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Fashion Images Classification using Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Transfer Learning Models. 2022 7th International Conference on Image and Signal Processing and their Applications (ISPA). :1—5.
2022. Fashion is the way we present ourselves which mainly focuses on vision, has attracted great interest from computer vision researchers. It is generally used to search fashion products in online shopping malls to know the descriptive information of the product. The main objectives of our paper is to use deep learning (DL) and machine learning (ML) methods to correctly identify and categorize clothing images. In this work, we used ML algorithms (support vector machines (SVM), K-Nearest Neirghbors (KNN), Decision tree (DT), Random Forest (RF)), DL algorithms (Convolutionnal Neurals Network (CNN), AlexNet, GoogleNet, LeNet, LeNet5) and the transfer learning using a pretrained models (VGG16, MobileNet and RestNet50). We trained and tested our models online using google colaboratory with Tensorflow/Keras and Scikit-Learn libraries that support deep learning and machine learning in Python. The main metric used in our study to evaluate the performance of ML and DL algorithms is the accuracy and matrix confusion. The best result for the ML models is obtained with the use of ANN (88.71%) and for the DL models is obtained for the GoogleNet architecture (93.75%). The results obtained showed that the number of epochs and the depth of the network have an effect in obtaining the best results.
Sentiment Analysis of Covid19 Vaccines Tweets Using NLP and Machine Learning Classifiers. 2022 International Conference on Machine Learning, Big Data, Cloud and Parallel Computing (COM-IT-CON). 1:225—230.
2022. Sentiment Analysis (SA) is an approach for detecting subjective information such as thoughts, outlooks, reactions, and emotional state. The majority of previous SA work treats it as a text-classification problem that requires labelled input to train the model. However, obtaining a tagged dataset is difficult. We will have to do it by hand the majority of the time. Another concern is that the absence of sufficient cross-domain portability creates challenging situation to reuse same-labelled data across applications. As a result, we will have to manually classify data for each domain. This research work applies sentiment analysis to evaluate the entire vaccine twitter dataset. The work involves the lexicon analysis using NLP libraries like neattext, textblob and multi class classification using BERT. This word evaluates and compares the results of the machine learning algorithms.
Flubot Malware Hybrid Analysis on Android Operating System. 2022 International Conference on Informatics, Multimedia, Cyber and Information System (ICIMCIS). :202—206.
2022. The rising use of smartphones each year is matched by the development of the smartphone's operating system, Android. Due to the immense popularity of the Android operating system, many unauthorized users (in this case, the attackers) wish to exploit this vulnerability to get sensitive data from every Android user. The flubot malware assault, which happened in 2021 and targeted Android devices practically globally, is one of the attacks on Android smartphones. It was known at the time that the flubot virus stole information, particularly from banking applications installed on the victim's device. To prevent this from happening again, we research the signature and behavior of flubot malware. In this study, a hybrid analysis will be conducted on three samples of flubot malware that are available on the open-source Hatching Triage platform. Using the Android Virtual Device (AVD) as the primary environment for malware installation, the analysis was conducted with the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) and Burpsuite as supporting tools for dynamic analysis. During the static analysis, the Mobile Security Framework (MobSF) and the Bytecode Viewer were used to examine the source code of the three malware samples. Analysis of the flubot virus revealed that it extracts or drops dex files on the victim's device, where the file is the primary malware. The Flubot virus will clone the messaging application or Short Message Service (SMS) on the default device. Additionally, we discovered a form of flubot malware that operates as a Domain Generation Algorithm (DGA) and communicates with its Command and Control (C&C) server.
Effective of Obfuscated Android Malware Detection using Static Analysis. 2022 IEEE 8th International Conference on Computing, Engineering and Design (ICCED). :1—5.
2022. The effective security system improvement from malware attacks on the Android operating system should be updated and improved. Effective malware detection increases the level of data security and high protection for the users. Malicious software or malware typically finds a means to circumvent the security procedure, even when the user is unaware whether the application can act as malware. The effectiveness of obfuscated android malware detection is evaluated by collecting static analysis data from a data set. The experiment assesses the risk level of which malware dataset using the hash value of the malware and records malware behavior. A set of hash SHA256 malware samples has been obtained from an internet dataset and will be analyzed using static analysis to record malware behavior and evaluate which risk level of the malware. According to the results, most of the algorithms provide the same total score because of the multiple crime inside the malware application.
Malware Detection Approach Based on the Swarm-Based Behavioural Analysis over API Calling Sequence. 2022 2nd International Mobile, Intelligent, and Ubiquitous Computing Conference (MIUCC). :27—32.
2022. The rapidly increasing malware threats must be coped with new effective malware detection methodologies. Current malware threats are not limited to daily personal transactions but dowelled deeply within large enterprises and organizations. This paper introduces a new methodology for detecting and discriminating malicious versus normal applications. In this paper, we employed Ant-colony optimization to generate two behavioural graphs that characterize the difference in the execution behavior between malware and normal applications. Our proposed approach relied on the API call sequence generated when an application is executed. We used the API calls as one of the most widely used malware dynamic analysis features. Our proposed method showed distinctive behavioral differences between malicious and non-malicious applications. Our experimental results showed a comparative performance compared to other machine learning methods. Therefore, we can employ our method as an efficient technique in capturing malicious applications.
PbV mSp: A priority-based VM selection policy for VM consolidation in green cloud computing. 2022 5th International Conference on Signal Processing and Information Security (ICSPIS). :32–37.
2022. Cloud computing forms the backbone of the era of automation and the Internet of Things (IoT). It offers computing and storage-based services on consumption-based pricing. Large-scale datacenters are used to provide these service and consumes enormous electricity. Datacenters contribute a large portion of the carbon footprint in the environment. Through virtual machine (VM) consolidation, datacenter energy consumption can be reduced via efficient resource management. VM selection policy is used to choose the VM that needs migration. In this research, we have proposed PbV mSp: A priority-based VM selection policy for VM consolidation. The PbV mSp is implemented in cloudsim and evaluated compared with well-known VM selection policies like gpa, gpammt, mimt, mums, and mxu. The results show that the proposed PbV mSp selection policy has outperformed the exisitng policies in terms of energy consumption and other metrics.
ISSN: 2831-3844
Design of an Automated Blockchain-Enabled Vehicle Data Management System. 2022 5th International Conference on Signal Processing and Information Security (ICSPIS). :22–25.
2022. The Internet of Vehicles (IoV) has a tremendous prospect for numerous vehicular applications. IoV enables vehicles to transmit data to improve roadway safety and efficiency. Data security is essential for increasing the security and privacy of vehicle and roadway infrastructures in IoV systems. Several researchers proposed numerous solutions to address security and privacy issues in IoV systems. However, these issues are not proper solutions that lack data authentication and verification protocols. In this paper, a blockchain-enabled automated data management system for vehicles has been proposed and demonstrated. This work enables automated data verification and authentication using smart contracts. Certified organizations can only access vehicle data uploaded by the vehicle user to the Interplanetary File System (IPFS) server through that vehicle user’s consent. The proposed system increases the security of vehicles and data. Vehicle privacy is also maintained here by increasing data privacy.
ISSN: 2831-3844
An Intelligent Vehicle Data Security System based on Blockchain for Smart City. 2022 International Conference on Virtual Reality, Human-Computer Interaction and Artificial Intelligence (VRHCIAI). :227–231.
2022. With the development of urbanization, the number of vehicles is gradually increasing, and vehicles are gradually developing in the direction of intelligence. How to ensure that the data of intelligent vehicles is not tampered in the process of transmission to the cloud is the key problem of current research. Therefore, we have established a data security transmission system based on blockchain. First, we collect and filter vehicle data locally, and then use blockchain technology to transmit key data. Through the smart contract, the key data is automatically and accurately transmitted to the surrounding node vehicles, and the vehicles transmit data to each other to form a transaction and spread to the whole network. The node data is verified through the node data consensus protocol of intelligent vehicle data security transmission system, and written into the block to form a blockchain. Finally, the vehicle user can query the transaction record through the vehicle address. The results show that we can safely and accurately transmit and query vehicle data in the blockchain database.
Construction of Computer Big Data Security Technology Platform Based on Artificial Intelligence. 2022 Second International Conference on Advanced Technologies in Intelligent Control, Environment, Computing & Communication Engineering (ICATIECE). :1–4.
2022. Artificial technology developed in recent years. It is an intelligent system that can perform tasks without human intervention. AI can be used for various purposes, such as speech recognition, face recognition, etc. AI can be used for good or bad purposes, depending on how it is implemented. The discuss the application of AI in data security technology and its advantages over traditional security methods. We will focus on the good use of AI by analyzing the impact of AI on the development of big data security technology. AI can be used to enhance security technology by using machine learning algorithms, which can analyze large amounts of data and identify patterns that cannot be detected automatically by humans. The computer big data security technology platform based on artificial intelligence in this paper is the process of creating a system that can identify and prevent malicious programs. The system must be able to detect all types of threats, including viruses, worms, Trojans and spyware. It should also be able to monitor network activity and respond quickly in the event of an attack.
An intelligent traffic monitoring approach based on Hadoop ecosystem. 2022 5th International Conference on Networking, Information Systems and Security: Envisage Intelligent Systems in 5g//6G-based Interconnected Digital Worlds (NISS). :1–6.
2022. Nowadays, smart cities (SCs) use technologies and different types of data collected to improve the lifestyles of their citizens. Indeed, connected smart vehicles are technologies used for an SC’s intelligent traffic monitoring systems (ITMSs). However, most proposed monitoring approaches do not consider realtime monitoring. This paper presents real-time data processing for an intelligent traffic monitoring dashboard using the Hadoop ecosystem dashboard components. Many data are available due to our proposed monitoring approach, such as the total number of vehicles on different routes and data on trucks within a radius (10KM) of a specific point given. Based on our generated data, we can make real-time decisions to improve circulation and optimize traffic flow.
Current Trends in Internet of Things Forensics. 2022 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT). :1—5.
2022. Digital forensics is essential when performing in-depth crime investigations and evidence extraction, especially in the field of the Internet of Things, where there is a ton of information every second boosted with latest and smartest technological devices. However, the enormous growth of data and the nature of its complexity could constrain the data examination process since traditional data acquisition techniques are not applicable nowadays. Therefore, if the knowledge gap between digital forensics and the Internet of Things is not bridged, investigators will jeopardize the loss of a possible rich source of evidence that otherwise could act as a lead in solving open cases. The work aims to introduce examples of employing the latest Internet of Things forensics approaches as a panacea in this regard. The paper covers a variety of articles presenting the new Blockchain, fog, and video-based applications that can aid in easing the process of digital forensics investigation with a focus on the Internet of Things. The results of the review indicated that the above current trends are very promising procedures in the field of Internet of Things digital forensics and need to be explored and applied more actively.
A Coordination Artifact for Multi-disciplinary Reuse in Production Systems Engineering. 2022 IEEE 27th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). :1—8.
2022. In Production System Engineering (PSE), domain experts from different disciplines reuse assets such as products, production processes, and resources. Therefore, PSE organizations aim at establishing reuse across engineering disciplines. However, the coordination of multi-disciplinary reuse tasks, e.g., the re-validation of related assets after changes, is hampered by the coarse-grained representation of tasks and by scattered, heterogeneous domain knowledge. This paper introduces the Multi-disciplinary Reuse Coordination (MRC) artifact to improve task management for multi-disciplinary reuse. For assets and their properties, the MRC artifact describes sub-tasks with progress and result states to provide references for detailed reuse task management across engineering disciplines. In a feasibility study on a typical robot cell in automotive manufacturing, we investigate the effectiveness of task management with the MRC artifact compared to traditional approaches. Results indicate that the MRC artifact is feasible and provides effective capabilities for coordinating multi-disciplinary re-validation after changes.
LSB-Reused Protection Technique in Secure SAR ADC against Power Side-Channel Attack. 2022 Asian Hardware Oriented Security and Trust Symposium (AsianHOST). :1—6.
2022. Successive approximation register analog-to-digital converter (SAR ADC) is widely adopted in the Internet of Things (IoT) systems due to its simple structure and high energy efficiency. Unfortunately, SAR ADC dissipates various and unique power features when it converts different input signals, leading to severe vulnerability to power side-channel attack (PSA). The adversary can accurately derive the input signal by only measuring the power information from the analog supply pin (AVDD), digital supply pin (DVDD), and/or reference pin (Ref) which feed to the trained machine learning models. This paper first presents the detailed mathematical analysis of power side-channel attack (PSA) to SAR ADC, concluding that the power information from AVDD is the most vulnerable to PSA compared with the other supply pin. Then, an LSB-reused protection technique is proposed, which utilizes the characteristic of LSB from the SAR ADC itself to protect against PSA. Lastly, this technique is verified in a 12-bit 5 MS/s secure SAR ADC implemented in 65nm technology. By using the current waveform from AVDD, the adopted convolutional neural network (CNN) algorithms can achieve \textgreater99% prediction accuracy from LSB to MSB in the SAR ADC without protection. With the proposed protection, the bit-wise accuracy drops to around 50%.
Implementation of Physical Layer Security into 5G NR Systems and E2E Latency Assessment. GLOBECOM 2022 - 2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference. :4044—4050.
2022. This paper assesses the impact on the performance that information-theoretic physical layer security (IT-PLS) introduces when integrated into a 5G New Radio (NR) system. For this, we implement a wiretap code for IT-PLS based on a modular coding scheme that uses a universal-hash function in its security layer. The main advantage of this approach lies in its flexible integration into the lower layers of the 5G NR protocol stack without affecting the communication's reliability. Specifically, we use IT-PLS to secure the transmission of downlink control information by integrating an extra pre-coding security layer as part of the physical downlink control channel (PDCCH) procedures, thus not requiring any change of the 3GPP 38 series standard. We conduct experiments using a real-time open-source 5G NR standalone implementation and use software-defined radios for over-the-air transmissions in a controlled laboratory environment. The overhead added by IT-PLS is determined in terms of the latency introduced into the system, which is measured at the physical layer for an end-to-end (E2E) connection between the gNB and the user equipment.
On the Security Properties of Combinatorial All-or-nothing Transforms. 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). :1447—1452.
2022. All-or-nothing transforms (AONT) were proposed by Rivest as a message preprocessing technique for encrypting data to protect against brute-force attacks, and have many applications in cryptography and information security. Later the unconditionally secure AONT and their combinatorial characterization were introduced by Stinson. Informally, a combinatorial AONT is an array with the unbiased requirements and its security properties in general depend on the prior probability distribution on the inputs s-tuples. Recently, it was shown by Esfahani and Stinson that a combinatorial AONT has perfect security provided that all the inputs s-tuples are equiprobable, and has weak security provided that all the inputs s-tuples are with non-zero probability. This paper aims to explore on the gap between perfect security and weak security for combinatorial (t, s, v)-AONTs. Concretely, we consider the typical scenario that all the s inputs take values independently (but not necessarily identically) and quantify the amount of information H(\textbackslashmathcalX\textbackslashmid \textbackslashmathcalY) about any t inputs \textbackslashmathcalX that is not revealed by any s−t outputs \textbackslashmathcalY. In particular, we establish the general lower and upper bounds on H(\textbackslashmathcalX\textbackslashmid \textbackslashmathcalY) for combinatorial AONTs using information-theoretic techniques, and also show that the derived bounds can be attained in certain cases.
Access Control Supported by Information Service Entity in Named Data Networking. 2022 5th International Conference on Hot Information-Centric Networking (HotICN). :30–35.
2022. Named Data Networking (NDN) has been viewed as a promising future Internet architecture. It requires a new access control scheme to prevent the injection of unauthorized data request. In this paper, an access control supported by information service entity (ACISE) is proposed for NDN networks. A trust entity, named the information service entity (ISE), is deployed in each domain for the registration of the consumer and the edge router. The identity-based cryptography (IBC) is used to generate a private key for the authorized consumer at the ISE and to calculate a signature encapsulated in the Interest packet at the consumer. Therefore, the edge router could support the access control by the signature verification of the Interest packets so that no Interest packet from unauthorized consumer could be forwarded or replied. Moreover, shared keys are negotiated between authorized consumers and their edge routers. The subsequent Interest packets would be verified by the message authentication code (MAC) instead of the signature. The simulation results have shown that the ACISE scheme would achieve a similar response delay to the original NDN scheme when the NDN is under no attacks. However, the ACISE scheme is immune to the cache pollution attacks so that it could maintain a much smaller response delay compared to the other schemes when the NDN network is under the attacks.
ISSN: 2831-4395
Robust Implementation of ICN-based Mobile IoT for Next-Generation Network. 2022 IEEE 8th International Conference on Computing, Engineering and Design (ICCED). :1–5.
2022. This paper proposes a Mobile IoT optimization method for Next-Generation networks by evaluating a series of named-based techniques implemented in Information-Centric Networking (ICN). The idea is based on the possibility to have a more suitable naming and forwarding mechanism to be implemented in IoT. The main advantage of the method is in achieving a higher success packet rate and data rate by following the proposed technique even when the device is mobile / roaming around. The proposed technique is utilizing a root prefix naming which allows faster process and dynamic increase for content waiting time in Pending Interest Table (PIT). To test the idea, a simulation is carried out by mimicking how IoT can be implemented, especially in smart cities, where a user can also travel and not be static. Results show that the proposed technique can achieve up to a 13% interest success rate and an 18.7% data rate increase compared to the well-known implementation algorithms. The findings allow for possible further cooperation of data security factors and ensuring energy reduction through leveraging more processes at the edge node.
ISSN: 2767-7826
Analytical Choice of an Effective Cyber Security Structure with Artificial Intelligence in Industrial Control Systems. 2022 10th International Scientific Conference on Computer Science (COMSCI). :1–6.
2022. The new paradigm of industrial development, called Industry 4.0, faces the problems of Cybersecurity, and as it has already manifested itself in Information Systems, focuses on the use of Artificial Intelligence tools. The authors of this article build on their experience with the use of the above mentioned tools to increase the resilience of Information Systems against Cyber threats, approached to the choice of an effective structure of Cyber-protection of Industrial Systems, primarily analyzing the objective differences between them and Information Systems. A number of analyzes show increased resilience of the decentralized architecture in the management of large-scale industrial processes to the centralized management architecture. These considerations provide sufficient grounds for the team of the project to give preference to the decentralized structure with flock behavior for further research and experiments. The challenges are to determine the indicators which serve to assess and compare the impacts on the controlled elements.
Contribution of Blockchain in Development of Metaverse. 2022 7th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES). :845–850.
2022. Metaverse is becoming the new standard for social networks and 3D virtual worlds when Facebook officially rebranded to Metaverse in October 2021. Many relevant technologies are used in the metaverse to offer 3D immersive and customized experiences at the user’s fingertips. Despite the fact that the metaverse receives a lot of attention and advantages, one of the most pressing concerns for its users is the safety of their digital material and data. As a result of its decentralization, immutability, and transparency, blockchain is a possible alternative. Our goal is to conduct a comprehensive assessment of blockchain systems in the metaverse to properly appreciate its function in the metaverse. To begin with, the paper introduces blockchain and the metaverse and explains why it’s necessary for the metaverse to adopt blockchain technology. Aside from these technological considerations, this article focuses on how blockchain-based approaches for the metaverse may be used from a privacy and security standpoint. There are several technological challenegs that need to be addressed for making the metaverse a reality. The influence of blockchain on important key technologies with in metaverse, such as Artifical Intelligence, big data and the Internet-of-Things (IoT) is also examined. Several prominent initiatives are also shown to demonstrate the importance of blockchain technology in the development of metaverse apps and services. There are many possible possibilities for future development and research in the application of blockchain technology in the metaverse.
Blockchain-based Device Identity Management with Consensus Authentication for IoT Devices. 2022 IEEE 19th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC). :433—436.
2022. To decrease the IoT attack surface and provide protection against security threats such as introduction of fake IoT nodes and identity theft, IoT requires scalable device identity and authentication management. This work proposes a blockchain-based identity management approach with consensus authentication as a scalable solution for IoT device authentication management. The proposed approach relies on having a blockchain secure tamper proof ledger and a novel lightweight consensus-based identity authentication. The results show that the proposed decentralised authentication system is scalable as we increase number of nodes.
Identity of Things (IDoT): A Preliminary Report on Identity Management Solutions for IoT Devices. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Public Key Infrastructure and its Applications (PKIA). :1—9.
2022. The Internet of Things poses some of the biggest security challenges in the present day. Companies, users and infrastructures are constantly under attack by malicious actors. Increasingly, attacks are being launched by hacking into one vulnerable device and hence disabling entire networks resulting in great loss. A strong identity management framework can help better protect these devices by issuing a unique identity and managing the same through its lifecycle. Identity of Things (IDoT) is a term that has been used to describe the importance of device identities in IoT networks. Since the traditional identity and access management (IAM) solutions are inadequate in managing identities for IoT, the Identity of Things (IDoT) is emerging as the solution for issuance of Identities to every type of device within the IoT IAM infrastructure. This paper presents the survey of recent research works proposed in the area of device identities and various commercial solutions offered by organizations specializing in IoT device security.
Digital Forensic Analysis on Caller ID Spoofing Attack. 2022 7th International Workshop on Big Data and Information Security (IWBIS). :95—100.
2022. Misuse of caller ID spoofing combined with social engineering has the potential as a means to commit other crimes, such as fraud, theft, leaking sensitive information, spreading hoaxes, etc. The appropriate forensic technique must be carried out to support the verification and collection of evidence related to these crimes. In this research, a digital forensic analysis was carried out on the BlueStacks emulator, Redmi 5A smartphone, and SIM card which is a device belonging to the victim and attacker to carry out caller ID spoofing attacks. The forensic analysis uses the NIST SP 800-101 R1 guide and forensic tools FTK imager, Oxygen Forensic Detective, and Paraben’s E3. This research aims to determine the artifacts resulting from caller ID spoofing attacks to assist in mapping and finding digital evidence. The result of this research is a list of digital evidence findings in the form of a history of outgoing calls, incoming calls, caller ID from the source of the call, caller ID from the destination of the call, the time the call started, the time the call ended, the duration of the call, IMSI, ICCID, ADN, and TMSI.
Implementation of Rail Fence Cipher and Myszkowski Algorithms and Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-256) for Security and Detecting Digital Image Originality. 2022 International Conference on Informatics, Multimedia, Cyber and Information System (ICIMCIS). :207—212.
2022. The use of digital images is increasingly widespread currently. There is a need for security in digital photos. Cryptography is a technique that can be applied to secure data. In addition to safety, data integrity also needs to be considered to anticipate the image being manipulated. The hash function is a technique that can be used to determine data authentication. In this study, the Rail Fence Cipher and Myszkowski algorithms were used for the encryption and decryption of digital images, as the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-256) algorithm. Rail Fence Cipher Algorithm is a transposition algorithm that is quite simple but still vulnerable. It is combined with the Myszkowski Algorithm, which has a high level of complexity with a simple key. Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-256) is a hash function that accepts an input limit of fewer than 2∧64 bits and produces a fixed hash value of 256 bits. The tested images vary based on image resolution and can be encrypted and decrypted well, with an average MSE value of 4171.16 and an average PSNR value of 11.96 dB. The hash value created is also unique. Keywords—Cryptography, Hash Function, Rail Fence Cipher, Myszkowski, SHA-256, Digital image.
A Study on a DDH-Based Keyed Homomorphic Encryption Suitable to Machine Learning in the Cloud. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan. :167—168.
2022. Homomorphic encryption is suitable for a machine learning in the cloud such as a privacy-preserving machine learning. However, ordinary homomorphic public key encryption has a problem that public key holders can generate ciphertexts and anyone can execute homomorphic operations. In this paper, we will propose a solution based on the Keyed Homomorphic-Public Key Encryption proposed by Emura et al.
Game Theory Based Multi-agent Cooperative Anti-jamming for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. 2022 IEEE 8th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC). :901–905.
2022. Currently, mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are widely used due to its self-configuring feature. However, it is vulnerable to the malicious jammers in practice. Traditional anti-jamming approaches, such as channel hopping based on deterministic sequences, may not be the reliable solution against intelligent jammers due to its fixed patterns. To address this problem, we propose a distributed game theory-based multi-agent anti-jamming (DMAA) algorithm in this paper. It enables each user to exploit all information from its neighboring users before the network attacks, and derive dynamic local policy knowledge to overcome intelligent jamming attacks efficiently as well as guide the users to cooperatively hop to the same channel with high probability. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can learn an optimal policy to guide the users to avoid malicious jamming more efficiently and rapidly than the random and independent Q-learning baseline algorithms,