Visible to the public Security Domain for the Sensor Nodes with Strong Authentication

TitleSecurity Domain for the Sensor Nodes with Strong Authentication
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsFurtak, J., Zieliński, Z., Chudzikiewicz, J.
Conference Name2019 International Conference on Military Communications and Information Systems (ICMCIS)
Date Publishedmay
Keywordsauthentication, authorisation, composability, cooperating mobile sensor nodes, cryptographic protection, cryptography, cyber-physical system security, data exchange, data link layer, data protection, data source authentication, data transmission security, domain member, energy resources, Internet of Things, IoT solutions, Logic gates, military applications, military communication, mobile radio, neural style transfer, Predictive Metrics, processing power, pubcrawl, Resiliency, Scalability, security domain, security in IoT, sensor node resources, sensory data, TPM, Trusted Platform Module, trusted platform modules, Wireless communication, Wireless sensor networks
AbstractNowadays interest in IoT solutions is growing. A significant barrier to the use of these solutions in military applications is to ensure the security of data transmission and authentication of data sources and recipients of the data. Developing an efficient solution to these problems requires finding a compromise between the facts that the sensors often are mobile, use wireless communication, usually have the small processing power and have little energy resources. The article presents the security domain designated for cooperating mobile sensor nodes. The domain has the following features: the strong authentication of each domain member, cryptographic protection of data exchange in the data link layer and protection of data stored in the sensor node resources. The domain is also prepared to perform diagnostic procedures and to exchange sensory data with other domains securely. At each node, the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is used to support these procedures.
Citation Keyfurtak_security_2019