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Eckel, Michael, Kuzhiyelil, Don, Krauß, Christoph, Zhdanova, Maria, Katzenbeisser, Stefan, Cosic, Jasmin, Drodt, Matthias, Pitrolle, Jean-Jacques.  2021.  Implementing a Security Architecture for Safety-Critical Railway Infrastructure. 2021 International Symposium on Secure and Private Execution Environment Design (SEED). :215—226.
The digitalization of safety-critical railroad infrastructure enables new types of attacks. This increases the need to integrate Information Technology (IT) security measures into railroad systems. For that purpose, we rely on a security architecture for a railway object controller which controls field elements that we developed in previous work. Our architecture enables the integration of security mechanisms into a safety-certified railway system. In this paper, we demonstrate the practical feasibility of our architecture by using a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 2.0 and a Multiple Independent Levels of Safety and Security (MILS) Separation Kernel (SK) for our implementation. Our evaluation includes a test bed and shows how certification and homologation can be achieved.
Ganesan, Dhandapani, Sharum, Mohd Yunus, Mohd Sani, Nor Fazlida binti, Mohd Ariffin, Noor Afiza bt.  2021.  A Survey on Advanced Schemes applied within Trusted Platform modules (TPM) and IaaS in cloud computing. 2021 5th International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC). :317—322.
Trusted Platform Modules (TPM) have grown to be crucial safeguards from the number of software-based strikes. By giving a restricted range of cryptographic providers by way of a well-defined user interface, divided as a result of the program itself, TPM and Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) can function as a root of loyalty so when a foundation aimed at advanced equal protection methods. This information studies the works aimed at uses on TPM within the cloud computing atmosphere, by journal times composed somewhere among 2013 as well as 2020. It identifies the present fashion as well as goals from these technologies within the cloud, as well as the kind of risks that it mitigates. The primary investigation is being focused on the TPM's association to the IaaS security based on the authorization and the enabling schema for integrity. Since integrity measurement is among the key uses of TPM and IaaS, particular focus is given towards the evaluation of operating period phases as well as S/W levels it's put on to. Finally, the deep survey on recent schemes can be applied on Cloud Environment.
Ozga, Wojciech, Le Quoc, Do, Fetzer, Christof.  2021.  TRIGLAV: Remote Attestation of the Virtual Machine's Runtime Integrity in Public Clouds. 2021 IEEE 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD). :1–12.
Trust is of paramount concern for tenants to deploy their security-sensitive services in the cloud. The integrity of virtual machines (VMs) in which these services are deployed needs to be ensured even in the presence of powerful adversaries with administrative access to the cloud. Traditional approaches for solving this challenge leverage trusted computing techniques, e.g., vTPM, or hardware CPU extensions, e.g., AMD SEV. But, they are vulnerable to powerful adversaries, or they provide only load time (not runtime) integrity measurements of VMs. We propose TRIGLAV, a protocol allowing tenants to establish and maintain trust in VM runtime integrity of software and its configuration. TRIGLAV is transparent to the VM configuration and setup. It performs an implicit attestation of VMs during a secure login and binds the VM integrity state with the secure connection. Our prototype's evaluation shows that TRIGLAV is practical and incurs low performance overhead (\textbackslashtextless 6%).
Sedighi, Art, Jacobson, Doug, Daniels, Thomas.  2021.  T-PKI for Anonymous Attestation in TPM. 2021 IEEE 6th International Conference on Smart Cloud (SmartCloud). :96–100.
The Transient Public Key Infrastructure or T-PKI is introduced in this paper that allows a transactional approach to attestation, where a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) can stay anonymous to a verifier. In cloud computing and IoT environments, attestation is a critical step in ensuring that the environment is untampered with. With attestation, the verifier would be able to ascertain information about the TPM (such as location, or other system information) that one may not want to disclose. The addition of the Direct Anonymous Attestation added to TPM 2.0 would potentially solve this problem, but it uses the traditional RSA or ECC based methods. In this paper, a Lattice-based approach is used that is both quantum safe, and not dependent on creating a new key pair in order to increase anonymity.
Oliver, Ian.  2021.  Trust, Security and Privacy through Remote Attestation in 5G and 6G Systems. 2021 IEEE 4th 5G World Forum (5GWF). :368–373.
Digitalisation of domains such as medical and railway utilising cloud and networking technologies such as 5G and forthcoming 6G systems presents additional security challenges. The establishment of the identity, integrity and provenance of devices, services and other functional components removed a number of attack vectors and addresses a number of so called zero-trust security requirements. The addition of trusted hardware, such as TPM, and related remote attestation integrated with the networking and cloud infrastructure will be necessary requirement.
Hedabou, Mustapha, Abdulsalam, Yunusa Simpa.  2020.  Efficient and Secure Implementation of BLS Multisignature Scheme on TPM. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI). :1–6.
In many applications, software protection can not be sufficient to provide high security needed by some critical applications. A noteworthy example are the bitcoin wallets. Designed the most secure piece of software, their security can be compromised by a simple piece of malware infecting the device storing keys used for signing transactions. Secure hardware devices such as Trusted Platform Module (TPM) offers the ability to create a piece of code that can run unmolested by the rest of software applications hosted in the same machine. This has turned out to be a valuable approach for preventing several malware threats. Unfortunately, their restricted functionalities make them inconsistent with the use of multi and threshold signature mechanisms which are in the heart of real world cryptocurrency wallets implementation. This paper proposes an efficient multi-signature scheme that fits the requirement of the TPM. Based on discrete logarithm and pairings, our scheme does not require any interaction between signers and provide the same benefits as the well established BLS signature scheme. Furthermore, we proposed a formal model of our design and proved it security in a semi-honest model. Finally, we implemented a prototype of our design and studied its performance. From our experimental analysis, the proposed design is highly efficient and can serve as a groundwork for using TPM in future cryptocurrency wallets.
Khan, Ammar, Blair, Nicholas, Farnell, Chris, Mantooth, H. Alan.  2020.  Integrating Trusted Platform Modules in Power Electronics. 2020 IEEE CyberPELS (CyberPELS). :1–5.
Trusted Platform Modules (TPMs) are specialized chips that store RSA keys specific to the host system for hardware authentication. The RSA keys refer to an encryption technology developed by RSA Data Security. The RSA algorithm accounts for the fact that there is no efficient way to factor extremely large numbers. Each TPM chip contains an RSA Key pair known as the Endorsement Key that cannot be accessed by software. The TPM contains an additional key, called the Attestation Identity Key that protects the device itself against unauthorized firmware and software modification by implementing hash functions on critical sections of the software and firmware before execution. As a result, the TPM can be used as a chip for handling encryption for a larger system to offer an additional layer of security. Furthermore, the TPM can also be used for managing encryption keys, as a Storage Root Key is created when a user or administrator takes ownership of the system. However, merging the TPM into a system does come with additional costs along with potential benefits. This paper focuses on integrating a TPM into a system implemented on an ARM processor that engages with power electronics, and then presents the security benefits associated with a TPM.
Le, T. V., Huan, T. T..  2020.  Computational Intelligence Towards Trusted Cloudlet Based Fog Computing. 2020 5th International Conference on Green Technology and Sustainable Development (GTSD). :141—147.

The current trend of IoT user is toward the use of services and data externally due to voluminous processing, which demands resourceful machines. Instead of relying on the cloud of poor connectivity or a limited bandwidth, the IoT user prefers to use a cloudlet-based fog computing. However, the choice of cloudlet is solely dependent on its trust and reliability. In practice, even though a cloudlet possesses a required trusted platform module (TPM), we argue that the presence of a TPM is not enough to make the cloudlet trustworthy as the TPM supports only the primitive security of the bootstrap. Besides uncertainty in security, other uncertain conditions of the network (e.g. network bandwidth, latency and expectation time to complete a service request for cloud-based services) may also prevail for the cloudlets. Therefore, in order to evaluate the trust value of multiple cloudlets under uncertainty, this paper broadly proposes the empirical process for evaluation of trust. This will be followed by a measure of trust-based reputation of cloudlets through computational intelligence such as fuzzy logic and ant colony optimization (ACO). In the process, fuzzy logic-based inference and membership evaluation of trust are presented. In addition, ACO and its pheromone communication across different colonies are being modeled with multiple cloudlets. Finally, a measure of affinity or popular trust and reputation of the cloudlets is also proposed. Together with the context of application under multiple cloudlets, the computationally intelligent approaches have been investigated in terms of performance. Hence the contribution is subjected towards building a trusted cloudlet-based fog platform.

Whitefield, J., Chen, L., Sasse, R., Schneider, S., Treharne, H., Wesemeyer, S..  2019.  A Symbolic Analysis of ECC-Based Direct Anonymous Attestation. 2019 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS P). :127–141.
Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA) is a cryptographic scheme that provides Trusted Platform Module TPM-backed anonymous credentials. We develop Tamarin modelling of the ECC-based version of the protocol as it is standardised and provide the first mechanised analysis of this standard. Our analysis confirms that the scheme is secure when all TPMs are assumed honest, but reveals a break in the protocol's expected authentication and secrecy properties for all TPMs even if only one is compromised. We propose and formally verify a minimal fix to the standard. In addition to developing the first formal analysis of ECC-DAA, the paper contributes to the growing body of work demonstrating the use of formal tools in supporting standardisation processes for cryptographic protocols.
Sundar, S., Yellai, P., Sanagapati, S. S. S., Pradhan, P. C., Y, S. K. K. R..  2019.  Remote Attestation based Software Integrity of IoT devices. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS). :1–4.
Internet of Things is the new paradigm towards which the world is moving today. As these devices proliferate, security issues at these scales become more and more intimidating. Traditional approach like an antivirus does not work well with these devices and there is a need to look for a more trusted solution. For a device with reasonable computational power, we use a software trusted platform module for the cryptographic operations. In this paper, we have developed a model to remotely attest to the integrity of the processes running in the device. We have also explored the various features of the TPM (Trusted Platform Module) to gain insight into its working and also to ascertain those which can make this process better. This model depends on the server and the TPM to behave as roots of trust for this model. The client computes the HMAC (Hashed Message Authentication Code) values and appends a nonce and sends these values periodically to the server via asymmetric encryption. The HMAC values are verified by the server by comparing with its known good values (KGV) and the trustworthiness of the process is determined and accordingly an authorization response is sent.
Furtak, J., Zieliński, Z., Chudzikiewicz, J..  2019.  Security Domain for the Sensor Nodes with Strong Authentication. 2019 International Conference on Military Communications and Information Systems (ICMCIS). :1–6.
Nowadays interest in IoT solutions is growing. A significant barrier to the use of these solutions in military applications is to ensure the security of data transmission and authentication of data sources and recipients of the data. Developing an efficient solution to these problems requires finding a compromise between the facts that the sensors often are mobile, use wireless communication, usually have the small processing power and have little energy resources. The article presents the security domain designated for cooperating mobile sensor nodes. The domain has the following features: the strong authentication of each domain member, cryptographic protection of data exchange in the data link layer and protection of data stored in the sensor node resources. The domain is also prepared to perform diagnostic procedures and to exchange sensory data with other domains securely. At each node, the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is used to support these procedures.
El Balmany, Chawki, Asimi, Ahmed, Tbatou, Zakariae, Asimi, Younes, Guezzaz, Azidine.  2019.  Openstack: Launch a Secure User Virtual Machine Image into a Trust Public Cloud IaaS Environment. 2019 4th World Conference on Complex Systems (WCCS). :1–6.

Cloud Management Platforms (CMP) have been developed in recent years to set up cloud computing architecture. Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) is a cloud-delivered model designed by the provider to gather a set of IT resources which are furnished as services for user Virtual Machine Image (VMI) provisioning and management. Openstack is one of the most useful CMP which has been developed for industry and academic researches to simulate IaaS classical processes such as launch and store user VMI instance. In this paper, the main purpose is to adopt a security policy for a secure launch user VMI across a trust cloud environment founded on a combination of enhanced TPM remote attestation and cryptographic techniques to ensure confidentiality and integrity of user VMI requirements.

Shaik, M. A..  2018.  Protecting Agents from Malicious Hosts using Trusted Platform Modules (TPM). 2018 Second International Conference on Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies (ICICCT). :559–564.

Software agents represent an assured computing paradigm that tends to emerge to be an elegant technology to solve present day problems. The eminent Scientific Community has proved us with the usage or implementation of software agent's usage approach that simplifies the proposed solution in various types to solve the traditional computing problems arise. The proof of the same is implemented in several applications that exist based on this area of technology where the software agents have maximum benefits but on the same hand absence of the suitable security mechanisms that endures for systems that are based on representation of barriers exists in the paradigm with respect to present day industry. As the application proposing present security mechanisms is not a trivial one as the agent based system builders or developers who are not often security experts as they subsequently do not count on the area of expertise. This paper presents a novel approach for protecting the infrastructure for solving the issues considered to be malicious host in mobile agent system by implementing a secure protocol to migrate agents from host to host relying in various elements based on the enhanced Trusted Platforms Modules (TPM) for processing data. We use enhanced extension to the Java Agent Development framework (JADE) in our proposed system and a migrating protocol is used to validate the proposed framework (AVASPA).

Hoeller, A., Toegl, R..  2018.  Trusted Platform Modules in Cyber-Physical Systems: On the Interference Between Security and Dependability. 2018 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS PW). :136–144.

Cyber physical systems are the key innovation driver for many domains such as automotive, avionics, industrial process control, and factory automation. However, their interconnection potentially provides adversaries easy access to sensitive data, code, and configurations. If attackers gain control, material damage or even harm to people must be expected. To counteract data theft, system manipulation and cyber-attacks, security mechanisms must be embedded in the cyber physical system. Adding hardware security in the form of the standardized Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is a promising approach. At the same time, traditional dependability features such as safety, availability, and reliability have to be maintained. To determine the right balance between security and dependability it is essential to understand their interferences. This paper supports developers in identifying the implications of using TPMs on the dependability of their system.We highlight potential consequences of adding TPMs to cyber-physical systems by considering the resulting safety, reliability, and availability. Furthermore, we discuss the potential of enhancing the dependability of TPM services by applying traditional redundancy techniques.

Zakaria, I., Mustaha, H..  2017.  FADETPM: Novel approach of file assured deletion based on trusted platform module. 2017 3rd International Conference of Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications (CloudTech). :1–4.

Nowadays, the Internet is developed, so that the requirements for on- and offline data storage have increased. Large storage IT projects, are related to large costs and high level of business risk. A storage service provider (SSP) provides computer storage space and management. In addition to that, it offers also back-up and archiving. Despite this, many companies fears security, privacy and integrity of outsourced data. As a solution, File Assured Deletion (FADE) is a system built upon standard cryptographic issues. It aims to guarantee their privacy and integrity, and most importantly, assuredly deleted files to make them unrecoverable to anybody (including those who manage the cloud storage) upon revocations of file access policies, by encrypting outsourced data files. Unfortunately, This system remains weak, in case the key manager's security is compromised. Our work provides a new scheme that aims to improve the security of FADE by using the TPM (Trusted Platform Module) that stores safely keys, passwords and digital certificates.

Kumar, K. N., Nene, M. J..  2017.  Chip-Based symmetric and asymmetric key generation in hierarchical wireless sensors networks. 2017 International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC). :1–6.
Realization of an application using Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) using Sensor Nodes (SNs) brings in profound advantages of ad-hoc and flexible network deployments. Implementation of these networks face immense challenges due to short wireless range; along with limited power, storage & computational capabilities of SNs. Also, due to the tiny physical attributes of the SNs in WSNs, they are prone to physical attacks. In the context of WSNs, the physical attacks may range from destroying, lifting, replacing and adding new SNs. The work in this paper addresses the threats induced due to physical attacks and, further proposes a methodology to mitigate it. The methodology incorporates the use of newly proposed secured and efficient symmetric and asymmetric key distribution technique based on the additional commodity hardware Trusted Platform Module (TPM). Further, the paper demonstrates the merits of the proposed methodology. With some additional economical cost for the hardware, the proposed technique can fulfill the security requirement of WSNs, like confidentiality, integrity, authenticity, resilience to attack, key connectivity and data freshness.
Vorobiev, E. G., Petrenko, S. A., Kovaleva, I. V., Abrosimov, I. K..  2017.  Organization of the Entrusted Calculations in Crucial Objects of Informatization under Uncertainty. 2017 XX IEEE International Conference on Soft Computing and Measurements (SCM). :299–300.

The urgent task of the organization of confidential calculations in crucial objects of informatization on the basis of domestic TPM technologies (Trusted Platform Module) is considered. The corresponding recommendations and architectural concepts of the special hardware TPM module (Trusted Platform Module) which is built in a computing platform are proposed and realize a so-called ``root of trust''. As a result it gave the organization the confidential calculations on the basis of domestic electronic base.

Hosseinzadeh, Shohreh, Laurén, Samuel, Leppänen, Ville.  2016.  Security in Container-based Virtualization Through vTPM. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing. :214–219.

Cloud computing is a wide-spread technology that enables the enterprises to provide services to their customers with a lower cost, higher performance, better availability and scalability. However, privacy and security in cloud computing has always been a major challenge to service providers and a concern to its users. Trusted computing has led its way in securing the cloud computing and virtualized environment, during the past decades. In this paper, first we study virtualized trusted platform modules and integration of vTPM in hypervisor-based virtualization. Then we propose two architectural solutions for integrating the vTPM in container-based virtualization model.

Tian, Dave(Jing), Bates, Adam, Butler, Kevin R.B., Rangaswami, Raju.  2016.  ProvUSB: Block-level Provenance-Based Data Protection for USB Storage Devices. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :242–253.

Defenders of enterprise networks have a critical need to quickly identify the root causes of malware and data leakage. Increasingly, USB storage devices are the media of choice for data exfiltration, malware propagation, and even cyber-warfare. We observe that a critical aspect of explaining and preventing such attacks is understanding the provenance of data (i.e., the lineage of data from its creation to current state) on USB devices as a means of ensuring their safe usage. Unfortunately, provenance tracking is not offered by even sophisticated modern devices. This work presents ProvUSB, an architecture for fine-grained provenance collection and tracking on smart USB devices. ProvUSB maintains data provenance by recording reads and writes at the block layer and reliably identifying hosts editing those blocks through attestation over the USB channel. Our evaluation finds that ProvUSB imposes a one-time 850 ms overhead during USB enumeration, but approaches nearly-bare-metal runtime performance (90% of throughput) on larger files during normal execution, and less than 0.1% storage overhead for provenance in real-world workloads. ProvUSB thus provides essential new techniques in the defense of computer systems and USB storage devices.

Tianyu Zhao, Chang Chen, Lingbo Wei, Mengke Yu.  2014.  An anonymous payment system to protect the privacy of electric vehicles. Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), 2014 Sixth International Conference on. :1-6.

Electric vehicle is the automobile that powered by electrical energy stored in batteries. Due to the frequent recharging, vehicles need to be connected to the recharging infrastructure while they are parked. This may disclose drivers' privacy, such as their location that drivers may want to keep secret. In this paper, we propose a scheme to enhance the privacy of the drivers using anonymous credential technique and Trusted Platform Module(TPM). We use anonymous credential technique to achieve the anonymity of vehicles such that drivers can anonymously and unlinkably recharge their vehicles. We add some attributes to the credential such as the type of the battery in the vehicle in case that the prices of different batteries are different. We use TPM to omit a blacklist such that the company that offer the recharging service(Energy Provider Company, EPC) does not need to conduct a double spending detection.

Thilakanathan, D., Calvo, R.A., Shiping Chen, Nepal, S., Dongxi Liu, Zic, J..  2014.  Secure Multiparty Data Sharing in the Cloud Using Hardware-Based TPM Devices. Cloud Computing (CLOUD), 2014 IEEE 7th International Conference on. :224-231.

The trend towards Cloud computing infrastructure has increased the need for new methods that allow data owners to share their data with others securely taking into account the needs of multiple stakeholders. The data owner should be able to share confidential data while delegating much of the burden of access control management to the Cloud and trusted enterprises. The lack of such methods to enhance privacy and security may hinder the growth of cloud computing. In particular, there is a growing need to better manage security keys of data shared in the Cloud. BYOD provides a first step to enabling secure and efficient key management, however, the data owner cannot guarantee that the data consumers device itself is secure. Furthermore, in current methods the data owner cannot revoke a particular data consumer or group efficiently. In this paper, we address these issues by incorporating a hardware-based Trusted Platform Module (TPM) mechanism called the Trusted Extension Device (TED) together with our security model and protocol to allow stronger privacy of data compared to software-based security protocols. We demonstrate the concept of using TED for stronger protection and management of cryptographic keys and how our secure data sharing protocol will allow a data owner (e.g, author) to securely store data via untrusted Cloud services. Our work prevents keys to be stolen by outsiders and/or dishonest authorised consumers, thus making it particularly attractive to be implemented in a real-world scenario.

Y. Seifi, S. Suriadi, E. Foo, C. Boyd.  2014.  Security properties analysis in a TPM-based protocol. Int. J. of Security and Networks, 2014 Vol.9, No.2, pp.85 - 103.

Security protocols are designed in order to provide security properties (goals). They achieve their goals using cryptographic primitives such as key agreement or hash functions. Security analysis tools are used in order to verify whether a security protocol achieves its goals or not. The analysed property by specific purpose tools are predefined properties such as secrecy (confidentiality), authentication or non-repudiation. There are security goals that are defined by the user in systems with security requirements. Analysis of these properties is possible with general purpose analysis tools such as coloured petri nets (CPN). This research analyses two security properties that are defined in a protocol that is based on trusted platform module (TPM). The analysed protocol is proposed by Delaune to use TPM capabilities and secrets in order to open only one secret from two submitted secrets to a recipient.

Parno, B., McCune, J.M., Perrig, A.  2010.  Bootstrapping Trust in Commodity Computers. Security and Privacy (SP), 2010 IEEE Symposium on. :414-429.

Trusting a computer for a security-sensitive task (such as checking email or banking online) requires the user to know something about the computer's state. We examine research on securely capturing a computer's state, and consider the utility of this information both for improving security on the local computer (e.g., to convince the user that her computer is not infected with malware) and for communicating a remote computer's state (e.g., to enable the user to check that a web server will adequately protect her data). Although the recent "Trusted Computing" initiative has drawn both positive and negative attention to this area, we consider the older and broader topic of bootstrapping trust in a computer. We cover issues ranging from the wide collection of secure hardware that can serve as a foundation for trust, to the usability issues that arise when trying to convey computer state information to humans. This approach unifies disparate research efforts and highlights opportunities for additional work that can guide real-world improvements in computer security.