This article presents the modeling results of the ability to improve the accuracy of predicting the state of information security in the space of parameters of its threats. Information security of the protected object is considered as a dynamic system. Security threats to the protected object are used as the security system parameters most qualitatively and fully describing its behavior. The number of threats considered determines the dimension of the security state space. Based on the dynamic properties of changes in information security threats, the space region of the security system possible position at the moments of subsequent measurements of its state (a comprehensive security audit) is predicted. The corrected state of the information security system is considered to be the intersection of the area of subsequent measurement of the state of the system (integrated security audit) with the previously predicted area of the parameter space. Such a way to increase the accuracy of determining the state of a dynamic system in the space of its parameters can be called dynamic recurrent correction method. It is possible to use this method if the comprehensive security audit frequency is significantly higher than the frequency of monitoring changes in the dynamics of specific threats to information security. In addition, the data of the audit results and the errors of their receipt must be statistically independent with the results of monitoring changes in the dynamics of specific threats to information security. Improving the accuracy of the state of information security assessment in the space of the parameters of its threats can be used for various applications, including clarification of the communication channels characteristics, increasing the availability and efficiency of the telecommunications network, if it is an object of protection.
Enterprise networks are increasingly moving towards Software Defined Networking, which is becoming a major trend in the networking arena. With the increased popularity of SDN, there is a greater need for security measures for protecting the enterprise networks. This paper focuses on the design and implementation of an integrated security architecture for SDN based enterprise networks. The integrated security architecture uses a policy-based approach to coordinate different security mechanisms to detect and counteract a range of security attacks in the SDN. A distinguishing characteristic of the proposed architecture is its ability to deal with dynamic changes in the security attacks as well as changes in trust associated with the network devices in the infrastructure. The adaptability of the proposed architecture to dynamic changes is achieved by having feedback between the various security components/mechanisms in the architecture and managing them using a dynamic policy framework. The paper describes the prototype implementation of the proposed architecture and presents security and performance analysis for different attack scenarios. We believe that the proposed integrated security architecture provides a significant step towards achieving a secure SDN for enterprises.
Most of the authentication protocols assume the existence of a Trusted Third Party (TTP) in the form of a Certificate Authority or as an authentication server. The main objective of this research is to present an autonomous solution where users could store their credentials, without depending on TTPs. For this, the use of an autonomous network is imperative, where users could use their uniqueness in order to identify themselves. We propose the framework “Three Blockchains Identity Management with Elliptic Curve Cryptography (3BI-ECC)”. Our proposed framework is a decentralize identity management system where users' identities are self-generated.
Cross-site scripting (XSS) is an often-occurring major attack that developers should consider when developing web applications. We develop a system that can provide practical exercises for learning how to create web applications that are secure against XSS. Our system utilizes free software and virtual machines, allowing low-cost, safe, and practical exercises. By using two virtual machines as the web server and the attacker host, the learner can conduct exercises demonstrating both XSS countermeasures and XSS attacks. In our system, learners use a web browser to learn and perform exercises related to XSS. Experimental evaluations confirm that the proposed system can support learning of XSS countermeasures.
Conflicts may arise at any time during military debriefing meetings, especially in high intensity deployed settings. When such conflicts arise, it takes time to get everyone back into a receptive state of mind so that they engage in reflective discussion rather than unproductive arguing. It has been proposed by some that the use of social robots equipped with social abilities such as emotion regulation through rapport building may help to deescalate these situations to facilitate critical operational decisions. However, in military settings, the same AI agent used in the pre-brief of a mission may not be the same one used in the debrief. The purpose of this study was to determine whether a brief rapport-building session with a social robot could create a connection between a human and a robot agent, and whether consistency in the embodiment of the robot agent was necessary for maintaining this connection once formed. We report the results of a pilot study conducted at the United States Air Force Academy which simulated a military mission (i.e., Gravity and Strike). Participants' connection with the agent, sense of trust, and overall likeability revealed that early rapport building can be beneficial for military missions.
Experimentation focused on assessing the value of complex visualisation approaches when compared with alternative methods for data analysis is challenging. The interaction between participant prior knowledge and experience, a diverse range of experimental or real-world data sets and a dynamic interaction with the display system presents challenges when seeking timely, affordable and statistically relevant experimentation results. This paper outlines a hybrid approach proposed for experimentation with complex interactive data analysis tools, specifically for computer network traffic analysis. The approach involves a structured survey completed after free engagement with the software platform by expert participants. The survey captures objective and subjective data points relating to the experience with the goal of making an assessment of software performance which is supported by statistically significant experimental results. This work is particularly applicable to field of network analysis for cyber security and also military cyber operations and intelligence data analysis.
The security of Industrial Control system (ICS) of cybersecurity networks ensures that control equipment fails and that regular procedures are available at its control facilities and internal industrial network. For this reason, it is essential to improve the security of industrial control facility networks continuously. Since network security is threatening, industrial installations are irreparable and perhaps environmentally hazardous. In this study, the industrialized Early Intrusion Detection System (EIDS) was used to modify the Intrusion Detection System (IDS) method. The industrial EIDS was implemented using routers, IDS Snort, Industrial honeypot, and Iptables MikroTik. EIDS successfully simulated and implemented instructions written in IDS, Iptables router, and Honeypots. Accordingly, the attacker's information was displayed on the monitoring page, which had been designed for the ICS. The EIDS provides cybersecurity and industrial network systems against vulnerabilities and alerts industrial network security heads in the shortest possible time.
Cyber threats directly affect the critical reliability and availability of modern Industry Control Systems (ICS) in respects of operations and processes. Where there are a variety of vulnerabilities and cyber threats, it is necessary to effectively evaluate cyber security risks, and control uncertainties of cyber environments, and quantitative evaluation can be helpful. To effectively and timely control the spread and impact produced by attacks on ICS networks, a probabilistic Multi-Attribute Vulnerability Criticality Analysis (MAVCA) model for impact estimation and prioritised remediation is presented. This offer a new approach for combining three major attributes: vulnerability severities influenced by environmental factors, the attack probabilities relative to the vulnerabilities, and functional dependencies attributed to vulnerability host components. A miniature ICS testbed evaluation illustrates the usability of the model for determining the weakest link and setting security priority in the ICS. This work can help create speedy and proactive security response. The metrics derived in this work can serve as sub-metrics inputs to a larger quantitative security metrics taxonomy; and can be integrated into the security risk assessment scheme of a larger distributed system.
The evolving of context-aware applications are becoming more readily available as a major driver of the growth of future connected smart, autonomous environments. However, with the increasing of security risks in critical shared massive data capabilities and the increasing regulation requirements on privacy, there is a significant need for new paradigms to manage security and privacy compliances. These challenges call for context-aware and fine-grained security policies to be enforced in such dynamic environments in order to achieve efficient real-time authorization between applications and connected devices. We propose in this work a novel solution that aims to provide context-aware security model for Android applications. Specifically, our proposition provides automated context-aware access control model and leverages Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) to secure data communications. Thorough experiments have been performed and the evaluation results demonstrate that the proposed solution provides an effective lightweight adaptable context-aware encryption model.
The concept of the adversary model has been widely applied in the context of cryptography. When designing a cryptographic scheme or protocol, the adversary model plays a crucial role in the formalization of the capabilities and limitations of potential attackers. These models further enable the designer to verify the security of the scheme or protocol under investigation. Although being well established for conventional cryptanalysis attacks, adversary models associated with attackers enjoying the advantages of machine learning techniques have not yet been developed thoroughly. In particular, when it comes to composed hardware, often being security-critical, the lack of such models has become increasingly noticeable in the face of advanced, machine learning-enabled attacks. This paper aims at exploring the adversary models from the machine learning perspective. In this regard, we provide examples of machine learning-based attacks against hardware primitives, e.g., obfuscation schemes and hardware root-of-trust, claimed to be infeasible. We demonstrate that this assumption becomes however invalid as inaccurate adversary models have been considered in the literature.
Artificial neural networks in general and deep learning networks in particular established themselves as popular and powerful machine learning algorithms. While the often tremendous sizes of these networks are beneficial when solving complex tasks, the tremendous number of parameters also causes such networks to be vulnerable to malicious behavior such as adversarial perturbations. These perturbations can change a model's classification decision. Moreover, while single-step adversaries can easily be transferred from network to network, the transfer of more powerful multi-step adversaries has - usually - been rather difficult.In this work, we introduce a method for generating strong adversaries that can easily (and frequently) be transferred between different models. This method is then used to generate a large set of adversaries, based on which the effects of selected defense methods are experimentally assessed. At last, we introduce a novel, simple, yet effective approach to enhance the resilience of neural networks against adversaries and benchmark it against established defense methods. In contrast to the already existing methods, our proposed defense approach is much more efficient as it only requires a single additional forward-pass to achieve comparable performance results.
Rapidly growing shared information for threat intelligence not only helps security analysts reduce time on tracking attacks, but also bring possibilities to research on adversaries' thinking and decisions, which is important for the further analysis of attackers' habits and preferences. In this paper, we analyze current models and frameworks used in threat intelligence that suited to different modeling goals, and propose a three-layer model (Goal, Behavior, Capability) to study the statistical characteristics of APT groups. Based on the proposed model, we construct a knowledge network composed of adversary behaviors, and introduce a similarity measure approach to capture similarity degree by considering different semantic links between groups. After calculating similarity degrees, we take advantage of Girvan-Newman algorithm to discover community groups, clustering result shows that community structures and boundaries do exist by analyzing the behavior of APT groups.