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Soudeh Ghorbani, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Brighten Godfrey, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  2014.  Towards Correct Network Virtualization. ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Software Defined Networks (HotSDN 2014).

In SDN, the underlying infrastructure is usually abstracted for applications that can treat the network as a logical or virtual entity. Commonly, the “mappings” between virtual abstractions and their actual physical implementations are not one-to-one, e.g., a single “big switch” abstract object might be implemented using a distributed set of physical devices. A key question is, what abstractions could be mapped to multiple physical elements while faithfully preserving their native semantics? E.g., can an application developer always expect her abstract “big switch” to act exactly as a physical big switch, despite being implemented using multiple physical switches in reality? We show that the answer to that question is “no” for existing virtual-to-physical mapping techniques: behavior can differ between the virtual “big switch” and the physical network, providing incorrect application-level behavior.

We also show that that those incorrect behaviors occur despite the fact that the most pervasive correctness invariants, such as per-packet consistency, are preserved throughout. These examples demonstrate that for practical notions of correctness, new systems and a new analytical framework are needed. We take the first steps by defining end-to-end correctness, a correctness condition that focuses on applications only, and outline a research vision to obtain virtualization systems with correct virtual to physical mappings.

Won best paper award at HotSDN 2014.

Kothari, Vijay, Blythe, Jim, Smith, Sean, Koppel, Ross.  2014.  Agent-based Modeling of User Circumvention of Security. 1st International Workshop on Agents and CyberSecurity. :5:1–5:4.

Security subsystems are often designed with flawed assumptions arising from system designers' faulty mental models. Designers tend to assume that users behave according to some textbook ideal, and to consider each potential exposure/interface in isolation. However, fieldwork continually shows that even well-intentioned users often depart from this ideal and circumvent controls in order to perform daily work tasks, and that "incorrect" user behaviors can create unexpected links between otherwise "independent" interfaces. When it comes to security features and parameters, designers try to find the choices that optimize security utility–-except these flawed assumptions give rise to an incorrect curve, and lead to choices that actually make security worse, in practice. We propose that improving this situation requires giving designers more accurate models of real user behavior and how it influences aggregate system security. Agent-based modeling can be a fruitful first step here. In this paper, we study a particular instance of this problem, propose user-centric techniques designed to strengthen the security of systems while simultaneously improving the usability of them, and propose further directions of inquiry.