Cyber-attacks in electrical power system causes serious damages causing breakdown of few equipment to shutdown of the complete power system. Game theory is used as a tool to detect the cyber-attack in the power system recently. Interaction between the attackers and the defenders which is the inherent nature of the game theory is exploited to detect the cyber-attack in the power system. This paper implements the cyber-attack detection on a two-area power system controlled using the Load Frequency controller. Ant Lion Optimization is used to tune the integral controller applied in the Load Frequency Controller. Cyber-attacks that include constant injection, bias injection, overcompensation, and negative compensation are tested on the Game theory-based attack detection algorithm proposed. It is considered that the smart meters are attacked with the attacks by manipulating the original data in the power system. MATLAB based implementation is developed and observed that the defender action is satisfactory in the two-area system considered. Tuning of integral controller in the Load Frequency controller in the two-area system is also observed to be effective.
Edge computing brings processing and storage capabilities closer to the data sources, to reduce network latency, save bandwidth, and preserve data locality. Despite the clear benefits, this paradigm brings unprecedented cyber risks due to the combination of the security issues and challenges typical of cloud and Internet of Things (IoT) worlds. Notwithstanding an increasing interest in edge security by academic and industrial communities, there is still no discernible industry consensus on edge computing security best practices, and activities like threat analysis and countermeasure selection are still not well established and are completely left to security experts.In order to cope with the need for a simplified yet effective threat modeling process, which is affordable in presence of limited security skills and economic resources, and viable in modern development approaches, in this paper, we propose an automated threat modeling and countermeasure selection strategy targeting edge computing systems. Our approach leverages a comprehensive system model able to describe the main involved architectural elements and the associated data flow, with a focus on the specific properties that may actually impact on the applicability of threats and of associated countermeasures.
This article analyzes the possibilities of using cognitive approaches in forming expert assessments for solving information security problems. The experts use the contextual approach by A.Yu. Khrennikov’s as a basic model for the mathematical description of the quantum decision-making method. In the cognitive view, expert assessments are proposed to be considered as conditional probabilities with regard to the fulfillment of a set of certain conditions. However, the conditions in this approach are contextual, but not events like in Boolean algebra.
This paper addresses security and risk management of hardware and embedded systems across several applications. There are three companies involved in the research. First is an energy technology company that aims to leverage electric- vehicle batteries through vehicle to grid (V2G) services in order to provide energy storage for electric grids. Second is a defense contracting company that provides acquisition support for the DOD's conventional prompt global strike program (CPGS). These systems need protections in their production and supply chains, as well as throughout their system life cycles. Third is a company that deals with trust and security in advanced logistics systems generally. The rise of interconnected devices has led to growth in systems security issues such as privacy, authentication, and secure storage of data. A risk analysis via scenario-based preferences is aided by a literature review and industry experts. The analysis is divided into various sections of Criteria, Initiatives, C-I Assessment, Emergent Conditions (EC), Criteria-Scenario (C-S) relevance and EC Grouping. System success criteria, research initiatives, and risks to the system are compiled. In the C-I Assessment, a rating is assigned to signify the degree to which criteria are addressed by initiatives, including research and development, government programs, industry resources, security countermeasures, education and training, etc. To understand risks of emergent conditions, a list of Potential Scenarios is developed across innovations, environments, missions, populations and workforce behaviors, obsolescence, adversaries, etc. The C-S Relevance rates how the scenarios affect the relevance of the success criteria, including cost, schedule, security, return on investment, and cascading effects. The Emergent Condition Grouping (ECG) collates the emergent conditions with the scenarios. The generated results focus on ranking Initiatives based on their ability to negate the effects of Emergent Conditions, as well as producing a disruption score to compare a Potential Scenario's impacts to the ranking of Initiatives. The results presented in this paper are applicable to the testing and evaluation of security and risk for a variety of embedded smart devices and should be of interest to developers, owners, and operators of critical infrastructure systems.