Machine learning (ML) techniques are changing both the offensive and defensive aspects of cybersecurity. The implications are especially strong for privacy, as ML approaches provide unprecedented opportunities to make use of collected data. Thus, education on cybersecurity and AI is needed. To investigate how AI and cybersecurity should be taught together, we look at previous studies on cybersecurity MOOCs by conducting a systematic literature review. The initial search resulted in 72 items and after screening for only peer-reviewed publications on cybersecurity online courses, 15 studies remained. Three of the studies concerned multiple cybersecurity MOOCs whereas 12 focused on individual courses. The number of published work evaluating specific cybersecurity MOOCs was found to be small compared to all available cybersecurity MOOCs. Analysis of the studies revealed that cybersecurity education is, in almost all cases, organised based on the topic instead of used tools, making it difficult for learners to find focused information on AI applications in cybersecurity. Furthermore, there is a gab in academic literature on how AI applications in cybersecurity should be taught in online courses.
Deep neural network (DNN) has demonstrated its success in multiple domains. However, DNN models are inherently vulnerable to adversarial examples, which are generated by adding adversarial perturbations to benign inputs to fool the DNN model to misclassify. In this paper, we present a cross-layer strategic ensemble framework and a suite of robust defense algorithms, which are attack-independent, and capable of auto-repairing and auto-verifying the target model being attacked. Our strategic ensemble approach makes three original contributions. First, we employ input-transformation diversity to design the input-layer strategic transformation ensemble algorithms. Second, we utilize model-disagreement diversity to develop the output-layer strategic model ensemble algorithms. Finally, we create an input-output cross-layer strategic ensemble defense that strengthens the defensibility by combining diverse input transformation based model ensembles with diverse output verification model ensembles. Evaluated over 10 attacks on ImageNet dataset, we show that our strategic ensemble defense algorithms can achieve high defense success rates and are more robust with high attack prevention success rates and low benign false negative rates, compared to existing representative defenses.
Recently, several cross-layer protocols have been designed for vehicular networks to optimize data dissemination by ensuring internal communications between routing and MAC layers. In this context, a cross-layer protocol, called TDMA-aware Routing Protocol for Multi-hop communications (TRPM), was proposed in order to efficiently select a relay node based on time slot scheduling information obtained from the MAC layer. However, due to the constant evolution of cyber-attacks on the routing and MAC layers, data dissemination in vehicular networks is vulnerable to several types of attack. In this paper, we identify the different attack models that can disrupt the cross-layer operation of the TRPM protocol and assess their impact on performance through simulation. Several new vulnerabilities related to the MAC slot scheduling process are identified. Exploiting of these vulnerabilities would lead to severe channel capacity wastage where up to half of the free slots could not be reserved.
The time-varying properties of the wireless channel are a powerful source of information that can complement and enhance traditional security mechanisms. Therefore, we propose a cross-layer authentication mechanism that combines physical layer channel information and traditional authentication mechanism in LTE. To verify the feasibility of the proposed mechanism, we build a cross-layer authentication system that extracts the phase shift information of a typical UE and use the ensemble learning method to train the fingerprint map based on OAI LTE. Experimental results show that our cross-layer authentication mechanism can effectively prompt the security of LTE system.