Visible to the public A security architecture of VANET based on blockchain and mobile edge computing

TitleA security architecture of VANET based on blockchain and mobile edge computing
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsZhang, X., Li, R., Cui, B.
Conference Name2018 1st IEEE International Conference on Hot Information-Centric Networking (HotICN)
Date Publishedaug
Keywordsblockchain, blockchain security, blockchain technology, cloud computing, Computer architecture, Data security, Distributed databases, edge cloud services, edge computing, edge computing layer, mobile computing, Mobile Edge Computing, Network Security Architecture, perception layer, pubcrawl, Resiliency, security, security architecture, security of data, service layer, trusted central entity, VANET, VANET data, vehicular ad hoc networks, Vehicular Ad-hoc Network

The development of Vehicular Ad-hoc NETwork (VANET) has brought many conveniences to human beings, but also brings a very prominent security problem. The traditional solution to the security problem is based on centralized approach which requires a trusted central entity which exists a single point of failure problem. Moreover, there is no approach of technical level to ensure security of data. Therefore, this paper proposes a security architecture of VANET based on blockchain and mobile edge computing. The architecture includes three layers, namely perception layer, edge computing layer and service layer. The perception layer ensures the security of VANET data in the transmission process through the blockchain technology. The edge computing layer provides computing resources and edge cloud services to the perception layer. The service layer uses the combination of traditional cloud storage and blockchain to ensure the security of data.

Citation Keyzhang_security_2018