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Kumar, V., Kumar, A., Singh, M..  2017.  Boosting Anonymity in Wireless Sensor Networks. 2017 4th International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing and Control (ISPCC). :344–348.

The base station (BS) is the main device in a wireless sensor network (WSN) and used to collect data from all the sensor nodes. The information of the whole network is stored in the BS and hence it is always targeted by the adversaries who want to interrupt the operation of the network. The nodes transmit their data to the BS using multi-hop technique and hence form an eminent traffic pattern that can be easily observed by a remote adversary. The presented research aims to increase the anonymity of the BS. The proposed scheme uses a mobile BS and ring nodes to complete the above mentioned objective. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme has superior outcomes as compared to the existing techniques.

Medjek, F., Tandjaoui, D., Romdhani, I., Djedjig, N..  2017.  A Trust-Based Intrusion Detection System for Mobile RPL Based Networks. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom) and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom) and IEEE Smart Data (SmartData). :735–742.

Successful deployment of Low power and Lossy Networks (LLNs) requires self-organising, self-configuring, security, and mobility support. However, these characteristics can be exploited to perform security attacks against the Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL). In this paper, we address the lack of strong identity and security mechanisms in RPL. We first demonstrate by simulation the impact of Sybil-Mobile attack, namely SybM, on RPL with respect to control overhead, packet delivery and energy consumption. Then, we introduce a new Intrusion Detection System (IDS) scheme for RPL, named Trust-based IDS (T-IDS). T-IDS is a distributed, cooperative and hierarchical trust-based IDS, which can detect novel intrusions by comparing network behavior deviations. In T-IDS, each node is considered as monitoring node and collaborates with his peers to detect intrusions and report them to a 6LoWPAN Border Router (6BR). In our solution, we introduced a new timer and minor extensions to RPL messages format to deal with mobility, identity and multicast issues. In addition, each node is equipped with a Trusted Platform Module co-processor to handle identification and off-load security related computation and storage.

Haakensen, T., Thulasiraman, P..  2017.  Enhancing Sink Node Anonymity in Tactical Sensor Networks Using a Reactive Routing Protocol. 2017 IEEE 8th Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON). :115–121.

Tactical wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are deployed over a region of interest for mission centric operations. The sink node in a tactical WSN is the aggregation point of data processing. Due to its essential role in the network, the sink node is a high priority target for an attacker who wishes to disable a tactical WSN. This paper focuses on the mitigation of sink-node vulnerability in a tactical WSN. Specifically, we study the issue of protecting the sink node through a technique known as k-anonymity. To achieve k-anonymity, we use a specific routing protocol designed to work within the constraints of WSN communication protocols, specifically IEEE 802.15.4. We use and modify the Lightweight Ad hoc On-Demand Next Generation (LOADng) reactive-routing protocol to achieve anonymity. This modified LOADng protocol prevents an attacker from identifying the sink node without adding significant complexity to the regular sensor nodes. We simulate the modified LOADng protocol using a custom-designed simulator in MATLAB. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our protocol and also show some of the performance tradeoffs that come with this method.

Khalil, K., Eldash, O., Bayoumi, M..  2017.  Self-Healing Router Architecture for Reliable Network-on-Chips. 2017 24th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS). :330–333.

NoCs are a well established research topic and several Implementations have been proposed for Self-healing. Self-healing refers to the ability of a system to detect faults or failures and fix them through healing or repairing. The main problems in current self-healing approaches are area overhead and scalability for complex structure since they are based on redundancy and spare blocks. Also, faulty router can isolate PE from other router nodes which can reduce the overall performance of the system. This paper presents a self-healing for a router to avoid denied fault PE function and isolation PE from other nodes. In the proposed design, the neighbor routers receive signal from a faulty router which keeps them to send the data packet which has only faulted router destination to a faulty router. Control unite turns on switches to connect four input ports to local ports successively to send coming packets to PE. The reliability of the proposed technique is studied and compared to conventional system with different failure rates. This approach is capable of healing 50% of the router. The area overhead is 14% for the proposed approach which is much lower compared to other approaches using redundancy.

Snihurov, A., Chakrian, V., Serdyuk, A..  2017.  Models of Information Security Risk Accounting in Metrics of Dynamic Routing Protocols. 2017 4th International Scientific-Practical Conference Problems of Infocommunications. Science and Technology (PIC S T). :387–390.
In the article, it is proposed to improve the formulas for computing metrics of RIP, OSPF and EIGRP routing protocols by introducing an information security risk indicator of the route. This approach will allow to choose the best route in terms of Quality of Service (QoS) indicators and information security (confidentiality, integrity and availability of transmitted information).
Snihurov, A., Chakrian, V., Serdyuk, A..  2017.  Models of Information Security Risk Accounting in Metrics of Dynamic Routing Protocols. 2017 4th International Scientific-Practical Conference Problems of Infocommunications. Science and Technology (PIC S T). :387–390.
In the article, it is proposed to improve the formulas for computing metrics of RIP, OSPF and EIGRP routing protocols by introducing an information security risk indicator of the route. This approach will allow to choose the best route in terms of Quality of Service (QoS) indicators and information security (confidentiality, integrity and availability of transmitted information).
Chatfield, B., Haddad, R. J..  2017.  Moving Target Defense Intrusion Detection System for IPv6 based smart grid advanced metering infrastructure. SoutheastCon 2017. :1–7.

Conventional intrusion detection systems for smart grid communications rely heavily on static based attack detection techniques. In essence, signatures created from historical data are compared to incoming network traffic to identify abnormalities. In the case of attacks where no historical data exists, static based approaches become ineffective thus relinquishing system resilience and stability. Moving target defense (MTD) has shown to be effective in discouraging attackers by introducing system entropy to increase exploit costs. Increase in exploit cost leads to a decrease in profitability for an attacker. In this paper, a Moving Target Defense Intrusion Detection System (MTDIDS) is proposed for smart grid IPv6 based advanced metering infrastructure. The advantage of MTDIDS is the ability to detect anomalies across moving targets by means of planar keys thereupon increasing detection rate. Evaluation of MTDIDS was carried out in a smart grid advanced metering infrastructure simulated in MATLAB.

Zhang, N., Sirbu, M. A., Peha, J. M..  2017.  A comparison of migration and multihoming support in IPv6 and XIA. 2017 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC). :1–8.

Mobility and multihoming have become the norm in Internet access, e.g. smartphones with Wi-Fi and LTE, and connected vehicles with LTE and DSRC links that change rapidly. Mobility creates challenges for active session continuity when provider-aggregatable locators are used, while multihoming brings opportunities for improving resiliency and allocative efficiency. This paper proposes a novel migration protocol, in the context of the eXpressive Internet Architecture (XIA), the XIA Migration Protocol. We compare it with Mobile IPv6, with respect to handoff latency and overhead, flow migration support, and defense against spoofing and replay of protocol messages. Handoff latencies of the XIA Migration Protocol and Mobile IPv6 Enhanced Route Optimization are comparable and neither protocol opens up avenues for spoofing or replay attacks. However, XIA requires no mobility anchor point to support client mobility while Mobile IPv6 always depends on a home agent. We show that XIA has significant advantage over IPv6 for multihomed hosts and networks in terms of resiliency, scalability, load balancing and allocative efficiency. IPv6 multihoming solutions either forgo scalability (BGP-based) or sacrifice resiliency (NAT-based), while XIA's fallback-based multihoming provides fault tolerance without a heavy-weight protocol. XIA also allows fine-grained incoming load-balancing and QoS-matching by supporting flow migration. Flow migration is not possible using Mobile IPv6 when a single IPv6 address is associated with multiple flows. From a protocol design and architectural perspective, the key enablers of these benefits are flow-level migration, XIA's DAG-based locators and self-certifying identifiers.

Ma, G., Li, X., Pei, Q., Li, Z..  2017.  A Security Routing Protocol for Internet of Things Based on RPL. 2017 International Conference on Networking and Network Applications (NaNA). :209–213.

RPL is a lightweight IPv6 network routing protocol specifically designed by IETF, which can make full use of the energy of intelligent devices and compute the resource to build the flexible topological structure. This paper analyzes the security problems of RPL, sets up a test network to test RPL network security, proposes a RPL based security routing protocol M-RPL. The routing protocol establishes a hierarchical clustering network topology, the intelligent device of the network establishes the backup path in different clusters during the route discovery phase, enable backup paths to ensure data routing when a network is compromised. Setting up a test prototype network, simulating some attacks against the routing protocols in the network. The test results show that the M-RPL network can effectively resist the routing attacks. M-RPL provides a solution to ensure the Internet of Things (IoT) security.

Muñoz, C., Wang, L., Solana, E., Crowcroft, J..  2017.  I(FIB)F: Iterated bloom filters for routing in named data networks. 2017 International Conference on Networked Systems (NetSys). :1–8.

Named Data Networks provide a clean-slate redesign of the Future Internet for efficient content distribution. Because Internet of Things are expected to compose a significant part of Future Internet, most content will be managed by constrained devices. Such devices are often equipped with limited CPU, memory, bandwidth, and energy supply. However, the current Named Data Networks design neglects the specific requirements of Internet of Things scenarios and many data structures need to be further optimized. The purpose of this research is to provide an efficient strategy to route in Named Data Networks by constructing a Forwarding Information Base using Iterated Bloom Filters defined as I(FIB)F. We propose the use of content names based on iterative hashes. This strategy leads to reduce the overhead of packets. Moreover, the memory and the complexity required in the forwarding strategy are lower than in current solutions. We compare our proposal with solutions based on hierarchical names and Standard Bloom Filters. We show how to further optimize I(FIB)F by exploiting the structure information contained in hierarchical content names. Finally, two strategies may be followed to reduce: (i) the overall memory for routing or (ii) the probability of false positives.

Ippisch, A., Graffi, K..  2017.  Infrastructure Mode Based Opportunistic Networks on Android Devices. 2017 IEEE 31st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA). :454–461.

Opportunistic Networks are delay-tolerant mobile networks with intermittent node contacts in which data is transferred with the store-carry-forward principle. Owners of smartphones and smart objects form such networks due to their social behaviour. Opportunistic Networking can be used in remote areas with no access to the Internet, to establish communication after disasters, in emergency situations or to bypass censorship, but also in parallel to familiar networking. In this work, we create a mobile network application that connects Android devices over Wi-Fi, offers identification and encryption, and gathers information for routing in the network. The network application is constructed in such a way that third party applications can use the network application as network layer to send and receive data packets. We create secure and reliable connections while maintaining a high transmission speed, and with the gathered information about the network we offer knowledge for state of the art routing protocols. We conduct tests on connectivity, transmission range and speed, battery life and encryption speed and show a proof of concept for routing in the network.

Macharla, D. R., Tejaskanda, S..  2017.  An enhanced three-layer clustering approach and security framework for battlefeld surveillance. 2017 International conference on Microelectronic Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICMDCS). :1–6.

Hierarchical based formation is one of the approaches widely used to minimize the energy consumption in which node with higher residual energy routes the data gathered. Several hierarchical works were proposed in the literature with two and three layered architectures. In the work presented in this paper, we propose an enhanced architecture for three layered hierarchical clustering based approach, which is referred to as enhanced three-layer hierarchical clustering approach (EHCA). The EHCA is based on an enhanced feature of the grid node in terms of its mobility. Further, in our proposed EHCA, we introduce distributed clustering technique for lower level head selection and incorporate security mechanism to detect the presence of any malicious node. We show by simulation results that our proposed EHCA reduces the energy consumption significantly and thus improves the lifetime of the network. Also, we highlight the appropriateness of the proposed EHCA for battlefield surveillance applications.

Apostolaki, M., Zohar, A., Vanbever, L..  2017.  Hijacking Bitcoin: Routing Attacks on Cryptocurrencies. 2017 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP). :375–392.

As the most successful cryptocurrency to date, Bitcoin constitutes a target of choice for attackers. While many attack vectors have already been uncovered, one important vector has been left out though: attacking the currency via the Internet routing infrastructure itself. Indeed, by manipulating routing advertisements (BGP hijacks) or by naturally intercepting traffic, Autonomous Systems (ASes) can intercept and manipulate a large fraction of Bitcoin traffic. This paper presents the first taxonomy of routing attacks and their impact on Bitcoin, considering both small-scale attacks, targeting individual nodes, and large-scale attacks, targeting the network as a whole. While challenging, we show that two key properties make routing attacks practical: (i) the efficiency of routing manipulation; and (ii) the significant centralization of Bitcoin in terms of mining and routing. Specifically, we find that any network attacker can hijack few (\textbackslashtextless;100) BGP prefixes to isolate 50% of the mining power-even when considering that mining pools are heavily multi-homed. We also show that on-path network attackers can considerably slow down block propagation by interfering with few key Bitcoin messages. We demonstrate the feasibility of each attack against the deployed Bitcoin software. We also quantify their effectiveness on the current Bitcoin topology using data collected from a Bitcoin supernode combined with BGP routing data. The potential damage to Bitcoin is worrying. By isolating parts of the network or delaying block propagation, attackers can cause a significant amount of mining power to be wasted, leading to revenue losses and enabling a wide range of exploits such as double spending. To prevent such effects in practice, we provide both short and long-term countermeasures, some of which can be deployed immediately.

Kimiyama, H., Yonezaki, N., Tsutsumi, T., Sano, K., Yamaki, H., Ueno, Y., Sasaki, R., Kobayashi, H..  2017.  Autonomous and distributed internet security (AIS) infrastructure for safe internet. 2017 8th International Conference on the Network of the Future (NOF). :106–113.

Cyber attacks, (e.g., DDoS), on computers connected to the Internet occur everyday. A DDoS attack in 2016 that used “Mirai botnet” generated over 600 Gbit/s traffic, which was twice as that of last year. In view of this situation, we can no longer adequately protect our computers using current end-point security solutions and must therefore introduce a new method of protection that uses distributed nodes, e.g., routers. We propose an Autonomous and Distributed Internet Security (AIS) infrastructure that provides two key functions: first, filtering source address spoofing packets (proactive filter), and second, filtering malicious packets that are observed at the end point (reactive filter) at the closest malicious packets origins. We also propose three types of Multi-Layer Binding Routers (MLBRs) to realize these functions. We implemented the MLBRs and constructed experimental systems to simulate DDoS attacks. Results showed that all malicious packets could be filtered by using the AIS infrastructure.

Komulainen, A., Nilsson, J., Sterner, U..  2017.  Effects of Topology Information on Routing in Contention-Based Underwater Acoustic Networks. OCEANS 2017 - Aberdeen. :1–7.

Underwater acoustic networks is an enabling technology for a range of applications such as mine countermeasures, intelligence and reconnaissance. Common for these applications is a need for robust information distribution while minimizing energy consumption. In terrestrial wireless networks topology information is often used to enhance the efficiency of routing, in terms of higher capacity and less overhead. In this paper we asses the effects of topology information on routing in underwater acoustic networks. More specifically, the interplay between long propagation delays, contention-based channels access and dissemination of varying degrees of topology information is investigated. The study is based on network simulations of a number of network protocols that make use of varying amounts of topology information. The results indicate that, in the considered scenario, relying on local topology information to reduce retransmissions may have adverse effects on the reliability. The difficult channel conditions and the contention-based channels access methods create a need for an increased amount of diversity, i.e., more retransmissions. In the scenario considered, an opportunistic flooding approach is a better, both in terms of robustness and energy consumption.

Ghosh, U., Chatterjee, P., Tosh, D., Shetty, S., Xiong, K., Kamhoua, C..  2017.  An SDN Based Framework for Guaranteeing Security and Performance in Information-Centric Cloud Networks. 2017 IEEE 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD). :749–752.

Cloud data centers are critical infrastructures to deliver cloud services. Although security and performance of cloud data centers have been well studied in the past, their networking aspects are overlooked. Current network infrastructures in cloud data centers limit the ability of cloud provider to offer guaranteed cloud network resources to users. In order to ensure security and performance requirements as defined in the service level agreement (SLA) between cloud user and provider, cloud providers need the ability to provision network resources dynamically and on the fly. The main challenge for cloud provider in utilizing network resource can be addressed by provisioning virtual networks that support information centric services by separating the control plane from the cloud infrastructure. In this paper, we propose an sdn based information centric cloud framework to provision network resources in order to support elastic demands of cloud applications depending on SLA requirements. The framework decouples the control plane and data plane wherein the conceptually centralized control plane controls and manages the fully distributed data plane. It computes the path to ensure security and performance of the network. We report initial experiment on average round-trip delay between consumers and producers.

Adams, M., Bhargava, V. K..  2017.  Using friendly jamming to improve route security and quality in ad hoc networks. 2017 IEEE 30th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE). :1–6.

Friendly jamming is a physical layer security technique that utilizes extra available nodes to jam any eavesdroppers. This paper considers the use of additional available nodes as friendly jammers in order to improve the security performance of a route through a wireless area network. One of the unresolved technical challenges is the combining of security metrics with typical service quality metrics. In this context, this paper considers the problem of routing through a D2D network while jointly minimizing the secrecy outage probability (SOP) and connection outage probability (COP), using friendly jamming to improve the SOP of each link. The jamming powers are determined to place nulls at friendly receivers while maximizing the power to eavesdroppers. Then the route metrics are derived, and the problem is framed as a convex optimization problem. We also consider that not all network users equally value SOP and COP, and so introduce an auxiliary variable to tune the optimization between the two metrics.

Noguchi, T., Yamamoto, T..  2017.  Black hole attack prevention method using dynamic threshold in mobile ad hoc networks. 2017 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS). :797–802.

A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a collection of mobile nodes that do not need to rely on a pre-existing network infrastructure or centralized administration. Securing MANETs is a serious concern as current research on MANETs continues to progress. Each node in a MANET acts as a router, forwarding data packets for other nodes and exchanging routing information between nodes. It is this intrinsic nature that introduces the serious security issues to routing protocols. A black hole attack is one of the well-known security threats for MANETs. A black hole is a security attack in which a malicious node absorbs all data packets by sending fake routing information and drops them without forwarding them. In order to defend against a black hole attack, in this paper we propose a new threshold-based black hole attack prevention method. To investigate the performance of the proposed method, we compared it with existing methods. Our simulation results show that the proposed method outperforms existing methods from the standpoints of black hole node detection rate, throughput, and packet delivery rate.

Mohapatra, S., Siddappa, M..  2017.  Enhancing security for load balanced energy enhanced clustered bee ad hoc network using secret public keys. 2017 International Conference on Innovative Mechanisms for Industry Applications (ICIMIA). :343–348.

Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is one of the most important and unique network in wireless network which has brought maximum mobility and scalability. It is suitable for environments that need on fly setup. A lot of challenges come with implementing these networks. The most sensitive challenge that MANET faces is making the MANET energy efficient at the same time handling the security issues. In this paper we are going to discuss the best routing for maximum energy saving which is Load Balanced Energy Enhanced Clustered Bee Ad Hoc Routing (LBEE) along with secured PKI scheme. LBEE which is inspired from swarm intelligence and follows the bee colony paradigm has been found as the best energy efficient method for the MANETs. In this paper along with energy efficiency care has been taken for security of all the nodes of the network. The best suiting security for the protocol has been chosen as the four key security scheme.

Nagar, S., Rajput, S. S., Gupta, A. K., Trivedi, M. C..  2017.  Secure routing against DDoS attack in wireless sensor network. 2017 3rd International Conference on Computational Intelligence Communication Technology (CICT). :1–6.

Wireless sensor network is a low cost network to solve many of the real world problems. These sensor nodes used to deploy in the hostile or unattended areas to sense and monitor the atmospheric situations such as motion, pressure, sound, temperature and vibration etc. The sensor nodes have low energy and low computing power, any security scheme for wireless sensor network must not be computationally complex and it should be efficient. In this paper we introduced a secure routing protocol for WSNs, which is able to prevent the network from DDoS attack. In our methodology we scan the infected nodes using the proposed algorithm and block that node from any further activities in the network. To protect the network we use intrusion prevention scheme, where specific nodes of the network acts as IPS node. These nodes operate in their radio range for the region of the network and scan the neighbors regularly. When the IPS node find a misbehavior node which is involves in frequent message passing other than UDP and TCP messages, IPS node blocks the infected node and also send the information to all genuine sender nodes to change their routes. All simulation work has been done using NS 2.35. After simulation the proposed scheme gives feasible results to protect the network against DDoS attack. The performance parameters have been improved after applying the security mechanism on an infected network.

Ahmed, M. E., Kim, H..  2017.  DDoS Attack Mitigation in Internet of Things Using Software Defined Networking. 2017 IEEE Third International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and Applications (BigDataService). :271–276.

Securing Internet of Things (IoT) systems is a challenge because of its multiple points of vulnerability. A spate of recent hacks and security breaches has unveiled glaring vulnerabilities in the IoT. Due to the computational and memory requirement constraints associated with anomaly detection algorithms in core networks, commercial in-line (part of the direct line of communication) Anomaly Detection Systems (ADSs) rely on sampling-based anomaly detection approaches to achieve line rates and truly-inline anomaly detection accuracy in real-time. However, packet sampling is inherently a lossy process which might provide an incomplete and biased approximation of the underlying traffic patterns. Moreover, commercial routers uses proprietary software making them closed to be manipulated from the outside. As a result, detecting malicious packets on the given network path is one of the most challenging problems in the field of network security. We argue that the advent of Software Defined Networking (SDN) provides a unique opportunity to effectively detect and mitigate DDoS attacks. Unlike sampling-based approaches for anomaly detection and limitation of proprietary software at routers, we use the SDN infrastructure to relax the sampling-based ADS constraints and collect traffic flow statistics which are maintained at each SDN-enabled switch to achieve high detection accuracy. In order to implement our idea, we discuss how to mitigate DDoS attacks using the features of SDN infrastructure.

Higuchi, K., Yoshida, M., Tsuji, T., Miyamoto, N..  2017.  Correctness of the routing algorithm for distributed key-value store based on order preserving linear hashing and skip graph. 2017 18th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD). :459–464.

In this paper, the correctness of the routing algorithm for the distributed key-value store based on order preserving linear hashing and Skip Graph is proved. In this system, data are divided by linear hashing and Skip Graph is used for overlay network. The routing table of this system is very uniform. Then, short detours can exist in the route of forwarding. By using these detours, the number of hops for the query forwarding is reduced.

Zhang, Y., Duan, L., Sun, C. A., Cheng, B., Chen, J..  2017.  A Cross-Layer Security Solution for Publish/Subscribe-Based IoT Services Communication Infrastructure. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS). :580–587.

The publish/subscribe paradigm can be used to build IoT service communication infrastructure owing to its loose coupling and scalability. Its features of decoupling among event producers and event consumers make IoT services collaborations more real-time and flexible, and allow indirect, anonymous and multicast IoT service interactions. However, in this environment, the IoT service cannot directly control the access to the events. This paper proposes a cross-layer security solution to address the above issues. The design principle of our security solution is to embed security policies into events as well as allow the network to route events according to publishers' policies and requirements. This solution helps to improve the system's performance, while keeping features of IoT service interactions and minimizing the event visibility at the same time. Experimental results show that our approach is effective.

Obenshain, D., Tantillo, T., Babay, A., Schultz, J., Newell, A., Hoque, M. E., Amir, Y., Nita-Rotaru, C..  2016.  Practical Intrusion-Tolerant Networks. 2016 IEEE 36th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS). :45–56.

As the Internet becomes an important part of the infrastructure our society depends on, it is crucial to construct networks that are able to work even when part of the network is compromised. This paper presents the first practical intrusion-tolerant network service, targeting high-value applications such as monitoring and control of global clouds and management of critical infrastructure for the power grid. We use an overlay approach to leverage the existing IP infrastructure while providing the required resiliency and timeliness. Our solution overcomes malicious attacks and compromises in both the underlying network infrastructure and in the overlay itself. We deploy and evaluate the intrusion-tolerant overlay implementation on a global cloud spanning East Asia, North America, and Europe, and make it publicly available.

Wampler, J. A., Hsieh, C., Toth, A..  2017.  Efficient distribution of fragmented sensor data for obfuscation. MILCOM 2017 - 2017 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). :695–700.
The inherent nature of unattended sensors makes these devices most vulnerable to detection, exploitation, and denial in contested environments. Physical access is often cited as the easiest way to compromise any device or network. A new mechanism for mitigating these types of attacks developed under the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, ASD(R&E) project, “Smoke Screen in Cyberspace”, was previously demonstrated in a live, over-the-air experiment. Smoke Screen encrypts, slices up, and disburses redundant fragments of files throughout the network. This paper describes enhancements to the disbursement of the file fragments routing improving the efficiency and time to completion of fragment distribution by defining the exact route, fragments should take to the destination. This is the first step in defining a custom protocol for the discovery of participating nodes and the efficient distribution of fragments in a mobile network. Future work will focus on the movement of fragments to avoid traffic analysis and avoid the collection of the entire fragment set that would enable an adversary to reconstruct the original piece of data.