This paper focuses on the creation of information centric Cyber-Human Learning Frameworks involving Virtual Reality based mediums. A generalized framework is proposed, which is adapted for two educational domains: one to support education and training of residents in orthopedic surgery and the other focusing on science learning for children with autism. Users, experts and technology based mediums play a key role in the design of such a Cyber-Human framework. Virtual Reality based immersive and haptic mediums were two of the technologies explored in the implementation of the framework for these learning domains. The proposed framework emphasizes the importance of Information-Centric Systems Engineering (ICSE) principles which emphasizes a user centric approach along with formalizing understanding of target subjects or processes for which the learning environments are being created.
Voice-based input is usually used as the primary input method for augmented reality (AR) headsets due to immersive AR experience and good recognition performance. However, recent researches have shown that an attacker can inject inaudible voice commands to the devices that lack voice verification. Even if we secure voice input with voice verification techniques, an attacker can easily steal the victim's voice using low-cast handy recorders and replay it to voice-based applications. To defend against voice-spoofing attacks, AR headsets should be able to determine whether the voice is from the person who is using the AR headsets. Existing voice-spoofing defense systems are designed for smartphone platforms. Due to the special locations of microphones and loudspeakers on AR headsets, existing solutions are hard to be implemented on AR headsets. To address this challenge, in this paper, we propose a voice-spoofing defense system for AR headsets by leveraging both the internal body propagation and the air propagation of human voices. Experimental results show that our system can successfully accept normal users with average accuracy of 97% and defend against two types of attacks with average accuracy of at least 98%.
This paper discusses two pieces of software designed for intelligence analysis, the brainstorming tool and the Scenario Planning Advisor. These tools were developed in the Cognitive Immersive Systems Lab (CISL) in conjunction with IBM. We discuss the immersive environment the tools are situated in, and the proposed benefit for intelligence analysis.
Digital forensics is process of identifying, preserving, analyzing and preserving digital evidence. Due to increasing cybercrimes now a days, it is important for all organizations to have a well-managed digital forensics cell. So to overcome this, we propose a framework called digital forensics capability analyser. [1]The main advantage of developing digital analyzer is cost minimization. This tool will provide fundamental information for setting up a digital forensic cell and will also offer services like online sessions. [2] [3]It will help organizations by providing them with a perfect solution according to their requirements to start a digital forensic cell in their respective lnstitution.[4] [5].
The fundamental aim of digital forensics is to discover, investigate and protect an evidence, increasing cybercrime enforces digital forensics team to have more accurate evidence handling. This makes digital evidence as an important factor to link individual with criminal activity. In this procedure of forensics investigation, maintaining integrity of the evidence plays an important role. A chain of custody refers to a process of recording and preserving details of digital evidence from collection to presenting in court of law. It becomes a necessary objective to ensure that the evidence provided to the court remains original and authentic without tampering. Aim is to transfer these digital evidences securely using encryption techniques.
Tensor operations, such as matrix multiplication, are central to large-scale machine learning applications. These operations can be carried out on a distributed computing platform with a master server at the user side and multiple workers in the cloud operating in parallel. For distributed platforms, it has been recently shown that coding over the input data matrices can reduce the computational delay, yielding a tradeoff between recovery threshold and communication load. In this work, we impose an additional security constraint on the data matrices and assume that workers can collude to eavesdrop on the content of these data matrices. Specifically, we introduce a novel class of secure codes, referred to as secure generalized PolyDot codes, that generalizes previously published non-secure versions of these codes for matrix multiplication. These codes extend the state-of-the-art by allowing a flexible trade-off between recovery threshold and communication load for a fixed maximum number of colluding workers.
Multipath fading as well as shadowing is liable for the leakage of confidential information from the wireless channels. In this paper a solution to this information leakage is proposed, where a source transmits signal through a α-μ/α-μ composite fading channel considering an eavesdropper is present in the system. Secrecy enhancement is investigated with the help of two fading parameters α and μ. To mitigate the impacts of shadowing a α-μ distribution is considered whose mean is another α-μ distribution which helps to moderate the effects multipath fading. The mathematical expressions of some secrecy matrices such as the probability of non-zero secrecy capacity and the secure outage probability are obtained in closed-form to analyze security of the wireless channel in light of the channel parameters. Finally, Monte-Carlo simulations are provided to justify the correctness of the derived expressions.
For the past few decades, mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) have been a global trend in wireless networking technology. These kind of ad-hoc networks are infrastructure less, dynamic in topology and further doesn't have a centralized network administration which makes it easier for the intruders to launch several attacks on MANETs. In this paper, we have made a comparative analysis of the network layer attack by simulating rushing and black hole attack using NS-2 network simulator. For determining the most vulnerable attack we have considered packet delivery ratio, end to end delay and throughput as a evaluation metrices. Here, AODV routing protocol has been configured for data forwarding operations. From our Simulation result, it is evident that the black hole attack is more vulnerable when compared to the rushing attack.
WSN can be termed as a collection of dimensionally diffused nodes which are capable of surveilling and analyzing their surroundings. The sensors are delicate, transportable and small in size while being economical at the same time. However, the diffused nature of these networks also exposes them to a variety of security hazards. Hence, ensuring a reliable file exchange in these networks is not an easy job due to various security requirements that must be fulfilled. In this paper we concentrate mainly on network layer threats and their security countermeasures to overcome the scope of intruders to access the information without having any authentication on the network layer. Various network layer intrusions that are discussed here include Sinkhole Attack, Sybil Attack, Wormhole Attack, Selective Forwarding Attack, Blackhole Attack And Hello Flood Attack.
Communication is considered as an essential part of our lives. Different medium was used for exchange of information, but due to advancement in field of technology, different network setup came into existence. One of the most suited in wireless field is Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). These networks are set up by self-organizing nodes which operate over radio environment. Since communication is done more rapidly, they are confined to many attacks which operate at different layers. In order to have efficient communication, some security measure must be introduced in the network ho have secure communication. In this paper, we describe various attacks functioning at different layers also one of the common network layer attack called Blackhole Attack with its mitigation technique using Intrusion Detection System (IDS) over network simulator ns2 has been discussed.
Nowadays network applications have more focus on content distribution which is hard to tackle in IP based Internet. Information Centric Network (ICN) have the ability to overcome this problem for various scenarios, specifically for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs). Conventional IP based system have issues like mobility management hence ICN solve this issue because data fetching is not dependent on a particular node or physical location. Many initial investigations have performed on an instance of ICN commonly known as Named Data Networking (NDN). However, NDN exposes the new type of security susceptibilities, poisoning cache attack, flooding Interest attack, and violation of privacy because the content in the network is called by the name. This paper focused on mitigation of Interest flooding attack by proposing new scheme, named Interest Flooding Attack Mitigation Scheme (IFAMS) in Vehicular Named Data Network (VNDN). Simulation results depict that proposed IFAMS scheme mitigates the Interest flooding attack in the network.