Public key cryptography plays an important role in secure communications over insecure channels. Elliptic curve cryptography, as a variant of public key cryptography, has been extensively used in the last decades for such purposes. In this paper, we present a software tool for parallel generation of cryptographic keys based on elliptic curves. Binary method for point multiplication and C++ threads were used in parallel implementation, while secp256k1 elliptic curve was used for testing. Obtained results show speedup of 30% over the sequential solution for 8 threads. The results are briefly discussed in the paper.
Embedded systems involve an integration of a large number of intellectual property (IP) blocks to shorten chip's time to market, in which, many IPs are acquired from the untrusted third-party suppliers. However, existing IP trust verification techniques cannot provide an adequate security assurance that no hardware Trojan was implanted inside the untrusted IPs. Hardware Trojans in untrusted IPs may cause processor program execution failures by tampering instruction code and return address. Therefore, this paper presents a secure RISC-V embedded system by integrating a Security Monitoring Unit (SMU), in which, instruction integrity monitoring by the fine-grained program basic blocks and function return address monitoring by the shadow stack are implemented, respectively. The hardware-assisted SMU is tested and validated that while CPU executes a CoreMark program, the SMU does not incur significant performance overhead on providing instruction security monitoring. And the proposed RISC-V embedded system satisfies good balance between performance overhead and resource consumption.
Social media has beneficial and detrimental impacts on social life. The vast distribution of false information on social media has become a worldwide threat. As a result, the Fake News Detection System in Social Networks has risen in popularity and is now considered an emerging research area. A centralized training technique makes it difficult to build a generalized model by adapting numerous data sources. In this study, we develop a decentralized Deep Learning model using Federated Learning (FL) for fake news detection. We utilize an ISOT fake news dataset gathered from "" (N = 44,898) to train the deep learning model. The performance of decentralized and centralized models is then assessed using accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score measures. In addition, performance was measured by varying the number of FL clients. We identify the high accuracy of our proposed decentralized FL technique (accuracy, 99.6%) utilizing fewer communication rounds than in previous studies, even without employing pre-trained word embedding. The highest effects are obtained when we compare our model to three earlier research. Instead of a centralized method for false news detection, the FL technique may be used more efficiently. The use of Blockchain-like technologies can improve the integrity and validity of news sources.
ISSN: 2577-1647
Fake news is a new phenomenon that promotes misleading information and fraud via internet social media or traditional news sources. Fake news is readily manufactured and transmitted across numerous social media platforms nowadays, and it has a significant influence on the real world. It is vital to create effective algorithms and tools for detecting misleading information on social media platforms. Most modern research approaches for identifying fraudulent information are based on machine learning, deep learning, feature engineering, graph mining, image and video analysis, and newly built datasets and online services. There is a pressing need to develop a viable approach for readily detecting misleading information. The deep learning LSTM and Bi-LSTM model was proposed as a method for detecting fake news, In this work. First, the NLTK toolkit was used to remove stop words, punctuation, and special characters from the text. The same toolset is used to tokenize and preprocess the text. Since then, GLOVE word embeddings have incorporated higher-level characteristics of the input text extracted from long-term relationships between word sequences captured by the RNN-LSTM, Bi-LSTM model to the preprocessed text. The proposed model additionally employs dropout technology with Dense layers to improve the model's efficiency. The proposed RNN Bi-LSTM-based technique obtains the best accuracy of 94%, and 93% using the Adam optimizer and the Binary cross-entropy loss function with Dropout (0.1,0.2), Once the Dropout range increases it decreases the accuracy of the model as it goes 92% once Dropout (0.3).
The rise of social media has brought the rise of fake news and this fake news comes with negative consequences. With fake news being such a huge issue, efforts should be made to identify any forms of fake news however it is not so simple. Manually identifying fake news can be extremely subjective as determining the accuracy of the information in a story is complex and difficult to perform, even for experts. On the other hand, an automated solution would require a good understanding of NLP which is also complex and may have difficulties producing an accurate output. Therefore, the main problem focused on this project is the viability of developing a system that can effectively and accurately detect and identify fake news. Finding a solution would be a significant benefit to the media industry, particularly the social media industry as this is where a large proportion of fake news is published and spread. In order to find a solution to this problem, this project proposed the development of a fake news identification system using deep learning and natural language processing. The system was developed using a Word2vec model combined with a Long Short-Term Memory model in order to showcase the compatibility of the two models in a whole system. This system was trained and tested using two different dataset collections that each consisted of one real news dataset and one fake news dataset. Furthermore, three independent variables were chosen which were the number of training cycles, data diversity and vector size to analyze the relationship between these variables and the accuracy levels of the system. It was found that these three variables did have a significant effect on the accuracy of the system. From this, the system was then trained and tested with the optimal variables and was able to achieve the minimum expected accuracy level of 90%. The achieving of this accuracy levels confirms the compatibility of the LSTM and Word2vec model and their capability to be synergized into a single system that is able to identify fake news with a high level of accuracy.
ISSN: 2640-0146
To exploit high temporal correlations in video frames of the same scene, the current frame is predicted from the already-encoded reference frames using block-based motion estimation and compensation techniques. While this approach can efficiently exploit the translation motion of the moving objects, it is susceptible to other types of affine motion and object occlusion/deocclusion. Recently, deep learning has been used to model the high-level structure of human pose in specific actions from short videos and then generate virtual frames in future time by predicting the pose using a generative adversarial network (GAN). Therefore, modelling the high-level structure of human pose is able to exploit semantic correlation by predicting human actions and determining its trajectory. Video surveillance applications will benefit as stored “big” surveillance data can be compressed by estimating human pose trajectories and generating future frames through semantic correlation. This paper explores a new way of video coding by modelling human pose from the already-encoded frames and using the generated frame at the current time as an additional forward-referencing frame. It is expected that the proposed approach can overcome the limitations of the traditional backward-referencing frames by predicting the blocks containing the moving objects with lower residuals. Our experimental results show that the proposed approach can achieve on average up to 2.83 dB PSNR gain and 25.93% bitrate savings for high motion video sequences compared to standard video coding.
ISSN: 2642-9357