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Daoud, Luka.  2018.  Secure Network-on-Chip Architectures for MPSoC: Overview and Challenges. 2018 IEEE 61st International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS). :542—543.
Network-on-Chip (NOC) is the heart of data communication between processing cores in Multiprocessor-based Systems on Chip (MPSoC). Packets transferred via the NoC are exposed to snooping, which makes NoC-based systems vulnerable to security attacks. Additionally, Hardware Trojans (HTs) can be deployed in some of the NoC nodes to apply security threats of extracting sensitive information or degrading the system performance. In this paper, an overview of some security attacks in NoC-based systems and the countermeasure techniques giving prominence on malicious nodes are discussed. Work in progress for secure routing algorithms is also presented.
Vashist, Abhishek, Keats, Andrew, Pudukotai Dinakarrao, Sai Manoj, Ganguly, Amlan.  2019.  Securing a Wireless Network-on-Chip Against Jamming Based Denial-of-Service Attacks. 2019 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI). :320–325.
Wireless Networks-on-Chips (NoCs) have emerged as a panacea to the non-scalable multi-hop data transmission paths in traditional wired NoC architectures. Using low-power transceivers in NoC switches, novel Wireless NoC (WiNoC) architectures have been shown to achieve higher energy efficiency with improved peak bandwidth and reduced on-chip data transfer latency. However, using wireless interconnects for data transfer within a chip makes the on-chip communications vulnerable to various security threats from either external attackers or internal hardware Trojans (HTs). In this work, we propose a mechanism to make the wireless communication in a WiNoC secure against persistent jamming based Denial-of-Service attacks from both external and internal attackers. Persistent jamming attacks on the on-chip wireless medium will cause interference in data transfer over the duration of the attack resulting in errors in contiguous bits, known as burst errors. Therefore, we use a burst error correction code to monitor the rate of burst errors received over the wireless medium and deploy a Machine Learning (ML) classifier to detect the persistent jamming attack and distinguish it from random burst errors. In the event of jamming attack, alternate routing strategies are proposed to avoid the DoS attack over the wireless medium, so that a secure data transfer can be sustained even in the presence of jamming. We evaluate the proposed technique on a secure WiNoC in the presence of DoS attacks. It has been observed that with the proposed defense mechanisms, WiNoC can outperform a wired NoC even in presence of attacks in terms of performance and security. On an average, 99.87% attack detection was achieved with the chosen ML Classifiers. A bandwidth degradation of \textbackslashtextless;3% is experienced in the event of internal attack, while the wireless interconnects are disabled in the presence of an external attacker.
Poovendran, R, Billclinton., S, Darshan., R, Dinakar., R, Fazil., M.  2019.  Design and analysis of a mesh-based Adaptive Wireless Network-on Chips Architecture With Irregular Network Routing. 2019 IEEE International Conference on System, Computation, Automation and Networking (ICSCAN). :1–6.
The metallic interface for between core messages expends wealth influence and lesser throughput which are huge in Network-on Chip (NoC) structures. We proposed a remote Network-on-Chip (NoC) building Wireless Network-on Chip that uses power and imperatives gainful remote handsets to improve higherenergy and throughput by altering channels as indicated by traffic plans. Our proposed computations uses interface use bits of knowledge to redispensreal platforms, and a vitality funds of 29-35%. Wireless channels and a token sharing arrangement to totally use the remote information transmission successfully. Remote/electrical topological with results demonstrates a through-put advancement of 69%, a speedup between 1.7-2.9X on real platform, and an power savings of 25-38%.
Kenarangi, Farid, Partin-Vaisband, Inna.  2019.  Security Network On-Chip for Mitigating Side-Channel Attacks. 2019 ACM/IEEE International Workshop on System Level Interconnect Prediction (SLIP). :1–6.
Hardware security is a critical concern in design and fabrication of integrated circuits (ICs). Contemporary hardware threats comprise tens of advance invasive and non-invasive attacks for compromising security of modern ICs. Numerous attack-specific countermeasures against the individual threats have been proposed, trading power, area, speed, and design complexity of a system for security. These typical overheads combined with strict performance requirements in advanced technology nodes and high complexity of modern ICs often make the codesign of multiple countermeasures impractical. In this paper, on-chip distribution networks are exploited for detecting those hardware security threats that require non-invasive, yet physical interaction with an operating device-under-attack (e.g., measuring equipment for collecting sensitive information in side-channel attacks). With the proposed approach, the effect of the malicious physical interference with the device-under-attack is captured in the form of on-chip voltage variations and utilized for detecting malicious activity in the compromised device. A machine learning (ML) security IC is trained to predict system security based on sensed variations of signals within on-chip distribution networks. The trained ML ICs are distributed on-chip, yielding a robust and high-confidence security network on-chip. To halt an active attack, a variety of desired counteractions can be executed in a cost-effective manner upon the attack detection. The applicability and effectiveness of these security networks is demonstrated in this paper with respect to power, timing, and electromagnetic analysis attacks.
Xu, Zheng, Abraham, Jacob.  2019.  Resilient Reorder Buffer Design for Network-on-Chip. 20th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED). :92–97.

Functionally safe control logic design without full duplication is difficult due to the complexity of random control logic. The Reorder buffer (ROB) is a control logic function commonly used in high performance computing systems. In this study, we focus on a safe ROB design used in an industry quality Network-on-Chip (NoC) Advanced eXtensible Interface (AXI) Network Interface (NI) block. We developed and applied area efficient safe design techniques including partial duplication, Error Detection Code (EDC) and invariance checking with formal proofs and showed that we can achieve a desired safe Diagnostic Coverage (DC) requirement with small area and power overheads and no performance degradation.

Daoud, Luka, Rafla, Nader.  2019.  Analysis of Black Hole Router Attack in Network-on-Chip. 2019 IEEE 62nd International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS). :69–72.

Network-on-Chip (NoC) is the communication platform of the data among the processing cores in Multiprocessors System-on-Chip (MPSoC). NoC has become a target to security attacks and by outsourcing design, it can be infected with a malicious Hardware Trojan (HT) to degrades the system performance or leaves a back door for sensitive information leaking. In this paper, we proposed a HT model that applies a denial of service attack by deliberately discarding the data packets that are passing through the infected node creating a black hole in the NoC. It is known as Black Hole Router (BHR) attack. We studied the effect of the BHR attack on the NoC. The power and area overhead of the BHR are analyzed. We studied the effect of the locations of BHRs and their distribution in the network as well. The malicious nodes has very small area and power overhead, 1.98% and 0.74% respectively, with a very strong violent attack.

Harttung, Julian, Franz, Elke, Moriam, Sadia, Walther, Paul.  2019.  Lightweight Authenticated Encryption for Network-on-Chip Communications. Proceedings of the 2019 on Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI. :33–38.
In recent years, Network-on-Chip (NoC) has gained increasing popularity as a promising solution for the challenging interconnection problem in multi-processor systems-on-chip (MPSoCs). However, the interest of adversaries to compromise such systems grew accordingly, mandating the integration of security measures into NoC designs. Within this paper, we introduce three novel lightweight approaches for securing communication in NoCs. The suggested solutions combine encryption, authentication, and network coding in order to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and robustness. With performance being critical in NoC environments, our solutions particularly emphasize low latencies and low chip area. Our approaches were evaluated through extensive software simulations. The results have shown that the performance degradation induced by the protection measures is clearly outweighed by the aforementioned benefits. Furthermore, the area overhead implied by the additional components is reasonably low.
Daoud, Luka, Rafla, Nader.  2018.  Routing Aware and Runtime Detection for Infected Network-on-Chip Routers. 2018 IEEE 61st International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS). :775-778.

Network-on-Chip (NoC) architecture is the communication heart of the processing cores in Multiprocessors System-on-Chip (MPSoC), where messages are routed from a source to a destination through intermediate nodes. Therefore, NoC has become a target to security attacks. By experiencing outsourcing design, NoC can be infected with a malicious Hardware Trojans (HTs) which potentially degrade the system performance or leave a backdoor for secret key leaking. In this paper, we propose a HT model that applies a denial of service attack by misrouting the packets, which causes deadlock and consequently degrading the NoC performance. We present a secure routing algorithm that provides a runtime HT detection and avoiding scheme. Results show that our proposed model has negligible overhead in area and power, 0.4% and 0.6%, respectively.

Sepulveda, J., Fernandes, R., Marcon, C., Florez, D., Sigl, G..  2017.  A security-aware routing implementation for dynamic data protection in zone-based MPSoC. 2017 30th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design (SBCCI). :59–64.
This work proposes a secure Network-on-Chip (NoC) approach, which enforces the encapsulation of sensitive traffic inside the asymmetrical security zones while using minimal and non-minimal paths. The NoC routing guarantees that the sensitive traffic communicates only through trusted nodes, which belong to a security zone. As the shape of the zones may change during operation, the sensitive traffic must be routed through low-risk paths. The experimental results show that this proposal can be an efficient and scalable alternative for enforcing the data protection inside a Multi-Processor System-on-Chip (MPSoC).
Hussain, Mubashir, Guo, Hui.  2017.  Packet Leak Detection on Hardware-Trojan Infected NoCs for MPSoC Systems. Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Cryptography, Security and Privacy. :85–90.
Packet leak on network-on-chip (NoC) is one of the key security concerns in the MPSoC design, where the NoC of the system can come from a third-party vendor and can be illegitimately implanted with hardware trojans. Those trojans are usually small so that they can escape the scrutiny of circuit level testing and perform attacks when activated. This paper targets the trojan that leaks packets to malicious applications by altering the packet source and destination addresses. To detect such a packet leak, we present a cost effective authentication design where the packet source and destination addresses are tagged with a dynamic random value and the tag is scrambled with the packet data. Our design has two features: 1) If the adversary attempts to play with tag to escape detection, the data in the packet may likely be changed – hence invalidating the leaked packet; 2) If the attacker only alters the packet addresses without twiddling tag in the packet, the attack will be100% detected.
Dridi, M., Rubini, S., Lallali, M., Florez, M. J. S., Singhoff, F., Diguet, J. P..  2017.  DAS: An Efficient NoC Router for Mixed-Criticality Real-Time Systems. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD). :229–232.

Mixed-Criticality Systems (MCS) are real-time systems characterized by two or more distinct levels of criticality. In MCS, it is imperative that high-critical flows meet their deadlines while low critical flows can tolerate some delays. Sharing resources between flows in Network-On-Chip (NoC) can lead to different unpredictable latencies and subsequently complicate the implementation of MCS in many-core architectures. This paper proposes a new virtual channel router designed for MCS deployed over NoCs. The first objective of this router is to reduce the worst-case communication latency of high-critical flows. The second aim is to improve the network use rate and reduce the communication latency for low-critical flows. The proposed router, called DAS (Double Arbiter and Switching router), jointly uses Wormhole and Store And Forward techniques for low and high-critical flows respectively. Simulations with a cycle-accurate SystemC NoC simulator show that, with a 15% network use rate, the communication delay of high-critical flows is reduced by 80% while communication delay of low-critical flow is increased by 18% compared to usual solutions based on routers with multiple virtual channels.

Lokananta, F., Hartono, D., Tang, C. M..  2017.  A Scalable and Reconfigurable Verification and Benchmark Environment for Network on Chip Architecture. 2017 4th International Conference on New Media Studies (CONMEDIA). :6–10.

To reduce the complex communication problem that arise as the number of on-chip component increases, the use of Network-on-Chip (NoC) as interconnection architectures have become more promising to solve complex on-chip communication problems. However, providing a suitable test base to measure and verify functionality of any NoC is a compulsory. Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) is introduced as a standardized and reusable methodology for verifying integrated circuit design. In this research, a scalable and reconfigurable verification and benchmark environment for NoC is proposed.

Silva, M. R., Zeferino, C. A..  2017.  Confidentiality and Authenticity in a Platform Based on Network-on-Chip. 2017 VII Brazilian Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering (SBESC). :225–230.

In many-core systems, the processing elements are interconnected using Networks-on-Chip. An example of on-chip network is SoCIN, a low-cost interconnect architecture whose original design did not take into account security aspects. This network is vulnerable to eavesdropping and spoofing attacks, what limits its use in systems that require security. This work addresses this issue and aims to ensure the security properties of confidentiality and authenticity of SoCIN-based systems. For this, we propose the use of security mechanisms based on symmetric encryption at the network level using the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) model. A reference multi-core platform was implemented and prototyped in programmable logic aiming at performing experiments to evaluate the implemented mechanisms. Results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed solution in protecting the system against the target attacks. The impact on the network performance is acceptable and the silicon overhead is equivalent to other solutions found in the literature.

Najjar-Ghabel, S., Yousefi, S., Lighvan, M. Z..  2016.  A high speed implementation counter mode cryptography using hardware parallelism. 2016 Eighth International Conference on Information and Knowledge Technology (IKT). :55–60.
Nowadays, cryptography is one of the common security mechanisms. Cryptography algorithms are used to make secure data transmission over unsecured networks. Vital applications are required to techniques that encrypt/decrypt big data at the appropriate time, because the data should be encrypted/decrypted are variable size and usually the size of them is large. In this paper, for the mentioned requirements, the counter mode cryptography (CTR) algorithm with Data Encryption Standard (DES) core is paralleled by using Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). A secondary part of our work, this parallel CTR algorithm is applied on special network on chip (NoC) architecture that designed by Heracles toolkit. The results of numerical comparison show that GPU-based implementation can be achieved better runtime in comparison to the CPU-based one. Furthermore, our final implementations show that parallel CTR mode cryptography is achieved better runtime by using special NoC that applied on FPGA board in comparison to GPU-based and CPU ones.
Dofe, J., Frey, J., Yu, Q..  2016.  Hardware security assurance in emerging IoT applications. 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS). :2050–2053.
The Internet of Things (IoT) offers a more advanced service than a single device or an isolated system, as IoT connects diverse components, such as sensors, actuators, and embedded devices through the internet. As predicted by Cisco, there will be 50 billion IoT connected devices by 2020. Integration of such a tremendous number of devices into IoT potentially brings in a new concern, system security. In this work, we review two typical hardware attacks that can harm the emerging IoT applications. As IoT devices typically have limited computation power and need to be energy efficient, sophisticated cryptographic algorithms and authentication protocols are not suitable for every IoT device. To simultaneously thwart hardware Trojan and side-channel analysis attacks, we propose a low-cost dynamic permutation method for IoT devices. Experimental results show that the proposed method achieves 5.8X higher accumulated partial guessing entropy than the baseline, thus strengthening the IoT processing unit against hardware attacks.
Dofe, Jaya, Yu, Qiaoyan, Wang, Hailang, Salman, Emre.  2016.  Hardware Security Threats and Potential Countermeasures in Emerging 3D ICs. Proceedings of the 26th Edition on Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI. :69–74.

New hardware security threats are identified in emerging three-dimensional (3D) integrated circuits (ICs) and potential countermeasures are introduced. Trigger and payload mechanisms for future 3D hardware Trojans are predicted. Furthermore, a novel, network-on-chip based 3D obfuscation method is proposed to block the direct communication between two commercial dies in a 3D structure, thus thwarting reverse engineering attacks on the vertical dimension. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed method effectively obfuscates the cross-plane communication by increasing the reverse engineering time by approximately 5x as compared to using direct through silicon via (TSV) connections. The proposed method consumes approximately one fifth the area and power of a typical network-on-chip designed in a 65 nm technology, exhibiting limited overhead.

Boraten, Travis, DiTomaso, Dominic, Kodi, Avinash Karanth.  2016.  Secure Model Checkers for Network-on-Chip (NoC) Architectures. Proceedings of the 26th Edition on Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI. :45–50.

As chip multiprocessors (CMPs) are becoming more susceptible to process variation, crosstalk, and hard and soft errors, emerging threats from rogue employees in a compromised foundry are creating new vulnerabilities that could undermine the integrity of our chips with malicious alterations. As the Network-on-Chip (NoC) is a focal point of sensitive data transfer and critical device coordination, there is an urgent demand for secure and reliable communication. In this paper we propose Secure Model Checkers (SMCs), a real-time solution for control logic verification and functional correctness in the micro-architecture to detect Hardware Trojan (HT) induced denial-of-service attacks and improve reliability. In our evaluation, we show that SMCs provides significant security enhancements in real-time with only 1.5% power and 1.1% area overhead penalty in the micro-architecture.