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Nightingale, James S., Wang, Yingjie, Zobiri, Fairouz, Mustafa, Mustafa A..  2022.  Effect of Clustering in Federated Learning on Non-IID Electricity Consumption Prediction. 2022 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe). :1—5.

When applied to short-term energy consumption forecasting, the federated learning framework allows for the creation of a predictive model without sharing raw data. There is a limit to the accuracy achieved by standard federated learning due to the heterogeneity of the individual clients' data, especially in the case of electricity data, where prediction of peak demand is a challenge. A set of clustering techniques has been explored in the literature to improve prediction quality while maintaining user privacy. These studies have mainly been conducted using sets of clients with similar attributes that may not reflect real-world consumer diversity. This paper explores, implements and compares these clustering techniques for privacy-preserving load forecasting on a representative electricity consumption dataset. The experimental results demonstrate the effects of electricity consumption heterogeneity on federated forecasting and a non-representative sample's impact on load forecasting.

Zarzour, Hafed, Maazouzi, Faiz, Al–Zinati, Mohammad, Jararweh, Yaser, Baker, Thar.  2021.  An Efficient Recommender System Based on Collaborative Filtering Recommendation and Cluster Ensemble. 2021 Eighth International Conference on Social Network Analysis, Management and Security (SNAMS). :01—06.
In the last few years, cluster ensembles have emerged as powerful techniques that integrate multiple clustering methods into recommender systems. Such integration leads to improving the performance, quality and the accuracy of the generated recommendations. This paper proposes a novel recommender system based on a cluster ensemble technique for big data. The proposed system incorporates the collaborative filtering recommendation technique and the cluster ensemble to improve the system performance. Besides, it integrates the Expectation-Maximization method and the HyperGraph Partitioning Algorithm to generate new recommendations and enhance the overall accuracy. We use two real-world datasets to evaluate our system: TED Talks and MovieLens. The experimental results show that the proposed system outperforms the traditional methods that utilize single clustering techniques in terms of recommendation quality and predictive accuracy. Most importantly, the results indicate that the proposed system provides the highest precision, recall, accuracy, F1, and the lowest Root Mean Square Error regardless of the used similarity strategy.
Yang, Jing, Vega-Oliveros, Didier, Seibt, Tais, Rocha, Anderson.  2021.  Scalable Fact-checking with Human-in-the-Loop. 2021 IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS). :1–6.
Researchers have been investigating automated solutions for fact-checking in various fronts. However, current approaches often overlook the fact that information released every day is escalating, and a large amount of them overlap. Intending to accelerate fact-checking, we bridge this gap by proposing a new pipeline – grouping similar messages and summarizing them into aggregated claims. Specifically, we first clean a set of social media posts (e.g., tweets) and build a graph of all posts based on their semantics; Then, we perform two clustering methods to group the messages for further claim summarization. We evaluate the summaries both quantitatively with ROUGE scores and qualitatively with human evaluation. We also generate a graph of summaries to verify that there is no significant overlap among them. The results reduced 28,818 original messages to 700 summary claims, showing the potential to speed up the fact-checking process by organizing and selecting representative claims from massive disorganized and redundant messages.
Peng, Liwen, Zhu, Xiaolin, Zhang, Peng.  2021.  A Framework for Mobile Forensics Based on Clustering of Big Data. 2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Electronics Technology (ICET). :1300–1303.
With the rapid development of the wireless network and smart mobile equipment, many lawbreakers employ mobile devices to destroy and steal important information and property from other persons. In order to fighting the criminal act efficiently, the public security organ need to collect the evidences from the crime tools and submit to the court. In the meantime, with development of internal storage technology, the law enforcement officials collect lots of information from the smart mobile equipment, for the sake of handling the huge amounts of data, we propose a framework that combine distributed clustering methods to analyze data sets, this model will split massive data into smaller pieces and use clustering method to analyze each smaller one on disparate machines to solve the problem of large amount of data, thus forensics investigation work will be more effectively.
Haile, J., Havens, S..  2020.  Identifying Ubiquitious Third-Party Libraries in Compiled Executables Using Annotated and Translated Disassembled Code with Supervised Machine Learning. 2020 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW). :157–162.
The size and complexity of the software ecosystem is a major challenge for vendors, asset owners and cybersecurity professionals who need to understand the security posture of these systems. Annotated and Translated Disassembled Code is a graph based datastore designed to organize firmware and software analysis data across builds, packages and systems, providing a highly scalable platform enabling automated binary software analysis tasks including corpora construction and storage for machine learning. This paper describes an approach for the identification of ubiquitous third-party libraries in firmware and software using Annotated and Translated Disassembled Code and supervised machine learning. Annotated and Translated Disassembled Code provide matched libraries, function names and addresses of previously unidentified code in software as it is being automatically analyzed. This data can be ingested by other software analysis tools to improve accuracy and save time. Defenders can add the identified libraries to their vulnerability searches and add effective detection and mitigation into their operating environment.
Qader, Karwan, Adda, Mo.  2019.  DOS and Brute Force Attacks Faults Detection Using an Optimised Fuzzy C-Means. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications (INISTA). :1—6.
This paper explains how the commonly occurring DOS and Brute Force attacks on computer networks can be efficiently detected and network performance improved, which reduces costs and time. Therefore, network administrators attempt to instantly diagnose any network issues. The experimental work used the SNMP-MIB parameter datasets, which are collected via a specialised MIB dataset consisting of seven types of attack as noted in section three. To resolves such issues, this researched carried out several important contributions which are related to fault management concerns in computer network systems. A central task in the detection of the attacks relies on MIB feature behaviours using the suggested SFCM method. It was concluded that the DOS and Brute Force fault detection results for three different clustering methods demonstrated that the proposed SFCM detected every data point in the related group. Consequently, the FPC approached 1.0, its highest record, and an improved performance solution better than the EM methods and K-means are based on SNMP-MIB variables.
Zobaed, S.M., ahmad, sahan, Gottumukkala, Raju, Salehi, Mohsen Amini.  2019.  ClustCrypt: Privacy-Preserving Clustering of Unstructured Big Data in the Cloud. 2019 IEEE 21st International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications; IEEE 17th International Conference on Smart City; IEEE 5th International Conference on Data Science and Systems (HPCC/SmartCity/DSS). :609—616.
Security and confidentiality of big data stored in the cloud are important concerns for many organizations to adopt cloud services. One common approach to address the concerns is client-side encryption where data is encrypted on the client machine before being stored in the cloud. Having encrypted data in the cloud, however, limits the ability of data clustering, which is a crucial part of many data analytics applications, such as search systems. To overcome the limitation, in this paper, we present an approach named ClustCrypt for efficient topic-based clustering of encrypted unstructured big data in the cloud. ClustCrypt dynamically estimates the optimal number of clusters based on the statistical characteristics of encrypted data. It also provides clustering approach for encrypted data. We deploy ClustCrypt within the context of a secure cloud-based semantic search system (S3BD). Experimental results obtained from evaluating ClustCrypt on three datasets demonstrate on average 60% improvement on clusters' coherency. ClustCrypt also decreases the search-time overhead by up to 78% and increases the accuracy of search results by up to 35%.
Naik, Nitin, Jenkins, Paul, Gillett, Jonathan, Mouratidis, Haralambos, Naik, Kshirasagar, Song, Jingping.  2019.  Lockout-Tagout Ransomware: A Detection Method for Ransomware using Fuzzy Hashing and Clustering. 2019 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI). :641–648.

Ransomware attacks are a prevalent cybersecurity threat to every user and enterprise today. This is attributed to their polymorphic behaviour and dispersion of inexhaustible versions due to the same ransomware family or threat actor. A certain ransomware family or threat actor repeatedly utilises nearly the same style or codebase to create a vast number of ransomware versions. Therefore, it is essential for users and enterprises to keep well-informed about this threat landscape and adopt proactive prevention strategies to minimise its spread and affects. This requires a technique to detect ransomware samples to determine the similarity and link with the known ransomware family or threat actor. Therefore, this paper presents a detection method for ransomware by employing a combination of a similarity preserving hashing method called fuzzy hashing and a clustering method. This detection method is applied on the collected WannaCry/WannaCryptor ransomware samples utilising a range of fuzzy hashing and clustering methods. The clustering results of various clustering methods are evaluated through the use of the internal evaluation indexes to determine the accuracy and consistency of their clustering results, thus the effective combination of fuzzy hashing and clustering method as applied to the particular ransomware corpus. The proposed detection method is a static analysis method, which requires fewer computational overheads and performs rapid comparative analysis with respect to other static analysis methods.

Naik, Nitin, Jenkins, Paul, Savage, Nick, Yang, Longzhi.  2019.  Cyberthreat Hunting - Part 2: Tracking Ransomware Threat Actors Using Fuzzy Hashing and Fuzzy C-Means Clustering. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE). :1–6.

Threat actors are constantly seeking new attack surfaces, with ransomeware being one the most successful attack vectors that have been used for financial gain. This has been achieved through the dispersion of unlimited polymorphic samples of ransomware whilst those responsible evade detection and hide their identity. Nonetheless, every ransomware threat actor adopts some similar style or uses some common patterns in their malicious code writing, which can be significant evidence contributing to their identification. he first step in attempting to identify the source of the attack is to cluster a large number of ransomware samples based on very little or no information about the samples, accordingly, their traits and signatures can be analysed and identified. T herefore, this paper proposes an efficient fuzzy analysis approach to cluster ransomware samples based on the combination of two fuzzy techniques fuzzy hashing and fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering. Unlike other clustering techniques, FCM can directly utilise similarity scores generated by a fuzzy hashing method and cluster them into similar groups without requiring additional transformational steps to obtain distance among objects for clustering. Thus, it reduces the computational overheads by utilising fuzzy similarity scores obtained at the time of initial triaging of whether the sample is known or unknown ransomware. The performance of the proposed fuzzy method is compared against k-means clustering and the two fuzzy hashing methods SSDEEP and SDHASH which are evaluated based on their FCM clustering results to understand how the similarity score affects the clustering results.

Ezick, James, Henretty, Tom, Baskaran, Muthu, Lethin, Richard, Feo, John, Tuan, Tai-Ching, Coley, Christopher, Leonard, Leslie, Agrawal, Rajeev, Parsons, Ben et al..  2019.  Combining Tensor Decompositions and Graph Analytics to Provide Cyber Situational Awareness at HPC Scale. 2019 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC). :1–7.

This paper describes MADHAT (Multidimensional Anomaly Detection fusing HPC, Analytics, and Tensors), an integrated workflow that demonstrates the applicability of HPC resources to the problem of maintaining cyber situational awareness. MADHAT combines two high-performance packages: ENSIGN for large-scale sparse tensor decompositions and HAGGLE for graph analytics. Tensor decompositions isolate coherent patterns of network behavior in ways that common clustering methods based on distance metrics cannot. Parallelized graph analysis then uses directed queries on a representation that combines the elements of identified patterns with other available information (such as additional log fields, domain knowledge, network topology, whitelists and blacklists, prior feedback, and published alerts) to confirm or reject a threat hypothesis, collect context, and raise alerts. MADHAT was developed using the collaborative HPC Architecture for Cyber Situational Awareness (HACSAW) research environment and evaluated on structured network sensor logs collected from Defense Research and Engineering Network (DREN) sites using HPC resources at the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center DoD Supercomputing Resource Center (ERDC DSRC). To date, MADHAT has analyzed logs with over 650 million entries.

Wu, Jimmy Ming-Tai, Chun-Wei Lin, Jerry, Djenouri, Youcef, Fournier-Viger, Philippe, Zhang, Yuyu.  2019.  A Swarm-based Data Sanitization Algorithm in Privacy-Preserving Data Mining. 2019 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC). :1461–1467.
In recent decades, data protection (PPDM), which not only hides information, but also provides information that is useful to make decisions, has become a critical concern. We present a sanitization algorithm with the consideration of four side effects based on multi-objective PSO and hierarchical clustering methods to find optimized solutions for PPDM. Experiments showed that compared to existing approaches, the designed sanitization algorithm based on the hierarchical clustering method achieves satisfactory performance in terms of hiding failure, missing cost, and artificial cost.
Panagiotakis, C., Papadakis, H., Fragopoulou, P..  2018.  Detection of Hurriedly Created Abnormal Profiles in Recommender Systems. 2018 International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS). :499–506.

Recommender systems try to predict the preferences of users for specific items. These systems suffer from profile injection attacks, where the attackers have some prior knowledge of the system ratings and their goal is to promote or demote a particular item introducing abnormal (anomalous) ratings. The detection of both cases is a challenging problem. In this paper, we propose a framework to spot anomalous rating profiles (outliers), where the outliers hurriedly create a profile that injects into the system either random ratings or specific ratings, without any prior knowledge of the existing ratings. The proposed detection method is based on the unpredictable behavior of the outliers in a validation set, on the user-item rating matrix and on the similarity between users. The proposed system is totally unsupervised, and in the last step it uses the k-means clustering method automatically spotting the spurious profiles. For the cases where labeling sample data is available, a random forest classifier is trained to show how supervised methods outperforms unsupervised ones. Experimental results on the MovieLens 100k and the MovieLens 1M datasets demonstrate the high performance of the proposed schemata.

K. F. Hong, C. C. Chen, Y. T. Chiu, K. S. Chou.  2015.  "Scalable command and control detection in log data through UF-ICF analysis". 2015 International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology (ICCST). :293-298.

During an advanced persistent threat (APT), an attacker group usually establish more than one C&C server and these C&C servers will change their domain names and corresponding IP addresses over time to be unseen by anti-virus software or intrusion prevention systems. For this reason, discovering and catching C&C sites becomes a big challenge in information security. Based on our observations and deductions, a malware tends to contain a fixed user agent string, and the connection behaviors generated by a malware is different from that by a benign service or a normal user. This paper proposed a new method comprising filtering and clustering methods to detect C&C servers with a relatively higher coverage rate. The experiments revealed that the proposed method can successfully detect C&C Servers, and the can provide an important clue for detecting APT.