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Thapaliya, Bipana, Mursi, Khalid T., Zhuang, Yu.  2021.  Machine Learning-based Vulnerability Study of Interpose PUFs as Security Primitives for IoT Networks. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture and Storage (NAS). :1–7.
Security is of importance for communication networks, and many network nodes, like sensors and IoT devices, are resource-constrained. Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) leverage physical variations of the integrated circuits to produce responses unique to individual circuits and have the potential for delivering security for low-cost networks. But before a PUF can be adopted for security applications, all security vulnerabilities must be discovered. Recently, a new PUF known as Interpose PUF (IPUF) was proposed, which was tested to be secure against reliability-based modeling attacks and machine learning attacks when the attacked IPUF is of small size. A recent study showed IPUFs succumbed to a divide-and-conquer attack, and the attack method requires the position of the interpose bit known to the attacker, a condition that can be easily obfuscated by using a random interpose position. Thus, large IPUFs may still remain secure against all known modeling attacks if the interpose position is unknown to attackers. In this paper, we present a new modeling attack method of IPUFs using multilayer neural networks, and the attack method requires no knowledge of the interpose position. Our attack was tested on simulated IPUFs and silicon IPUFs implemented on FPGAs, and the results showed that many IPUFs which were resilient against existing attacks cannot withstand our new attack method, revealing a new vulnerability of IPUFs by re-defining the boundary between secure and insecure regions in the IPUF parameter space.
Gray, Wayne, Tsokanos, Athanasios, Kirner, Raimund.  2021.  Multi-Link Failure Effects on MPLS Resilient Fast-Reroute Network Architectures. 2021 IEEE 24th International Symposium on Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC). :29–33.
MPLS has been in the forefront of high-speed Wide Area Networks (WANs), for almost two decades [1], [12]. The performance advantages in implementing Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) are mainly its superior speed based on fast label switching and its capability to perform Fast Reroute rapidly when failure(s) occur - in theory under 50 ms [16], [17], which makes MPLS also interesting for real-time applications. We investigate the aforementioned advantages of MPLS by creating two real testbeds using actual routers that commercial Internet Service Providers (ISPs) use, one with a ring and one with a partial mesh architecture. In those two testbeds we compare the performance of MPLS channels versus normal routing, both using the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) routing protocol. The speed of the Fast Reroute mechanism for MPLS when failures are occurring is investigated. Firstly, baseline experiments are performed consisting of MPLS versus normal routing. Results are evaluated and compared using both single and dual failure scenarios within the two architectures. Our results confirm recovery times within 50 ms.
Jia, Yaoqi, Tople, Shruti, Moataz, Tarik, Gong, Deli, Saxena, Prateek, Liang, Zhenkai.  2020.  Robust P2P Primitives Using SGX Enclaves. 2020 IEEE 40th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS). :1185–1186.
Peer-to-peer (P2P) systems such as BitTorrent and Bitcoin are susceptible to serious attacks from byzantine nodes that join as peers. Due to well-known impossibility results for designing P2P primitives in unrestricted byzantine settings, research has explored many adversarial models with additional assumptions, ranging from mild (such as pre-established PKI) to strong (such as the existence of common random coins). One such widely-studied model is the general-omission model, which yields simple protocols with good efficiency, but has been considered impractical or unrealizable since it artificially limits the adversary only to omitting messages.In this work, we study the setting of a synchronous network wherein peer nodes have CPUs equipped with a recent trusted computing mechanism called Intel SGX. In this model, we observe that the byzantine adversary reduces to the adversary in the general-omission model. As a first result, we show that by leveraging SGX features, we eliminate any source of advantage for a byzantine adversary beyond that gained by omitting messages, making the general-omission model realizable. Our evaluation of 1000 nodes running on 40 DeterLab machines confirms theoretical efficiency claim.
Torres-Figueroa, Luis, Mönich, Ullrich J., Voichtleitner, Johannes, Frank, Anna, Andrei, Vlad-Costin, Wiese, Moritz, Boche, Holger.  2021.  Experimental Evaluation of a Modular Coding Scheme for Physical Layer Security. 2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM). :1–6.
In this paper we use a seeded modular coding scheme for implementing physical layer security in a wiretap scenario. This modular scheme consists of a traditional coding layer and a security layer. For the traditional coding layer, we use a polar code. We evaluate the performance of the seeded modular coding scheme in an experimental setup with software defined radios and compare these results to simulation results. In order to assess the secrecy level of the scheme, we employ the distinguishing security metric. In our experiments, we compare the distinguishing error rate for different seeds and block lengths.
Ajorpaz, Samira Mirbagher, Moghimi, Daniel, Collins, Jeffrey Neal, Pokam, Gilles, Abu-Ghazaleh, Nael, Tullsen, Dean.  2022.  EVAX: Towards a Practical, Pro-active & Adaptive Architecture for High Performance & Security. 2022 55th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO). :1218—1236.
This paper provides an end-to-end solution to defend against known microarchitectural attacks such as speculative execution attacks, fault-injection attacks, covert and side channel attacks, and unknown or evasive versions of these attacks. Current defenses are attack specific and can have unacceptably high performance overhead. We propose an approach that reduces the overhead of state-of-art defenses by over 95%, by applying defenses only when attacks are detected. Many current proposed mitigations are not practical for deployment; for example, InvisiSpec has 27% overhead and Fencing has 74% overhead while protecting against only Spectre attacks. Other mitigations carry similar performance penalties. We reduce the overhead for InvisiSpec to 1.26% and for Fencing to 3.45% offering performance and security for not only spectre attacks but other known transient attacks as well, including the dangerous class of LVI and Rowhammer attacks, as well as covering a large set of future evasive and zero-day attacks. Critical to our approach is an accurate detector that is not fooled by evasive attacks and that can generalize to novel zero-day attacks. We use a novel Generative framework, Evasion Vaccination (EVAX) for training ML models and engineering new security-centric performance counters. EVAX significantly increases sensitivity to detect and classify attacks in time for mitigation to be deployed with low false positives (4 FPs in every 1M instructions in our experiments). Such performance enables efficient and timely mitigations, enabling the processor to automatically switch between performance and security as needed.
Andersen, Erik, Chiarandini, Marco, Hassani, Marwan, Jänicke, Stefan, Tampakis, Panagiotis, Zimek, Arthur.  2022.  Evaluation of Probability Distribution Distance Metrics in Traffic Flow Outlier Detection. 2022 23rd IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM). :64—69.

Recent approaches have proven the effectiveness of local outlier factor-based outlier detection when applied over traffic flow probability distributions. However, these approaches used distance metrics based on the Bhattacharyya coefficient when calculating probability distribution similarity. Consequently, the limited expressiveness of the Bhattacharyya coefficient restricted the accuracy of the methods. The crucial deficiency of the Bhattacharyya distance metric is its inability to compare distributions with non-overlapping sample spaces over the domain of natural numbers. Traffic flow intensity varies greatly, which results in numerous non-overlapping sample spaces, rendering metrics based on the Bhattacharyya coefficient inappropriate. In this work, we address this issue by exploring alternative distance metrics and showing their applicability in a massive real-life traffic flow data set from 26 vital intersections in The Hague. The results on these data collected from 272 sensors for more than two years show various advantages of the Earth Mover's distance both in effectiveness and efficiency.

Jabrayilzade, Elgun, Evtikhiev, Mikhail, Tüzün, Eray, Kovalenko, Vladimir.  2022.  Bus Factor in Practice. 2022 IEEE/ACM 44th International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Practice (ICSE-SEIP). :97—106.

Bus factor is a metric that identifies how resilient is the project to the sudden engineer turnover. It states the minimal number of engineers that have to be hit by a bus for a project to be stalled. Even though the metric is often discussed in the community, few studies consider its general relevance. Moreover, the existing tools for bus factor estimation focus solely on the data from version control systems, even though there exists other channels for knowledge generation and distribution. With a survey of 269 engineers, we find that the bus factor is perceived as an important problem in collective development, and determine the highest impact channels of knowledge generation and distribution in software development teams. We also propose a multimodal bus factor estimation algorithm that uses data on code reviews and meetings together with the VCS data. We test the algorithm on 13 projects developed at JetBrains and compared its results to the results of the state-of-the-art tool by Avelino et al. against the ground truth collected in a survey of the engineers working on these projects. Our algorithm is slightly better in terms of both predicting the bus factor as well as key developers compared to the results of Avelino et al. Finally, we use the interviews and the surveys to derive a set of best practices to address the bus factor issue and proposals for the possible bus factor assessment tool.

Tadeo, Diego Antonio García, John, S.Franklin, Bhaumik, Ankan, Neware, Rahul, Yamsani, Nagendar, Kapila, Dhiraj.  2021.  Empirical Analysis of Security Enabled Cloud Computing Strategy Using Artificial Intelligence. 2021 International Conference on Computing Sciences (ICCS). :83—85.
Cloud Computing (CC) has emerged as an on-demand accessible tool in different practical applications such as digital industry, academics, manufacturing, health sector and others. In this paper different security threats faced by CC are discussed with suitable examples. Moreover, an artificial intelligence based security enabled CC is also discussed based on suitable empirical data. It is found that an artificial neural network (ANN) is an effective system to detect the level of risk factors associated with CC along with mitigating those risk issues with appropriate algorithms. Hence, it provides a desired level of protection against cyber attacks, internal confidential threats and external threat of data theft from a cloud computing system. Levenberg–Marquardt (LMBP) algorithms are also found as a significant tool to estimate the level of security performance around a cloud computing system. ANN is used to improve the performance level of data security across a cloud computing network and make it security enabled to ensure a protected data transmission to clients associated with the system.
Paudel, Bijay Raj, Itani, Aashish, Tragoudas, Spyros.  2021.  Resiliency of SNN on Black-Box Adversarial Attacks. 2021 20th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA). :799–806.
Existing works indicate that Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) are resilient to adversarial attacks by testing against few attack models. This paper studies adversarial attacks on SNNs using additional attack models and shows that SNNs are not inherently robust against many few-pixel L0 black-box attacks. Additionally, a method to defend against such attacks in SNNs is presented. The SNNs and the effects of adversarial attacks are tested on both software simulators as well as on SpiNNaker neuromorphic hardware.
Tian, Pu, Hatcher, William Grant, Liao, Weixian, Yu, Wei, Blasch, Erik.  2021.  FALIoTSE: Towards Federated Adversarial Learning for IoT Search Engine Resiliency. 2021 IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, Intl Conf on Cloud and Big Data Computing, Intl Conf on Cyber Science and Technology Congress (DASC/PiCom/CBDCom/CyberSciTech). :290–297.
To improve efficiency and resource usage in data retrieval, an Internet of Things (IoT) search engine organizes a vast amount of scattered data and responds to client queries with processed results. Machine learning provides a deep understanding of complex patterns and enables enhanced feedback to users through well-trained models. Nonetheless, machine learning models are prone to adversarial attacks via the injection of elaborate perturbations, resulting in subverted outputs. Particularly, adversarial attacks on time-series data demand urgent attention, as sensors in IoT systems are collecting an increasing volume of sequential data. This paper investigates adversarial attacks on time-series analysis in an IoT search engine (IoTSE) system. Specifically, we consider the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) as our base model, implemented in a simulated federated learning scheme. We propose the Federated Adversarial Learning for IoT Search Engine (FALIoTSE) that exploits the shared parameters of the federated model as the target for adversarial example generation and resiliency. Using a real-world smart parking garage dataset, the impact of an attack on FALIoTSE is demonstrated under various levels of perturbation. The experiments show that the training error increases significantly with noises from the gradient.
Tall, Anne M., Zou, Cliff C., Wang, Jun.  2021.  Integrating Cybersecurity Into a Big Data Ecosystem. MILCOM 2021 - 2021 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). :69—76.
This paper provides an overview of the security service controls that are applied in a big data processing (BDP) system to defend against cyber security attacks. We validate this approach by modeling attacks and effectiveness of security service controls in a sequence of states and transitions. This Finite State Machine (FSM) approach uses the probable effectiveness of security service controls, as defined in the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Risk Management Framework (RMF). The attacks used in the model are defined in the ATT&CK™ framework. Five different BDP security architecture configurations are considered, spanning from a low-cost default BDP configuration to a more expensive, industry supported layered security architecture. The analysis demonstrates the importance of a multi-layer approach to implementing security in BDP systems. With increasing interest in using BDP systems to analyze sensitive data sets, it is important to understand and justify BDP security architecture configurations with their significant costs. The output of the model demonstrates that over the run time, larger investment in security service controls results in significantly more uptime. There is a significant increase in uptime with a linear increase in security service control investment. We believe that these results support our recommended BDP security architecture. That is, a layered architecture with security service controls integrated into the user interface, boundary, central management of security policies, and applications that incorporate privacy preserving programs. These results enable making BDP systems operational for sensitive data accessed in a multi-tenant environment.
Tanimoto, Shigeaki, Matsumoto, Mari, Endo, Teruo, Sato, Hiroyuki, Kanai, Atsushi.  2021.  Risk Management of Fog Computing for Improving IoT Security. 2021 10th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI). :703—709.
With the spread of the Internet, various devices are now connected to it and the number of IoT devices is increasing. Data generated by IoT devices has traditionally been aggregated in the cloud and processed over time. However, there are two issues with using the cloud. The first is the response delay caused by the long distance between the IoT device and the cloud, and the second is the difficulty of implementing sufficient security measures on the IoT device side due to the limited resources of the IoT device at the end. To address these issues, fog computing, which is located in the middle between IoT devices and the cloud, has been attracting attention as a new network component. However, the risks associated with the introduction of fog computing have not yet been fully investigated. In this study, we conducted a risk assessment of fog computing, which is newly established to promote the use of IoT devices, and identified 24 risk factors. The main countermeasures include the gradual introduction of connected IoT connection protocols and security policy matching. We also demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed risk measures by evaluating the risk values. The proposed risk countermeasures for fog computing should help us to utilize IoT devices in a safe and secure manner.
Mishina, Ryuya, Tanimoto, Shigeaki, Goromaru, Hideki, Sato, Hiroyuki, Kanai, Atsushi.  2021.  Risk Management of Silent Cyber Risks in Consideration of Emerging Risks. 2021 10th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI). :710—716.
In recent years, new cyber attacks such as targeted attacks have caused extensive damage. With the continuing development of the IoT society, various devices are now connected to the network and are being used for various purposes. The Internet of Things has the potential to link cyber risks to actual property damage, as cyberspace risks are connected to physical space. With this increase in unknown cyber risks, the demand for cyber insurance is increasing. One of the most serious emerging risks is the silent cyber risk, and it is likely to increase in the future. However, at present, security measures against silent cyber risks are insufficient. In this study, we conducted a risk management of silent cyber risk for organizations with the objective of contributing to the development of risk management methods for new cyber risks that are expected to increase in the future. Specifically, we modeled silent cyber risk by focusing on state transitions to different risks. We newly defined two types of silent cyber risk, namely, Alteration risk and Combination risk, and conducted risk assessment. Our assessment identified 23 risk factors, and after analyzing them, we found that all of them were classified as Risk Transference. We clarified that the most effective risk countermeasure for Alteration risk was insurance and for Combination risk was measures to reduce the impact of the risk factors themselves. Our evaluation showed that the silent cyber risk could be reduced by about 50%, thus demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed countermeasures.
HeydariGorji, Ali, Rezaei, Siavash, Torabzadehkashi, Mahdi, Bobarshad, Hossein, Alves, Vladimir, Chou, Pai H..  2020.  HyperTune: Dynamic Hyperparameter Tuning for Efficient Distribution of DNN Training Over Heterogeneous Systems. 2020 IEEE/ACM International Conference On Computer Aided Design (ICCAD). :1–8.
Distributed training is a novel approach to accelerating training of Deep Neural Networks (DNN), but common training libraries fall short of addressing the distributed nature of heterogeneous processors or interruption by other workloads on the shared processing nodes. This paper describes distributed training of DNN on computational storage devices (CSD), which are NAND flash-based, high-capacity data storage with internal processing engines. A CSD-based distributed architecture incorporates the advantages of federated learning in terms of performance scalability, resiliency, and data privacy by eliminating the unnecessary data movement between the storage device and the host processor. The paper also describes Stannis, a DNN training framework that improves on the shortcomings of existing distributed training frameworks by dynamically tuning the training hyperparameters in heterogeneous systems to maintain the maximum overall processing speed in term of processed images per second and energy efficiency. Experimental results on image classification training benchmarks show up to 3.1x improvement in performance and 2.45x reduction in energy consumption when using Stannis plus CSD compare to the generic systems.
Costa, Cliona J, Tiwari, Stuti, Bhagat, Krishna, Verlekar, Akash, Kumar, K M Chaman, Aswale, Shailendra.  2021.  Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Satellite images using Generative Adversarial Networks. 2021 International Conference on Technological Advancements and Innovations (ICTAI). :121–126.
3D reconstruction has piqued the interest of many disciplines, and many researchers have spent the last decade striving to improve on latest automated three-dimensional reconstruction systems. Three Dimensional models can be utilized to tackle a wide range of visualization problems as well as other activities. In this paper, we have implemented a method of Digital Surface Map (DSM) generation from Aerial images using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (c-GAN). We have used Seg-net architecture of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to segment the aerial images and then the U-net generator of c-GAN generates final DSM. The dataset we used is ISPRS Potsdam-Vaihingen dataset. We also review different stages if 3D reconstruction and how Deep learning is now being widely used to enhance the process of 3D data generation. We provide binary cross entropy loss function graph to demonstrate stability of GAN and CNN. The purpose of our approach is to solve problem of DSM generation using Deep learning techniques. We put forth our method against other latest methods of DSM generation such as Semi-global Matching (SGM) and infer the pros and cons of our approach. Finally, we suggest improvements in our methods that might be useful in increasing the accuracy.
Ponader, Jonathan, Thomas, Kyle, Kundu, Sandip, Solihin, Yan.  2021.  MILR: Mathematically Induced Layer Recovery for Plaintext Space Error Correction of CNNs. 2021 51st Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN). :75–87.
The increased use of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) in mission-critical systems has increased the need for robust and resilient networks in the face of both naturally occurring faults as well as security attacks. The lack of robustness and resiliency can lead to unreliable inference results. Current methods that address CNN robustness require hardware modification, network modification, or network duplication. This paper proposes MILR a software-based CNN error detection and error correction system that enables recovery from single and multi-bit errors. The recovery capabilities are based on mathematical relationships between the inputs, outputs, and parameters(weights) of the layers; exploiting these relationships allows the recovery of erroneous parameters (iveights) throughout a layer and the network. MILR is suitable for plaintext-space error correction (PSEC) given its ability to correct whole-weight and even whole-layer errors in CNNs.
Tiwari, Krishnakant, Gangurde, Sahil J..  2021.  LSB Steganography Using Pixel Locator Sequence with AES. 2021 2nd International Conference on Secure Cyber Computing and Communications (ICSCCC). :302—307.
Image steganography is a technique of hiding confidential data in the images. We do this by incorporating the LSB(Least Significant Bit) of the image pixels. LSB steganography has been there for a while, and much progress has been made in it. In this paper, we try to increase the security of the LSB steganography process by incorporating a random data distribution method which we call pixel locator sequence (PLS). This method scatters the data to be infused into the image by randomly picking up the pixels and changing their LSB value accordingly. This random distribution makes it difficult for unknowns to look for the data. This PLS file is also encrypted using AES and is key for the data encryption/decryption process between the two parties. This technique is not very space-efficient and involves sending meta-data (PLS), but that trade-off was necessary for the additional security. We evaluated the proposed approach using two criteria: change in image dynamics and robustness against steganalysis attacks. To assess change in image dynamics, we measured the MSE and PSNR values. To find the robustness of the proposed method, we used the tool StegExpose which uses the stego image produced from the proposed algorithm and analyzes them using the major steganalysis attacks such as Primary Sets, Chi-Square, Sample Pairs, and RS Analysis. Finally, we show that this method has good security metrics for best known LSB steganography detection tools and techniques.
Li, Jian, Rong, Fei, Tang, Yu.  2020.  A Novel Q-Learning Algorithm Based on the Stochastic Environment Path Planning Problem. 2020 IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom). :1977—1982.
In this paper, we proposed a path planning algorithm based on Q-learning model to simulate an environment model, which is suitable for the complex environment. A virtual simulation platform has been built to complete the experiments. The experimental results show that the algorithm proposed in this paper can be effectively applied to the solution of vehicle routing problems in the complex environment.
Torquato, Matheus, Maciel, Paulo, Vieira, Marco.  2020.  Security and Availability Modeling of VM Migration as Moving Target Defense. 2020 IEEE 25th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC). :50—59.
Moving Target Defense (MTD) is a defensive mechanism based on dynamic system reconfiguration to prevent or thwart cyberattacks. In the last years, considerable progress has been made regarding MTD approaches for virtualized environments, and Virtual Machine (VM) migration is the core of most of these approaches. However, VM migration produces system downtime, meaning that each MTD reconfiguration affects system availability. Therefore, a method for a combined evaluation of availability and security is of utmost importance for VM migration-based MTD design. In this paper, we propose a Stochastic Reward Net (SRN) for the probability of attack success and availability evaluation of an MTD based on VM migration scheduling. We study the MTD system under different conditions regarding 1) VM migration scheduling, 2) VM migration failure probability, and 3) attack success rate. Our results highlight the tradeoff between availability and security when applying MTD based on VM migration. The approach and results may provide inputs for designing and evaluating MTD policies based on VM migration.
Thorpe, Adam J., Oishi, Meeko M. K..  2021.  Stochastic Optimal Control via Hilbert Space Embeddings of Distributions. 2021 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). :904—911.
Kernel embeddings of distributions have recently gained significant attention in the machine learning community as a data-driven technique for representing probability distributions. Broadly, these techniques enable efficient computation of expectations by representing integral operators as elements in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space. We apply these techniques to the area of stochastic optimal control theory and present a method to compute approximately optimal policies for stochastic systems with arbitrary disturbances. Our approach reduces the optimization problem to a linear program, which can easily be solved via the Lagrangian dual, without resorting to gradient-based optimization algorithms. We focus on discrete- time dynamic programming, and demonstrate our proposed approach on a linear regulation problem, and on a nonlinear target tracking problem. This approach is broadly applicable to a wide variety of optimal control problems, and provides a means of working with stochastic systems in a data-driven setting.
Liu, Bo, Bobbio, Andrea, Bai, Jing, Martinez, Jose, Chang, Xiaolin, Trivedi, Kishor S..  2021.  Transient Security and Dependability Analysis of MEC Micro Datacenter under Attack. 2021 Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS). :1—7.
SUMMARY & CONCLUSIONSA Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) micro data center (MEDC) consists of multiple MEC hosts close to endpoint devices. MEC service is delivered by instantiating a virtualization system (e.g., Virtual Machines or Containers) on a MEC host. MEDC faces more new security risks due to various device connections in an open environment. When more and more IoT/CPS systems are connected to MEDC, it is necessary for MEC service providers to quantitatively analyze any security loss and then make defense-related decision. This paper develops a CTMC model for quantitatively analyzing the security and dependability of a vulnerable MEDC system under lateral movement attacks, from the adversary’s initial successful access until the MEDC becomes resistant to the attack. The proposed model captures the behavior of the system in a scenario where (i) the rate of vulnerable MEC servers being infected increases with the increasing number of infected MEC servers, (ii) each infected MEC server can perform its compromising activity independently and randomly, and (iii) any infected MEC may fail and then cannot provide service. We also introduce the formulas for computing metrics. The proposed model and formula are verified to be approximately accurate by comparing numerical results and simulation results.
Trautsch, Alexander, Herbold, Steffen, Grabowski, Jens.  2020.  Static source code metrics and static analysis warnings for fine-grained just-in-time defect prediction. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME). :127–138.
Software quality evolution and predictive models to support decisions about resource distribution in software quality assurance tasks are an important part of software engineering research. Recently, a fine-grained just-in-time defect prediction approach was proposed which has the ability to find bug-inducing files within changes instead of only complete changes. In this work, we utilize this approach and improve it in multiple places: data collection, labeling and features. We include manually validated issue types, an improved SZZ algorithm which discards comments, whitespaces and refactorings. Additionally, we include static source code metrics as well as static analysis warnings and warning density derived metrics as features. To assess whether we can save cost we incorporate a specialized defect prediction cost model. To evaluate our proposed improvements of the fine-grained just-in-time defect prediction approach we conduct a case study that encompasses 38 Java projects, 492,241 file changes in 73,598 commits and spans 15 years. We find that static source code metrics and static analysis warnings are correlated with bugs and that they can improve the quality and cost saving potential of just-in-time defect prediction models.
Shekarisaz, Mohsen, Talebian, Fatemeh, Jabariani, Marjan, Mehri, Farzad, Faghih, Fathiyeh, Kargahi, Mehdi.  2020.  Program Energy-Hotspot Detection and Removal: A Static Analysis Approach. 2020 CSI/CPSSI International Symposium on Real-Time and Embedded Systems and Technologies (RTEST). :1–8.
The major energy-hungry components in today's battery-operated embedded devices are mostly peripheral modules like LTE, WiFi, GPS, etc. Inefficient use of these modules causes energy hotspots, namely segments of the embedded software in which the module wastes energy. We study two such hotspots in the current paper, and provide the corresponding detection and removal algorithms based on static analysis techniques. The program code hotspots occur due to unnecessary releasing and re-acquiring of a module (which puts the module in power saving mode for a while) and misplaced acquiring of the module (which makes the module or processor to waste energy in idle mode). The detections are performed according to some relation between extreme (worst-case/best-case) execution times of some program segments and time/energy specifications of the module. The experimental results on our benchmarks show about 28 percent of energy reduction after the hotspot removals.
Sarıtaş, Serkan, Forssell, Henrik, Thobaben, Ragnar, Sandberg, Henrik, Dán, György.  2021.  Adversarial Attacks on CFO-Based Continuous Physical Layer Authentication: A Game Theoretic Study. ICC 2021 - IEEE International Conference on Communications. :1–6.
5G and beyond 5G low power wireless networks make Internet of Things (IoT) and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) applications capable of serving massive amounts of devices and machines. Due to the broadcast nature of wireless networks, it is crucial to secure the communication between these devices and machines from spoofing and interception attacks. This paper is concerned with the security of carrier frequency offset (CFO) based continuous physical layer authentication. The interaction between an attacker and a defender is modeled as a dynamic discrete leader-follower game with imperfect information. In the considered model, a legitimate user (Alice) communicates with the defender/operator (Bob) and is authorized by her CFO continuously. The attacker (Eve), by listening/eavesdropping the communication between Alice and Bob, tries to learn the CFO characteristics of Alice and aims to inject malicious packets to Bob by impersonating Alice. First, by showing that the optimal attacker strategy is a threshold policy, an optimization problem of the attacker with exponentially growing action space is reduced to a tractable integer optimization problem with a single parameter, then the corresponding defender cost is derived. Extensive simulations illustrate the characteristics of optimal strategies/utilities of the players depending on the actions, and show that the defender’s optimal false positive rate causes attack success probabilities to be in the order of 0.99. The results show the importance of the parameters while finding the balance between system security and efficiency.
Jin, Yong, Tomoishi, Masahiko, Yamai, Nariyoshi.  2020.  A Detour Strategy for Visiting Phishing URLs Based on Dynamic DNS Response Policy Zone. 2020 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC). :1—6.
Email based Uniform Resource Locator (URL) distribution is one of the popular ways for starting phishing attacks. Conventional anti-phishing solutions rely on security facilities and investigate all incoming emails. This makes the security facilities get overloaded and cause consequences of upgrades or new deployments even with no better options. This paper presents a novel detour strategy for the traffic of visiting potential phishing URLs based on dynamic Domain Name System (DNS) Response Policy Zone (RPZ) in order to mitigate the overloads on security facilities. In the strategy, the URLs included in the incoming emails will be extracted and the corresponding Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) will be registered in the RPZ of the local DNS cache server with mapping the IP address of a special Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) proxy. The contribution of the approach is to avoid heavy investigations on all incoming emails and mitigate the overloads on security facilities by directing the traffic to phishing URLs to the special HTTP proxy connected with a set of security facilities conducting various inspections. The evaluation results on the prototype system showed that the URL extraction and FQDN registration were finished before the emails had been delivered and accesses to the URLs were successfully directed to the special HTTP proxy. The results of overhead measurements also confirmed that the proposed strategy only affected the internal email server with 11% of performance decrease on the prototype system.