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Akowuah, Francis, Kong, Fanxin.  2021.  Real-Time Adaptive Sensor Attack Detection in Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems. 2021 IEEE 27th Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS). :237—250.
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) tightly couple information technology with physical processes, which rises new vulnerabilities such as physical attacks that are beyond conventional cyber attacks. Attackers may non-invasively compromise sensors and spoof the controller to perform unsafe actions. This issue is even emphasized with the increasing autonomy in CPS. While this fact has motivated many defense mechanisms against sensor attacks, a clear vision on the timing and usability (or the false alarm rate) of attack detection still remains elusive. Existing works tend to pursue an unachievable goal of minimizing the detection delay and false alarm rate at the same time, while there is a clear trade-off between the two metrics. Instead, we argue that attack detection should bias different metrics when a system sits in different states. For example, if the system is close to unsafe states, reducing the detection delay is preferable to lowering the false alarm rate, and vice versa. To achieve this, we make the following contributions. In this paper, we propose a real-time adaptive sensor attack detection framework. The framework can dynamically adapt the detection delay and false alarm rate so as to meet a detection deadline and improve the usability according to different system status. The core component of this framework is an attack detector that identifies anomalies based on a CUSUM algorithm through monitoring the cumulative sum of difference (or residuals) between the nominal (predicted) and observed sensor values. We augment this algorithm with a drift parameter that can govern the detection delay and false alarm. The second component is a behavior predictor that estimates nominal sensor values fed to the core component for calculating the residuals. The predictor uses a deep learning model that is offline extracted from sensor data through leveraging convolutional neural network (CNN) and recurrent neural network (RNN). The model relies on little knowledge of the system (e.g., dynamics), but uncovers and exploits both the local and complex long-term dependencies in multivariate sequential sensor measurements. The third component is a drift adaptor that estimates a detection deadline and then determines the drift parameter fed to the detector component for adjusting the detection delay and false alarms. Finally, we implement the proposed framework and validate it using realistic sensor data of automotive CPS to demonstrate its efficiency and efficacy.
Kanca, Ali Melih, Sagiroglu, Seref.  2021.  Sharing Cyber Threat Intelligence and Collaboration. 2021 International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ISCTURKEY). :167—172.
With the developing technology, cyber threats are developing rapidly, and the motivations and targets of cyber attackers are changing. In order to combat these threats, cyber threat information that provides information about the threats and the characteristics of the attackers is needed. In addition, it is of great importance to cooperate with other stakeholders and share experiences so that more information about threat information can be obtained and necessary measures can be taken quickly. In this context, in this study, it is stated that the establishment of a cooperation mechanism in which cyber threat information is shared will contribute to the cyber security capacity of organizations. And using the Zack Information Gap analysis, the deficiency of organizations in sharing threat information were determined and suggestions were presented. In addition, there are cooperation mechanisms in the USA and the EU where cyber threat information is shared, and it has been evaluated that it would be beneficial to establish a similar mechanism in our country. Thus, it is evaluated that advanced or unpredictable cyber threats can be detected, the cyber security capacities of all stakeholders will increase and a safer cyber ecosystem will be created. In addition, it is possible to collect, store, distribute and share information about the analysis of cyber incidents and malware analysis, to improve existing cyber security products or to encourage new product development, by carrying out joint R&D studies among the stakeholders to ensure that domestic and national cyber security products can be developed. It is predicted that new analysis methods can be developed by using technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Bajard, Jean-Claude, Fukushima, Kazuhide, Kiyomoto, Shinsaku, Plantard, Thomas, Sipasseuth, Arnaud, Susilo, Willy.  2021.  Generating Residue Number System Bases. 2021 IEEE 28th Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (ARITH). :86—93.
Residue number systems provide efficient techniques for speeding up calculations and/or protecting against side channel attacks when used in the context of cryptographic engineering. One of the interests of such systems is their scalability, as the existence of large bases for some specialized systems is often an open question. In this paper, we present highly optimized methods for generating large bases for residue number systems and, in some cases, the largest possible bases. We show their efficiency by demonstrating their improvement over the state-of-the-art bases reported in the literature. This work make it possible to address the problem of the scalability issue of finding new bases for a specific system that arises whenever a parameter changes, and possibly open new application avenues.
Tekiner, Ege, Acar, Abbas, Uluagac, A. Selcuk, Kirda, Engin, Selcuk, Ali Aydin.  2021.  In-Browser Cryptomining for Good: An Untold Story. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Decentralized Applications and Infrastructures (DAPPS). :20—29.
In-browser cryptomining uses the computational power of a website's visitors to mine cryptocurrency, i.e., to create new coins. With the rise of ready-to-use mining scripts distributed by service providers (e.g., Coinhive), it has become trivial to turn a website into a cryptominer by copying and pasting the mining script. Both legitimate webpage owners who want to raise an extra revenue under users' explicit consent and malicious actors who wish to exploit the computational power of the users' computers without their consent have started to utilize this emerging paradigm of cryptocurrency operations. In-browser cryptomining, though mostly abused by malicious actors in practice, is indeed a promising funding model that can be utilized by website owners, publishers, or non-profit organizations for legitimate business purposes, such as to collect revenue or donations for humanitarian projects, inter alia. However, our analysis in this paper shows that in practice, regardless of their being legitimate or not, all in-browser mining scripts are treated the same as malicious cryptomining samples (aka cryptojacking) and blacklisted by browser extensions or antivirus programs. Indeed, there is a need for a better understanding of the in-browser cryptomining ecosystem. Hence, in this paper, we present an in-depth empirical analysis of in-browser cryptomining processes, focusing on the samples explicitly asking for user consent, which we call permissioned cryptomining. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study focusing on the permissioned cryptomining samples. For this, we created a dataset of 6269 unique web sites containing cryptomining scripts in their source codes to characterize the in-browser cryptomining ecosystem by differentiating permissioned and permissionless cryptomining samples. We believe that (1) this paper is the first attempt showing that permissioned in-browser cryptomining could be a legitimate and viable monetization tool if implemented responsibly and without interrupting the user, and (2) this paper will catalyze the widespread adoption of legitimate crvptominina with user consent and awareness.
Ivanov, Michael A., Kliuchnikova, Bogdana V., Chugunkov, Ilya V., Plaksina, Anna M..  2021.  Phishing Attacks and Protection Against Them. 2021 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ElConRus). :425—428.
Phishing, ransomware and cryptojacking are the main threats to cyber security in recent years. We consider the stages of phishing attacks, examples of such attacks, specifically, attacks using ransomware, malicious PDF files, and banking trojans. The article describes the specifics of phishing emails. Advices on phishing protection are given.
Tekiner, Ege, Acar, Abbas, Uluagac, A. Selcuk, Kirda, Engin, Selcuk, Ali Aydin.  2021.  SoK: Cryptojacking Malware. 2021 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P). :120—139.
Emerging blockchain and cryptocurrency-based technologies are redefining the way we conduct business in cyberspace. Today, a myriad of blockchain and cryp-tocurrency systems, applications, and technologies are widely available to companies, end-users, and even malicious actors who want to exploit the computational resources of regular users through cryptojacking malware. Especially with ready-to-use mining scripts easily provided by service providers (e.g., Coinhive) and untraceable cryptocurrencies (e.g., Monero), cryptojacking malware has become an indispensable tool for attackers. Indeed, the banking industry, major commercial websites, government and military servers (e.g., US Dept. of Defense), online video sharing platforms (e.g., Youtube), gaming platforms (e.g., Nintendo), critical infrastructure resources (e.g., routers), and even recently widely popular remote video conferencing/meeting programs (e.g., Zoom during the Covid-19 pandemic) have all been the victims of powerful cryptojacking malware campaigns. Nonetheless, existing detection methods such as browser extensions that protect users with blacklist methods or antivirus programs with different analysis methods can only provide a partial panacea to this emerging crypto-jacking issue as the attackers can easily bypass them by using obfuscation techniques or changing their domains or scripts frequently. Therefore, many studies in the literature proposed cryptojacking malware detection methods using various dynamic/behavioral features. However, the literature lacks a systemic study with a deep understanding of the emerging cryptojacking malware and a comprehensive review of studies in the literature. To fill this gap in the literature, in this SoK paper, we present a systematic overview of cryptojacking malware based on the information obtained from the combination of academic research papers, two large cryptojacking datasets of samples, and 45 major attack instances. Finally, we also present lessons learned and new research directions to help the research community in this emerging area.
Bae, Jin Hee, Kim, Minwoo, Lim, Joon S..  2021.  Emotion Detection and Analysis from Facial Image using Distance between Coordinates Feature. 2021 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). :494—497.
Facial expression recognition has long been established as a subject of continuous research in various fields. In this study, feature extraction was conducted by calculating the distance between facial landmarks in an image. The extracted features of the relationship between each landmark and analysis were used to classify five facial expressions. We increased the data and label reliability based on our labeling work with multiple observers. Additionally, faces were recognized from the original data, and landmark coordinates were extracted and used as features. A genetic algorithm was used to select features that were relatively more helpful for classification. We performed facial recognition classification and analysis using the method proposed in this study, which showed the validity and effectiveness of the proposed method.
Obata, Sho, Kobayashi, Koichi, Yamashita, Yuh.  2021.  On Detection of False Data Injection Attacks in Distributed State Estimation of Power Networks. 2021 IEEE 10th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE). :472—473.
In power networks, it is important to detect a cyber attack. In this paper, we propose a detection method of false data injection (FDI) attacks. FDI attacks cannot be detected from the estimation error in power networks. The proposed method is based on the distributed state estimation, and is used the tentative estimated state. The proposed method is demonstrated by a numerical example on the IEEE 14-bus system.
Obata, Sho, Kobayashi, Koichi, Yamashita, Yuh.  2021.  Sensor Scheduling-Based Detection of False Data Injection Attacks in Power System State Estimation. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE). :1—4.
In state estimation of steady-state power networks, a cyber attack that cannot be detected from the residual (i.e., the estimation error) is called a false data injection attack. In this paper, to enforce security of power networks, we propose a method of detecting a false data injection attack. In the proposed method, a false data injection attack is detected by randomly choosing sensors used in state estimation. The effectiveness of the proposed method is presented by two numerical examples including the IEEE 14-bus system.
Kawashima, Ryota.  2021.  A Vision to Software-Centric Cloud Native Network Functions: Achievements and Challenges. 2021 IEEE 22nd International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR). :1—7.
Network slicing qualitatively transforms network infrastructures such that they have maximum flexibility in the context of ever-changing service requirements. While the agility of cloud native network functions (CNFs) demonstrates significant promise, virtualization and softwarization severely degrade the performance of such network functions. Considerable efforts were expended to improve the performance of virtualized systems, and at this stage 10 Gbps throughput is a real target even for container/VM-based applications. Nonetheless, the current performance of CNFs with state-of-the-art enhancements does not meet the performance requirements of next-generation 6G networks that aim for terabit-class throughput. The present pace of performance enhancements in hardware indicates that straightforward optimization of existing system components has limited possibility of filling the performance gap. As it would be reasonable to expect a single silver-bullet technology to dramatically enhance the ability of CNFs, an organic integration of various data-plane technologies with a comprehensive vision is a potential approach. In this paper, we show a future vision of system architecture for terabit-class CNFs based on effective harmonization of the technologies within the wide-range of network systems consisting of commodity hardware devices. We focus not only on the performance aspect of CNFs but also other pragmatic aspects such as interoperability with the current environment (not clean slate). We also highlight the remaining missing-link technologies revealed by the goal-oriented approach.
Nallarasan, V., Kottilingam, K..  2021.  Spectrum Management Analysis for Cognitive Radio IoT. 2021 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI). :1—5.
Recently, several Internet of Things Tools have been created, contributing to growing network loads. To refrain from IoT should use the idea of cognitive radio networks because of the lack of bandwidth. This article presents much of the research discusses the distribution of channels and preparation of packets when combining cognitive radio networks with IoT technology and we are further discussing the spectrum-based Features and heterogeneity in cognitive IoT Security. Surveying the research performed in this field reveals that the work performed is still developing. A variety of inventions and experiments are part of its initial phases.
Günlü, Onur, Kliewer, Jörg, Schaefer, Rafael F., Sidorenko, Vladimir.  2021.  Doubly-Exponential Identification via Channels: Code Constructions and Bounds. 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). :1147—1152.
Consider the identification (ID) via channels problem, where a receiver wants to decide whether the transmitted identifier is its identifier, rather than decoding the identifier. This model allows to transmit identifiers whose size scales doubly-exponentially in the blocklength, unlike common transmission (or channel) codes whose size scales exponentially. It suffices to use binary constant-weight codes (CWCs) to achieve the ID capacity. By relating the parameters of a binary CWC to the minimum distance of a code and using higher-order correlation moments, two upper bounds on the binary CWC size are proposed. These bounds are shown to be upper bounds also on the identifier sizes for ID codes constructed by using binary CWCs. We propose two code constructions based on optical orthogonal codes, which are used in optical multiple access schemes, have constant-weight codewords, and satisfy cyclic cross-correlation and autocorrelation constraints. These constructions are modified and concatenated with outer Reed-Solomon codes to propose new binary CWCs optimal for ID. Improvements to the finite-parameter performance of both our and existing code constructions are shown by using outer codes with larger minimum distance vs. blocklength ratios. We also illustrate ID performance regimes for which our ID code constructions perform significantly better than existing constructions.
Banse, Christian, Kunz, Immanuel, Schneider, Angelika, Weiss, Konrad.  2021.  Cloud Property Graph: Connecting Cloud Security Assessments with Static Code Analysis. 2021 IEEE 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD). :13—19.
In this paper, we present the Cloud Property Graph (CloudPG), which bridges the gap between static code analysis and runtime security assessment of cloud services. The CloudPG is able to resolve data flows between cloud applications deployed on different resources, and contextualizes the graph with runtime information, such as encryption settings. To provide a vendorand technology-independent representation of a cloud service's security posture, the graph is based on an ontology of cloud resources, their functionalities and security features. We show, using an example, that our CloudPG framework can be used by security experts to identify weaknesses in their cloud deployments, spanning multiple vendors or technologies, such as AWS, Azure and Kubernetes. This includes misconfigurations, such as publicly accessible storages or undesired data flows within a cloud service, as restricted by regulations such as GDPR.
Yudin, Oleksandr, Artemov, Volodymyr, Krasnorutsky, Andrii, Barannik, Vladimir, Tupitsya, Ivan, Pris, Gennady.  2021.  Creating a Mathematical Model for Estimating the Impact of Errors in the Process of Reconstruction of Non-Uniform Code Structures on the Quality of Recoverable Video Images. 2021 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Advanced Trends in Information Theory (ATIT). :40—45.
Existing compression coding technologies are investigated using a statistical approach. The fundamental strategies used in the process of statistical coding of video information data are analyzed. Factors that have a significant impact on the reliability and efficiency of video delivery in the process of statistical coding are analyzed. A model for estimating the impact of errors in the process of reconstruction of uneven code structures on the quality of recoverable video images is being developed.The influence of errors that occur in data transmission channels on the reliability of the reconstructed video image is investigated.
Yudin, Oleksandr, Cherniak, Andrii, Havrylov, Dmytro, Hurzhii, Pavlo, Korolyova, Natalia, Sidchenko, Yevhenii.  2021.  Video Coding Method in a Condition of Providing Security and Promptness of Delivery. 2021 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Advanced Trends in Information Theory (ATIT). :26—30.
In the course of the research, the research of discriminatory methods of handling video information resource based on the JPEG platform was carried out. This research showed a high interest of the scientific world in identifying important data at different phases of handling. However, the discriminatory handling of the video information resource after the quantization phase is not well understood. Based on the research data, the goal is to find possible ways to operation a video information resource based on a JPEG platform in order to identify important data in a telecommunications system. At the same time, the proposed strategies must provide the required pace of dynamic picture grade and hiding in the context of limited bandwidth. The fulfillment of the condition with limited bandwidth is achieved through the use of a lossless compression algorism based on arithmetic coding. The purpose of the study is considered to be achieved if the following requirements are met:1.Reduction of the volume of dynamic pictures by 30% compared to the initial amount;2.The quality pace is confirmed by an estimate of the peak signal-to-noise ratio for an authorized user, which is Ψauthor ≥ 20 dB;3.The pace of hiding is confirmed by an estimate of the peak signal-to-noise ratio for unauthorized access, which is Ψunauthor ≤ 9 dBThe first strategy is to use encryption tables. The advantage of this strategy is its high hiding strength.The second strategy is the important matrix method. The advantage of this strategy is higher performance.Thus, the goal of the study on the development of possible ways of handling a video information resource based on a JPEG platform in order to identify important data in a telecommunication system with the given requirements is achieved.
Kızmaz, Muhammed Mustafa, Ergün, Salih.  2021.  Skew-Tent Map Based CMOS Random Number Generator with Chaotic Sampling. 2021 19th IEEE International New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS). :1—4.
Random number generators (RNGs) has an extensive application area from cryptography to simulation software. Piecewise linear one-dimensional (PL1D) maps are commonly preferred structures used as the basis of RNGs due to their theoretically proven chaotic behavior and ease of implementation. In this work, a skew-tent map based RNG is designed by using the chaotic sampling method in TSMC 180 nm CMOS process. Simulation data of the designed RNG is validated by the statistical randomness tests of the FIPS-140-2 and NIST 800-22 suites. The proposed RNG has three key features: the generated bitstreams can fulfill the randomness tests without using any post processing methods; the proposed RNG has immunity against external interference thanks to the chaotic sampling method; and higher bitrates (4.8 Mbit/s) can be achieved with relatively low power consumption (9.8 mW). Thus, robust RNG systems can be built for high-speed security applications with low power by using the proposed architecture.
Jadhav, Mohit, Kulkarni, Nupur, Walhekar, Omkar.  2021.  Doodling Based CAPTCHA Authentication System. 2021 Asian Conference on Innovation in Technology (ASIANCON). :1—5.
CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) is a widely used challenge-measures to distinguish humans and computer automated programs apart. Several existing CAPTCHAs are reliable for normal users, whereas visually impaired users face a lot of problems with the CAPTCHA authentication process. CAPTCHAs such as Google reCAPTCHA alternatively provides audio CAPTCHA, but many users find it difficult to decipher due to noise, language barrier, and accent of the audio of the CAPTCHA. Existing CAPTCHA systems lack user satisfaction on smartphones thus limiting its use. Our proposed system potentially solves the problem faced by visually impaired users during the process of CAPTCHA authentication. Also, our system makes the authentication process generic across users as well as platforms.
Kumar, Ashwani, Singh, Aditya Pratap.  2021.  Contour Based Deep Learning Engine to Solve CAPTCHA. 2021 7th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS). 1:723—727.
A 'Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart' or better known as CAPTCHA is a image based test used to determine the authenticity of a user (ie. whether the user is human or not). In today's world, almost all the web services, such as online shopping sites, require users to solve CAPTCHAs that must be read and typed correctly. The challenge is that recognizing the CAPTCHAs is a relatively easy task for humans, but it is still hard to solve for computers. Ideally, a well-designed CAPTCHA should be solvable by humans at least 90% of the time, while programs using appropriate resources should succeed in less than 0.01% of the cases. In this paper, a deep neural network architecture is presented to extract text from CAPTCHA images on various platforms. The central theme of the paper is to develop an efficient & intelligent model that converts image-based CAPTCHA to text. We used convolutional neural network based architecture design instead of the traditional methods of CAPTCHA detection using image processing segmentation modules. The model consists of seven layers to efficiently correlate image features to the output character sequence. We tried a wide variety of configurations, including various loss and activation functions. We generated our own images database and the efficacy of our model was proven by the accuracy levels of 99.7%.
Kurt, Ahmet, Mercana, Suat, Erdin, Enes, Akkaya, Kemal.  2021.  Enabling Micro-payments on IoT Devices using Bitcoin Lightning Network. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC). :1–3.
Lightning Network (LN) addresses the scalability problem of Bitcoin by leveraging off-chain transactions. Nevertheless, it is not possible to run LN on resource-constrained IoT devices due to its storage, memory, and processing requirements. Therefore, in this paper, we propose an efficient and secure protocol that enables an IoT device to use LN's functions through a gateway LN node. The idea is to involve the IoT device in LN operations with its digital signature by replacing original 2-of-2 multisignature channels with 3-of-3 multisignature channels. Our protocol enforces the LN gateway to request the IoT device's cryptographic signature for all operations on the channel. We evaluated the proposed protocol by implementing it on a Raspberry Pi for a toll payment scenario and demonstrated its feasibility and security.
Vallabhu, Satya Krishna, Maheswari, Nissankararao Uma, Kaveri, Badavath, Jagadeeswari, C..  2021.  Biometric Steganography Using MPV Technique. 2021 IEEE 6th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA). :39–43.
Biometric data is prone to attacks and threats from hackers who are professionals in cyber-crimes. Therefore, securing the data is very essential. Steganographic approach, which is a process of concealing data, is proposed as a solution to this. Biometrics are hidden inside other biometrics for safe storage and secure transmission. Also, it is designed to be robust against attacks, and cannot be detected easily. The intention of this paper is to highlight a method of hiding one image in another image by using mid position value(mpv) technique. Here we have to choose the secret biometric on which Arnold transform will be applied resulting in a scrambled version of the secret biometric. This will be enveloped inside cover image which results in a stego-image. Lastly, hidden secret biometric will be decoded from this stego image, which will first result in a scrambled secret biometric. Inverse Arnold Transform will be applied on this to finally result in the decoded secret biometric. The paper further explains the working and processes in detail.
Hofbauer, Heinz, Martínez-Díaz, Yoanna, Kirchgasser, Simon, Méndez-Vázquez, Heydi, Uhl, Andreas.  2021.  Highly Efficient Protection of Biometric Face Samples with Selective JPEG2000 Encryption. ICASSP 2021 - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). :2580–2584.
When biometric databases grow larger, a security breach or leak can affect millions. In order to protect against such a threat, the use of encryption is a natural choice. However, a biometric identification attempt then requires the decryption of a potential huge database, making a traditional approach potentially unfeasible. The use of selective JPEG2000 encryption can reduce the encryption’s computational load and enable a secure storage of biometric sample data. In this paper we will show that selective encryption of face biometric samples is secure. We analyze various encoding settings of JPEG2000, selective encryption parameters on the "Labeled Faces in the Wild" database and apply several traditional and deep learning based face recognition methods.
Kuznetsova, Nataliya M., Karlova, Tatyana V., Bekmeshov, Alexander Y., Kirillova, Elena A., Mikhaylova, Marianna V., Averchenkov, Andrey V..  2021.  Mathematical and Algorithmic Prevention of Biometric Data Leaks. 2021 International Conference on Quality Management, Transport and Information Security, Information Technologies (IT&QM&IS). :210–212.
Biometric methods are the most effective and accurate authentication methods. However, a significant drawback of such methods is the storage of authentication information in clear text. The article is devoted to solving this problem by means of symmetric encryption method and the method of dividing the memory space. The method of symmetric encryption ensures confidentiality during storage and transmission of biometric characteristics, the method of dividing the memory space provides an increase of information security level during processing of biometric characteristics.
Zuech, Richard, Hancock, John, Khoshgoftaar, Taghi M..  2021.  Feature Popularity Between Different Web Attacks with Supervised Feature Selection Rankers. 2021 20th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA). :30–37.
We introduce the novel concept of feature popularity with three different web attacks and big data from the CSE-CIC-IDS2018 dataset: Brute Force, SQL Injection, and XSS web attacks. Feature popularity is based upon ensemble Feature Selection Techniques (FSTs) and allows us to more easily understand common important features between different cyberattacks, for two main reasons. First, feature popularity lists can be generated to provide an easy comprehension of important features across different attacks. Second, the Jaccard similarity metric can provide a quantitative score for how similar feature subsets are between different attacks. Both of these approaches not only provide more explainable and easier-to-understand models, but they can also reduce the complexity of implementing models in real-world systems. Four supervised learning-based FSTs are used to generate feature subsets for each of our three different web attack datasets, and then our feature popularity frameworks are applied. For these three web attacks, the XSS and SQL Injection feature subsets are the most similar per the Jaccard similarity. The most popular features across all three web attacks are: Flow\_Bytes\_s, FlowİAT\_Max, and Flow\_Packets\_s. While this introductory study is only a simple example using only three web attacks, this feature popularity concept can be easily extended, allowing an automated framework to more easily determine the most popular features across a very large number of attacks and features.
Kawanishi, Yasuyuki, Nishihara, Hideaki, Yoshida, Hirotaka, Hata, Yoichi.  2021.  A Study of The Risk Quantification Method focusing on Direct-Access Attacks in Cyber-Physical Systems. 2021 IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, Intl Conf on Cloud and Big Data Computing, Intl Conf on Cyber Science and Technology Congress (DASC/PiCom/CBDCom/CyberSciTech). :298–305.

Direct-access attacks were initially considered as un-realistic threats in cyber security because the attacker can more easily mount other non-computerized attacks like cutting a brake line. In recent years, some research into direct-access attacks have been conducted especially in the automotive field, for example, research on an attack method that makes the ECU stop functioning via the CAN bus. The problem with existing risk quantification methods is that direct-access attacks seem not to be recognized as serious threats. To solve this problem, we propose a new risk quantification method by applying vulnerability evaluation criteria and by setting metrics. We also confirm that direct-access attacks not recognized by conventional methods can be evaluated appropriately, using the case study of an automotive system as an example of a cyber-physical system.

Kim, Seongsoo, Chen, Lei, Kim, Jongyeop.  2021.  Intrusion Prediction using Long Short-Term Memory Deep Learning with UNSW-NB15. 2021 IEEE/ACIS 6th International Conference on Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Data Science (BCD). :53–59.
This study shows the effectiveness of anomaly-based IDS using long short-term memory(LSTM) based on the newly developed dataset called UNSW-NB15 while considering root mean square error and mean absolute error as evaluation metrics for accuracy. For each attack, 80% and 90% of samples were used as LSTM inputs and trained this model while increasing epoch values. Furthermore, this model has predicted attack points by applying test data and produced possible attack points for each attack at the 3rd time frame against the actual attack point. However, in the case of an Exploit attack, the consecutive overlapping attacks happen, there was ambiguity in the interpretation of the numerical values calculated by the LSTM. We presented a methodology for training data with binary values using LSTM and evaluation with RMSE metrics throughout this study.