Elmalaki, Salma, Ho, Bo-Jhang, Alzantot, Moustafa, Shoukry, Yasser, Srivastava, Mani.
SpyCon: Adaptation Based Spyware in Human-in-the-Loop IoT. 2019 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW). :163–168.
Personalized IoT adapt their behavior based on contextual information, such as user behavior and location. Unfortunately, the fact that personalized IoT adapt to user context opens a side-channel that leaks private information about the user. To that end, we start by studying the extent to which a malicious eavesdropper can monitor the actions taken by an IoT system and extract user's private information. In particular, we show two concrete instantiations (in the context of mobile phones and smart homes) of a new category of spyware which we refer to as Context-Aware Adaptation Based Spyware (SpyCon). Experimental evaluations show that the developed SpyCon can predict users' daily behavior with an accuracy of 90.3%. Being a new spyware with no known prior signature or behavior, traditional spyware detection that is based on code signature or system behavior are not adequate to detect SpyCon. We discuss possible detection and mitigation mechanisms that can hinder the effect of SpyCon.
Silvarajoo, Vimal Raj, Yun Lim, Shu, Daud, Paridah.
Digital Evidence Case Management Tool for Collaborative Digital Forensics Investigation. 2021 3rd International Cyber Resilience Conference (CRC). :1–4.
Digital forensics investigation process begins with the acquisition, investigation until the presentation of investigation findings. Investigators are required to manage bits and pieces of digital evidence in the cloud and to correlate with evidence found in physical machines and network. The process could be made easy with a proper case management tool that is hosted in the web. The challenge of maintaining chain of custody, determining access to evidence, assignment of forensics investigator could be overcome when digital evidence is fully integrated in a single platform. Our proposed case management tool streamlines information gathering and integrates information on different platforms, shares information, tracks cases, and uploads data directly into a database. In addition, the case management tool facilitates the collaboration of investigators through sharing of forensics findings. These features allow case owner or administrator to track and monitor investigation progress in a forensically sound manner.
Li, Qiang, Song, Jinke, Tan, Dawei, Wang, Haining, Liu, Jiqiang.
PDGraph: A Large-Scale Empirical Study on Project Dependency of Security Vulnerabilities. 2021 51st Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN). :161–173.
The reuse of libraries in software development has become prevalent for improving development efficiency and software quality. However, security vulnerabilities of reused libraries propagated through software project dependency pose a severe security threat, but they have not yet been well studied. In this paper, we present the first large-scale empirical study of project dependencies with respect to security vulnerabilities. We developed PDGraph, an innovative approach for analyzing publicly known security vulnerabilities among numerous project dependencies, which provides a new perspective for assessing security risks in the wild. As a large-scale software collection in dependency, we find 337,415 projects and 1,385,338 dependency relations. In particular, PDGraph generates a project dependency graph, where each node is a project, and each edge indicates a dependency relationship. We conducted experiments to validate the efficacy of PDGraph and characterized its features for security analysis. We revealed that 1,014 projects have publicly disclosed vulnerabilities, and more than 67,806 projects are directly dependent on them. Among these, 42,441 projects still manifest 67,581 insecure dependency relationships, indicating that they are built on vulnerable versions of reused libraries even though their vulnerabilities are publicly known. During our eight-month observation period, only 1,266 insecure edges were fixed, and corresponding vulnerable libraries were updated to secure versions. Furthermore, we uncovered four underlying dependency risks that can significantly reduce the difficulty of compromising systems. We conducted a quantitative analysis of dependency risks on the PDGraph.