Moving target defense (MTD) is becoming popular with the advancements in Software Defined Networking (SDN) technologies. With centralized management through SDN, changing the network attributes such as routes to escape from attacks is simple and fast. Yet, the available alternate routes are bounded by the network topology, and a persistent attacker that continuously perform the reconnaissance can extract the whole link-map of the network. To address this issue, we propose to use virtual shadow networks (VSNs) by applying Network Function Virtualization (NFV) abilities to the network in order to deceive attacker with the fake topology information and not reveal the actual network topology and characteristics. We design this approach under a formal framework for Internet Service Provider (ISP) networks and apply it to the recently emerged indirect DDoS attacks, namely Crossfire, for evaluation. The results show that attacker spends more time to figure out the network behavior while the costs on the defender and network operations are negligible until reaching a certain network size.
Internet of Things (IoT) has an immense potential for a plethora of applications ranging from healthcare automation to defence networks and the power grid. The security of an IoT network is essentially paramount to the security of the underlying computing and communication infrastructure. However, due to constrained resources and limited computational capabilities, IoT networks are prone to various attacks. Thus, safeguarding the IoT network from adversarial attacks is of vital importance and can be realised through planning and deployment of effective security controls; one such control being an intrusion detection system. In this paper, we present a novel intrusion detection scheme for IoT networks that classifies traffic flow through the application of deep learning concepts. We adopt a newly published IoT dataset and generate generic features from the field information in packet level. We develop a feed-forward neural networks model for binary and multi-class classification including denial of service, distributed denial of service, reconnaissance and information theft attacks against IoT devices. Results obtained through the evaluation of the proposed scheme via the processed dataset illustrate a high classification accuracy.
Moving target defense (MTD) is a proactive defense mechanism of changing the attack surface to increase an attacker's confusion and/or uncertainty, which invalidates its intelligence gained through reconnaissance and/or network scanning attacks. In this work, we propose software-defined networking (SDN)-based MTD technique using the shuffling of IP addresses and port numbers aiming to obfuscate both network and transport layers' real identities of the host and the service for defending against the network reconnaissance and scanning attacks. We call our proposed MTD technique Random Host and Service Multiplexing, namely RHSM. RHSM allows each host to use random, multiple virtual IP addresses to be dynamically and periodically shuffled. In addition, it uses short-lived, multiple virtual port numbers for an active service running on the host. Our proposed RHSM is novel in that we employ multiplexing (or de-multiplexing) to dynamically change and remap from all the virtual IPs of the host to the real IP or the virtual ports of the services to the real port, respectively. Via extensive simulation experiments, we prove how effectively and efficiently RHSM outperforms a baseline counterpart (i.e., a static network without RHSM) in terms of the attack success probability and defense cost.
This paper work is focused on Performance comparison of intrusion detection system between DBN Algorithm and SPELM Algorithm. Researchers have used this new algorithm SPELM to perform experiments in the area of face recognition, pedestrian detection, and for network intrusion detection in the area of cyber security. The scholar used the proposed State Preserving Extreme Learning Machine(SPELM) algorithm as machine learning classifier and compared it's performance with Deep Belief Network (DBN) algorithm using NSL KDD dataset. The NSL- KDD dataset has four lakhs of data record; out of which 40% of data were used for training purposes and 60% data used in testing purpose while calculating the performance of both the algorithms. The experiment as performed by the scholar compared the Accuracy, Precision, recall and Computational Time of existing DBN algorithm with proposed SPELM Algorithm. The findings have show better performance of SPELM; when compared its accuracy of 93.20% as against 52.8% of DBN algorithm;69.492 Precision of SPELM as against 66.836 DBN and 90.8 seconds of Computational time taken by SPELM as against 102 seconds DBN Algorithm.
Software has become an essential component of modern life, but when software vulnerabilities threaten the security of users, new ways of analyzing for software security must be explored. Using the National Institute of Standards and Technology's Juliet Java Suite, containing thousands of examples of defective Java methods for a variety of vulnerabilities, a prototype tool was developed implementing an array of Long-Short Term Memory Recurrent Neural Networks to detect vulnerabilities within source code. The tool employs various data preparation methods to be independent of coding style and to automate the process of extracting methods, labeling data, and partitioning the dataset. The result is a prototype command-line utility that generates an n-dimensional vulnerability prediction vector. The experimental evaluation using 44,495 test cases indicates that the tool can achieve an accuracy higher than 90% for 24 out of 29 different types of CWE vulnerabilities.
We present a unified communication architecture for security requirements in the industrial internet of things. Formulating security requirements in the language of OPC UA provides a unified method to communicate and compare security requirements within a heavily heterogeneous landscape of machines in the field. Our machine-readable data model provides a fully automatable approach for security requirement communication within the rapidly evolving fourth industrial revolution, which is characterized by high-grade interconnection of industrial infrastructures and self-configuring production systems. Capturing security requirements in an OPC UA compliant and unified data model for industrial control systems enables strong use cases within modern production plants and future supply chains. We implement our data model as well as an OPC UA server that operates on this model to show the feasibility of our approach. Further, we deploy and evaluate our framework within a reference project realized by 14 industrial partners and 7 research facilities within Germany.
This paper proposes a compensation control scheme against DoS attack for nonlinear cyber-physical systems (CPSs). The dynamical process of the nonlinear CPSs are described by T-S fuzzy model that regulated by the corresponding fuzzy rules. The communication link between the controller and the actuator under consideration may be unreliable, where Denialof-Service (DoS) attack is supposed to invade the communication link randomly. To compensate the negative effect caused by DoS attack, a compensation control scheme is designed to maintain the stability of the closed-loop system. With the aid of the Lyapunov function theory, a sufficient condition is established to ensure the stochastic stability and strict dissipativity of the closed-loop system. Finally, an iterative linearization algorithm is designed to determine the controller gain and the effectiveness of the proposed approach is evaluated through simulations.
The borderless, dynamic, high dimensional and virtual natures of cyberspace have brought unprecedented hard situation for defenders. To fight uncertain challenges in versatile cyberspace, a security framework based on the cloud computing platform that facilitates containerization technology to create a security capability pool to generate and distribute security payload according to system needs. Composed by four subsystems of the security decision center, the image and container library, the decision rule base and the security event database, this framework distills structured knowledge from aggregated security events and then deliver security load to the managed network or terminal nodes directed by the decision center. By introducing such unified and standardized top-level security framework that is decomposable, combinable and configurable in a service-oriented manner, it could offer flexibility and effectiveness in reconstructing security resource allocation and usage to reach higher efficiency.