Visible to the public Concept for network intrusion detection system based on recurrent neural network classifier

TitleConcept for network intrusion detection system based on recurrent neural network classifier
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsNikolov, Dimitar, Kordev, Iliyan, Stefanova, Stela
Conference Name2018 IEEE XXVII International Scientific Conference Electronics - ET
Date Publishedsep
KeywordsApache HTTP Server, composability, computer aided instruction, computer network security, computer science education, DoS, Educational institutions, high-school student, Intrusion detection, intrusion detection system, learning project, Logic gates, long-short term memory units, long-short term neural network, Metrics, Monitoring, network intrusion detection, network intrusion detection system, problem-based learning, pubcrawl, recurrent neural nets, recurrent neural network classifier, Recurrent neural networks, Resiliency, Technical University Sofia, technology school electronic systems, Web servers
AbstractThis paper presents the effects of problem based learning project on a high-school student in Technology school "Electronic systems" associated with Technical University Sofia. The problem is creating an intrusion detection system for Apache HTTP Server with duration 6 months. The intrusion detection system is based on a recurrent neural network classifier namely long-short term memory units.
Citation Keynikolov_concept_2018