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Li, Minglei, Lu, Yuliang, Huang, Hui, Zhao, Jun, Lu, CanJu.  2020.  A Method of ROP Decentralized Layout. 2020 IEEE 5th Information Technology and Mechatronics Engineering Conference (ITOEC). :369–372.
Return-oriented programming (ROP)is a technique used to break data execution protection(DEP). Existing ROP chain automatic construction technology cannot effectively use program controllable memory area. In order to improve the utilization of memory space, this paper proposes a method of ROP chain fragmentation layout. By searching the controllable memory area of the program, a set of layoutable space is formed, and the overall ROP chain is segmented to add jump instructions at the end of each segment, thereby achieving a fragmented layout of the ROP chain. The prototype system ROP-chip based on S2E proved the effectiveness of the fragmented layout of the ROP chain.
Kumar, Keshav, Ramkumar, K.R., Kaur, Amanpreet.  2020.  A Design Implementation and Comparative Analysis of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Algorithm on FPGA. 2020 8th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO). :182—185.
As the technology is getting advanced continuously the problem for the security of data is also increasing. The hackers are equipped with new advanced tools and techniques to break any security system. Therefore people are getting more concern about data security. The data security is achieved by either software or hardware implementations. In this work Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) device is used for hardware implementation since these devices are less complex, more flexible and provide more efficiency. This work focuses on the hardware execution of one of the security algorithms that is the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm. The AES algorithm is executed on Vivado 2014.2 ISE Design Suite and the results are observed on 28 nanometers (nm) Artix-7 FPGA. This work discusses the design implementation of the AES algorithm and the resources consumed in implementing the AES design on Artix-7 FPGA. The resources which are consumed are as follows-Slice Register (SR), Look-Up Tables (LUTs), Input/Output (I/O) and Global Buffer (BUFG).
Shaik, Enaul haq, Rangaswamy, Nakkeeran.  2020.  Implementation of Quantum Gates based Logic Circuits using IBM Qiskit. 2020 5th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Security (ICCCS). :1—6.
Quantum computing is an emerging field that depends upon the basic properties of quantum physics and principles of classical systems. This leads a way to develop systems to solve complex problems that a classical system cannot do. In this article, we present simple methods to implement logic circuits using quantum gates. Logic gates and circuits are defined with quantum gates using Qiskit in Python. Later, they are verified with quantum circuits created by using IBM Quantum. Moreover, we propose a way of instantiating the basic logic circuits to design high-end logic expressions. As per our knowledge, the proposed simple approach may be helpful to solve the complex logical problems in near future.
Siledar, Seema, Tamane, Sharvari.  2020.  A distortion-free watermarking approach for verifying integrity of relational databases. 2020 International Conference on Smart Innovations in Design, Environment, Management, Planning and Computing (ICSIDEMPC). :192—195.
Due to high availability and easy accessibility of information, it has become quite difficult to assure security of data. Even though watermarking seems to be an effective solution to protect data, it is still challenging to be used with relational databases. Moreover, inserting a watermark in database may lead to distortion. As a result, the contents of database can no longer remain useful. Our proposed distortion-free watermarking approach ensures that integrity of database can be preserved by generating an image watermark from its contents. This image is registered with Certification Authority (CA) before the database is distributed for use. In case, the owner suspects any kind of tampering in the database, an image watermark is generated and compared with the registered image watermark. If both do not match, it can be concluded that the integrity of database has been compromised. Experiments are conducted on Forest Cover Type data set to localize tampering to the finest granularity. Results show that our approach can detect all types of attack with 100% accuracy.
Sravya, G., Kumar, Manchalla. O.V.P., Sudarsana Reddy, Y., Jamal, K., Mannem, Kiran.  2020.  The Ideal Block Ciphers - Correlation of AES and PRESENT in Cryptography. 2020 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems (ICISS). :1107—1113.
In this digital era, the usage of technology has increased rapidly and led to the deployment of more innovative technologies for storing and transferring the generated data. The most important aspect of the emerging communication technologies is to ensure the safety and security of the generated huge amount of data. Hence, cryptography is considered as a pathway that can securely transfer and save the data. Cryptography comprises of ciphers that act like an algorithm, where the data is encrypted at the source and decrypted at the destination. This paper comprises of two ciphers namely PRESENT and AES ciphers. In the real-time applications, AES is no more relevant especially for segmenting the organizations that leverage RFID, Sensors and IoT devices. In order to overcome the strategic issues faced by these organization, PRESENT ciphers work appropriately with its super lightweight block figure, which has the equivalent significance to both security and equipment arrangements. This paper compares the AES (Advance encryption standard) symmetric block cipher with PRESENT symmetric block cipher to leverage in the industries mentioned earlier, where the huge consumption of resources becomes a significant factor. For the comparison of different ciphers, the results of area, timing analysis and the waveforms are taken into consideration.
Tsavos, Marios, Sklavos, Nicolas, Alexiou, George Ph..  2020.  Lightweight Security Data Streaming, Based on Reconfigurable Logic, for FPGA Platform. 2020 23rd Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD). :277—280.
Alongside the rapid expansion of Internet of Things (IoT), and network evolution (5G, 6G technologies), comes the need for security of higher level and less hardware demanding modules. New cryptographic systems are developed, in order to satisfy the special needs of security, that have emerged in modern applications. In this paper, a novel lightweight data streaming system, is proposed, which operates in alternative modes. Each one of them, performs efficiently as one of three in total, stream ciphering modules. The operation of the proposed system, is based on reconfigurable logic. It aims at a lower hardware utilization and good performance, at the same time. In addition, in order to have a fair and detailed comparison, a second one design is also integrated and introduced. This one proposes a conventional architecture, consisting of the same three stream ciphering modes, implemented on the same device, as separate operation modules. The FPGA synthesis results prove that the proposed reconfigurable design achieves to minimize the area resources, from 18% to 30%, compared to the conventional one, while maintaining high performance values, for the supported modes.
Pandey, Jai Gopal, Laddha, Ayush, Samaddar, Sashwat Deb.  2020.  A Lightweight VLSI Architecture for RECTANGLE Cipher and its Implementation on an FPGA. 2020 24th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT). :1—6.
Block ciphers are one of the most fundamental building blocks for information and network security. In recent years, the need for lightweight ciphers has dramatically been increased due to their wide use in low-cost cryptosystems, wireless networks and resource-constrained embedded devices including RFIDs, sensor nodes, smart cards etc. In this paper, an efficient lightweight architecture for RECTANGLE block cipher has been proposed. The architecture is suitable for extremely hardware-constrained environments and multiple platforms due to its support of bit-slice technique. The proposed architecture has been synthesized and implemented on Xilinx Virtex-5 xc5vlx110t-1ff1136 field programmable gate array (FPGA) device. Implementation results have been presented and compared with the existing architectures and have shown commensurable performance. Also, an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) implementation of the architecture is done on SCL 180 nm CMOS technology where it consumes 2362 gate equivalent (GE).
Thawre, Gopikishan, Bahekar, Nitin, Chandavarkar, B. R..  2020.  Use Cases of Authentication Protocols in the Context of Digital Payment System. 2020 11th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT). :1–6.
In the digital payment system, the transactions and their data about clients are very sensitive, so the security and privacy of personal information of the client is a big concern. The confirmation towards security necessities prevents the data from a stolen and unauthorized person over the digital transactions, So the stronger authentication methods required, which must be based on cryptography. Initially, in the payment ecosystem, they were using the Kerberos protocol, but now different approaches such as Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP), Tokenization, Two-Factor Authentication(PIN, MPIN, OTP), etc. such protocols are being used in the payment system. This paper presents the use cases of different authentication protocols. Further, the use of these protocols in online payment systems to verify each individual are explained.
Oktian, Yustus Eko, Lee, Sang-Gon, Lee, Hoon-Jae.  2020.  TwoChain: Leveraging Blockchain and Smart Contract for Two Factor Authentication. 2020 3rd International Seminar on Research of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems (ISRITI). :187—191.
User identity and personal information remain to be hot targets for attackers. From recent surveys, we can categorize that 65.5% of all cyberattacks in 2018 target user information. Sadly, most of the time, the system's security depends on how secure it is the implementation from the provider-side. One defense technique that the user can take part in is applying a two-factor authentication (2FA) system for their account. However, we observe that state-of-the-art 2FAs have several weaknesses and limitations. In this paper, we propose TwoChain, a blockchain-based 2FA system for web services to overcome those issues. Our implementation facilitates an alternative 2FA system that is more secure, disposable, and decentralized. Finally, we release TwoChain for public use.
Raja, S. Kanaga Suba, Sathya, A., Priya, L..  2020.  A Hybrid Data Access Control Using AES and RSA for Ensuring Privacy in Electronic Healthcare Records. 2020 International Conference on Power, Energy, Control and Transmission Systems (ICPECTS). :1—5.
In the current scenario, the data owners would like to access data from anywhere and anytime. Hence, they will store their data in public or private cloud along with encryption and particular set of attributes to access control on the cloud data. While uploading the data into public or private cloud they will assign some attribute set to their data. If any authorized cloud user wants to download their data they should enter that particular attribute set to perform further actions on the data owner's data. A cloud user wants to register their details under cloud organization to access the data owner's data. Users wants to submit their details as attributes along with their designation. Based on the Users details Semi-Trusted Authority generates decryption keys to get control on owner's data. A user can perform a lot of operation over the cloud data. If the user wants to read the cloud data he needs to be entering some read related, and if he wants to write the data he needs to be entering write related attribute. For each and every action user in an organization would be verified with their unique attribute set. These attributes will be stored by the admins to the authorized users in cloud organization. These attributes will be stored in the policy files in a cloud. Along with this attribute,a rule based engine is used, to provide the access control to user. If any user leaks their decryption key to the any malicious user data owners wants to trace by sending audit request to auditor and auditor will process the data owners request and concludes that who is the convict.
Sato, Masaya, Taniguchi, Hideo, Nakamura, Ryosuke.  2020.  Virtual Machine Monitor-based Hiding Method for Access to Debug Registers. 2020 Eighth International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDAR). :209—214.
To secure a guest operating system running on a virtual machine (VM), a monitoring method using hardware breakpoints by a virtual machine monitor is required. However, debug registers are visible to guest operating systems; thus, malicious programs on a guest operating system can detect or disable the monitoring method. This paper presents a method to hide access to debug registers from programs running on a VM. Our proposed method detects programs' access to debug registers and disguises the access as having succeeded. The register's actual value is not visible or modifiable to programs, so the monitoring method is hidden. This paper presents the basic design and evaluation results of our method.
Tai, Zeming, Washizaki, Hironori, Fukazawa, Yoshiaki, Fujimatsu, Yurie, Kanai, Jun.  2020.  Binary Similarity Analysis for Vulnerability Detection. 2020 IEEE 44th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC). :1121–1122.
Binary similarity has been widely used in function recognition and vulnerability detection. How to define a proper similarity is the key element in implementing a fast detection method. We proposed a scalable method to detect binary vulnerabilities based on similarity. Procedures lifted from binaries are divided into several comparable strands by data dependency, and those strands are transformed into a normalized form by our tool named VulneraBin, so that similarity can be determined between two procedures through a hash value comparison. The low computational complexity allows semantically equivalent code to be identified in binaries compiled from million lines of source code in a fast and accurate way.
Aghabagherloo, Alireza, Mohajeri, Javad, Salmasizadeh, Mahmoud, Feghhi, Mahmood Mohassel.  2020.  An Efficient Anonymous Authentication Scheme Using Registration List in VANETs. 2020 28th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE). :1—5.

Nowadays, Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs) are popularly known as they can reduce traffic and road accidents. These networks need several security requirements, such as anonymity, data authentication, confidentiality, traceability and cancellation of offending users, unlinkability, integrity, undeniability and access control. Authentication of the data and sender are most important security requirements in these networks. So many authentication schemes have been proposed up to now. One of the well-known techniques to provide users authentication in these networks is the authentication based on the smartcard (ASC). In this paper, we propose an ASC scheme that not only provides necessary security requirements such as anonymity, traceability and unlinkability in the VANETs but also is more efficient than the other schemes in the literatures.

Konwar, Kishori M., Kumar, Saptaparni, Tseng, Lewis.  2020.  Semi-Fast Byzantine-tolerant Shared Register without Reliable Broadcast. 2020 IEEE 40th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS). :743—753.
Shared register emulations on top of message-passing systems provide an illusion of a simpler shared memory system which can make the task of a system designer easier. Numerous shared register applications have a considerably high read-to-write ratio. Thus, having algorithms that make reads more efficient than writes is a fair trade-off.Typically, such algorithms for reads and writes are asymmetric and sacrifice the stringent consistency condition atomicity, as it is impossible to have fast reads for multi-writer atomicity. Safety is a consistency condition that has has gathered interest from both the systems and theory community as it is weaker than atomicity yet provides strong enough guarantees like "strong consistency" or read-my-write consistency. One requirement that is assumed by many researchers is that of the reliable broadcast (RB) primitive, which ensures the "all or none" property during a broadcast. One drawback is that such a primitive takes 1.5 rounds to complete and requires server-to-server communication.This paper implements an efficient multi-writer multi-reader safe register without using a reliable broadcast primitive. Moreover, we provide fast reads or one-shot reads – our read operations can be completed in one round of client-to-server communication. Of course, this comes with the price of requiring more servers when compared to prior solutions assuming reliable broadcast. However, we show that this increased number of servers is indeed necessary as we prove a tight bound on the number of servers required to implement Byzantine-fault tolerant safe registers in a system without reliable broadcast.We extend our results to data stored using erasure coding as well. We present an emulation of single-writer multi-reader safe register based on MDS codes. The usage of MDS codes reduces storage and communication costs. On the negative side, we also show that to use MDS codes and at the same time achieve one-shot reads, we need even more servers.
Le, Son N., Srinivasan, Sudarshan K., Smith, Scott C..  2020.  Exploiting Dual-Rail Register Invariants for Equivalence Verification of NCL Circuits. 2020 IEEE 63rd International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS). :21–24.
Equivalence checking is one of the most scalable and useful verification techniques in industry. NULL Convention Logic (NCL) circuits utilize dual-rail signals (i.e., two wires to represent one bit of DATA), where the wires are inverses of each other during a DATA wavefront. In this paper, a technique that exploits this invariant at NCL register boundaries is proposed to improve the efficiency of equivalence verification of NCL circuits.
Lehniger, Kai, Aftowicz, Marcin J., Langendorfer, Peter, Dyka, Zoya.  2020.  Challenges of Return-Oriented-Programming on the Xtensa Hardware Architecture. 2020 23rd Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD). :154–158.
This paper shows how the Xtensa architecture can be attacked with Return-Oriented-Programming (ROP). The presented techniques include possibilities for both supported Application Binary Interfaces (ABIs). Especially for the windowed ABI a powerful mechanism is presented that not only allows to jump to gadgets but also to manipulate registers without relying on specific gadgets. This paper purely focuses on how the properties of the architecture itself can be exploited to chain gadgets and not on specific attacks or a gadget catalog.
Marquer, Y., Richmond, T..  2020.  A Hole in the Ladder : Interleaved Variables in Iterative Conditional Branching. 2020 IEEE 27th Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (ARITH). :56–63.
The modular exponentiation is crucial to the RSA cryptographic protocol, and variants inspired by the Montgomery ladder have been studied to provide more secure algorithms. In this paper, we abstract away the iterative conditional branching used in the Montgomery ladder, and formalize systems of equations necessary to obtain what we call the semi-interleaved and fully-interleaved ladder properties. In particular, we design fault-injection attacks able to obtain bits of the secret against semi-interleaved ladders, including the Montgomery ladder, but not against fully-interleaved ladders that are more secure. We also apply these equations to extend the Montgomery ladder for both the semi- and fully-interleaved cases, thus proposing novel and more secure algorithms to compute the modular exponentiation.
Larasati, H. T., Kim, H..  2020.  Simulation of Modular Exponentiation Circuit for Shor's Algorithm in Qiskit. 2020 14th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, Services, and Applications (TSSA. :1–7.
This paper discusses and demonstrates the construction of a quantum modular exponentiation circuit in the Qiskit simulator for use in Shor's Algorithm for integer factorization problem (IFP), which is deemed to be able to crack RSA cryptosystems when a large-qubit quantum computer exists. We base our implementation on Vedral, Barenco, and Ekert (VBE) proposal of quantum modular exponentiation, one of the firsts to explicitly provide the aforementioned circuit. Furthermore, we present an example simulation of how to construct a 7xmod 15 circuit in a step-by-step manner, giving clear and detailed information and consideration that currently not provided in the existing literature, and present the whole circuit for use in Shor's Algorithm. Our present simulation shows that the 4-bit VBE quantum modular exponentiation circuit can be constructed, simulated, and measured in Qiskit, while the Shor's Algorithm incorporating this VBE approach itself can be constructed but not yet simulated due to an overly large number of QASM instructions.
Ban, T. Q., Nguyen, T. T. T., Long, V. T., Dung, P. D., Tung, B. T..  2020.  A Benchmarking of the Effectiveness of Modular Exponentiation Algorithms using the library GMP in C language. 2020 International Conference on Computational Intelligence (ICCI). :237–241.
This research aims to implement different modular exponentiation algorithms and evaluate the average complexity and compare it to the theoretical value. We use the library GMP to implement seven modular exponentiation algorithms. They are Left-to-right Square and Multiply, Right-to-left Square and Multiply, Left-to-right Signed Digit Square, and Multiply Left-to-right Square and Multiply Always Right-to-left Square and Multiply Always, Montgomery Ladder and Joye Ladder. For some exponent bit length, we choose 1024 bits and execute each algorithm on many exponent values and count the average numbers of squares and the average number of multiplications. Whenever relevant, our programs will check the consistency relations between the registers at the end of the exponentiation.
Wang, M., Xiao, J., Cai, Z..  2020.  An effective technique preventing differential cryptanalysis attack. 2020 IEEE 29th Asian Test Symposium (ATS). :1—6.
In this paper, an adaptive scan chain structure based plaintext analysis technique is proposed. The technology is implemented by three circuits, including adaptive scan chain circuit, plaintext analysis circuit and controller circuit. The plaintext is analyzed whether meet the characteristics of the differential cryptanalysis in the plaintext analysis module. The adaptive scan chain contains MUX, XOR and traditional scan chain, which is easy to implement. If the last bit of two plaintexts differs by one, the adaptive scan chain is controlled to input them into different scan chain. Compared with complicated scan chain, the structure of adaptive scan chain is variable and can mislead attackers who use differential cryptanalysis attack. Through experimental analysis, it is proved that the security of the adaptive scan chain structure is greatly improved.
Kabin, I., Dyka, Z., Klann, D., Mentens, N., Batina, L., Langendoerfer, P..  2020.  Breaking a fully Balanced ASIC Coprocessor Implementing Complete Addition Formulas on Weierstrass Elliptic Curves. 2020 23rd Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD). :270–276.
In this paper we report on the results of selected horizontal SCA attacks against two open-source designs that implement hardware accelerators for elliptic curve cryptography. Both designs use the complete addition formula to make the point addition and point doubling operations indistinguishable. One of the designs uses in addition means to randomize the operation sequence as a countermeasure. We used the comparison to the mean and an automated SPA to attack both designs. Despite all these countermeasures, we were able to extract the keys processed with a correctness of 100%.
Rahman, M. S., Hossain, M. S..  2020.  Highly Area-Efficient Implementation of Modular Multiplication for Elliptic Curve Cryptography. 2020 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP). :1078–1081.
The core operation of public-key cryptosystem e.g. elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) is the modular multiplication. It is the heavy computational block and the most costly cryptographic operation. Area-Efficient hardware architecture of 256-bit modified interleaved modular multiplication (IMM) is represented in this research. The novelty of this work is the device area minimization with keeping computational time as minimum as possible i.e., 2.09 μs for ECC with Koblitz Curve. In this research, IMM is implemented using a fewer number of resources such as 421 slices, 514 FF pairs, 522 registers, 1770 LUTs, and 1463 LUT-FF pairs. This hardware implementation provides a maximum frequency of 122.883 MHz and area-time (AT) product 0.879 and throughput rate 122.49 Mbps on Virtex-7 FPGA technology which is better than the other related recent works. The proposed design saves approximately 61.75% to 93.16% slice LUTs, 95.76% to 133.69% LUT-FF pairs, and 103.8% to 168.65% occupied slices on the Virtex-7 FPGA for the 256-bit prime field. This proposed hardware implementation design also keeps less AT product which is the most crucial parameter for ECC operation. To our best knowledge, this design provides better performance than the recently available designs for IMM for ECC operation.
Taşkın, H. K., Cenk, M..  2020.  TMVP-Friendly Primes for Efficient Elliptic Curve Cryptography. 2020 International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (ISCTURKEY). :80–87.
The need for faster and practical cryptography is a research topic for decades. In case of elliptic curve cryptography, which was proposed by Koblitz and Miller in 1985 as a more efficient alternative to RSA, the applications in real life started after 2000s. Today, most of the popular applications and protocols like Whatsapp, Signal, iOS, Android, TLS, SSH, Bitcoin etc. make use of Elliptic curve cryptography. One of the important factor for high performance elliptic curve cryptography is the finite field multiplication. In this paper, we first describe how to choose proper prime fields that makes use of Topelitz-matrices to get faster field multiplication, then we give parameter choice details to select prime fields that supports Toeplitz-matrix vector product operations. Then, we introduce the safe curve selection rationale and discuss about security. We propose new curves, discuss implementation and benchmark results and conclude our work.
Zhang, Y., Liu, J., Shang, T., Wu, W..  2020.  Quantum Homomorphic Encryption Based on Quantum Obfuscation. 2020 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC). :2010–2015.
Homomorphic encryption enables computation on encrypted data while maintaining secrecy. This leads to an important open question whether quantum computation can be delegated and verified in a non-interactive manner or not. In this paper, we affirmatively answer this question by constructing the quantum homomorphic encryption scheme with quantum obfuscation. It takes advantage of the interchangeability of the unitary operator, and exchanges the evaluation operator and the encryption operator by means of equivalent multiplication to complete homomorphic encryption. The correctness of the proposed scheme is proved theoretically. The evaluator does not know the decryption key and does not require a regular interaction with a user. Because of key transmission after quantum obfuscation, the encrypting party and the decrypting party can be different users. The output state has the property of complete mixture, which guarantees the scheme security. Moreover, the security level of the quantum homomorphic encryption scheme depends on quantum obfuscation and encryption operators.
Islam, S., Welzl, M., Gjessing, S..  2019.  How to Control a TCP: Minimally-Invasive Congestion Management for Datacenters. 2019 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC). :121—125.

In multi-tenant datacenters, the hardware may be homogeneous but the traffic often is not. For instance, customers who pay an equal amount of money can get an unequal share of the bottleneck capacity when they do not open the same number of TCP connections. To address this problem, several recent proposals try to manipulate the traffic that TCP sends from the VMs. VCC and AC/DC are two new mechanisms that let the hypervisor control traffic by influencing the TCP receiver window (rwnd). This avoids changing the guest OS, but has limitations (it is not possible to make TCP increase its rate faster than it normally would). Seawall, on the other hand, completely rewrites TCP's congestion control, achieving fairness but requiring significant changes to both the hypervisor and the guest OS. There seems to be a need for a middle ground: a method to control TCP's sending rate without requiring a complete redesign of its congestion control. We introduce a minimally-invasive solution that is flexible enough to cater for needs ranging from weighted fairness in multi-tenant datacenters to potentially offering Internet-wide benefits from reduced interflow competition.