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Karthikeyan, P., Anandaraj, S.P., Vignesh, R., Poornima, S..  2021.  Review on Trustworthy Analysis in binary code. 2021 7th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS). 1:1386—1389.
The software industry is dominating many are like health care, finance, agriculture and entertainment. Software security has become an essential issue-outsider libraries, which assume a significant part in programming. The finding weaknesses in the binary code is a significant issue that presently cannot seem to be handled, as showed by numerous weaknesses wrote about an everyday schedule. Software seller sells the software to the client if the client wants to check the software's vulnerability it is a cumbersome task. Presently many deep learning-based methods also introduced to find the security weakness in the binary code. This paper present the merits and demerits of binary code analysis used by a different method.
Obert, James, Loffredo, Tim.  2021.  Efficient Binary Static Code Data Flow Analysis Using Unsupervised Learning. 2021 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Industries (AI4I). :89—90.
The ever increasing need to ensure that code is reliably, efficiently and safely constructed has fueled the evolution of popular static binary code analysis tools. In identifying potential coding flaws in binaries, tools such as IDA Pro are used to disassemble the binaries into an opcode/assembly language format in support of manual static code analysis. Because of the highly manual and resource intensive nature involved with analyzing large binaries, the probability of overlooking potential coding irregularities and inefficiencies is quite high. In this paper, a light-weight, unsupervised data flow methodology is described which uses highly-correlated data flow graph (CDFGs) to identify coding irregularities such that analysis time and required computing resources are minimized. Such analysis accuracy and efficiency gains are achieved by using a combination of graph analysis and unsupervised machine learning techniques which allows an analyst to focus on the most statistically significant flow patterns while performing binary static code analysis.
Zhang, Zhongtang, Liu, Shengli, Yang, Qichao, Guo, Shichen.  2021.  Semantic Understanding of Source and Binary Code based on Natural Language Processing. 2021 IEEE 4th Advanced Information Management, Communicates, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IMCEC). 4:2010—2016.
With the development of open source projects, a large number of open source codes will be reused in binary software, and bugs in source codes will also be introduced into binary codes. In order to detect the reused open source codes in binary codes, it is sometimes necessary to compare and analyze the similarity between source codes and binary codes. One of the main challenge is that the compilation process can generate different binary code representations for the same source code, such as different compiler versions, compilation optimization options and target architectures, which greatly increases the difficulty of semantic similarity detection between source code and binary code. In order to solve the influence of the compilation process on the comparison of semantic similarity of codes, this paper transforms the source code and binary code into LLVM intermediate representation (LLVM IR), which is a universal intermediate representation independent of source code and binary code. We carry out semantic feature extraction and embedding training on LLVM IR based on natural language processing model. Experimental results show that LLVM IR eliminates the influence of compilation on the syntax differences between source code and binary code, and the semantic features of code are well represented and preserved.
Tai, Zeming, Washizaki, Hironori, Fukazawa, Yoshiaki, Fujimatsu, Yurie, Kanai, Jun.  2020.  Binary Similarity Analysis for Vulnerability Detection. 2020 IEEE 44th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC). :1121–1122.
Binary similarity has been widely used in function recognition and vulnerability detection. How to define a proper similarity is the key element in implementing a fast detection method. We proposed a scalable method to detect binary vulnerabilities based on similarity. Procedures lifted from binaries are divided into several comparable strands by data dependency, and those strands are transformed into a normalized form by our tool named VulneraBin, so that similarity can be determined between two procedures through a hash value comparison. The low computational complexity allows semantically equivalent code to be identified in binaries compiled from million lines of source code in a fast and accurate way.
Zhang, Yunan, Xu, Aidong Xu, Jiang, Yixin.  2020.  Scalable and Accurate Binary Code Search Method Based on Simhash and Partial Trace. 2020 IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom). :818—826.

Binary code search has received much attention recently due to its impactful applications, e.g., plagiarism detection, malware detection and software vulnerability auditing. However, developing an effective binary code search tool is challenging due to the gigantic syntax and structural differences in binaries resulted from different compilers, compiler options and malware family. In this paper, we propose a scalable and accurate binary search engine which performs syntactic matching by combining a set of key techniques to address the challenges above. The key contribution is binary code searching technique which combined function filtering and partial trace method to match the function code relatively quick and accurate. In addition, a simhash and basic information based function filtering is proposed to dramatically reduce the irrelevant target functions. Besides, we introduce a partial trace method for matching the shortlisted function accurately. The experimental results show that our method can find similar functions, even with the presence of program structure distortion, in a scalable manner.

Zou, Changwei, Xue, Jingling.  2020.  Burn After Reading: A Shadow Stack with Microsecond-level Runtime Rerandomization for Protecting Return Addresses**Thanks to all the reviewers for their valuable comments. This research is supported by an Australian Research Council grant (DP180104069).. 2020 IEEE/ACM 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). :258–270.
Return-oriented programming (ROP) is an effective code-reuse attack in which short code sequences (i.e., gadgets) ending in a ret instruction are found within existing binaries and then executed by taking control of the call stack. The shadow stack, control flow integrity (CFI) and code (re)randomization are three popular techniques for protecting programs against return address overwrites. However, existing runtime rerandomization techniques operate on concrete return addresses, requiring expensive pointer tracking. By adding one level of indirection, we introduce BarRA, the first shadow stack mechanism that applies continuous runtime rerandomization to abstract return addresses for protecting their corresponding concrete return addresses (protected also by CFI), thus avoiding expensive pointer tracking. As a nice side-effect, BarRA naturally combines the shadow stack, CFI and runtime rerandomization in the same framework. The key novelty of BarRA, however, is that once some abstract return addresses are leaked, BarRA will enforce the burn-after-reading property by rerandomizing the mapping from the abstract to the concrete return address space in the order of microseconds instead of seconds required for rerandomizing a concrete return address space. As a result, BarRA can be used as a superior replacement for the shadow stack, as demonstrated by comparing both using the 19 C/C++ benchmarks in SPEC CPU2006 (totalling 2,047,447 LOC) and analyzing a proof-of-concept attack, provided that we can tolerate some slight binary code size increases (by an average of 29.44%) and are willing to use 8MB of dedicated memory for holding up to 220 return addresses (on a 64-bit platform). Under an information leakage attack (for some return addresses), the shadow stack is always vulnerable but BarRA is significantly more resilient (by reducing an attacker's success rate to [1/(220)] on average). In terms of the average performance overhead introduced, both are comparable: 6.09% (BarRA) vs. 5.38% (the shadow stack).
Wang, P., Zhang, J., Wang, S., Wu, D..  2020.  Quantitative Assessment on the Limitations of Code Randomization for Legacy Binaries. 2020 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS P). :1–16.
Software development and deployment are generally fast-pacing practices, yet to date there is still a significant amount of legacy software running in various critical industries with years or even decades of lifespans. As the source code of some legacy software became unavailable, it is difficult for maintainers to actively patch the vulnerabilities, leaving the outdated binaries appealing targets of advanced security attacks. One of the most powerful attacks today is code reuse, a technique that can circumvent most existing system-level security facilities. While there have been various countermeasures against code reuse, applying them to sourceless software appears to be exceptionally challenging. Fine-grained code randomization is considered to be an effective strategy to impede modern code-reuse attacks. To apply it to legacy software, a technique called binary rewriting is employed to directly reconstruct binaries without symbol or relocation information. However, we found that current rewriting-based randomization techniques, regardless of their designs and implementations, share a common security defect such that the randomized binaries may remain vulnerable in certain cases. Indeed, our finding does not invalidate fine-grained code randomization as a meaningful defense against code reuse attacks, for it significantly raises the bar for exploits to be successful. Nevertheless, it is critical for the maintainers of legacy software systems to be aware of this problem and obtain a quantitative assessment of the risks in adopting a potentially incomprehensive defense. In this paper, we conducted a systematic investigation into the effectiveness of randomization techniques designed for hardening outdated binaries. We studied various state-of-the-art, fine-grained randomization tools, confirming that all of them can leave a certain part of the retrofitted binary code still reusable. To quantify the risks, we proposed a set of concrete criteria to classify gadgets immune to rewriting-based randomization and investigated their availability and capability.
Li, J., Wang, X., Liu, S..  2020.  Hash Retrieval Method for Recaptured Images Based on Convolutional Neural Network. 2020 2nd World Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (WSAI). :79–83.
For the purpose of outdoor advertising market researching, AD images are recaptured and uploaded everyday for statistics. But the quality of the recaptured advertising images are often affected by conditions such as angle, distance, and light during the shooting process, which consequently reduce either the speed or the accuracy of the retrieving algorithm. In this paper, we proposed a hash retrieval method based on convolutional neural networks for recaptured images. The basic idea is to add a hash layer to the convolutional neural network and then extract the binary hash code output by the hash layer to perform image retrieval in lowdimensional Hamming space. Experimental results show that the retrieval performance is improved compared with the current commonly used hash retrieval methods.
Sun, H., Liu, L., Feng, L., Gu, Y. X..  2014.  Introducing Code Assets of a New White-Box Security Modeling Language. 2014 IEEE 38th International Computer Software and Applications Conference Workshops. :116—121.

This paper argues about a new conceptual modeling language for the White-Box (WB) security analysis. In the WB security domain, an attacker may have access to the inner structure of an application or even the entire binary code. It becomes pretty easy for attackers to inspect, reverse engineer, and tamper the application with the information they steal. The basis of this paper is the 14 patterns developed by a leading provider of software protection technologies and solutions. We provide a part of a new modeling language named i-WBS (White-Box Security) to describe problems of WB security better. The essence of White-Box security problem is code security. We made the new modeling language focus on code more than ever before. In this way, developers who are not security experts can easily understand what they need to really protect.

Xia, H., Gao, N., Peng, J., Mo, J., Wang, J..  2020.  Binarized Attributed Network Embedding via Neural Networks. 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). :1—8.
Traditional attributed network embedding methods are designed to map structural and attribute information of networks jointly into a continuous Euclidean space, while recently a novel branch of them named binarized attributed network embedding has emerged to learn binary codes in Hamming space, aiming to save time and memory costs and to naturally fit node retrieval task. However, current binarized attributed network embedding methods are scarce and mostly ignore the local attribute similarity between each pair of nodes. Besides, none of them attempt to control the independency of each dimension(bit) of the learned binary representation vectors. As existing methods still need improving, we propose an unsupervised Neural-based Binarized Attributed Network Embedding (NBANE) approach. Firstly, we inherit the Weisfeiler-Lehman proximity matrix from predecessors to aggregate high-order features for each node. Secondly, we feed the aggregated features into an autoencoder with the attribute similarity penalizing term and the orthogonality term to make further dimension reduction. To solve the problem of integer optimization we adopt the relaxation-quantization method during the process of training neural networks. Empirically, we evaluate the performance of NBANE through node classification and clustering tasks on three real-world datasets and study a case on fast retrieval in academic networks. Our method achieves better performance over state- of-the-art baselines methods of various types.
Kabatiansky, G., Egorova, E..  2020.  Adversarial multiple access channels and a new model of multimedia fingerprinting coding. 2020 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS). :1—5.

We consider different models of malicious multiple access channels, especially for binary adder channel and for A-channel, and show how they can be used for the reformulation of digital fingerprinting coding problems. In particular, we propose a new model of multimedia fingerprinting coding. In the new model, not only zeroes and plus/minus ones but arbitrary coefficients of linear combinations of noise-like signals for forming watermarks (digital fingerprints) can be used. This modification allows dramatically increase the possible number of users with the property that if t or less malicious users create a forge digital fingerprint then a dealer of the system can find all of them with zero-error probability. We show how arisen problems are related to the compressed sensing problem.

Nisperos, Z. A., Gerardo, B., Hernandez, A..  2020.  Key Generation for Zero Steganography Using DNA Sequences. 2020 12th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI). :1–6.
Some of the key challenges in steganography are imperceptibility and resistance to detection of steganalysis algorithms. Zero steganography is an approach to data hiding such that the cover image is not modified. This paper focuses on the generation of stego-key, which is an essential component of this steganographic approach. This approach utilizes DNA sequences and shifting and flipping operations in its binary code representation. Experimental results show that the key generation algorithm has a low cracking probability. The algorithm satisfies the avalanche criterion.
Calhoun, C. S., Reinhart, J., Alarcon, G. A., Capiola, A..  2020.  Establishing Trust in Binary Analysis in Software Development and Applications. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems (ICHMS). :1–4.
The current exploratory study examined software programmer trust in binary analysis techniques used to evaluate and understand binary code components. Experienced software developers participated in knowledge elicitations to identify factors affecting trust in tools and methods used for understanding binary code behavior and minimizing potential security vulnerabilities. Developer perceptions of trust in those tools to assess implementation risk in binary components were captured across a variety of application contexts. The software developers reported source security and vulnerability reports provided the best insight and awareness of potential issues or shortcomings in binary code. Further, applications where the potential impact to systems and data loss is high require relying on more than one type of analysis to ensure the binary component is sound. The findings suggest binary analysis is viable for identifying issues and potential vulnerabilities as part of a comprehensive solution for understanding binary code behavior and security vulnerabilities, but relying simply on binary analysis tools and binary release metadata appears insufficient to ensure a secure solution.
Su, H., Halak, B., Zwolinski, M..  2019.  Two-Stage Architectures for Resilient Lightweight PUFs. 2019 IEEE 4th International Verification and Security Workshop (IVSW). :19–24.
The following topics are dealt with: Internet of Things; invasive software; security of data; program testing; reverse engineering; product codes; binary codes; decoding; maximum likelihood decoding; field programmable gate arrays.
Sun, Pengfei, Garcia, Luis, Zonouz, Saman.  2019.  Tell Me More Than Just Assembly! Reversing Cyber-Physical Execution Semantics of Embedded IoT Controller Software Binaries. 2019 49th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN). :349–361.
The safety of critical cyber-physical IoT devices hinges on the security of their embedded software that implements control algorithms for monitoring and control of the associated physical processes, e.g., robotics and drones. Reverse engineering of the corresponding embedded controller software binaries enables their security analysis by extracting high-level, domain-specific, and cyber-physical execution semantic information from executables. We present MISMO, a domain-specific reverse engineering framework for embedded binary code in emerging cyber-physical IoT control application domains. The reverse engineering outcomes can be used for firmware vulnerability assessment, memory forensics analysis, targeted memory data attacks, or binary patching for dynamic selective memory protection (e.g., important control algorithm parameters). MISMO performs semantic-matching at an algorithmic level that can help with the understanding of any possible cyber-physical security flaws. MISMO compares low-level binary symbolic values and high-level algorithmic expressions to extract domain-specific semantic information for the binary's code and data. MISMO enables a finer-grained understanding of the controller by identifying the specific control and state estimation algorithms used. We evaluated MISMO on 2,263 popular firmware binaries by 30 commercial vendors from 6 application domains including drones, self-driving cars, smart homes, robotics, 3D printers, and the Linux kernel controllers. The results show that MISMO can accurately extract the algorithm-level semantics of the embedded binary code and data regions. We discovered a zero-day vulnerability in the Linux kernel controllers versions 3.13 and above.
Meenu, M, Raajan, N.R., Greeta, S.  2019.  Secured Transmission of Data Using Chaos in Wcdma Network. 2019 International Conference on Vision Towards Emerging Trends in Communication and Networking (ViTECoN). :1–5.
Spreading code assumes an indispensable work in WCDMA system. Every individual client in a cell is isolated by an exceptional spread code. PN grouping are commonly utilized in WCDMA framework. For example, Walsh codes or gold codes as spread code. Data received from WCDMA are transmitted using chaotic signal and that signal is generated by using logistic map. It is unsuitable to be utilized as spreading sequence. Using a threshold function the chaos signal is changed in the form of binary sequence. Consequently, QPSK modulation techniques is analyzed in W-CDMA downlink over Additive white Gaussian noise channel (AWGN) and Rayleigh multipath fading channel. The activity was assessed with the assistance of BER contrary to SNR utilizing parameters indicating the BER in low to high in SNR.
[Anonymous].  2018.  Discrete Locally-Linear Preserving Hashing. {2018 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). :490—494.

Recently, hashing has attracted considerable attention for nearest neighbor search due to its fast query speed and low storage cost. However, existing unsupervised hashing algorithms have two problems in common. Firstly, the widely utilized anchor graph construction algorithm has inherent limitations in local weight estimation. Secondly, the locally linear structure in the original feature space is seldom taken into account for binary encoding. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a novel unsupervised hashing method, dubbed “discrete locally-linear preserving hashing”, which effectively calculates the adjacent matrix while preserving the locally linear structure in the obtained hash space. Specifically, a novel local anchor embedding algorithm is adopted to construct the approximate adjacent matrix. After that, we directly minimize the reconstruction error with the discrete constrain to learn the binary codes. Experimental results on two typical image datasets indicate that the proposed method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art unsupervised methods.

Markchit, Sarawut, Chiu, Chih-Yi.  2019.  Hash Code Indexing in Cross-Modal Retrieval. 2019 International Conference on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI). :1—4.

Cross-modal hashing, which searches nearest neighbors across different modalities in the Hamming space, has become a popular technique to overcome the storage and computation barrier in multimedia retrieval recently. Although dozens of cross-modal hashing algorithms are proposed to yield compact binary code representation, applying exhaustive search in a large-scale dataset is impractical for the real-time purpose, and the Hamming distance computation suffers inaccurate results. In this paper, we propose a novel index scheme over binary hash codes in cross-modal retrieval. The proposed indexing scheme exploits a few binary bits of the hash code as the index code. Based on the index code representation, we construct an inverted index structure to accelerate the retrieval efficiency and train a neural network to improve the indexing accuracy. Experiments are performed on two benchmark datasets for retrieval across image and text modalities, where hash codes are generated by three cross-modal hashing methods. Results show the proposed method effectively boosts the performance over the benchmark datasets and hash methods.

Rattaphun, Munlika, Prayoonwong, Amorntip, Chiu, Chih- Yi.  2019.  Indexing in k-Nearest Neighbor Graph by Hash-Based Hill-Climbing. 2019 16th International Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA). :1—4.
A main issue in approximate nearest neighbor search is to achieve an excellent tradeoff between search accuracy and computation cost. In this paper, we address this issue by leveraging k-nearest neighbor graph and hill-climbing to accelerate vector quantization in the query assignment process. A modified hill-climbing algorithm is proposed to traverse k-nearest neighbor graph to find closest centroids for a query, rather than calculating the query distances to all centroids. Instead of using random seeds in the original hill-climbing algorithm, we generate high-quality seeds based on the hashing technique. It can boost the query assignment efficiency due to a better start-up in hill-climbing. We evaluate the experiment on the benchmarks of SIFT1M and GIST1M datasets, and show the proposed hashing-based seed generation effectively improves the search performance.
Zhai, Liming, Wang, Lina, Ren, Yanzhen.  2019.  Multi-domain Embedding Strategies for Video Steganography by Combining Partition Modes and Motion Vectors. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME). :1402–1407.
Digital video has various types of entities, which are utilized as embedding domains to hide messages in steganography. However, nearly all video steganography uses only one type of embedding domain, resulting in limited embedding capacity and potential security risks. In this paper, we firstly propose to embed in multi-domains for video steganography by combining partition modes (PMs) and motion vectors (MVs). The multi-domain embedding (MDE) aims to spread the modifications to different embedding domains for achieving higher undetectability. The key issue of MDE is the interactions of entities across domains. To this end, we design two MDE strategies, which hide data in PM domain and MV domain by sequential embedding and simultaneous embedding respectively. These two strategies can be applied to existing steganography within a distortion-minimization framework. Experiments show that the MDE strategies achieve a significant improvement in security performance against targeted steganalysis and fusion based steganalysis.
Letychevskyi, Oleksandr, Peschanenko, Volodymyr, Radchenko, Viktor, Hryniuk, Yaroslav, Yakovlev, Viktor.  2019.  Algebraic Patterns of Vulnerabilities in Binary Code. 2019 10th International Conference on Dependable Systems, Services and Technologies (DESSERT). :70–73.
This paper presents an algebraic approach for formalizing and detecting vulnerabilities in binary code. It uses behaviour algebra equations for creating patterns of vulnerabilities and algebraic matching methods for vulnerability detection. Algebraic matching is based on symbolic modelling. This paper considers a known vulnerability, buffer overflow, as an example to demonstrate an algebraic approach for pattern creation.
Letychevskyi, Oleksandr.  2019.  Two-Level Algebraic Method for Detection of Vulnerabilities in Binary Code. 2019 10th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications (IDAACS). 2:1074–1077.
This study introduces formal methods for detection of vulnerabilities in binary code. It considers the transformation of binary code into behavior algebra expressions and formalization of vulnerabilities. The detection method has two levels: behavior matching and symbolic execution with vulnerability pattern matching. This enables more efficient performance.
Zhu, Lipeng, Fu, Xiaotong, Yao, Yao, Zhang, Yuqing, Wang, He.  2019.  FIoT: Detecting the Memory Corruption in Lightweight IoT Device Firmware. 2019 18th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/13th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering (TrustCom/BigDataSE). :248–255.
The IoT industry has developed rapidly in recent years, which has attracted the attention of security researchers. However, the researchers are hampered by the wide variety of IoT device operating systems and their hardware architectures. Especially for the lightweight IoT devices, many manufacturers do not provide the device firmware images, embedded firmware source code or even the develop documents. As a result, it hinders traditional static analysis and dynamic analysis techniques. In this paper, we propose a novel dynamic analysis framework, called FIoT, which aims at finding memory corruption vulnerabilities in lightweight IoT device firmware images. The key idea is dynamically run the binary code snippets through symbolic execution with carrying out a fuzzing test. Specifically, we generate code snippets through traversing the control-flow graph (CFG) in a backward manner. We improved the CFG recovery approach and backward slice approach for better performance. To reduce the influence of the binary firmware, FIoT leverages loading address determination analysis and library function identification approach. We have implemented a prototype of FIoT and conducted experiments. Our results show that FIoT can complete the Fuzzing test within 40 seconds in average. Considering 170 seconds for static analysis, FIoT can load and analyze a lightweight IoT firmware within 210 seconds in total. Furthermore, we illustrate the effectiveness of FIoT by applying it over 115 firmware images from 17 manufacturers. We have found 35 images exist memory corruptions, which are all zero-day vulnerabilities.
Rodríguez, R. J., Martín-Pérez, M., Abadía, I..  2018.  A tool to compute approximation matching between windows processes. 2018 6th International Symposium on Digital Forensic and Security (ISDFS). :1–6.
Finding identical digital objects (or artifacts) during a forensic analysis is commonly achieved by means of cryptographic hashing functions, such as MD5, SHA1, or SHA-256, to name a few. However, these functions suffer from the avalanche effect property, which guarantees that if an input is changed slightly the output changes significantly. Hence, these functions are unsuitable for typical digital forensics scenarios where a forensics memory image from a likely compromised machine shall be analyzed. This memory image file contains a snapshot of processes (instances of executable files) which were up on execution when the dumping process was done. However, processes are relocated at memory and contain dynamic data that depend on the current execution and environmental conditions. Therefore, the comparison of cryptographic hash values of different processes from the same executable file will be negative. Bytewise approximation matching algorithms may help in these scenarios, since they provide a similarity measurement in the range [0,1] between similar inputs instead of a yes/no answer (in the range 0,1). In this paper, we introduce ProcessFuzzyHash, a Volatility plugin that enables us to compute approximation hash values of processes contained in a Windows memory dump.
Pfister, J., Gomes, M. A. C., Vilela, J. P., Harrison, W. K..  2017.  Quantifying equivocation for finite blocklength wiretap codes. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). :1–6.

This paper presents a new technique for providing the analysis and comparison of wiretap codes in the small blocklength regime over the binary erasure wiretap channel. A major result is the development of Monte Carlo strategies for quantifying a code's equivocation, which mirrors techniques used to analyze forward error correcting codes. For this paper, we limit our analysis to coset-based wiretap codes, and give preferred strategies for calculating and/or estimating the equivocation in order of preference. We also make several comparisons of different code families. Our results indicate that there are security advantages to using algebraic codes for applications that require small to medium blocklengths.