actors who wish to exploit the computational power of the users' computers without their consent have started to utilize this emerging paradigm of cryptocurrency operations. In-browser cryptomining, though mostly abused by malicious actors in practice, is indeed a promising funding model that can be utilized by website owners, publishers, or non-profit organizations for legitimate business purposes, such as to collect revenue or donations for humanitarian projects, inter alia. However, our analysis in this paper shows that in practice, regardless of their being legitimate or not, all in-browser mining scripts are treated the same as malicious cryptomining samples (aka cryptojacking) and blacklisted by browser extensions or antivirus programs. Indeed, there is a need for a better understanding of the in-browser cryptomining ecosystem. Hence, in this paper, we present an in-depth empirical analysis of in-browser cryptomining processes, focusing on the samples explicitly asking for user consent, which we call permissioned cryptomining. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study focusing on the permissioned cryptomining samples. For this, we created a dataset of 6269 unique web sites containing cryptomining scripts in their source codes to characterize the in-browser cryptomining ecosystem by differentiating permissioned and permissionless cryptomining samples. We believe that (1) this paper is the first attempt showing that permissioned in-browser cryptomining could be a legitimate and viable monetization tool if implemented responsibly and without interrupting the user, and (2) this paper will catalyze the widespread adoption of legitimate crvptominina with user consent and awareness.
Ivanov, Michael A., Kliuchnikova, Bogdana V., Chugunkov, Ilya V., Plaksina, Anna M..
Phishing Attacks and Protection Against Them. 2021 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ElConRus). :425—428.
Phishing, ransomware and cryptojacking are the main threats to cyber security in recent years. We consider the stages of phishing attacks, examples of such attacks, specifically, attacks using ransomware, malicious PDF files, and banking trojans. The article describes the specifics of phishing emails. Advices on phishing protection are given.
Tekiner, Ege, Acar, Abbas, Uluagac, A. Selcuk, Kirda, Engin, Selcuk, Ali Aydin.
SoK: Cryptojacking Malware. 2021 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P). :120—139.
Emerging blockchain and cryptocurrency-based technologies are redefining the way we conduct business in cyberspace. Today, a myriad of blockchain and cryp-tocurrency systems, applications, and technologies are widely available to companies, end-users, and even malicious actors who want to exploit the computational resources of regular users through cryptojacking malware. Especially with ready-to-use mining scripts easily provided by service providers (e.g., Coinhive) and untraceable cryptocurrencies (e.g., Monero), cryptojacking malware has become an indispensable tool for attackers. Indeed, the banking industry, major commercial websites, government and military servers (e.g., US Dept. of Defense), online video sharing platforms (e.g., Youtube), gaming platforms (e.g., Nintendo), critical infrastructure resources (e.g., routers), and even recently widely popular remote video conferencing/meeting programs (e.g., Zoom during the Covid-19 pandemic) have all been the victims of powerful cryptojacking malware campaigns. Nonetheless, existing detection methods such as browser extensions that protect users with blacklist methods or antivirus programs with different analysis methods can only provide a partial panacea to this emerging crypto-jacking issue as the attackers can easily bypass them by using obfuscation techniques or changing their domains or scripts frequently. Therefore, many studies in the literature proposed cryptojacking malware detection methods using various dynamic/behavioral features. However, the literature lacks a systemic study with a deep understanding of the emerging cryptojacking malware and a comprehensive review of studies in the literature. To fill this gap in the literature, in this SoK paper, we present a systematic overview of cryptojacking malware based on the information obtained from the combination of academic research papers, two large cryptojacking datasets of samples, and 45 major attack instances. Finally, we also present lessons learned and new research directions to help the research community in this emerging area.